
Defines functions boottest.felm

Documented in boottest.felm

#' Fast wild cluster bootstrap inference for object of class felm
#' `boottest.felm` is a S3 method that allows for fast wild cluster
#' bootstrap inference for objects of class felm by  implementing
#' fast wild bootstrap algorithms as developed in Roodman et al., 2019 
#' and MacKinnon, Nielsen & Webb (2022).
#' @param object An object of class felm
#' @param clustid A character vector or rhs formula containing the names of
#'  the cluster variables. If NULL,
#'        a heteroskedasticity-robust (HC1) wild bootstrap is run.
#' @param param A character vector or rhs formula. The name of the regression
#'        coefficient(s) for which the hypothesis is to be tested
#' @param B Integer. The number of bootstrap iterations. When the number
#'  of clusters is low,
#'        increasing B adds little additional runtime.
#' @param bootcluster A character vector or rhs formula of length 1.
#'  Specifies the bootstrap clustering variable or variables. If more
#'        than one variable is specified, then bootstrapping is clustered
#'        by the intersections of
#'        clustering implied by the listed variables. To mimic the behavior
#'        of stata's boottest command,
#'        the default is to cluster by the intersection of all the variables
#'        specified via the `clustid` argument,
#'        even though that is not necessarily recommended (see the paper by
#'         Roodman et al cited below, section 4.2).
#'        Other options include "min", where bootstrapping is clustered by
#'        the cluster variable with the fewest clusters.
#'        Further, the subcluster bootstrap (MacKinnon & Webb, 2018) is
#'         supported - see the `vignette("fwildclusterboot",
#'         package = "fwildclusterboot")` for details.
#' @param fe A character vector or rhs formula of length one which contains
#' the name of the fixed effect to be projected
#'        out in the bootstrap. Note: if regression weights are used, fe
#'        needs to be NULL.
#' @param sign_level A numeric between 0 and 1 which sets the significance level
#'        of the inference procedure. E.g. sign_level = 0.05
#'        returns 0.95% confidence intervals. By default, sign_level = 0.05.
#' @param conf_int A logical vector. If TRUE, boottest computes confidence
#'        intervals by test inversion. If FALSE, only the p-value is returned.
#' @param engine Character scalar. Either "R", "R-lean" or "WildBootTests.jl".
#'  Controls if `boottest()` should run via its native R implementation 
#'  or `WildBootTests.jl`.
#'  "R" is the default and implements the cluster bootstrap
#'  as in Roodman (2019). "WildBootTests.jl" executes the
#'  wild cluster bootstrap via the WildBootTests.jl
#'  package. For it to run, Julia and WildBootTests.jl need
#'  to be installed.
#'  The "R-lean" algorithm is a memory friendly, but less
#'  performant rcpp-armadillo based implementation of the wild
#'  cluster bootstrap.
#'  Note that if no cluster is provided, boottest() always
#'  defaults to the "lean" algorithm. You can set the employed
#'  algorithm globally by using the
#'  `setBoottest_engine()` function.
#' @param bootstrap_type Determines which wild cluster bootstrap type should be 
#' run. Options are "fnw11","11", "13", "31" and "33" for the wild cluster 
#' bootstrap and "11" and "31" for the heteroskedastic bootstrap.
#' For more information, see the details section. "fnw11" is the default for 
#' the cluster bootstrap, which runs a "11" type 
#' wild cluster bootstrap via the algorithm outlined in "fast and wild" 
#' (Roodman et al (2019)). "11" is the default for the heteroskedastic 
#' bootstrap.
#' @param R Hypothesis Vector giving linear combinations of coefficients.
#'  Must be either NULL or a vector of the same length as `param`. If NULL,
#'   a vector of ones of length param.
#' @param r A numeric. Shifts the null hypothesis
#'        H0: param = r vs H1: param != r
#' @param beta0 Deprecated function argument. Replaced by function argument 'r'.
#' @param type character or function. The character string specifies the type
#'        of boostrap to use: One of "rademacher", "mammen", "norm"
#'        and "webb". Alternatively, type can be a function(n) for drawing
#'        wild bootstrap factors. "rademacher" by default.
#'        For the Rademacher distribution, if the number of replications B
#'        exceeds the number of possible draw ombinations,
#'        2^(#number of clusters), then `boottest()`
#'        will use each possible combination once (enumeration).
#' @param impose_null Logical. Controls if the null hypothesis is imposed on
#'        the bootstrap dgp or not. Null imposed `(WCR)` by default.
#'        If FALSE, the null is not imposed `(WCU)`
#' @param p_val_type Character vector of length 1. Type of p-value.
#'        By default "two-tailed". Other options include "equal-tailed",
#'         ">" and "<".
#' @param tol Numeric vector of length 1. The desired accuracy
#'        (convergence tolerance) used in the root finding procedure to find
#'        the confidence interval.
#'        1e-6 by default.
#' @param maxiter Integer. Maximum number of iterations used in the root
#' finding procedure to find the confidence interval.
#'        10 by default.
#' @param nthreads The number of threads. Can be: a) an integer lower than,
#'                 or equal to, the maximum number of threads; b) 0: meaning
#'                 all available threads will be used; c) a number strictly
#'                 between 0 and 1 which represents the fraction of all threads
#'                 to use. The default is to use 1 core.
#' @param ssc An object of class `boot_ssc.type` obtained with the function
#' [fwildclusterboot::boot_ssc()]. Represents how the small sample
#'  adjustments are computed. The defaults are
#'  adj = TRUE, fixef.K = "none", cluster.adj = "TRUE",
#'  cluster.df = "conventional". You can find more details in the help
#'  file for `boot_ssc()`. The function is purposefully designed to mimic
#'  fixest's [fixest::ssc()] function.
#' @param getauxweights Logical. Whether to save auxilliary weight matrix (v)
#' @param engine Character scalar. Either "R" or "WildBootTests.jl".
#'  Controls the algorithm employed by boottest.
#'                  "R" is the default and implements the cluster bootstrap
#'                  as in Roodman (2019). "WildBootTests.jl" executes the wild
#'                   cluster bootstrap by via the WildBootTests.jl
#'                  package. For it to run, Julia and WildBootTests.jl need to
#'                   be installed. Check out the set_up_ ... functions
#'                  The "fast and wild" algorithm is extremely fast for small
#'                  number of clusters, but because it is fully vectorized,
#'                  very memory-demanding.
#'                  For large number of clusters and large number of bootstrap
#'                   iterations, the fast and wild algorithm becomes infeasible.
#'                    If a out-of-memory error #
#'                  occurs, the "lean" algorithm is a memory friendly, but less
#'                  performant rcpp-armadillo based implementation of the wild
#'                  cluster bootstrap.
#'                  Note that if no cluster is provided, boottest() always
#'                   defaults to the "lean" algorithm. Note that you can set the
#'                    employed algorithm globally by using the
#'                  `setBoottest_engine()` function.
#' @param floattype Float64 by default. Other option: Float32. Should floating
#' point numbers in Julia be represented as 32 or 64 bit? Only relevant when
#' 'engine = "WildBootTests.jl"'
#' @param maxmatsize NULL by default = no limit. Else numeric scalar to set the
#'  maximum size of auxilliary weight matrix (v), in gigabytes. Only relevant
#'   when 'engine = "WildBootTests.jl"'
#' @param bootstrapc Logical scalar, FALSE by default. TRUE  to request
#' bootstrap-c instead of bootstrap-t. Only relevant when 'engine =
#' "WildBootTests.jl"'
#' @param sampling 'dqrng' or 'standard'. If 'dqrng', the 'dqrng' package is
#' used for random number generation (when available). If 'standard', 
#' functions from the 'stats' package are used when available. 
#' This argument is mostly a convenience to control random number generation in 
#' a wrapper package around `fwildclusterboot`, `wildrwolf`. 
#' I recommend to use the fast' option. 
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @importFrom dreamerr check_arg validate_dots
#' @return An object of class `boottest`

#' \item{p_val}{The bootstrap p-value.}
#' \item{conf_int}{The bootstrap confidence interval.}
#' \item{param}{The tested parameter.}
#' \item{N}{Sample size. Might differ from the regression sample size if
#'      the cluster variables contain NA values.}
#' \item{boot_iter}{Number of Bootstrap Iterations.}
#' \item{clustid}{Names of the cluster Variables.}
#' \item{N_G}{Dimension of the cluster variables as used in boottest.}
#' \item{sign_level}{Significance level used in boottest.}
#' \item{type}{Distribution of the bootstrap weights.}
#' \item{impose_null}{Whether the null was imposed on the bootstrap dgp or not.}
#' \item{R}{The vector "R" in the null hypothesis of interest Rbeta = r.}
#' \item{r}{The scalar "r" in the null hypothesis of interest Rbeta = r.}
#' \item{point_estimate}{R'beta. A scalar: the constraints vector times the
#' regression coefficients.}
#' \item{grid_vals}{All t-statistics calculated while calculating the
#'       confidence interval.}
#' \item{p_grid_vals}{All p-values calculated while calculating the confidence
#'      interval.}
#' \item{t_stat}{The 'original' regression test statistics.}
#'  \item{t_boot}{All bootstrap t-statistics.}
#' \item{regression}{The regression object used in boottest.}
#' \item{call}{Function call of boottest.}
#' \item{engine}{The employed bootstrap algorithm.}
#' \item{nthreads}{The number of threads employed.}
#' @export
#' @method boottest felm
#' @section Setting Seeds:
#' To guarantee reproducibility, you need to 
#' set a global random seed via
#' + `set.seed()` when using
#'    1) the lean algorithm (via `engine = "R-lean"`) including the
#'     heteroskedastic wild bootstrap
#'    2) the wild cluster bootstrap via `engine = "R"` with Mammen weights or
#'    3) `engine = "WildBootTests.jl"`
#' + `dqrng::dqset.seed()` when using `engine = "R"` for Rademacher, Webb
#'  or Normal weights
#' @section Confidence Intervals:
#' `boottest` computes confidence intervals by inverting p-values.
#'       In practice, the following procedure is used:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Based on an initial guess for starting values, calculate p-values for
#'       26 equal spaced points between the starting values.
#' \item Out of the 26 calculated p-values, find the two pairs of values x
#'       for which the corresponding p-values px cross the significance level
#'       sign_level.
#' \item Feed the two pairs of x into an numerical root finding procedure and
#'       solve for the root. boottest currently relies on
#'       `stats::uniroot` and sets an absolute tolerance of 1e-06 and
#'       stops the procedure after 10 iterations.
#' }
#' @section Standard Errors:
#' `boottest` does not calculate standard errors.
#' @section Stata, Julia and Python Implementations:
#' The fast wild cluster bootstrap algorithms are further implemented in the 
#' following software packages: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item Stata:[boottest](https://github.com/droodman/boottest) 
#' \item Julia:[WildBootTests.jl](https://github.com/droodman/WildBootTests.jl) 
#' \item Python:[wildboottest](https://github.com/s3alfisc/wildboottest) 
#' }
#' @references Roodman et al., 2019, "Fast and wild: Bootstrap inference in
#'             STATA using boottest", The STATA Journal.
#'      (<https://ideas.repec.org/p/qed/wpaper/1406.html>)
#' @references MacKinnon, James G., Morten Ørregaard Nielsen, and 
#' Matthew D. Webb. Fast and reliable jackknife and bootstrap
#' methods for cluster-robust inference. No. 1485. 2022. 
#' @references Cameron, A. Colin, Jonah B. Gelbach, and Douglas L. Miller.
#' "Bootstrap-based improvements for inference with clustered errors."
#' The Review of Economics and Statistics 90.3 (2008): 414-427.
#' @references Cameron, A.Colin & Douglas L. Miller.
#' "A practitioner's guide to cluster-robust inference"
#' Journal of Human Resources (2015) \doi{doi:10.3368/jhr.50.2.317}
#' @references Davidson & MacKinnon. "Wild Bootstrap Tests for IV regression"
#' Journal of Economics and Business Statistics (2010)
#'  \doi{https://doi.org/10.1198/jbes.2009.07221}
#' @references MacKinnon, James G., and Matthew D. Webb.
#' "The wild bootstrap for few (treated) clusters.
#' " The Econometrics Journal 21.2 (2018): 114-135.
#' @references MacKinnon, James G., and Matthew D. Webb.
#'  "Cluster-robust inference: A guide to empirical practice"
#'  Journal of Econometrics (2022)
#'  \doi{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeconom.2022.04.001}
#' @references MacKinnon, James. "Wild cluster bootstrap confidence intervals."
#'  L'Actualite economique 91.1-2 (2015): 11-33.
#' @references Webb, Matthew D. Reworking wild bootstrap based inference for
#'  clustered errors. No. 1315. Queen's Economics Department Working Paper,
#'   2013.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   requireNamespace("lfe") 
#'   data(voters)
#'   felm_fit <- felm(proposition_vote ~ treatment + ideology1 + log_income |
#'     Q1_immigration,
#'   data = voters
#'   )
#'   boot1 <- boottest(felm_fit,
#'     B = 9999,
#'     param = "treatment",
#'     clustid = "group_id1"
#'   )
#'   boot2 <- boottest(felm_fit,
#'     B = 9999,
#'     param = "treatment",
#'     clustid = c("group_id1", "group_id2")
#'   )
#'   boot3 <- boottest(felm_fit,
#'     B = 9999,
#'     param = "treatment",
#'     clustid = c("group_id1", "group_id2"),
#'     fe = "Q1_immigration"
#'   )
#'   boot4 <- boottest(felm_fit,
#'     B = 999,
#'     param = "treatment",
#'     clustid = c("group_id1", "group_id2"),
#'     fe = "Q1_immigration",
#'     sign_level = 0.2,
#'     r = 2
#'   )
#'   # test treatment + ideology1 = 2
#'   boot5 <- boottest(felm_fit,
#'     B = 9999,
#'     clustid = c("group_id1", "group_id2"),
#'     param = c("treatment", "ideology1"),
#'     R = c(1, 1),
#'     r = 2
#'   )
#'   summary(boot1)
#'   print(boot1)
#'   plot(boot1)
#'   nobs(boot1)
#'   pval(boot1)
#'   confint(boot1)
#'   generics::tidy(boot1)
#' # run different bootstrap types following MacKinnon, Nielsen & Webb (2022):
#' # default: the fnw algorithm
#' boot_fnw11 <- boottest(lm_fit,
#'   B = 9999,
#'   param = "treatment",
#'   clustid = "group_id1", 
#'   bootstrap_type = "fnw11"
#' )
#' # WCR 31 
#'boot_WCR31 <- boottest(lm_fit,
#'   B = 9999,
#'   param = "treatment",
#'   clustid = "group_id1",
#'   bootstrap_type = "31"
#' )
#' # WCU33 
#'boot_WCR31 <- boottest(lm_fit,
#'   B = 9999,
#'   param = "treatment",
#'   clustid = "group_id1",
#'   bootstrap_type = "33", 
#'   impose_null = FALSE
#' )
#' }
boottest.felm <- function(object,
                          # clustid,
                          clustid = NULL,
                          bootcluster = "max",
                          fe = NULL,
                          conf_int = TRUE,
                          R = NULL,
                          r = 0,
                          beta0 = NULL,
                          sign_level = 0.05,
                          type = "rademacher",
                          impose_null = TRUE,
                          bootstrap_type = "fnw11",
                          p_val_type = "two-tailed",
                          tol = 1e-6,
                          maxiter = 10,
                          sampling = "dqrng",
                          nthreads = getBoottest_nthreads(),
                          ssc = boot_ssc(
                            adj = TRUE,
                            fixef.K = "none",
                            cluster.adj = TRUE,
                            cluster.df = "conventional"
                          engine = getBoottest_engine(),
                          floattype = "Float64",
                          maxmatsize = FALSE,
                          bootstrapc = FALSE,
                          getauxweights = FALSE,
                          ...) {
  call <- match.call()
  dreamerr::validate_dots(stop = TRUE)
  # Step 1: check arguments of felm call
  check_arg(object, "MBT class(felm)")
  check_arg(clustid, "NULL | character scalar | character vector | formula")
  check_arg(param, "MBT scalar character | character vector | formula")
  check_arg(B, "MBT scalar integer GT{99}")
  check_arg(impose_null, "logical scalar")
  check_arg(bootstrap_type, "charin(11, 13, 31, 33, fnw11)")
  check_arg(sign_level, "scalar numeric GT{0} LT{1}")
  check_arg(type, "charin(rademacher, mammen, norm, gamma, webb)")
  check_arg(p_val_type, "charin(two-tailed, equal-tailed,>, <)")
  check_arg(conf_int, "logical scalar")
  check_arg(R, "NULL| scalar numeric | numeric vector")
  check_arg(r, "numeric scalar | NULL")
  check_arg(fe, "character scalar | NULL |formula ")
  check_arg(bootcluster, "character vector | formula")
  check_arg(tol, "numeric scalar GT{0}")
  check_arg(maxiter, "scalar integer GT{5}")
  check_arg(boot_ssc, "class(ssc) | class(boot_ssc)")
  check_arg(engine, "charin(R, R-lean, WildBootTests.jl)")
  check_arg(floattype, "charin(Float32, Float64)")
  check_arg(maxmatsize, "scalar integer | NULL")
  check_arg(bootstrapc, "scalar logical")
  check_arg(sampling, "charin(dqrng, standard)")
  # remind packages users to set a global seed
    frequency_id = "seed-reminder-boot-felm", 
    engine = engine
  if(bootstrap_type %in% c("33", "13")){
        "The bootstrap types '13' and '33' are not yet supported for objects
        of type felm. Support will be added in the future. Until then, you 
        can run the '13' and '33' bootstrap types with objects of type 'lm' 
        and 'fixest'."
      use_cli_format = TRUE
  if(bootstrap_type != "fnw11"){
    if(engine == "R"){
        "Confidence Intervals are currently only supported for 
                the R engine with 'bootstrap_type = 'fnw11' '.", 
        use_cli_format = TRUE, 
        .frequency = "regularly", 
        .frequency_id = "CI only for fnw algo."
  if (!is.null(beta0)) {
        "The function argument 'beta0' is deprecated.
         Please use the function argument 'r' instead,
         by which it is replaced."
      use_cli_format = TRUE
  if (inherits(clustid, "formula")) {
    clustid <- attr(terms(clustid), "term.labels")
  if (inherits(bootcluster, "formula")) {
    bootcluster <- attr(terms(bootcluster), "term.labels")
  if (inherits(param, "formula")) {
    param <- attr(terms(param), "term.labels")
  if (inherits(fe, "formula")) {
    fe <- attr(terms(fe), "term.labels")
  # check appropriateness and assign nthreads
  nthreads <- check_set_nthreads(nthreads)
  if (is.null(clustid)) {
    heteroskedastic <- TRUE
    if (engine == "R") {
      # heteroskedastic models should always be run through R-lean
      engine <- "R-lean"
  } else {
    heteroskedastic <- FALSE
    param = param, 
    bootstrap_type = bootstrap_type
  R_long <- process_R(
    R = R,
    param = param
  if (engine != "WildBootTests.jl") {
      R = R_long,
      p_val_type = p_val_type,
      conf_int = conf_int,
      B = B
  check_params_in_model(object = object, param = param)
    object = object,
    R = R_long,
    param = param,
    sign_level = sign_level,
    B = B,
    fe = fe
  preprocess <- preprocess2.felm(
    object = object,
    clustid = clustid,
    R = R_long,
    param = param,
    bootcluster = bootcluster,
    fe = fe,
    engine = engine, 
    bootstrap_type = bootstrap_type
  enumerate <-
      preprocess = preprocess,
      heteroskedastic = heteroskedastic,
      B = B,
      type = type,
      engine = engine
  full_enumeration <- enumerate$full_enumeration
  B <- enumerate$B
  N <- preprocess$N
  k <- preprocess$k
  G <-
    vapply(preprocess$clustid, function(x) {
    }, numeric(1))
  vcov_sign <- preprocess$vcov_sign
  small_sample_correction <-
      boot_ssc_object = ssc,
      N = N,
      k = k,
      G = G,
      vcov_sign = vcov_sign,
      heteroskedastic = heteroskedastic
  clustid_dims <- preprocess$clustid_dims
  point_estimate <-
    as.vector(object$coefficients[param, ] %*% preprocess$R0[param])
  res <- 
      object = object, 
      engine = engine, 
      preprocess = preprocess,  
      bootstrap_type = bootstrap_type, 
      B = B, 
      point_estimate = point_estimate, 
      impose_null = impose_null, 
      r = r, 
      sign_level = sign_level, 
      param = param, 
      p_val_type = p_val_type, 
      nthreads = nthreads, 
      type = type, 
      full_enumeration = full_enumeration, 
      small_sample_correction = small_sample_correction, 
      conf_int = conf_int, 
      maxiter = maxiter, 
      tol = tol, 
      clustid = clustid, 
      fe = fe, 
      R_long = R_long, 
      heteroskedastic = heteroskedastic, 
      ssc = ssc, 
      floattype = floattype ,
      bootstrapc = bootstrapc ,
      getauxweights = getauxweights ,
      maxmatsize = maxmatsize, 
      sampling = sampling, 
      bootcluster = bootcluster

  # collect results
  res_final <- list(
    point_estimate = point_estimate,
    p_val = res$p_val,
    conf_int = res$conf_int,
    p_grid_vals = res$p_grid_vals,
    grid_vals = res$grid_vals,
    t_stat = res$t_stat,
    t_boot = res$t_boot,
    # regression = res$object,
    param = param,
    N = preprocess$N,
    boot_iter = B,
    clustid = clustid,
    # depvar = depvar,
    N_G = preprocess$N_G,
    sign_level = sign_level,
    call = call,
    type = type,
    impose_null = impose_null,
    R = R_long,
    r = r,
    engine = engine,
    nthreads = nthreads
  class(res_final) <- "boottest"

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