
test_that("galah_filter works for a single 'equals' argument", {  
  filters <- galah_filter(year == 2010)
  expect_s3_class(filters, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 1)

test_that("galah_filter gives an error for single equals sign", {
  expect_error(galah_filter(year = 2010))

## FIXME: ensure assertions are handled correctly
# Did this ever work correctly?

# test_that("galah_filter handles assertion filters", {
#   filters <- galah_filter(ZERO_COORDINATE == FALSE)
#   expect_s3_class(filters, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
#   expect_true(grepl("assertions", filters$query))   # FIXME 
# })

# negative assertions:

test_that("galah_filter returns empty tibble when no arguments specified", {
  filters <- galah_filter()
  expect_s3_class(filters, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 0)

test_that("galah_filter works for two 'equals' arguments", {  
  filters <- galah_filter(year == 2010, basisOfRecord == "HUMAN_OBSERVATION")
  expect_s3_class(filters, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 2)
  expect_equal(filters$variable, c("year", "basisOfRecord"))

test_that("galah_filter works for two arguments of the same variable", {  
  filters <- galah_filter(year >= 2010, year <= 2015)
  expect_s3_class(filters, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 2)
  expect_equal(">=", filters$logical[1])

test_that("galah_filter works with urls", {
  filters <- galah_filter(
    taxonConceptID == "https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/065f1da4-53cd-40b8-a396-80fa5c74dedd")
  expect_true(nchar(filters$query) > 70)

test_that("galah_filter parses '&' correctly", {
  filters <- galah_filter(year >= 2010 & year < 2020)
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 1)
  expect_equal(filters$value, "2010&2020")
  expect_equal(filters$query, "year:[2010 TO *] AND year:[* TO 2020] AND -(year:\"2020\")")

test_that("galah_filter handles numeric queries for text fields", {             
  filters <- galah_filter(cl22 >= "Tasmania")
  expect_equal(filters$query, "cl22:[Tasmania TO *]")

test_that("galah_filter handles OR statements", {    
  filters <- galah_filter(year == 2010 | year == 2020)
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 1)
  expect_equal(filters$value, "2010|2020")
  expect_equal(filters$query, "((year:\"2010\") OR (year:\"2020\"))")

test_that("galah_filter handles OR statements", {   
  filters <- galah_filter(raw_scientificName == "Litoria jervisiensis" | 
                          raw_scientificName == "Litoria peronii")
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 1)
               "((raw_scientificName:\"Litoria jervisiensis\") OR (raw_scientificName:\"Litoria peronii\"))")

test_that("galah_filter works with 3 OR statements", {
  filters <- galah_filter(basisOfRecord == "HumanObservation" | 
                          basisOfRecord == "MachineObservation" | 
                          basisOfRecord == "PreservedSpecimen")
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 1)
  expect_equal(filters$value, "HumanObservation|MachineObservation|PreservedSpecimen")
               "((basisOfRecord:\"HumanObservation\") OR (basisOfRecord:\"MachineObservation\") OR (basisOfRecord:\"PreservedSpecimen\"))")

test_that("galah_filter handles exclusion", {   
  filters <- galah_filter(year >= 2010, year != 2021)
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 2)
  expect_equal(filters$query, c("year:[2010 TO *]", "-(year:\"2021\")"))

test_that("galah_filter handles multiple exclusions", {
  filters <- galah_filter(!(stateProvince == "Victoria" & year == 2021)) 
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 1)
  expect_equal(filters$query, "-(stateProvince:\"Victoria\") AND -(year:\"2021\")")

test_that("galah_filter handles three terms at once", {    
  filters <- galah_filter(
    basisOfRecord == "HumanObservation",
    year >= 2010,
    stateProvince == "New South Wales")
  expect_equal(filters$query, c("(basisOfRecord:\"HumanObservation\")","year:[2010 TO *]","(stateProvince:\"New South Wales\")"))

test_that("galah_filter treats `c()` as an OR for numerics", {
  filters <- galah_filter(year == c(2010, 2021))
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 1)

test_that("galah_filter treats `c()` as an OR for strings", {
  filters <- galah_filter(multimedia == c("Image", "Sound", "Video"))
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 1)
  expect_true(grepl("multimedia:\"Image\"", filters$query))

# ## NOT SUPPORTED: requires :=
##  - note this is difficult to support as it parses as a named object
## i.e. gets caught by check_named_input()
# test_that("galah_filter can take an object as a field", {  
#   field <- "year"
#   filters <- galah_filter(field := 2010)
#   expect_equal(nrow(filters), 1)
#   expect_true(grepl("year", filters$query))
# })

test_that("galah_filter can take an object as a value", { 
  value <- "2010"
  filters <- galah_filter(year == value)
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 1)
  expect_match(filters$query, "(year:\"2010\")")

test_that("galah_filter returns error when equations are passed as a string", {
  expect_error(galah_filter("year == 2010"))

# # quoting an equation that contains objects - NOT SUPPORTED
# # consider writing a test to specifically exclude this
## or use := as per {dplyr} - note this is difficult to support as it parses as a named object
## i.e. gets caught by check_named_input()
# field <- "year"
# value <- "2010"
# filters <- galah_filter("field == value")
# expect_equal(attr(filters, "call"), "galah_filter")
# expect_equal(nrow(filters), 1)
# expect_true(grepl("2010", filters$query))

test_that("galah_filter handles taxonomic queries", {
  filters <- galah_filter(taxonConceptID == search_taxa("Animalia")$taxon_concept_id)
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 1)
  expect_false(grepl("search_taxa", filters$query))

test_that("galah_filter handles taxonomic queries when passed as a string", {
  # ensure a taxonomic query to galah_filter works
  filters <- galah_filter(taxonConceptID == "https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/012a1234")
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 1)
  expect_false(grepl("search_taxa", filters$query))
  expect_true(grepl("taxonConceptID", filters$query))

test_that("galah_filter handles taxonomic exclusions", {
  filters <- galah_filter(
    taxonConceptID == search_taxa("Animalia")$taxon_concept_id,
    taxonConceptID != search_taxa("Chordata")$taxon_concept_id)
  expect_equal(nrow(filters), 2)
  expect_false(any(grepl("search_taxa", filters$query)))

test_that("galah_filter handles lsid as an input", {
  ids <- c("https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/0df99ece-1982-4605-a2b3-4fcb7660ee2b",
           "https://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/291047") # wrong id
  q_set <- galah_call() |>
    # galah_identify(ids, search = FALSE) |>
    galah_filter(year == 2020,
                 lsid == ids) |>
    count() |>
  # number of taxa searches is 3, not 4
  expect_equal(length(q_set), 3)

test_that("galah_filter handles different fields separated by OR", {
  filters <- galah_filter(phylum == "Chordata" | kingdom == "Plantae")
  expect_equal(filters$query, "((phylum:\"Chordata\") OR (kingdom:\"Plantae\"))")

test_that("galah_filter fails when given invalid AND syntax", {
  expect_error(galah_filter(year >= 2020 & 2021))

test_that("galah_filter fails when given invalid OR syntax", {
  expect_error(galah_filter(year == 2020 | 2021))

# test that galah_filter handles between() even with multiple filters
# NOTE: not implemented yet

test_that("OR works for different fields", {
  filters <- galah_filter(year == 2010 | basisOfRecord == "PRESERVED_SPECIMEN")
  expect_true(grepl("year", filters$query) & 
              grepl("basisOfRecord", filters$query))

test_that("galah_filter handles is.na() even with multiple filters", {
  filter_single <- galah_filter(is.na(eventDate))
  filter_multiple <- galah_filter(is.na(eventDate), year > 2010)
  expect_equal(nrow(filter_single), 1)
  expect_equal(nrow(filter_multiple), 2)
  expect_true(grepl("(*:* AND -eventDate:*)", filter_single$query))
  expect_true(grepl("(*:* AND -eventDate:*)", filter_multiple$query[[1]]))

test_that("galah_filter handles %in% even with multiple filters", {
  list_of_years <- 2020:2022
  filter_single <- galah_filter(year %in% list_of_years)
  filter_multiple <- galah_filter(year %in% list_of_years, cl22 == "Tasmania")
  expect_equal(nrow(filter_single), 1)
  expect_equal(nrow(filter_multiple), 2)
  expect_equal("((year:\"2020\") OR (year:\"2021\") OR (year:\"2022\"))", filter_single$query[[1]])
  expect_equal("((year:\"2020\") OR (year:\"2021\") OR (year:\"2022\"))", filter_multiple$query[[1]])

test_that("`galah_filter()` accepts {{}} on lhs of formula", {
  field <- "species"
  result <- galah_call() |>
    galah_filter({{field}} == "Eolophus roseicapilla") |>
  expect_s3_class(result, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
  expect_equal(nrow(result), 1)
  expect_gte(result$count[1], 100)
  result2 <- request_data() |>
    filter({{field}} == "Eolophus roseicapilla") |>
    count() |>
  expect_equal(result, result2)

test_that("`group_by()` works when > 1 `filter()`", {
  chosen_species <- c("Eolophus roseicapilla", "Platycercus elegans")
  x <- request_data() |>
    filter(species == chosen_species) |>
    group_by(species) |>
    count() |>
  expect_s3_class(x, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
  expect_equal(x$species, chosen_species)
  expect_equal(colnames(x), c("species", "count"))
  expect_equal(nrow(x), 2)
  # previously, adding an additional field (`year` below) removed one species from resulting tibble
  y <- request_data() |>
    filter(species == chosen_species,
           year == 2023) |>
    group_by(species) |>
    count() |>
  expect_s3_class(y, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
  expect_equal(y$species, chosen_species)
  expect_equal(colnames(y), c("species", "count"))
  expect_equal(nrow(y), 2)
  expect_true(all(x$count > y$count)) # extra filter
  # compare to different syntax
  z <- galah_call() |>
    galah_filter(species == c("Eolophus roseicapilla", "Platycercus elegans"),
                 year == 2023) |>
    galah_group_by(species) |>
  expect_equal(y, z)

test_that("galah_filter handles `type = 'data'` correctly", {
  x <- galah_call(method = "data") |>
    galah_filter(year == 2010)
  # NOTE: this errors because `galah_filter()` doesn't handle `type = "files"` like `filter()` does
  # needs fixing
  expect_s3_class(x, "data_request")
  expect_equal(colnames(x$filter), c("variable", "logical", "value", "query"))
  y <- request_data() |> filter(year == 2010)
  expect_equal(x, y)

test_that("galah_filter handles `type = 'metadata'` correctly", {
  x <- galah_call(method = "metadata") |>
    galah_filter(field == cl22)
  expect_s3_class(x, "metadata_request")
  expect_equal(length(x), 2)
  expect_equal(names(x), c("type", "filter"))
  expect_equal(colnames(x$filter), c("variable", "logical", "value"))
  y <- request_metadata() |> filter(field == cl22)
  expect_equal(x, y)

test_that("galah_filter handles `type = 'files'` correctly", {
  x <- tibble(
    id = c(1, 2),
    images = c("1234", "5678"))
  y <- galah_call(method = "files") |>
    galah_filter(media == x)
  expect_s3_class(y, "files_request")
  expect_equal(length(y), 2)
  expect_equal(names(y), c("type", "filter"))
  expect_equal(y$filter, x)
  z <- request_files() |> filter(media == x)
  expect_equal(y, z)

Try the galah package in your browser

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galah documentation built on Nov. 20, 2023, 9:07 a.m.