
## two methods for constructing the graph : "mstree" & "nnlink"
getGraph = function(counts, mydist, K, graph.type = "mstree"){
	if (length(graph.type) == 0) {
		cat("Specify an appropriate graph to use.\n")
	graphid = match(graph.type, c("mstree","nnlink"))
	NAids = which(is.na(graphid))
	if (length(NAids) > 0) {
		cat(graph.type[NAids], "is/are not in the graph list and so removed.\n")
		graphid = graphid[-NAids]
	if (length(graphid) == 0) {
		cat("Specify an appropriate graph to use.\n")
	v = counts[,1] + counts[,2]
	ids = which(v!=0)
	distance = mydist[ids,ids]
	if (!is.na(match(1, graphid))) {
		E = mstree(as.dist(distance),K)
	if (!is.na(match(2, graphid))){
		E = nnlink_K(distance,K)

nnlink_K = function(distance,K){
	maxdis = 1e5*max(distance)
	nodes = dim(distance)[1]
	tempE = vector("list",K)
	E = matrix(0,0,2)
	for (i in 1:K){
		tempE[[i]] = nnlink(distance)
		E = rbind(E,tempE[[i]])
		E = unique(E)
		if (i == K) break
		for (e in 1:dim(tempE[[i]])[1]){
			e1 = tempE[[i]][e,1]
			e2 = tempE[[i]][e,2]
			distance[e1,e2] = distance[e2,e1] = maxdis


nnlink = function(distance){
	nodes = dim(distance)[1]
	temp = nnlink_Com(distance)
	Com = temp$Com
	adj = temp$adj
	edgenum = temp$edgenum
	Components = length(Com)
	while (1){
		if(Components ==1){
			E = matrix(0,edgenum,2)
			e = 1
			for (i in 1:nodes){
				if (length(adj[[i]])>0){
					for (j in 1:length(adj[[i]])){
						E[e,1] = i
						E[e,2] = adj[[i]][j]
						adj[[E[e,2]]] = setdiff(adj[[E[e,2]]],i)
						e = e+1
			newdist = ID_edges_candidate = matrix(0,Components,Components)
			edges_candidate = vector("list",Components*(Components-1)/2)
			edge_com = 1
			for (i in 1:(Components-1)){
				for (j in (i+1):Components){
					tt = getComdist(Com[[i]],Com[[j]],distance)
					newdist[i,j] = newdist[j,i] = tt$mindis
					edges_candidate[[edge_com]] = tt$minID
					ID_edges_candidate[i,j] = ID_edges_candidate[j,i] = edge_com
					edge_com = edge_com + 1
			temp2 = nnlink_Com(newdist)
			adj2 = temp2$adj
			for (i in 1:Components){
				if (length(adj2[[i]])>0){
					for (j in 1:length(adj2[[i]])){
						e1 = i
						e2 = adj2[[i]][j]
						id_com = ID_edges_candidate[e1,e2]
						addedge = edges_candidate[[id_com]]
						for (adde in 1:dim(addedge)[1]){
							adj[[addedge[adde,1]]] = c(adj[[addedge[adde,1]]],addedge[adde,2])
							adj[[addedge[adde,2]]] = c(adj[[addedge[adde,2]]],addedge[adde,1])
						adj2[[e2]] = setdiff(adj2[[e2]],i)
			edgenum = 0
			for (i in 1:nodes){
				adj[[i]] = sort(unique(adj[[i]]))
				edgenum = edgenum + length(adj[[i]])
			edgenum = edgenum/2
			Com2  = temp2$Com
			Components = length(Com2)
			newCom = vector("list",Components)
			for (i in 1:Components){
				for (j in 1:length(Com2[[i]])){
					newCom[[i]] = c(newCom[[i]], Com[[Com2[[i]][j]]])
				newCom[[i]] = sort(newCom[[i]])
			Com = newCom
	# return(list(E=E,Com=Com))

getComdist = function(g1,g2,distance){
	tempdis = distance[g1,g2]
	mindis = min(tempdis)
	minid = which(tempdis==mindis,arr.ind=TRUE)
	minID = cbind(g1[minid[,1]],g2[minid[,2]])

	return(list(mindis=mindis, minID=minID))

nnlink_Com = function(distance){
	nodes = dim(distance)[1]
	adj = vector("list",nodes)
	Com = vector("list",nodes)
	Components = 0
	for (i in 1:nodes) adj[[i]] = rep(0,0)
	for (i in 1:nodes){
		edgeid = which(distance[i,] == min(distance[i,-i]))
		adj[[i]] = c(adj[[i]],edgeid)
		for (j in 1:length(edgeid)){
			adj[[edgeid[j]]] = c(adj[[edgeid[j]]],i)
	edgenum = 0
	for (i in 1:nodes){
		adj[[i]] = sort(unique(adj[[i]]))
		edgenum = edgenum + length(adj[[i]])
	edgenum = edgenum/2
	visited = rep(0,nodes) # initialize
	for (i in 1:nodes){
		if (visited[i] == 0){
			visited = dfs(i,visited,adj)
			Components = Components + 1
			Com[[Components]] = which(visited==1)
	if (Components > 1){
		for (i in Components:2){
			Com[[i]] = sort(setdiff(Com[[i]],Com[[i-1]]))
		Com[[1]] = sort(Com[[1]])
		Com[[1]] = sort(Com[[1]])
	Com = Com[1:Components]

	return(list(Com=Com, adj=adj, edgenum=edgenum))

dfs = function(s,visited,adj){
	visited[s] = 1
	for (i in 1:length(adj[[s]])){
		if (visited[adj[[s]][i]] == 0){
			visited = dfs(adj[[s]][i],visited,adj)

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