
Defines functions qtr2fy date2fy fy2date fy2yr .yr2fy yr2fy max_fy2yr min_fy2yr range_fy2yr all_fy is_fy2 is_fy

Documented in date2fy fy2date fy2yr is_fy qtr2fy yr2fy .yr2fy

#' Convenience functions for dealing with financial years
#' @name is_fy
#' @aliases fy.year yr2fy fy2yr fy2date date2fy
#' @param yr_ending An integer representing a year.
#' @param x A character vector suspected to be a financial year.
#' @param yq A character vector representing year quarters in \code{1066-Q2} format.
#' @param date A string or date for which the financial year is desired. Note that \code{yr2fy} does not check its argument is an integer.
#' @param validate If \code{TRUE}, the default, inputs that are expected to be financial years
#' are first validated. Validation should be very fast, though some use-cases may require this be skipped.
#' @param assume1901_2100 For \code{yr2fy}, assume that \code{yr_ending} is between 1901 and 2100,
#' for performance. By default, set to \code{getOption("fy.assume1901_2100", TRUE)}.
#' @details See \code{\link{valid-fys}} for allowed forms of \code{x}.
#' @return For \code{is_fy}, a logical, whether its argument is a financial year.
#' The following forms are allowed: \code{2012-13}, \code{201213}, \code{2012 13}, as well as
#' \code{2012<dash>13} for some dash symbols.
#' For \code{fy.year}, \code{yr2fy}, and \code{date2fy}, the financial year.
#' For the inverses, a numeric corresponding to the year.
#' \code{fy.year} was an alias for \code{yr2fy}, and is now defunct.
#' \code{fy2yr} converts a financial year to the year ending: \code{fy2yr("2016-17")} returns 2017.
#'  \code{yr2fy} is the inverse: \code{yr2fy(fy2yr("2016-17")) == "2016-17"}.
#' \code{fy2date} converts a financial year to the 30 June of the financial year ending.
#' \code{date2fy} converts a date to the corresponding financial year.
#' @examples
#' is_fy("2012-13")
#' is_fy("2012-14")
#' yr2fy(2012)
#' fy2yr("2015-16")
#' date2fy("2014-08-09")
#' @export is_fy

is_fy <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) > 1L) {
    return(accel_repetitive_input(x, is_fy, THRESHOLD = 2L))
  if (anyNA(x)) {
  if (!is.character(x)) {
  # strsplit(x, split = "(?<=[0-9]{4})(?=[0-9])|(?<=[0-9]{4})(?=[[:punct:]])|(?<=[[:punct:]])(?=[0-9])", perl = T)
  # strsplit(split)

  fy_split <- strsplit(x, "((?<=([0-9]{4}))[^0-9]?)", perl = TRUE)
  yr0 <- fy_split[[1]][1]
  yr1 <- fy_split[[1]][2]

  yearlike <- grepl("^[0-9][0-9]+$", yr0) && grepl("^[0-9][0-9](?:[0-9]{2})?$", yr1)
  if (!yearlike) {

  if (nchar(yr1) == 2L) {
    yr1_from_lhs <- (as.integer(yr0) + 1L) %% 100L
    yr1_from_rhs <- as.integer(yr1) %% 100L
  }  else {
    # 2013, 14
    yr1_from_lhs <- as.integer(yr0) + 1L
    yr1_from_rhs <- as.integer(yr1)

  if (yr1_from_lhs != yr1_from_rhs) {

  ncharx <- nchar(x)
  if (ncharx == 7L || ncharx == 9L) {
    sep <- substr(x, 5L, 5L)
    if (sep != "-" &&
        sep != " " &&
        sep != "\u2011" &&
        sep != "\u2012" &&
        sep != "\u2013" &&
        sep != "\u2014") {


is_fy2 <- function(x) {
  a <- c("1897-98", "1898-99", "1899-00", "1900-01", "1901-02", "1902-03",
         "1903-04", "1904-05", "1905-06", "1906-07", "1907-08", "1908-09",
         "1909-10", "1910-11", "1911-12", "1912-13", "1913-14", "1914-15",
         "1915-16", "1916-17", "1917-18", "1918-19", "1919-20", "1920-21",
         "1921-22", "1922-23", "1923-24", "1924-25", "1925-26", "1926-27",
         "1927-28", "1928-29", "1929-30", "1930-31", "1931-32", "1932-33",
         "1933-34", "1934-35", "1935-36", "1936-37", "1937-38", "1938-39",
         "1939-40", "1940-41", "1941-42", "1942-43", "1943-44", "1944-45",
         "1945-46", "1946-47", "1947-48", "1948-49", "1949-50", "1950-51",
         "1951-52", "1952-53", "1953-54", "1954-55", "1955-56", "1956-57",
         "1957-58", "1958-59", "1959-60", "1960-61", "1961-62", "1962-63",
         "1963-64", "1964-65", "1965-66", "1966-67", "1967-68", "1968-69",
         "1969-70", "1970-71", "1971-72", "1972-73", "1973-74", "1974-75",
         "1975-76", "1976-77", "1977-78", "1978-79", "1979-80", "1980-81",
         "1981-82", "1982-83", "1983-84", "1984-85", "1985-86", "1986-87",
         "1987-88", "1988-89", "1989-90", "1990-91", "1991-92", "1992-93",
         "1993-94", "1994-95", "1995-96", "1996-97", "1997-98", "1998-99",
         "1999-00", "2000-01", "2001-02", "2002-03", "2003-04", "2004-05",
         "2005-06", "2006-07", "2007-08", "2008-09", "2009-10", "2010-11",
         "2011-12", "2012-13", "2013-14", "2014-15", "2015-16", "2016-17",
         "2017-18", "2018-19", "2019-20", "2020-21", "2021-22", "2022-23",
         "2023-24", "2024-25", "2025-26", "2026-27", "2027-28", "2028-29",
         "2029-30", "2030-31", "2031-32", "2032-33", "2033-34", "2034-35",
         "2035-36", "2036-37", "2037-38", "2038-39", "2039-40", "2040-41",
         "2041-42", "2042-43", "2043-44", "2044-45", "2045-46", "2046-47",
         "2047-48", "2048-49", "2049-50", "2050-51", "2051-52", "2052-53")
  x %fin% a

all_fy <- function(x, permitted = NULL) {
  is.character(x) && length(x) && {

    a <- if (is.null(permitted)) {
      c("1897-98", "1898-99", "1899-00", "1900-01", "1901-02", "1902-03",
        "1903-04", "1904-05", "1905-06", "1906-07", "1907-08", "1908-09",
        "1909-10", "1910-11", "1911-12", "1912-13", "1913-14", "1914-15",
        "1915-16", "1916-17", "1917-18", "1918-19", "1919-20", "1920-21",
        "1921-22", "1922-23", "1923-24", "1924-25", "1925-26", "1926-27",
        "1927-28", "1928-29", "1929-30", "1930-31", "1931-32", "1932-33",
        "1933-34", "1934-35", "1935-36", "1936-37", "1937-38", "1938-39",
        "1939-40", "1940-41", "1941-42", "1942-43", "1943-44", "1944-45",
        "1945-46", "1946-47", "1947-48", "1948-49", "1949-50", "1950-51",
        "1951-52", "1952-53", "1953-54", "1954-55", "1955-56", "1956-57",
        "1957-58", "1958-59", "1959-60", "1960-61", "1961-62", "1962-63",
        "1963-64", "1964-65", "1965-66", "1966-67", "1967-68", "1968-69",
        "1969-70", "1970-71", "1971-72", "1972-73", "1973-74", "1974-75",
        "1975-76", "1976-77", "1977-78", "1978-79", "1979-80", "1980-81",
        "1981-82", "1982-83", "1983-84", "1984-85", "1985-86", "1986-87",
        "1987-88", "1988-89", "1989-90", "1990-91", "1991-92", "1992-93",
        "1993-94", "1994-95", "1995-96", "1996-97", "1997-98", "1998-99",
        "1999-00", "2000-01", "2001-02", "2002-03", "2003-04", "2004-05",
        "2005-06", "2006-07", "2007-08", "2008-09", "2009-10", "2010-11",
        "2011-12", "2012-13", "2013-14", "2014-15", "2015-16", "2016-17",
        "2017-18", "2018-19", "2019-20", "2020-21", "2021-22", "2022-23",
        "2023-24", "2024-25", "2025-26", "2026-27", "2027-28", "2028-29",
        "2029-30", "2030-31", "2031-32", "2032-33", "2033-34", "2034-35",
        "2035-36", "2036-37", "2037-38", "2038-39", "2039-40", "2040-41",
        "2041-42", "2042-43", "2043-44", "2044-45", "2045-46", "2046-47",
        "2047-48", "2048-49", "2049-50", "2050-51", "2051-52", "2052-53")
    } else {
    if (anyNA(fmatch(x, a))) {
      a <- NULL
    } else {
      a <- NULL

range_fy2yr <- function(x) {
  # Put before any fmatch
  if (!is.atomic(x)) {
    stop("`x` was class ", toString(class(x)),
         " but must be atomic.")

  if (length(x) == 1L) {
    y <- fmatch(x, fys1901) + 1900L
    return(rep(y, times = 2L))
  if (!is.null(g_min_yr <- attr(x, "fy_min_yr")) &&
      !is.null(g_max_yr <- attr(x, "fy_max_yr"))) {
    return(c(g_min_yr, g_max_yr))

  y <- fmatch(x, fys1901)

  miny <- min(y, na.rm = TRUE) + 1900L
  maxy <- max(y, na.rm = TRUE) + 1900L

  if (is.symbol(substitute(x))) {
    setattr(x, "fy_min_yr", miny)
    setattr(x, "fy_max_yr", maxy)
  c(miny, maxy)

min_fy2yr <- function(x) {

max_fy2yr <- function(x) {

#' @rdname is_fy
#' @export yr2fy
yr2fy <- function(yr_ending,
                  assume1901_2100 = .getOption("fy.assume1901_2100",
                                                          TRUE))) {
  if (!is.atomic(yr_ending) || !is.numeric(yr_ending)) {
    stop("`yr_ending` was class ", toString(class(yr_ending)),
         " but must be an atomic, numeric vector.")

  out <-
    if (assume1901_2100 ||
        AND(min(yr_ending) > 1900L,
            max(yr_ending) < 2100L)) {
      fys1901[yr_ending - 1900L]
    } else {
  class(out) <- "fy"

#' @rdname is_fy
#' @export .yr2fy
.yr2fy <- function(yr_ending) {
  if (!is.atomic(yr_ending) || !is.numeric(yr_ending)) {
    stop("`yr_ending` was class ", toString(class(yr_ending)),
         " but must be atomic.")
  out <-
    if (length(yr_ending) > 10e3L) {
      # Apparently quicker for > 1000
      accel_repetitive_input(yr_ending, .yr2fy)
    } else {
      sprintf("%d-%02d", as.integer(yr_ending) - 1L, as.integer(yr_ending) %% 100L)
  class(out) <- "fy"

#' @rdname is_fy
#' @export fy2yr
fy2yr <- function(x, validate = TRUE) {

  if (isTRUE(validate)) {
    x <- validate_fys_permitted(x)
  } else if (!is.atomic(x)) {
    # Need to check this even if validate isn't
    # TRUE, because `fmatch` will complain loudly.
    stop("`x` was class ", toString(class(x)),
         " but must be atomic.")

  1900L + fmatch(x, fys1901)

#' @rdname is_fy
#' @export fy2date
fy2date <- function(x, validate = TRUE) {
  if (isTRUE(validate)) {
    x <- validate_fys_permitted(x)
  if (length(x) == 1L) {
    date <- paste0(as.integer(substr(x, 0L, 4L)) + 1L, "-06-30")
  accel_repetitive_input(x, fy2date, validate = FALSE)

#' @rdname is_fy
#' @export date2fy
date2fy <- function(date) {
  if (!inherits(date, "Date")) {
    date <- as.Date(date)
  out <- yr2fy(year(date) + {month(date) >= 7L})
  class(out) <- "fy"

#' @rdname is_fy
#' @export qtr2fy
qtr2fy <- function(yq) {
  if (inherits(yq, "yearqtr")) {
    yqn <- as.numeric(yq)
    o <-
      yr2fy(if_else(yqn %% 1 >= 0.5,
                    yqn + 1,
  } else if (is.character(yq)) {
    # Rely on the first element to determine the
    # format
    first_yq <- yq[1L]
    if (is.na(first_yq)) {
      yq_is_na <- is.na(yq)
      first_yq <- first(yq[which.min(yq_is_na)])

    y <- q <- NULL
    cm <- CJ(y = 1901:2099, q = 1:4)
    cm[, "YQ" := sprintf("%d%sQ%d", y, substr(first_yq, 5L, 5L), q)]
    cm[, "fy_year" := yr2fy(y + q %in% 3:4)]
    cmyq <- .subset2(cm, "YQ")
    o <- .subset2(cm, "fy_year")[fmatch(yq, cmyq)]

  } else {
    stop("Unknown class for `yq`.")
  class(o) <- "fy"

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fy documentation built on Sept. 12, 2023, 9:06 a.m.