
Defines functions get_gender_internal get_gender_api get_gender

Documented in get_gender

#' Predict gender from Brazilian first names
#' @description
#' \code{get_gender} uses the IBGE's 2010 Census data to predict gender from Brazilian first names.
#' In particular, the function exploits data on the number of females and males with the same name
#' in Brazil, or in a given Brazilian state, to calculate the proportion of females using it.
#' The function classifies a name as *male* or *female* only when that proportion is higher than
#' a given threshold (e.g., \code{female if proportion > 0.9, the default}, or \code{male if proportion < 0.1});
#' proportions below this threshold are classified as missings (\code{NA}). The method is based on the \code{gender}
#' functionality developed by Lincon Mullen in:
#' Mullen (2016). gender: Predict Gender from Names Using Historical Data.
#' Multiple names can be passed to the function call. To speed the calculations,
#' the package aggregates equal first names to make fewer requests to the IBGE's API.
#' Also, the package contains an internal dataset with all the names reported by the
#' IBGE to make faster classifications -- although this option does not support getting results by State.
#' @param names A character vector specifying a person's first name. Names can also be passed to the function
#' as a full name (e.g., Ana Maria de Souza). \code{get_gender} is case insensitive.
#' In addition, multiple names can be passed in the same function call.
#' @param state A string with the state of federation abbreviation
#' (e.g., \code{RJ} for Rio de Janeiro). If state is set to a value different
#' from \code{NULL}, the \code{internal} argument is ignored.
#' @param prob Report the proportion of female uses of the name? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param threshold Numeric indicating the threshold used in predictions. Defaults to 0.9.
#' @param internal Use internal data to predict gender? Allowing this option makes
#' the function faster, but it does not support getting results by State.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param encoding Encoding used to read Brazilian names and stip accents.
#' Defaults to \code{ASCII//TRANSLIT}.
#' @section Data:
#' Information on the Brazilian first names uses by gender was collect in the 2010 Census
#' (Censo Demografico de 2010, in Portuguese), in July of that year, by the Instituto Brasileiro de Demografia
#' e Estatistica (IBGE). The surveyed population includes 190,8 million Brazilians living in all 27 states.
#' According to the IBGE, there are more than 130,000 unique first names in this population.
#' @note Names with different spell (e.g., Ana and Anna, or Marcos and Markos) are considered different names.
#' In addition, only names with more than 20 occurrences, or more than 15 occurrences in a given state,
#' are included in the IBGE's data.
#' Also note that UTF-8 special characters, common in Portuguese words and names, are not supported by the IBGE's API.
#' Users are encouraged to convert strings to ASCII (it is also possible to set the \code{encoding} argument
#' to a different value).
#' @references For more information on the IBGE's data, please check (in Portuguese):
#' \url{https://censo2010.ibge.gov.br/nomes/}
#' @seealso \code{\link{map_gender}}
#' @return \code{get_gender} may returns three different values: \code{Female},
#' if the name provided is female; \code{Male}, if the name provided is male;
#' or \code{NA}, if we can not predict gender from the name given the chosen threshold.
#' If the \code{prob} argument is set to \code{TRUE}, then the function returns
#' the proportion of females uses of the provided name.
#' @examples
#' #' # Use get_gender to predict the gender of a person based on her/his first name
#' get_gender('MARIA DA SILVA SANTOS')
#' get_gender('joao')
#' # To change the employed threshold
#' get_gender('ariel', threshold = 0.8)
#' # Or to get the proportion of females
#' # with the name provided
#' get_gender('iris', prob = TRUE)
#' # Multiple names can be predict at the same time
#' get_gender(c('joao', 'ana', 'benedita', 'rafael'))
#' \dontrun{
#' # In different states (using API data, must have internet connection)
#' get_gender(rep('Ana', 3), c('sp', 'am', 'rs'))
#'  }
#' @export

get_gender <- function(names, state = NULL, prob = FALSE, threshold = 0.9,
                       internal = TRUE, encoding = "ASCII//TRANSLIT"){

  # Inputs
  if(!is.character(encoding)) stop("'encoding' must be a character representing a valid encoding.")
  if(!is.numeric(threshold)) stop("'threshold' must be numeric, between 0 and 1.")
  if(threshold < 0 | threshold > 1) stop("'threshold' must be between 0 and 1.")
  if(!is.logical(internal)) stop("'internal' must be logical.")
  if(!is.character(names)) stop("'names' must be character.")
  if(!is.logical(prob)) stop("'Prob' must be logical.")

  # Names
  names <- clean_names(name = names, encoding = encoding)
  un_names <- unique(names)
  ln_un <- length(un_names)
  ln <- length(names)

  # Set pauses
  if(ln > 100) pause <- TRUE
  else pause <- FALSE

  # Ignore internal when state is declared
  if(internal & !is.null(state)) internal <- FALSE

  ### Internal data
  if(internal) return(get_gender_internal(names, prob, threshold))

  ### API data
  # Whole country & unique names
  if(is.null(state) & ln == ln_un){

    # Return
    out <- sapply(1:ln, function(i) get_gender_api(names[i], state,
                                                   prob = prob,
                                                   threshold = threshold,
                                                   pause = pause))

  # Whole country & non-unique names
  if(is.null(state)) {

    # Pick unique names
    gender_pred <- sapply(1:ln_un, function(i) get_gender_api(un_names[i], state,
                                                              prob = prob,
                                                              threshold = threshold,
                                                              pause = pause))

    # Join
    names <- dplyr::tibble(names = names)
    un_names <- dplyr::tibble(names = un_names, prob = gender_pred)

    # Return
    out <- dplyr::left_join(names, un_names, by = c("names"))$prob

  # By state & unique names
  if(ln == ln_un){

    # Return
    state <- get_state(state, ln)
    out <- sapply(1:ln, function(i) get_gender_api(names[i], state[i],
                                                   prob = prob,
                                                   threshold = threshold,
                                                   pause = pause))

  # By state & non-unique names
  state <- get_state(state, ln)
  names <- dplyr::tibble(names = names, state = state)
  dis_names <- dplyr::distinct(names)

  dis_names$prob <- sapply(1:length(dis_names$names),
                           function(i) get_gender_api(dis_names$names[i],
                                                      prob = prob,
                                                      threshold = threshold,
                                                      pause = pause))
  out <- dplyr::left_join(names, dis_names, by = c("names", "state"))$prob


# Get individual results from API
get_gender_api <- function(name, state, prob, threshold, pause = pause){

  # API endpoint
  ibge <- "https://servicodados.ibge.gov.br/api/v1/censos/nomes/basica"

  # GET
  females <- get_safe(ibge, query = list(nome = name, regiao = state, sexo = "f"))
  if(pause) Sys.sleep(0.3)
  males <- get_safe(ibge, query = list(nome = name, regiao = state, sexo = "m"))

  # Test responses
  if(is.null(females)) stop("IBGE's API is not responding. Try again later.")
  if(is.null(males)) stop("IBGE's API is not responding. Try again later.")
  res <- test_responses(females, males, prob)
  if(!is.null(res)) return(res)

  # Parse freq
  females <- httr::content(females, as = "parsed")[[1]]$freq
  males <- httr::content(males, as = "parsed")[[1]]$freq

  # Return
  fprob <- females / sum(females, males)
  if(prob) return(fprob)
  round_guess(fprob, threshold)

# Get results from internal data
get_gender_internal <- function(names, prob, threshold){

  # Join data
  nms <- dplyr::tibble(nome = names) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(nomes, by = "nome")

  # Return
  if(prob) return(nms$prob_fem)
  round_guess(nms$prob_fem, threshold)

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genderBR documentation built on May 2, 2021, 5:07 p.m.