
Defines functions iplot.igraph iplot

Documented in iplot iplot.igraph

#' @title Function for plotting graphs using the 'igraph' package.
#' @description Generic function for plotting graphs using the
#'     'igraph' package and a plot method for graphNEL objects.
#' @name graph_iplot
#' @param x A graph object to be plotted.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments
#' @author Søren Højsgaard, \email{sorenh@@math.aau.dk}
#' @keywords graphics
#' @examples
#' UG <- ug(~a:b+b:c:d)
#' iplot(UG)

#' @export
iplot <- function(x,...){

#' @export
#' @rdname graph_iplot
iplot.igraph <- function(x,...){
  plot(x, ...)

## #' @export
## #' @rdname graph-iplot
## iplot.graphNEL <- function(x,...) {
##   ig <- igraph::igraph.from.graphNEL(x)
##   igraph::V(ig)$label <- igraph::V(ig)$name
##   igraph::V(ig)$size  <- 50
##   ig$cex   <-  4
##                                         #ig$layout   <- layout.graphopt
##                                         #ig$layout <- layout.kamada.kawai
##   ig$layout <- igraph::layout.lgl
##   plot(ig,
##        vertex.label.family="Helvetica",
##        edge.label.family="Helvetica",
##        vertex.label.cex=2,
##        edge.label.cex=2)
## }

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gRbase documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:50 a.m.