qqplot.pvalues: QQ plot of p-values

View source: R/qqplot.pvalues.r

qqplot.pvaluesR Documentation

QQ plot of p-values


Draws a QQ plot of p-values


 qqplot.pvalues(p, col.abline = "red", CB = TRUE, col.CB = "gray80", 
                       CB.level = 0.95, thinning = TRUE, ...) 



A vector of p-values, or a data.frame with a column named p


Color of the line of slope 1. Set to NA to suppress.


Logical. If TRUE, a confidence band is included in the plot.


The color of the confidence band.


The level of the confidence band.


Logical. If TRUE, not all points are displayed.


Graphical parameters to be passed to plot and points


The QQ plot is on the -\log_{10} scale, as is usual when reporting GWAS results.

The confidence band is not a global confidence region: it is the mere juxtaposition of confidence intervals for each quantile. Moreover it assumes independance of the p-values, an hypothesis hich is false for the p-values resulting from an association test in presence of linkage disequilibrium. Therefore, the probability that some of the points lie outsite of this band is greater that CB.level.

The thinning procedure suppress some points to avoid generating too heavy graphs. The user should check that setting thinning = FALSE does not change the final aspect of the QQ plot.

See Also

association.test, manhattan, qqplot, plot.default, points.default


# a vector of uniform p-values
p <- runif(1e6)
# if we don't thin the points, using pch = "." is advised
qqplot.pvalues(p, pch = ".", cex = 2, thinning = FALSE)

gaston documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:33 a.m.