
Defines functions .check_pkgs .check_rast .is_raster

# Date : March 2024
# Version 0.1
# Licence GPL v3

# is it a raster object
.is_raster <- function(x){
  z <- class(x)
    z %in% c("SpatRaster", "RasterStack", "RasterLayer", "RasterBrick", "stars")

# check for r
.check_rast <- function(r, name = "r"){
  if(!methods::is(r, "SpatRaster")){
        r <- terra::rast(r)
      error = function(cond) {
        message(sprintf("'%s' is not convertible to a terra SpatRaster object!", name))
        message(sprintf("'%s' must be a SpatRaster, stars, or Raster* object.", name))

# check for required packages
.check_pkgs <- function(pkg){
  pkgna <- names(which(sapply(sapply(pkg, find.package, quiet = TRUE), length) == 0))
  if(length(pkgna) > 0){
    nm <- paste(pkgna, collapse = ", ")
    message("This function requires these packages: ", nm, "\nWould you like to install them now?\n1: yes\n2: no")
    user <- readline(prompt = paste0("Selection: "))
    if(tolower(user) %in% c("1", "yes", "y")){
    } else{
      stop("Please install these packages for function to work: ", nm)

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gdm documentation built on Sept. 28, 2024, 1:06 a.m.