
Defines functions fitTailAll fitTail

Documented in fitTail fitTailAll

# function to fit truncated distribution on the tail
# fitTail <- function(y, 
#                family = "WEI3",            
#                  prob = 0.9, 
#               howmany = NULL, 
#                  type = c("right", "left"),
#                      ...)
# {
#  local function  
#   tailFun<- function(y, percentage, howmany, type )
#   {
#      ly <- length(y)
# howmany <- if (is.null(howmany)) floor(ly*(percentage/100)) else howmany
#       Y <- if (type=="right") tail(y[order(y)], howmany)  
#     else head(y[order(y)], howmany)
#     Y
#   }#----------------
# if (!is.null(howmany)&&howmany<=5) stop("too few observations selected") 
#         FAM <- as.gamlss.family(family)
#        type <- match.arg(type)
#    typetrun <- if(type=="right") "left" else "right" 
#     famName <- FAM$family[1]
#          Y <- tailFun(y, percentage=percentage, howmany=howmany, type=type )
#               if (length(Y)<=5) stop("too few observations selected")  
#         mY <- y[order(y)][(length(y)-length(Y))]
#       mYp1 <- y[order(y)][(length(y)+1-length(Y))]
#         mY <- if (mY!=mYp1) mY  else mY-     
#               sum(diff(y[order(y)][((length(y)-length(Y))-5):((length(y)-length(Y))+5)]))/100 
#         m1 <- try(gamlssML(Y, family=trun(par=mY, family=famName,  type=typetrun),...))
#   if (any(class(m1)%in%"try-error"))
#   {
#     warning("gamlssML() failed using gamlss()")
#     m1 <- try(gamlss(Y~1, family=trun(par=c(mY-0.001), family=famName,  type=typetrun), ...))
#   }
#   if (any(class(m1)%in%"try-error"))
#   {
#         m1 <- NULL
#       warning("the model fitting procedure failed")
#   }
#   m1
fitTail <- function(y,
                    family = "WEI3",
                percentage = 10,
                   howmany = NULL,
                      type = c("right", "left"),
  #  local function
  tailFun<- function(y, percentage, howmany, type )
     ly <- length(y)
howmany <- if (is.null(howmany)) floor(ly*(percentage/100)) else howmany
      Y <- if (type=="right") tail(y[order(y)], howmany)
    else head(y[order(y)], howmany)
       if (!is.null(howmany)&&howmany<=5) stop("too few observations selected")
       FAM <- as.gamlss.family(family)
      type <- match.arg(type)
  typetrun <- if(type=="right") "left" else "right"
   famName <- FAM$family[1]
         Y <- tailFun(y, percentage=percentage, howmany=howmany, type=type )
              if (length(Y)<=5) stop("too few observations selected")
        mY <- y[order(y)][(length(y)-length(Y))]
      mYp1 <- y[order(y)][(length(y)+1-length(Y))]
        mY <- if (mY!=mYp1) mY  else mY-
        m1 <- try(gamlssML(Y, family=trun(par=mY, family=famName,  type=typetrun),...))
  if (any(class(m1)%in%"try-error"))
    warning("gamlssML() failed using gamlss()")
    m1 <- try(gamlss(Y~1, family=trun(par=c(mY-0.001), family=famName,  type=typetrun), ...))
  if (any(class(m1)%in%"try-error"))
        m1 <- NULL
      warning("the model fitting procedure failed")
# function to sequence of fits to the tail
fitTailAll <- function(y, 
                  family = "WEI3",            
              percentage = 10, 
                 howmany = NULL, 
                    type = c("right", "left"), 
                    plot = TRUE, 
                   print = TRUE,
                    save = FALSE,
                   start = 5,
                   trace = 0,
  #  require(gamlss)
   type <- match.arg(type)
     ly <- length(y)
howmany <- if (is.null(howmany)) floor(ly*(percentage/100)) else howmany  
    FAM <- as.gamlss.family(family)
   npar <- FAM$nopar
   rest <- howmany-(npar+start)
      M <- matrix(0, ncol=npar, nrow=rest)
    ind <- 1L
  #  m0 <- fitTail(y, howmany=howmany,  family=FAM, type = type)
  for (per in howmany:(npar+start+1L))
    #  cat(ind, per, "\n")
     m1 <- fitTail(y, howmany=per,  family=FAM, type = type, ...)#, start.from=m0) 
     if (is.null(m1)) params <- switch(npar, c(NA), c(NA, NA), c(NA,NA,NA), c(NA,NA,NA,NA) )
         params <- c(fitted(m1, "mu")[1])
         if ("sigma"%in%names(FAM$parameters))   params <- c(params,fitted(m1, "sigma")[1])    
         if (  "nu"%in%names(FAM$parameters))    params <- c(params,fitted(m1, "nu")[1])
         if (  "tau"%in%names(FAM$parameters))   params <- c(params,fitted(m1, "tau")[1]) 
M[ind,] <- params
    ind <- ind+1L
  if (trace==1) cat(ind, "..") else
  if (trace==2)  cat(ind, params, "..", "\n")
  colnames(M) <-names(FAM$parameters)
  rownames(M) <- as.character(howmany:(npar+start+1))
  #for (i in 1:dim(M)[2])  M[,i]<- rev(M[,i])
  T<- ts(M, start=(npar+start+1), end=howmany, frequency=1)

# run those two section if you want the paraeters for different proportion

#muWEI <- rep(0, 20)
#sigmaWEI <- rep(0, 20)
#for (per in 1:20)
#m1 <- fitTail(F90, percentage=per)  
#muWEI[per] <- m1$coefWEI[1]
#sigmaWEI[per] <- m1$coefWEI[2]

#muWEI <- rep(0, 200)
#sigmaWEI <- rep(0, 200)
#for (per in 10:200)
#m1 <- fitTail(lf90, howmany=per)  
#muWEI[per] <- m1$coefWEI[1]
#sigmaWEI[per] <- m1$coefWEI[2]

#muWEI <- rep(0, 200)
#sigmaWEI <- rep(0, 200)
#for (per in 10:200)
#m1 <- fitTail(lf90, howmany=per)  
#muWEI[per] <- m1$coefGU[1]
#sigmaWEI[per] <- m1$coefGU[2]

#muWEI <- rep(NA, 220)
#sigmaWEI <- rep(NA, 200)
#for (per in 20:220)
#m1 <- fitTail(F90, howmany=per)	
#muWEI[per] <- m1$coefWEI[1]
#sigmaWEI[per] <- m1$coefWEI[2]
# fitTail1 <- function(y, lower=NULL, upper=NULL,  percentage=20, howmany=NULL)
# {
#   tailFun <- function(y, percentage=20, howmany=NULL )
#   {
#     ly <- length(y)
#     howmany <- 	if (is.null(howmany)) floor(ly*(percentage/100)) else howmany
#     tail(y[order(y)], howmany)	
#   }
#   Y <- tailFun(y, percentage=percentage, howmany=howmany )
#   Ry <- range(Y)
#   Ey <- (Ry[2]-Ry[1])*.01
#   lower.lim <- if (is.null(lower)) (Ry[1]-1) else lower
#   upper.lim <- if (is.null(upper))  (Ry[2]+Ey) else upper    
#   hst <- hist(Y, breaks = seq(lower.lim,upper.lim , length.out = 101), plot=FALSE) 
#   x <- hst$mids
#   y <- hst$counts            
#   da<-data.frame(y=y, x=x)
#   #m1 <- nlgamlss(y=y, mu.fo=~exp(p1)*log(abs(x))^(exp(p2)),  mu.start = c(0, 0), family=PO, data=da)
#   fn <-function(p)  -sum(dPO(y, mu=exp(-p[2]*log(abs(x))^p[1]), log=TRUE))
#   o1 <- optim(c(0,0), fn, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=c(1,0), upper=c(Inf, Inf))
#   mu <- exp(o1$par[1]*log(abs(x)))
#   mu
# }

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gamlss.tr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:47 a.m.