
Defines functions validate_fys_permitted

Documented in validate_fys_permitted

#' Verifying validity of financial years
#' @description Many functions expect financial years.
#' Determining that they are validly entered is often quite
#' computationally costly, relative to the core calculations.
#' These internal functions provide mechanisms to check validity
#' quickly, while still providing clear, accurate error messages.
#' @aliases valid-fys
#' @param to_verify A user-provided value, purporting to be
#' character vector of financial years.
#' @param permitted_fys A character vector of valid financial years.
#' @param min.yr,max.yr Integers specifying the range of \code{to_verify}.
#' If \code{NULL}, no restriction on the upper or lower bound of the range.
#' @param deparsed A string indicating the argument that the user provided.
#' Should generally be provided explicitly as the default is unlikely
#' to be user-friendly.
#' @param allow.projection If \code{FALSE} emit a different error message.
#' @param earliest_permitted_financial_year,latest_permitted_financial_year Text
#'  for earliest/latest permitted financial year when \code{min.yr}/\code{max.yr}
#'  condition is violated.
#' @param .retain_fmatches If \code{TRUE}, the function may retain an attribute
#' \code{fy_fmatches}  an integer vector of the matches against the financial years
#' \code{"1900-01"} to \code{"2099-00"}. A trade-off between memory and runtime from
#' not recalculating matches.
#' @details The preferred form is \code{"2012-13"}, and this function
#'  returns all elements of \code{to_verify} in this form. That is, it does
#'  not preserve the input form.
#'  Other forms that are recognized (and converted) are:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item{"201213"}
#'    \item{"2012 13"}
#'    \item{"2012\code{\\u2011}13"}
#'    \item{"2012\code{\\u2012}13"}
#'    \item{"2012\code{\\u2013}13"}
#'    \item{"2012\code{\\u2014}13"}
#'    \item{"2012-2013"}
#'    }
#' @return If \code{to_verify} contains valid financial years
#' they are returned all in the form \code{2013-14}. If they were
#' already in that form, they obtain the following attributes:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{fy_all_fy}}{\code{TRUE} if all the financial years are valid.}
#' \item{\code{fy_min_yr}}{An integer, the earliest year ending in \code{to_verify}.}
#' \item{\code{fy_max_yr}}{An integer, the latest year ending in \code{to_verify}.}
#' \item{\code{fy_fmatches}}{An integer vector, the matches with the prebuilt financial years.}
#' }
#' @section Benchmarks:
#' \preformatted{
#'  x <- rep_len(yr2fy(2004L), 1e9)
#'  bench::system_time(validate_fys_permitted(x))
#'  #> process    real
#'  #>  3.578s  3.576s
#'  x <- rep_len(yr2fy(1980:2016), 1e9)
#'  bench::system_time(validate_fys_permitted(x))
#'  #> process    real
#'  #>  3.766s  3.753s
#' }
#' @export validate_fys_permitted

validate_fys_permitted <- function(to_verify,
                                   permitted_fys = NULL,
                                   min.yr = NULL, max.yr = NULL,
                                   deparsed = deparse(substitute(to_verify)),
                                   allow.projection = TRUE,
                                   earliest_permitted_financial_year = "earliest permitted financial year",
                                   latest_permitted_financial_year = "latest permitted financial year",
                                   .retain_fmatches = FALSE) {

  if (!is.character(to_verify)) {
    stopn("`", deparsed, "` was type ", typeof(to_verify), ", ",
          "but must be type character. ",
          "Ensure `", deparsed, "` is a character vector of financial years",
          if (!is.null(min.yr) || !is.null(max.yr)) " satisfying ",
          if (!is.null(min.yr)) paste0("`", yr2fy(min.yr), " <= "),
          if (!is.null(min.yr) || !is.null(max.yr)) deparsed,
          if (!is.null(max.yr)) paste0(" <= ", yr2fy(max.yr), "`"),

  if (isTRUE(attr(to_verify, "fy_all_fy"))) {
    # If min.yr and max.yr are fine, we're done
    if (is.null(min.yr) && is.null(max.yr)) {

    # Otherwise we just have to check the ranges: either the ranges
    # are no good (in which case error), or return to_verify

    # min
    if (!is.null(min.yr)) {

      # Unlikely (misspecified), but should assert
      if (is.null(attr(to_verify, "fy_min_yr"))) {
        min_to_verify_yr <- min_fy2yr(to_verify)
        attr(to_verify, "fy_min_yr") <- min_to_verify_yr

      if (min.yr > attr(to_verify, "fy_min_yr")) {
        min.k <- min.yr - 1900L
        stopn("`", deparsed,
              if (length(to_verify) == 1L) " = " else "` contained ",
              '"', fys1901[attr(to_verify, "fy_min_yr") - 1900L], '"',
              if (length(to_verify) == 1L) "`",
              " which ",
              "is earlier than the ",
              ": ", '"', fys1901[min.k], '"', ".")

    # max
    if (!is.null(max.yr)) {

      # Unlikely (misspecified), but should assert
      if (is.null(attr(to_verify, "fy_max_yr"))) {
        max_to_verify_yr <- max_fy2yr(to_verify)
        attr(to_verify, "fy_max_yr") <- max_to_verify_yr

      if (max.yr < attr(to_verify, "fy_max_yr")) {
        max.k <- max.yr - 1900L
        deparsed <- force(deparsed)
        stopn(if (isFALSE(allow.projection)) "`allow.projection = FALSE`, yet ",
              "`", deparsed,
              if (length(to_verify) == 1L) " = " else "` contained ",
              '"', fys1901[attr(to_verify, "fy_max_yr") - 1900L], '"',
              if (length(to_verify) == 1L) "`",
              " which ",
              "is later than the ",
              ": ", '"', fys1901[max.k], '"', ".")


  if (is.null(permitted_fys)) {
    # Use the anyNA virtue of hutils::coalesce
    if (anyNA3i(fmatches <- fmatch(to_verify, fys1901))) {
      # Not standard financial year like '2014-15'.
      # Is it just a nonstandard but valid financial year
      # or is it not a financial year at all?
      fmatches <- coalesce3i(fmatches,
                             fmatch(to_verify, fys1901B),
                             fmatch(to_verify, fys1901C),
                             fmatch(to_verify, fys1901_2011),
                             fmatch(to_verify, fys1901_2012),
                             fmatch(to_verify, fys1901_2013),
                             fmatch(to_verify, fys1901_2014),
                             fmatch(to_verify, fys1901_9),
                             fmatch(to_verify, fys1901B_9),
                             fmatch(to_verify, fys1901C_9),
                             fmatch(to_verify, fys1901_2011_9),
                             fmatch(to_verify, fys1901_2012_9),
                             fmatch(to_verify, fys1901_2013_9),
                             fmatch(to_verify, fys1901_2014_9))
      if (anyNA3i(fmatches)) {
        first_bad <- which.max(is.na(fmatches))
        stopn("`", deparsed,
              if (length(to_verify) == 1L) " = " else "` contained ",
              '"', to_verify[first_bad], '"',
              if (length(to_verify) == 1L) "` was " else " which is ",
              "not a valid financial year.")

      # Standardize
      to_verify <- fys1901[fmatches]

    class(to_verify) <- "fy"
    attr(to_verify, "fy_all_fy") <- TRUE
    if (!is.null(min.yr)) {
      min.k <- min.yr - 1900L
      min_fmatches <- min(fmatches)
      if (min_fmatches < min.k) {
        first_bad <- which.min(fmatches)
        stopn("`", deparsed,
              if (length(to_verify) == 1L) " = " else "` contained ",
              '"', to_verify[first_bad], '"',
              if (length(to_verify) == 1L) "`",
              " which ",
              "is earlier than the ",
              ": ", '"', fys1901[min.k], '"', ".")
      attr(to_verify, "fy_min_yr") <- min_fmatches + 1900L
    if (!is.null(max.yr)) {
      max.k <- max.yr - 1900L
      max_fmatches <- max(fmatches)
      if (max_fmatches > max.k) {
        first_bad <- which.max(fmatches)
        stopn(if (isFALSE(allow.projection)) "`allow.projection = FALSE`, yet ",
              "`", deparsed,
              if (length(to_verify) == 1L) " = " else "` contained ",
              '"', to_verify[first_bad], '"',
              if (length(to_verify) == 1L) "`",
              " which ",
              "is later than the ",
              ": ", '"', fys1901[max.k], '"', ".")
      attr(to_verify, "fy_max_yr") <- max_fmatches + 1900L

    if (isTRUE(.retain_fmatches)) {
      attr(to_verify, "fy_fmatches") <- fmatches


  } else {
    permitted_fys <- validate_fys_permitted(permitted_fys)

  fy.year <- to_verify
  if (!all(fy.year %chin% permitted_fys)) {
    if (any(!is_fy(fy.year))) {
      i <- which(!is_fy(fy.year))
      i1 <- i[1]
      if (length(i) > 1) {
        stopn("`", deparsed, "` contained invalid FYs. ",
              "There were ",
              length(i), " invalid entries (",
              round(100 * length(i) / length(fy.year)), "%).",
              "First invalid FY:\n\t", fy.year[i1], "\n",
              "at position ", i)
      } else {
        if (length(fy.year) == 1L) {
          stopn("`", deparsed, "` set to '", fy.year, "', was not a valid financial year. ",
                "Select a valid fy.year between ",
                permitted_fys[1], " and ", last(permitted_fys), ".")
        } else {
          stopn("`", deparsed, "` contained invalid entry ",
                fy.year[i1], " at position ", i1, ".")
    } else {
      # all are valid
      if (min.fy(fy.year) < min.fy(permitted_fys) ||
          max.fy(fy.year) > max.fy(permitted_fys)) {

        i <- which(fy.year %notin% permitted_fys)
        i1 <- i[1]

        if (length(i) == 1L) {
          stopn("`", deparsed, " = ", fy.year[i1], "` was not within the allowed range: ",
                permitted_fys[1], " <= fy.year <= ", last(permitted_fys))
        } else {
          stopn("`", deparsed, "` were not within the allowed range: ",
                permitted_fys[1], " <= fy.year <= ", last(permitted_fys), "\n\n",
                "First invalid FY:\n\t", fy.year[i1], "\n",
                "at position ", i1)
  class(to_verify) <- "fy"

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fy documentation built on Sept. 12, 2023, 9:06 a.m.