## gelnet.R - Generalized Elastic Nets
## by Artem Sokolov
#' Generate a graph Laplacian
#' Generates a graph Laplacian from the graph adjacency matrix.
#' A graph Laplacian is defined as:
#' \eqn{ l_{i,j} = deg( v_i ) }, if \eqn{ i = j };
#' \eqn{ l_{i,j} = -1 }, if \eqn{ i \neq j } and \eqn{v_i} is adjacent to \eqn{v_j};
#' and \eqn{ l_{i,j} = 0 }, otherwise
#' @param A n-by-n adjacency matrix for a graph with n nodes
#' @return The n-by-n Laplacian matrix of the graph
#' @seealso \code{\link{adj2nlapl}}
#' @export
adj2lapl <- function( A )
n <- nrow(A)
stopifnot( ncol(A) == n )
## Compute the off-diagonal entries
L <- -A
diag(L) <- 0
## Compute the diagonal entries
## Degree of a node: sum of weights on the edges
s <- apply( L, 2, sum )
diag(L) <- -s ## Negative because L == -A
#' Generate a normalized graph Laplacian
#' Generates a normalized graph Laplacian from the graph adjacency matrix.
#' A normalized graph Laplacian is defined as:
#' \eqn{ l_{i,j} = 1 }, if \eqn{ i = j };
#' \eqn{ l_{i,j} = - 1 / \sqrt{ deg(v_i) deg(v_j) } }, if \eqn{ i \neq j } and \eqn{v_i} is adjacent to \eqn{v_j};
#' and \eqn{ l_{i,j} = 0 }, otherwise
#' @param A n-by-n adjacency matrix for a graph with n nodes
#' @return The n-by-n Laplacian matrix of the graph
#' @seealso \code{\link{adj2nlapl}}
#' @export
adj2nlapl <- function(A)
n <- nrow(A)
stopifnot( ncol(A) == n )
## Zero out the diagonal
diag(A) <- 0
## Degree of a node: sum of weights on the edges
d <- 1 / apply( A, 2, sum )
d <- sqrt(d)
## Account for "free-floating" nodes
j <- which( is.infinite(d) )
d[j] <- 0
## Compute the non-normalized Laplacian
L <- adj2lapl( A )
## Normalize
res <- t( L*d ) * d
rownames(res) <- rownames(A)
colnames(res) <- rownames(res)
#' Linear regression objective function value
#' Evaluates the linear regression objective function value for a given model.
#' See details.
#' Computes the objective function value according to
#' \deqn{ \frac{1}{2n} \sum_i a_i (z_i - (w^T x_i + b))^2 + R(w) }
#' where
#' \deqn{ R(w) = \lambda_1 \sum_j d_j |w_j| + \frac{\lambda_2}{2} (w-m)^T P (w-m) }
#' @param w p-by-1 vector of model weights
#' @param b the model bias term
#' @param X n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions
#' @param z n-by-1 response vector
#' @param l1 L1-norm penalty scaling factor \eqn{\lambda_1}
#' @param l2 L2-norm penalty scaling factor \eqn{\lambda_2}
#' @param a n-by-1 vector of sample weights
#' @param d p-by-1 vector of feature weights
#' @param P p-by-p feature-feature penalty matrix
#' @param m p-by-1 vector of translation coefficients
#' @return The objective function value.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gelnet}}
#' @export
gelnet.lin.obj <- function( w, b, X, z, l1, l2, a = rep(1,nrow(X)),
d = rep(1,ncol(X)), P = diag(ncol(X)), m = rep(0,ncol(X)) )
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
## Compute the residual and loss
r <- z - (X %*% w + b)
L <- mean( a * r * r) / 2
R1 <- l1 * t(d) %*% abs(w)
R2 <- l2 * t(w-m) %*% P %*% (w-m) / 2
L + R1 + R2
#' Logistic regression objective function value
#' Evaluates the logistic regression objective function value for a given model.
#' See details.
#' Computes the objective function value according to
#' \deqn{ -\frac{1}{n} \sum_i y_i s_i - \log( 1 + \exp(s_i) ) + R(w) }
#' where
#' \deqn{ s_i = w^T x_i + b }
#' \deqn{ R(w) = \lambda_1 \sum_j d_j |w_j| + \frac{\lambda_2}{2} (w-m)^T P (w-m) }
#' When balanced is TRUE, the loss average over the entire data is replaced with averaging
#' over each class separately. The total loss is then computes as the mean over those
#' per-class estimates.
#' @param w p-by-1 vector of model weights
#' @param b the model bias term
#' @param X n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions
#' @param y n-by-1 binary response vector sampled from {0,1}
#' @param l1 L1-norm penalty scaling factor \eqn{\lambda_1}
#' @param l2 L2-norm penalty scaling factor \eqn{\lambda_2}
#' @param d p-by-1 vector of feature weights
#' @param P p-by-p feature-feature penalty matrix
#' @param m p-by-1 vector of translation coefficients
#' @param balanced boolean specifying whether the balanced model is being evaluated
#' @return The objective function value.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gelnet}}
#' @export
gelnet.logreg.obj <- function( w, b, X, y, l1, l2, d = rep(1,ncol(X)),
P = diag(ncol(X)), m = rep(0,ncol(X)), balanced = FALSE )
## Compute the regularization terms
stopifnot( sort(unique(y)) == c(0,1) )
s <- X %*% w + b
R1 <- l1 * t(d) %*% abs(w)
R2 <- l2 * t(w-m) %*% P %*% (w-m) / 2
## Compute log-likelihood
v <- y * s - log(1+exp(s))
if( balanced == TRUE )
LL <- (mean( v[y==0] ) + mean( v[y==1] )) / 2
LL <- mean( v )
R1 + R2 - LL
#' One-class regression objective function value
#' Evaluates the one-class objective function value for a given model
#' See details.
#' Computes the objective function value according to
#' \deqn{ -\frac{1}{n} \sum_i s_i - \log( 1 + \exp(s_i) ) + R(w) }
#' where
#' \deqn{ s_i = w^T x_i }
#' \deqn{ R(w) = \lambda_1 \sum_j d_j |w_j| + \frac{\lambda_2}{2} (w-m)^T P (w-m) }
#' @param w p-by-1 vector of model weights
#' @param X n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions
#' @param l1 L1-norm penalty scaling factor \eqn{\lambda_1}
#' @param l2 L2-norm penalty scaling factor \eqn{\lambda_2}
#' @param d p-by-1 vector of feature weights
#' @param P p-by-p feature-feature penalty matrix
#' @param m p-by-1 vector of translation coefficients
#' @return The objective function value.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gelnet}}
#' @export
gelnet.oneclass.obj <- function( w, X, l1, l2, d = rep(1,ncol(X)),
P = diag(ncol(X)), m = rep(0,ncol(X)) )
s <- X %*% w
LL <- mean( s - log( 1 + exp(s) ) )
R1 <- l1 * t(d) %*% abs(w)
R2 <- l2 * t(w-m) %*% P %*% (w-m) / 2
R1 + R2 - LL
#' The largest meaningful value of the L1 parameter
#' Computes the smallest value of the LASSO coefficient L1 that leads to an
#' all-zero weight vector for a given linear regression problem.
#' The cyclic coordinate descent updates the model weight \eqn{w_k} using a soft threshold operator
#' \eqn{ S( \cdot, \lambda_1 d_k ) } that clips the value of the weight to zero, whenever the absolute
#' value of the first argument falls below \eqn{\lambda_1 d_k}. From here, it is straightforward to compute
#' the smallest value of \eqn{\lambda_1}, such that all weights are clipped to zero.
#' @param X n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions
#' @param y n-by-1 vector of response values. Must be numeric vector for regression, factor with 2 levels for binary classification, or NULL for a one-class task.
#' @param a n-by-1 vector of sample weights (regression only)
#' @param d p-by-1 vector of feature weights
#' @param P p-by-p feature association penalty matrix
#' @param m p-by-1 vector of translation coefficients
#' @param l2 coefficient for the L2-norm penalty
#' @param balanced boolean specifying whether the balanced model is being trained (binary classification only) (default: FALSE)
#' @return The largest meaningful value of the L1 parameter (i.e., the smallest value that yields a model with all zero weights)
#' @export
L1.ceiling <- function( X, y, a = rep(1,nrow(X)), d = rep(1,ncol(X)),
P = diag(ncol(X)), m = rep(0,ncol(X)), l2 = 1, balanced = FALSE )
if( is.null(y) )
## One-class model
xy <- (apply( X/2, 2, mean ) + l2 * P %*% m) / d
return( max( abs(xy) ) )
else if( is.factor(y) )
## Binary model
## Convert the labels to {0,1}
y <- as.integer( y == levels(y)[1] )
a <- rep( 0.25, nrow(X) )
if( balanced )
jpos <- which( y==1 ); jneg <- which( y==0 )
a[jpos] <- a[jpos] * length(y) / ( length(jpos)*2 )
a[jneg] <- a[jneg] * length(y) / ( length(jneg)*2 )
z <- (y - 0.5) / 0.25
return( L1.ceiling( X, z, a, d, P, m, l2 ) )
else if( is.numeric(y) )
## Liner regression model
stopifnot( nrow(X) == length(y) )
b1 <- sum( a*y ) / sum(a)
xy <- (apply( a*X*(y - b1), 2, mean ) + l2 * P %*% m) / d
return( max( abs(xy) ) )
{ stop( "Unknown label type\ny must be a numeric vector, a 2-level factor or NULL" ) }
#' GELnet for linear regression, binary classification and one-class problems.
#' Infers the problem type and learns the appropriate GELnet model via coordinate descent.
#' The method determines the problem type from the labels argument y.
#' If y is a numeric vector, then a regression model is trained by optimizing the following objective function:
#' \deqn{ \frac{1}{2n} \sum_i a_i (y_i - (w^T x_i + b))^2 + R(w) }
#' If y is a factor with two levels, then the function returns a binary classification model, obtained by optimizing the following objective function:
#' \deqn{ -\frac{1}{n} \sum_i y_i s_i - \log( 1 + \exp(s_i) ) + R(w) }
#' where
#' \deqn{ s_i = w^T x_i + b }
#' Finally, if no labels are provided (y == NULL), then a one-class model is constructed using the following objective function:
#' \deqn{ -\frac{1}{n} \sum_i s_i - \log( 1 + \exp(s_i) ) + R(w) }
#' where
#' \deqn{ s_i = w^T x_i }
#' In all cases, the regularizer is defined by
#' \deqn{ R(w) = \lambda_1 \sum_j d_j |w_j| + \frac{\lambda_2}{2} (w-m)^T P (w-m) }
#' The training itself is performed through cyclical coordinate descent, and the optimization is terminated after the desired tolerance is achieved or after a maximum number of iterations.
#' @param X n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions
#' @param y n-by-1 vector of response values. Must be numeric vector for regression, factor with 2 levels for binary classification, or NULL for a one-class task.
#' @param l1 coefficient for the L1-norm penalty
#' @param l2 coefficient for the L2-norm penalty
#' @param nFeats alternative parameterization that returns the desired number of non-zero weights. Takes precedence over l1 if not NULL (default: NULL)
#' @param a n-by-1 vector of sample weights (regression only)
#' @param d p-by-1 vector of feature weights
#' @param P p-by-p feature association penalty matrix
#' @param m p-by-1 vector of translation coefficients
#' @param max.iter maximum number of iterations
#' @param eps convergence precision
#' @param w.init initial parameter estimate for the weights
#' @param b.init initial parameter estimate for the bias term
#' @param fix.bias set to TRUE to prevent the bias term from being updated (regression only) (default: FALSE)
#' @param silent set to TRUE to suppress run-time output to stdout (default: FALSE)
#' @param balanced boolean specifying whether the balanced model is being trained (binary classification only) (default: FALSE)
#' @param nonneg set to TRUE to enforce non-negativity constraints on the weights (default: FALSE )
#' @return A list with two elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{w}{p-by-1 vector of p model weights}
#' \item{b}{scalar, bias term for the linear model (omitted for one-class models)}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{gelnet.lin.obj}}, \code{\link{gelnet.logreg.obj}}, \code{\link{gelnet.oneclass.obj}}
#' @export
gelnet <- function( X, y, l1, l2, nFeats=NULL, a=rep(1,n), d=rep(1,p), P=diag(p), m=rep(0,p),
max.iter=100, eps=1e-5, w.init=rep(0,p), b.init=NULL,
fix.bias=FALSE, silent=FALSE, balanced=FALSE, nonneg=FALSE )
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
## Determine the problem type
if( is.null(y) )
if( !silent ) cat( "Training a one-class model\n" )
f.gel <- function(L1) {gelnet.oneclass( X, L1, l2, d, P, m, max.iter, eps, w.init, silent, nonneg )}
else if( is.factor(y) )
if( nlevels(y) == 1 )
stop( "All labels are identical\nConsider training a one-class model instead" )
if( nlevels(y) > 2 )
stop( "Labels belong to a multiclass task\nConsider training a set of one-vs-one or one-vs-rest models" )
if( !silent ) cat( "Training a logistic regression model\n" )
if( is.null(b.init) ) b.init <- 0
f.gel <- function(L1) {gelnet.logreg( X, y, L1, l2, d, P, m, max.iter, eps, w.init, b.init, silent, balanced, nonneg )}
else if( is.numeric(y) )
if( !silent ) cat( "Training a linear regression model\n" )
if( is.null(b.init) ) b.init <- sum(a*y) / sum(a)
f.gel <- function(L1) {gelnet.lin( X, y, L1, l2, a, d, P, m, max.iter, eps, w.init, b.init, fix.bias, silent, nonneg )}
{ stop( "Unknown label type\ny must be a numeric vector, a 2-level factor or NULL" ) }
## Train a model with the required number of features (if requested)
if( !is.null(nFeats) )
L1s <- L1.ceiling( X, y, a, d, P, m, l2, balanced )
return( gelnet.L1bin( f.gel, nFeats, L1s ) )
{ return( f.gel(l1) ) }
#' Kernel models for linear regression, binary classification and one-class problems.
#' Infers the problem type and learns the appropriate kernel model.
#' The entries in the kernel matrix K can be interpreted as dot products
#' in some feature space \eqn{\phi}. The corresponding weight vector can be
#' retrieved via \eqn{w = \sum_i v_i \phi(x_i)}. However, new samples can be
#' classified without explicit access to the underlying feature space:
#' \deqn{w^T \phi(x) + b = \sum_i v_i \phi^T (x_i) \phi(x) + b = \sum_i v_i K( x_i, x ) + b}
#' The method determines the problem type from the labels argument y.
#' If y is a numeric vector, then a ridge regression model is trained by optimizing the following objective function:
#' \deqn{ \frac{1}{2n} \sum_i a_i (z_i - (w^T x_i + b))^2 + w^Tw }
#' If y is a factor with two levels, then the function returns a binary classification model, obtained by optimizing the following objective function:
#' \deqn{ -\frac{1}{n} \sum_i y_i s_i - \log( 1 + \exp(s_i) ) + w^Tw }
#' where
#' \deqn{ s_i = w^T x_i + b }
#' Finally, if no labels are provided (y == NULL), then a one-class model is constructed using the following objective function:
#' \deqn{ -\frac{1}{n} \sum_i s_i - \log( 1 + \exp(s_i) ) + w^Tw }
#' where
#' \deqn{ s_i = w^T x_i }
#' In all cases, \eqn{w = \sum_i v_i \phi(x_i)} and the method solves for \eqn{v_i}.
#' @param K n-by-n matrix of pairwise kernel values over a set of n samples
#' @param y n-by-1 vector of response values. Must be numeric vector for regression, factor with 2 levels for binary classification, or NULL for a one-class task.
#' @param lambda scalar, regularization parameter
#' @param a n-by-1 vector of sample weights (regression only)
#' @param max.iter maximum number of iterations (binary classification and one-class problems only)
#' @param eps convergence precision (binary classification and one-class problems only)
#' @param v.init initial parameter estimate for the kernel weights (binary classification and one-class problems only)
#' @param b.init initial parameter estimate for the bias term (binary classification only)
#' @param fix.bias set to TRUE to prevent the bias term from being updated (regression only) (default: FALSE)
#' @param silent set to TRUE to suppress run-time output to stdout (default: FALSE)
#' @param balanced boolean specifying whether the balanced model is being trained (binary classification only) (default: FALSE)
#' @return A list with two elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{v}{n-by-1 vector of kernel weights}
#' \item{b}{scalar, bias term for the linear model (omitted for one-class models)}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{gelnet}}
#' @export
gelnet.ker <- function( K, y, lambda, a, max.iter = 100, eps = 1e-5, v.init=rep(0,nrow(K)),
b.init=0, fix.bias=FALSE, silent=FALSE, balanced=FALSE )
## Determine the problem type
if( is.null(y) )
if( !silent ) cat( "Training a one-class model\n" )
gelnet.kor( K, lambda, max.iter, eps, v.init, silent )
else if( is.factor(y) )
if( nlevels(y) == 1 )
stop( "All labels are identical\nConsider training a one-class model instead" )
if( nlevels(y) > 2 )
stop( "Labels belong to a multiclass task\nConsider training a set of one-vs-one or one-vs-rest models" )
if( !silent ) cat( "Training a logistic regression model\n" )
gelnet.klr( K, y, lambda, max.iter, eps, v.init, b.init, silent, balanced )
else if( is.numeric(y) )
if( !silent ) cat( "Training a linear regression model\n" )
if( b.init == 0 ) b.init <- sum(a*y) / sum(a)
gelnet.krr( K, y, lambda, a, fix.bias )
{ stop( "Unknown label type\ny must be a numeric vector, a 2-level factor or NULL" ) }
#' k-fold cross-validation for parameter tuning.
#' Performs k-fold cross-validation to select the best pair of the L1- and L2-norm penalty values.
#' Cross-validation is performed on a grid of parameter values. The user specifies the number of values
#' to consider for both the L1- and the L2-norm penalties. The L1 grid values are equally spaced on
#' [0, L1s], where L1s is the smallest meaningful value of the L1-norm penalty (i.e., where all the model
#' weights are just barely zero). The L2 grid values are on a logarithmic scale centered on 1.
#' @param X n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions
#' @param y n-by-1 vector of response values. Must be numeric vector for regression, factor with 2 levels for binary classification, or NULL for a one-class task.
#' @param nL1 number of values to consider for the L1-norm penalty
#' @param nL2 number of values to consider for the L2-norm penalty
#' @param nFolds number of cross-validation folds (default:5)
#' @param a n-by-1 vector of sample weights (regression only)
#' @param d p-by-1 vector of feature weights
#' @param P p-by-p feature association penalty matrix
#' @param m p-by-1 vector of translation coefficients
#' @param max.iter maximum number of iterations
#' @param eps convergence precision
#' @param w.init initial parameter estimate for the weights
#' @param b.init initial parameter estimate for the bias term
#' @param fix.bias set to TRUE to prevent the bias term from being updated (regression only) (default: FALSE)
#' @param silent set to TRUE to suppress run-time output to stdout (default: FALSE)
#' @param balanced boolean specifying whether the balanced model is being trained (binary classification only) (default: FALSE)
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{l1}{the best value of the L1-norm penalty}
#' \item{l2}{the best value of the L2-norm penalty}
#' \item{w}{p-by-1 vector of p model weights associated with the best (l1,l2) pair.}
#' \item{b}{scalar, bias term for the linear model associated with the best (l1,l2) pair. (omitted for one-class models)}
#' \item{perf}{performance value associated with the best model. (Likelihood of data for one-class, AUC for binary classification, and -RMSE for regression)}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{gelnet}}
#' @export <- function( X, y, nL1, nL2, nFolds=5, a=rep(1,n), d=rep(1,p), P=diag(p), m=rep(0,p),
max.iter=100, eps=1e-5, w.init=rep(0,p), b.init=0,
fix.bias=FALSE, silent=FALSE, balanced=FALSE )
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
## One-class
if( is.null(y) )
## Assign every k^th sample to its fold
vfa <- rep( 1:nFolds, length=n )
## The evaluation function computes the likelihood of the test data given the model
f.eval <- function( mm, X.te, y.te )
s <- drop( X.te %*% mm$w )
pr <- exp(s) / (1 + exp(s))
sum( log( pr ) )
## Binary classification
else if( is.factor(y) )
if( nlevels(y) == 1 )
stop( "All labels are identical\nConsider training a one-class model instead" )
if( nlevels(y) > 2 )
stop( "Labels belong to a multiclass task\nConsider training a set of one-vs-one or one-vs-rest models" )
## Sample each class separately
vfa <- rep( 0, length=n )
jpos <- which( y == levels(y)[1] )
jneg <- which( y == levels(y)[2] )
vfa[jpos] <- rep(1:nFolds, length.out = length(jpos) )
vfa[jneg] <- rep(1:nFolds, length.out = length(jneg) )
## The evaluation function computes AUC on the test data/labels
f.eval <- function( mm, X.te, y.te )
s <- drop( X.te %*% mm$w + mm$b )
jp <- which( y.te == levels(y)[1] ); np <- length( jp )
jn <- which( y.te == levels(y)[2] ); nn <- length( jn )
s0 <- sum( rank(s)[jp] )
(s0 - np*(np+1) / 2) / (np*nn)
## Regression
else if( is.numeric(y) )
## Assign every k^th sample to a fold to maintain data representation across folds
vfa <- rep( 0, length=n )
vfa[order(y)] <- rep( 1:nFolds, length=n )
## The evaluation function computes -RMSE on the test data/labels
## Negative RMSE is used for consistency with other "higher is better" measures
f.eval <- function( mm, X.te, y.te )
s <- drop( X.te %*% mm$w + mm$b )
-sqrt( mean( (s - y.te)^2 ) )
{ stop( "Unknown label type\ny must be a numeric vector, a 2-level factor or NULL" ) }
## Generate a vecotr of values for the L2-norm penalty
v1 <- 1:(as.integer( nL2 / 2 ))
if( nL2 %% 2 == 0 )
vL2 <- 10 ^ c(rev(1-v1), v1)
vL2 <- 10 ^ c(rev(-v1), 0, v1)
stopifnot( length(vL2) == nL2 )
## Traverse the L2-norm penalty values <- list( perf = -Inf )
for( l2 in vL2 )
## Generate a vector of values for the L1-norm penalty
L1s <- L1.ceiling( X, y, a, d, P, m, l2, balanced )
vL1 <- seq( 0, L1s, length.out = nL1+1 )[1:nL1]
stopifnot( length(vL1) == nL1 )
## Traverse the L1-norm penalty values
for( l1 in vL1 )
if( !silent )
cat( "===================================================\n" )
cat( "Evaluating the choice of L2 =", l2, "; L1 =", l1, "\n" )
## Traverse the folds
res <- rep( 0, nFolds )
for( k in 1:nFolds )
if( !silent )
cat( "== Fold", k, "==\n" )
## Isolate the training and test data
j.te <- which( vfa == k ) <- which( vfa != k )
## Train and evaluate the model
mm <- gelnet( X[,], y[], l1, l2, NULL, a[], d, P, m,
max.iter, eps, w.init, b.init,
fix.bias, silent, balanced )
res[k] <- f.eval( mm, X[j.te,], y[j.te] )
if( !silent )
cat( "Performance:", res[k], "\n" )
cat( "Average performance across all folds: ", mean(res), "\n" )
## Compare to and store the best model
if( mean(res) >$perf )
{ <- mm$l1 <- l1$l2 <- l2$perf <- mean(res)
#' GELnet for linear regression
#' Constructs a GELnet model for linear regression using coordinate descent.
#' The method operates through cyclical coordinate descent.
#' The optimization is terminated after the desired tolerance is achieved, or after a maximum number of iterations.
#' @param X n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions
#' @param y n-by-1 vector of response values
#' @param l1 coefficient for the L1-norm penalty
#' @param l2 coefficient for the L2-norm penalty
#' @param a n-by-1 vector of sample weights
#' @param d p-by-1 vector of feature weights
#' @param P p-by-p feature association penalty matrix
#' @param m p-by-1 vector of translation coefficients
#' @param max.iter maximum number of iterations
#' @param eps convergence precision
#' @param w.init initial parameter estimate for the weights
#' @param b.init initial parameter estimate for the bias term
#' @param fix.bias set to TRUE to prevent the bias term from being updated (default: FALSE)
#' @param silent set to TRUE to suppress run-time output to stdout (default: FALSE)
#' @param nonneg set to TRUE to enforce non-negativity constraints on the weights (default: FALSE )
#' @return A list with two elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{w}{p-by-1 vector of p model weights}
#' \item{b}{scalar, bias term for the linear model}
#' }
#' @useDynLib gelnet gelnet_lin_opt
#' @noRd
gelnet.lin <- function( X, y, l1, l2, a = rep(1,n), d = rep(1,p), P = diag(p),
m=rep(0,p), max.iter = 100, eps = 1e-5, w.init = rep(0,p),
b.init = sum(a*y)/sum(a), fix.bias=FALSE, silent=FALSE, nonneg=FALSE )
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
## Verify argument dimensionality
stopifnot( length(y) == n )
stopifnot( length(a) == n )
stopifnot( length(d) == p )
stopifnot( all( dim(P) == c(p,p) ) )
stopifnot( length(m) == p )
stopifnot( length(w.init) == p )
stopifnot( length(b.init) == 1 )
stopifnot( length(l1) == 1 )
stopifnot( length(l2) == 1 )
## Verify name matching (if applicable)
if( is.null(colnames(X)) == FALSE && is.null(colnames(P)) == FALSE )
stopifnot( is.null( rownames(P) ) == FALSE )
stopifnot( all( colnames(X) == rownames(P) ) )
stopifnot( all( colnames(X) == colnames(P) ) )
## Set the initial parameter estimates
S <- X %*% w.init + b.init
Pw <- P %*% (w.init - m)
## Call the C routine
res <- .C( "gelnet_lin_opt",
as.double(X), as.double(y), as.double(a), as.double(d),
as.double(P), as.double(m), as.double(l1), as.double(l2),
as.double(S), as.double(Pw), as.integer(n), as.integer(p),
as.integer(max.iter), as.double(eps), as.integer(fix.bias),
w = as.double( w.init ), b = as.double(b.init), as.integer(silent), as.integer(nonneg) )
res <- res[c("w","b")]
names( res$w ) <- colnames(X)
#' GELnet for logistic regression
#' Constructs a GELnet model for logistic regression using the Newton method.
#' The method operates by constructing iteratively re-weighted least squares approximations
#' of the log-likelihood loss function and then calling the linear regression routine
#' to solve those approximations. The least squares approximations are obtained via the Taylor series
#' expansion about the current parameter estimates.
#' @param X n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions
#' @param y n-by-1 vector of binary response labels
#' @param l1 coefficient for the L1-norm penalty
#' @param l2 coefficient for the L2-norm penalty
#' @param d p-by-1 vector of feature weights
#' @param P p-by-p feature association penalty matrix
#' @param m p-by-1 vector of translation coefficients
#' @param max.iter maximum number of iterations
#' @param eps convergence precision
#' @param w.init initial parameter estimate for the weights
#' @param b.init initial parameter estimate for the bias term
#' @param silent set to TRUE to suppress run-time output to stdout (default: FALSE)
#' @param balanced boolean specifying whether the balanced model is being trained
#' @param nonneg set to TRUE to enforce non-negativity constraints on the weights (default: FALSE )
#' @return A list with two elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{w}{p-by-1 vector of p model weights}
#' \item{b}{scalar, bias term for the linear model}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{gelnet.lin}}
#' @useDynLib gelnet gelnet_logreg_opt
#' @noRd
gelnet.logreg <- function( X, y, l1, l2, d = rep(1,p), P = diag(p), m = rep(0,p),
max.iter = 100, eps = 1e-5, w.init = rep(0,p),
b.init = 0, silent = FALSE, balanced = FALSE, nonneg = FALSE )
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
## Verify argument dimensionality
stopifnot( length( unique(y) ) == 2 )
stopifnot( length(y) == n )
stopifnot( length(d) == p )
stopifnot( all( dim(P) == c(p,p) ) )
stopifnot( length( w.init ) == p )
stopifnot( length( b.init ) == 1 )
stopifnot( length(l1) == 1 )
stopifnot( length(l2) == 1 )
## Verify name matching (if applicable)
if( is.null(colnames(X)) == FALSE && is.null(colnames(P)) == FALSE )
stopifnot( is.null( rownames(P) ) == FALSE )
stopifnot( all( colnames(X) == rownames(P) ) )
stopifnot( all( colnames(X) == colnames(P) ) )
## Convert the labels to {0,1}
y <- factor(y)
if( !silent )
cat( "Treating", levels(y)[1], "as the positive class\n" )
y <- as.integer( y == levels(y)[1] )
## Set the initial parameter estimates
S <- X %*% w.init + b.init
Pw <- P %*% (w.init - m)
res <- .C( "gelnet_logreg_opt",
as.double(X), as.integer(y), as.double(d), as.double(P),
as.double(m), as.double(l1), as.double(l2),
as.double(S), as.double(Pw), as.integer(n), as.integer(p),
as.integer(max.iter), as.double(eps), w = as.double( w.init ),
b = as.double(b.init), as.integer(silent), as.integer(balanced), as.integer(nonneg) )
res <- res[c("w","b")]
names( res$w ) <- colnames(X)
#' GELnet for one-class regression
#' Constructs a GELnet model for one-class regression using the Newton method.
#' The function optimizes the following objective:
#' \deqn{ -\frac{1}{n} \sum_i s_i - \log( 1 + \exp(s_i) ) + R(w) }
#' where
#' \deqn{ s_i = w^T x_i }
#' \deqn{ R(w) = \lambda_1 \sum_j d_j |w_j| + \frac{\lambda_2}{2} (w-m)^T P (w-m) }
#' The method operates by constructing iteratively re-weighted least squares approximations
#' of the log-likelihood loss function and then calling the linear regression routine
#' to solve those approximations. The least squares approximations are obtained via the Taylor series
#' expansion about the current parameter estimates.
#' @param X n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions
#' @param l1 coefficient for the L1-norm penalty
#' @param l2 coefficient for the L2-norm penalty
#' @param d p-by-1 vector of feature weights
#' @param P p-by-p feature association penalty matrix
#' @param m p-by-1 vector of translation coefficients
#' @param max.iter maximum number of iterations
#' @param eps convergence precision
#' @param w.init initial parameter estimate for the weights
#' @param silent set to TRUE to suppress run-time output to stdout (default: FALSE)
#' @param nonneg set to TRUE to enforce non-negativity constraints on the weights (default: FALSE )
#' @return A list with one element:
#' \describe{
#' \item{w}{p-by-1 vector of p model weights}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{gelnet.lin}}, \code{\link{gelnet.oneclass.obj}}
#' @noRd
gelnet.oneclass <- function( X, l1, l2, d = rep(1,p), P = diag(p), m = rep(0,p),
max.iter = 100, eps = 1e-5,
w.init = rep(0,p), silent= FALSE, nonneg=FALSE )
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
## Verify argument dimensionality
stopifnot( length(d) == p )
stopifnot( all( dim(P) == c(p,p) ) )
stopifnot( length(m) == p )
stopifnot( length(w.init) == p )
stopifnot( length(l1) == 1 )
stopifnot( length(l2) == 1 )
## Verify name matching (if applicable)
if( is.null(colnames(X)) == FALSE && is.null(colnames(P)) == FALSE )
stopifnot( is.null( rownames(P) ) == FALSE )
stopifnot( all( colnames(X) == rownames(P) ) )
stopifnot( all( colnames(X) == colnames(P) ) )
## Set the initial parameter estimates
w <- w.init
## Run Newton's method
fprev <- gelnet.oneclass.obj( w, X, l1, l2, d, P, m )
for( iter in 1:max.iter )
if( silent == FALSE )
cat( "Iteration", iter, ": " )
cat( "f =", fprev, "\n" )
## Compute the current fit
s <- X %*% w
pr <- 1 / ( 1 + exp(-s) )
## Compute the sample weights and active response
a <- pr * (1-pr)
z <- s + 1/pr
## Run coordinate descent for the resulting regression problem
mm <- gelnet.lin( X, z, l1, l2, a, d, P, m, iter*2, eps, w, 0, TRUE, TRUE, nonneg )
w <- mm$w
f <- gelnet.oneclass.obj( w, X, l1, l2, d, P, m )
if( abs(f - fprev) / abs(fprev) < eps ) break
else fprev <- f
list( w = w )
#' A GELnet model with a requested number of non-zero weights
#' Binary search to find an L1 penalty parameter value that yields the desired
#' number of non-zero weights in a GELnet model.
#' The method performs simple binary search starting in [0, l1s] and iteratively
#' training a model using the provided \code{f.gelnet}. At each iteration, the
#' method checks if the number of non-zero weights in the model is higher or lower
#' than the requested \code{nF} and adjusts the value of the L1 penalty term accordingly.
#' For linear regression problems, it is recommended to initialize \code{l1s} to the output
#' of \code{L1.ceiling}.
#' @param f.gelnet a function that accepts one parameter: L1 penalty value,
#' and returns a typical GELnets model (list with w and b as its entries)
#' @param nF the desired number of non-zero features
#' @param l1s the right side of the search interval: search will start in [0, l1s]
#' @param max.iter the maximum number of iterations of the binary search
#' @return The model with the desired number of non-zero weights and the corresponding value of the
#' L1-norm parameter. Returned as a list with three elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{w}{p-by-1 vector of p model weights}
#' \item{b}{scalar, bias term for the linear model}
#' \item{l1}{scalar, the corresponding value of the L1-norm parameter}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{L1.ceiling}}
#' @noRd
gelnet.L1bin <- function( f.gelnet, nF, l1s, max.iter=10 )
## Set up the search region
L1top <- l1s
L1bot <- 0
## Perform binary search
for( i in 1:max.iter )
cat( "Binary search iteration", i, "\n" )
l1 <- (L1top + L1bot) / 2
m <- f.gelnet( l1 )
k <- sum( m$w != 0 )
cat( "Learned a model with", k, "non-zero features\n" )
if( k == nF ) break
if( k < nF ) {L1top <- l1} else {L1bot <- l1}
## Store the selected L1 parameter value into the model
m$l1 <- l1
#' Kernel ridge regression
#' Learns a kernel ridge regression model.
#' The entries in the kernel matrix K can be interpreted as dot products
#' in some feature space \eqn{\phi}. The corresponding weight vector can be
#' retrieved via \eqn{w = \sum_i v_i \phi(x_i)}. However, new samples can be
#' classified without explicit access to the underlying feature space:
#' \deqn{w^T \phi(x) + b = \sum_i v_i \phi^T (x_i) \phi(x) + b = \sum_i v_i K( x_i, x ) + b}
#' @param K n-by-n matrix of pairwise kernel values over a set of n samples
#' @param y n-by-1 vector of response values
#' @param lambda scalar, regularization parameter
#' @param a n-by-1 vector of samples weights
#' @param fix.bias set to TRUE to force the bias term to 0 (default: FALSE)
#' @return A list with two elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{v}{n-by-1 vector of kernel weights}
#' \item{b}{scalar, bias term for the model}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{gelnet.lin.obj}}
#' @noRd
gelnet.krr <- function( K, y, lambda, a, fix.bias=FALSE )
## Argument verification
n <- nrow(K)
stopifnot( length(y) == n )
stopifnot( length(a) == n )
stopifnot( is.null(dim(a)) ) ## a must not be in matrix form
## Set up the sample weights and kernalization of the bias term
A <- diag(a)
if( fix.bias )
## Solve the optimization problem in closed form
m <- solve( K %*% A %*% t(K) + lambda * n * K, K %*% A %*% y )
list( v = drop(m), b = 0 )
## Set up kernalization of the bias term
K1 <- rbind( K, 1 )
K0 <- cbind( rbind( K, 0 ), 0 )
## Solve the optimization problem in closed form
m <- solve( K1 %*% A %*% t(K1) + lambda * n * K0, K1 %*% A %*% y )
## Retrieve the weights and the bias term
list( v = m[1:n], b = m[n+1] )
#' Kernel logistic regression
#' Learns a kernel logistic regression model for a binary classification task
#' The method operates by constructing iteratively re-weighted least squares approximations
#' of the log-likelihood loss function and then calling the kernel ridge regression routine
#' to solve those approximations. The least squares approximations are obtained via the Taylor series
#' expansion about the current parameter estimates.
#' @param K n-by-n matrix of pairwise kernel values over a set of n samples
#' @param y n-by-1 vector of binary response labels
#' @param lambda scalar, regularization parameter
#' @param max.iter maximum number of iterations
#' @param eps convergence precision
#' @param v.init initial parameter estimate for the kernel weights
#' @param b.init initial parameter estimate for the bias term
#' @param silent set to TRUE to suppress run-time output to stdout (default: FALSE)
#' @param balanced boolean specifying whether the balanced model is being evaluated
#' @return A list with two elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{v}{n-by-1 vector of kernel weights}
#' \item{b}{scalar, bias term for the model}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{gelnet.krr}}, \code{\link{gelnet.logreg.obj}}
#' @noRd
gelnet.klr <- function( K, y, lambda, max.iter = 100, eps = 1e-5,
v.init=rep(0,nrow(K)), b.init=0, silent=FALSE, balanced=FALSE )
## Argument verification
stopifnot( nrow(K) == ncol(K) )
stopifnot( nrow(K) == length(y) )
## Convert the labels to {0,1}
y <- factor(y)
if( !silent )
cat( "Treating", levels(y)[1], "as the positive class\n" )
y <- as.integer( y == levels(y)[1] )
## Objective function to minimize
fobj <- function( v, b )
s <- K %*% v + b
R2 <- lambda * t(v) %*% K %*% v / 2
LL <- mean( y * s - log(1+exp(s)) )
R2 - LL
## Compute the initial objective value
v <- v.init
b <- b.init
fprev <- fobj( v, b )
## Reduce kernel logistic regression to kernel regression
## about the current Taylor method estimates
for( iter in 1:max.iter )
if( silent == FALSE )
cat( "Iteration", iter, ": " )
cat( "f =", fprev, "\n" )
## Compute the current fit
s <- drop(K %*% v + b)
pr <- 1 / (1 + exp(-s))
## Snap probabilities to 0 and 1 to avoid division by small numbers
j0 <- which( pr < eps )
j1 <- which( pr > (1-eps) )
pr[j0] <- 0; pr[j1] <- 1
## Compute the sample weights and the response
a <- pr * (1-pr)
a[c(j0,j1)] <- eps
z <- s + (y - pr) / a
## Rebalance the sample weights according to the class counts
if( balanced )
jpos <- which( y==1 )
jneg <- which( y==0 )
a[jpos] <- a[jpos] * length(y) / ( length(jpos)*2 )
a[jneg] <- a[jneg] * length(y) / ( length(jneg)*2 )
## Run the coordinate descent for the resulting regression problem
m <- gelnet.krr( K, z, lambda, a )
v <- m$v
b <- m$b
## Evaluate the objective function and check convergence criteria
f <- fobj( v, b )
if( abs(f - fprev) / abs(fprev) < eps ) break
else fprev <- f
list( v = v, b = b )
#' Kernel one-class regression
#' Learns a kernel one-class model for a given kernel matrix
#' The method operates by constructing iteratively re-weighted least squares approximations
#' of the log-likelihood loss function and then calling the kernel ridge regression routine
#' to solve those approximations. The least squares approximations are obtained via the Taylor series
#' expansion about the current parameter estimates.
#' @param K n-by-n matrix of pairwise kernel values over a set of n samples
#' @param lambda scalar, regularization parameter
#' @param max.iter maximum number of iterations
#' @param eps convergence precision
#' @param v.init initial parameter estimate for the kernel weights
#' @param silent set to TRUE to suppress run-time output to stdout (default: FALSE)
#' @return A list with one element:
#' \describe{
#' \item{v}{n-by-1 vector of kernel weights}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{gelnet.krr}}, \code{\link{gelnet.oneclass.obj}}
#' @noRd
gelnet.kor <- function( K, lambda, max.iter = 100, eps = 1e-5,
v.init = rep(0,nrow(K)), silent= FALSE )
## Argument verification
stopifnot( nrow(K) == ncol(K) )
## Define the objective function to optimize
fobj <- function( v )
s <- K %*% v
LL <- mean( s - log( 1 + exp(s) ) )
R2 <- lambda * t(v) %*% K %*% v / 2
R2 - LL
## Set the initial parameter estimates
v <- v.init
fprev <- fobj( v )
## Run Newton's method
for( iter in 1:max.iter )
if( silent == FALSE )
cat( "Iteration", iter, ": " )
cat( "f =", fprev, "\n" )
## Compute the current fit
s <- drop(K %*% v)
pr <- 1 / (1 + exp(-s))
## Compute the sample weights and active response
a <- pr * (1-pr)
z <- s + 1/pr
## Solve the resulting regression problem
mm <- gelnet.krr( K, z, lambda, a, fix.bias=TRUE )
v <- mm$v
## Compute the new objective function value
f <- fobj( v )
if( abs(f - fprev) / abs(fprev) < eps ) break
else fprev <- f
list( v = v )
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