#' #' Lolliplots
#' #' @description Plot variants and somatic mutations
#' #' @param A object of \link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges},
#' #' \link[GenomicRanges:GRangesList-class]{GRangesList}
#' #' or a list of \link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}.
#' #' All the width of GRanges must be 1.
#' #' @param features A object of \link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges},
#' #' \link[GenomicRanges:GRangesList-class]{GRangesList}
#' #' or a list of \link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}.
#' #' The metadata 'featureLayerID' are used for drawing features in different layers.
#' #' See details in vignette.
#' #' @param ranges A object of \link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges} or
#' #' \link[GenomicRanges:GRangesList-class]{GRangesList}.
#' #' @param type character. Could be circle, pie, pin, pie.stack or flag.
#' #' @param newpage Plot in the new page or not.
#' #' @param ylab Plot ylab or not. If it is a character vector,
#' #' the vector will be used as ylab.
#' #' @param yaxis Plot yaxis or not.
#' #' @param xaxis Plot xaxis or not. If it is a numeric vector with length greater than 1,
#' #' the vector will be used as the points at which tick-marks are to be drawn.
#' #' And the names of the vector will be used to as labels to be placed at the tick
#' #' points if it has names.
#' #' @param,, An object of class gpar for ylab, xaxis or yaxis.
#' #' @param legend If it is a list with named color vectors, a legend will be added.
#' #' @param cex cex will control the size of circle.
#' #' @param dashline.col color for the dashed line.
#' #' @param jitter jitter the position of nodes or labels.
#' #' @param rescale logical(1), character(1), numeric vector,
#' #' or a dataframe with rescale from and to.
#' #' Rescalse the x-axis or not.
#' #' if dataframe is used, colnames must be from.start, from.end,
#' #' to.start, to.end. And the from scale must cover the whole plot region.
#' #' The rescale parameter can be set as "exon" or "intron" to
#' #' emphasize "exon" or "intron" region. The "exon" or "intron"
#' #' can be followed with an integer e.g. "exon_80", or "intron_99".
#' #' The integer indicates the total percentage of "exon" or "intron" region.
#' #' Here "exon" indicates all regions in features.
#' #' And "intron" indicates all flank regions of the features.
#' #' @param label_on_feature Labels of the feature directly on them.
#' #' Default FALSE.
#' #' @param ... not used.
#' #' @return NULL
#' #' @details
#' #' In and features, metadata of the GRanges object will be used to control the
#' #' color, fill, border, alpha, shape, height, cex, dashline.col, data source of pie if the type is pie.
#' #' And also the controls for labels by name the metadata start as
#' #' label.parameter.<properties>
#' #' such as label.parameter.rot, The parameter is used for
#' #' \link[grid]{grid.text}. The metadata 'featureLayerID' for features are used
#' #' for drawing features in different layers. The metadata 'SNPsideID' for
#' #' are used for determining the side of lollipops. And the 'SNPsideID' could only
#' #' be 'top' or 'bottom'.
#' #' @return NULL
#' #' @importFrom IRanges IRanges start end NumericList subsetByOverlaps
#' #' elementNROWS countOverlaps disjoin end<- findOverlaps gaps
#' #' reduce start<- tile width
#' #' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRangesList mcols<- GRanges strand<- mcols seqnames
#' #' @importFrom methods is
#' #' @importFrom grid convertHeight convertX convertY gpar grid.legend grid.lines
#' #' grid.newpage grid.polygon grid.rect grid.text grid.xaxis
#' #' grid.yaxis popViewport pushViewport stringHeight stringWidth unit viewport
#' #' @importFrom scales rescale
#' #' @importClassesFrom grImport Picture
#' #' @importFrom grImport readPicture grid.picture
#' #' @importFrom grDevices rgb col2rgb
#' #' @export
#' #' @examples
#' #' SNP <- c(10, 100, 105, 108, 400, 410, 420, 600, 700, 805, 840, 1400, 1402)
#' #' x <-, length(SNP))
#' #' <- GenomicRanges::GRanges("chr1", IRanges::IRanges(SNP, width=1, names=paste0("snp", SNP)),
#' #' value1=x, value2=100-x)
#' #'$color <- rep(list(c("red", 'blue')), length(SNP))
#' #'$border <-, length(SNP), replace=TRUE)
#' #' features <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
#' #' "chr1", IRanges::IRanges(
#' #' c(1, 501, 1001),
#' #' width=c(120, 500, 405),
#' #' names=paste0("block", 1:3)),
#' #' color="black",
#' #' fill=c("#FF8833", "#51C6E6", "#DFA32D"),
#' #' height=c(0.1, 0.05, 0.08),
#' #' label.parameter.rot=45)
#' #' lolliplot(, features, type="pie")
#' lolliplot <- function(, features=NULL, ranges=NULL,
#' type="circle",
#' newpage=TRUE, ylab=TRUE,"black"),
#' yaxis=TRUE,"black"),
#' xaxis=TRUE,"black"),
#' legend=NULL, cex=1,
#' dashline.col="gray80",
#' jitter=c("node", "label"),
#' rescale=FALSE,
#' label_on_feature=FALSE,
#' ...){
#' stopifnot(inherits(, c("GRanges", "GRangesList", "list")))
#' stopifnot(inherits(features, c("GRanges", "GRangesList", "list")))
#' jitter <- match.arg(jitter)
#' rescale.old <- rescale
#' xaxis.old <- xaxis
#' if(any(type!="circle"&jitter=="label")){
#' jitter[which(type!="circle"&jitter=="label")] <- "node"
#' warning("if jitter set to label, type must be cirle.")
#' message("jitter is set to node.")
#' }
#' <- deparse(substitute(
#' if(is(, "GRanges")){
#' <- list(
#' if(length( {
#' names( <-
#' }
#' }
#' len <- length(
#' for(i in{
#' stopifnot(is([[i]], "GRanges"))
#' }
#' ## prepare the feature
#' if(inherits(features, c("GRangesList", "list"))){
#' for(i in seq_along(features)){
#' stopifnot("features must be a GRanges or GRangesList object"=
#' is(features[[i]], "GRanges"))
#' }
#' features <- features[]
#' }else{
#' stopifnot("features must be a GRanges or GRangesList object"=
#' is(features, "GRanges"))
#' <- deparse(substitute(features))
#' features <- list(features)[]
#' }
#' TYPES <- c("circle", "pie", "pin", "pie.stack", "flag")
#' if(any(!type %in% TYPES)){
#' stop("Error in match argument: ",
#' paste0("'type' should be one of '",
#' paste(TYPES, collapse="', '"), "'."))
#' }
#' types <- rep(type, length=len)[]
#' rm(type)
#' ############### handle legend ####################
#' ## set the legend as a list,
#' ## if all the legend for different tracks is same
#' ## set draw legend for last track later
#' legend <- handleLegend(legend, len,
#' ################ handle ranges #####################
#' ## if !missing(ranges) set ranges as feature ranges
#' ranges <- handleRanges(ranges,, features, len)
#' ##cut all by the range
#' <- cutSNP(, ranges, len)
#' ################## plot ############################
#' ## total height == 1
#' height <- 1/sum(lengths(ranges))
#' args <- as.list(
#' if(length(args$height0)==0){
#' height0 <- 0
#' }else{
#' height0 <- args$height0
#' }
#' if(newpage) grid.newpage()
#' for(i in{
#' if(length(ranges[[i]])>1){## split into multilayers
#' args$newpage <- FALSE
#' for(j in rev(seq_along(ranges[[i]]))){
#' args$ranges <- ranges[[i]][j]
#' args$ <-[i]
#' args$features <- features[[i]]
#' args$type <- types[i]
#' args$legend <- legend[[i]]
#' args$height0 <- height0
#' height0 <- = lolliplot, args = args)
#' }
#' }else{## is GRanges with length==1
#' type <- match.arg(types[i], TYPES)
#' if(type=="pin"){ ## read the pin shape file
#' pinpath <- system.file("extdata", "map-pin-red.xml", package="trackViewer")
#' pin <- readPicture(pinpath)
#' }else{
#' pin <- NULL
#' }
#' ## Here we don't know the real height of each tracks
#' vp <- viewport(x=.5, y=height0 + height*0.5, width=1, height=height)
#' pushViewport(vp)
#' LINEW <- as.numeric(convertX(unit(1, "line"), "npc"))
#' LINEH <- as.numeric(convertY(unit(1, "line"), "npc"))
#' totalH <- as.numeric(unit(1, "npc"))
#' if(LINEH > totalH/20){
#' LINEH <- totalH/20
#' }
#' ## GAP the gaps between any elements
#' GAP <- .2 * LINEH
#' ratio.yx <- 1/as.numeric(convertX(unit(1, "snpc"), "npc"))
#' SNPs <-[[i]]
#' strand(SNPs) <- "*"
#' SNPs <- sort(SNPs)
#' feature <- features[[i]]
#' ## rescale
#' rescale <- rescale.old
#' xaxis <- xaxis.old
#' if(is.logical(rescale)[1]){
#' if(rescale[1]){
#' range.tile <- tile(ranges[[i]], n = 5)[[1]]
#' if(all(width(range.tile)>2)){
#' range.tile.cnt <- countOverlaps(range.tile, SNPs)
#' feature.start <- feature.end <- feature
#' end(feature.start) <- start(feature.start)
#' start(feature.end) <- end(feature.end)
#' range.tile.cnt2 <- countOverlaps(range.tile, unique(c(feature.start, feature.end)))
#' range.tile.cnt <- range.tile.cnt + range.tile.cnt2
#' range.width <- width(ranges[[i]])
#' range.tile.width <- log2(range.tile.cnt + 1)
#' range.tile.width <- range.tile.width/sum(range.tile.width)
#' range.tile.width <- range.width * range.tile.width
#' range.tile.width <- cumsum(range.tile.width)
#' range.tile.width <- start(ranges[[i]]) + c(0, round(range.tile.width)-1)
#' rescale <- data.frame(from.start=start(range.tile), from.end=end(range.tile),
#' to.start=range.tile.width[-length(range.tile.width)],
#' to.end=range.tile.width[-1])
#' rescale$to.start[-1] <- rescale$to.start[-1] + 1
#' }
#' }
#' }else{
#' if(is.numeric(rescale)){## rescale is a percentage, convert it into from.start, from.end, to.start, to.end
#' ## reset the scale for exons and introns
#' feature.rd <- disjoin(c(feature, ranges[[i]]))
#' feature.segment.points <- sort(unique(c(start(feature.rd), end(feature.rd))))
#' ## filter the points by viewer port.
#' feature.segment.points <-
#' feature.segment.points[feature.segment.points>=start(ranges[[i]]) &
#' feature.segment.points<=end(ranges[[i]])]
#' rescale <- rescale/sum(rescale, na.rm = TRUE)
#' rescale[] <- 0.01
#' if(length(rescale)==length(feature.segment.points)-1){
#' <- IRanges(feature.segment.points[-length(feature.segment.points)]+1,
#' feature.segment.points[-1])
#' start([1] <- start([1]-1
#' <- sum(width(
#' <- cumsum(round(*rescale, digits = 0))
#' rescale <- data.frame(from.start=start(,
#' from.end=end(,
#' to.start=feature.segment.points[1] +
#' c(0,[-length(]),
#' to.end=feature.segment.points[1] +
#' }else{
#' stop("The length of rescale is not as same as the number of segments (including features and non-features).")
#' }
#' }else{
#' if(is.character(rescale)){
#' if(grepl("exon|intron", rescale[1], = TRUE)){
#' ## reset the scale for exons and introns
#' feature.rd <- disjoin(c(reduce(feature), ranges[[i]]), ignore.strand=TRUE)
#' feature.rd <- subsetByOverlaps(feature.rd, ranges[[1]], ignore.strand=TRUE)
#' feature.segment.exon <- subsetByOverlaps(feature.rd, feature, ignore.strand=TRUE)
#' feature.segment.intron <- subsetByOverlaps(feature.rd, feature, invert=TRUE, ignore.strand=TRUE)
#' feature.segment.exon$type <- rep("exon", length(feature.segment.exon))
#' feature.segment.intron$type <- rep("intron", length(feature.segment.intron))
#' feature.rd <- sort(c(feature.segment.exon, feature.segment.intron))
#' feature.segment.points <- sort(unique(c(start(feature.segment.exon), end(feature.segment.exon))))
#' ## filter the points by viewer port.
#' feature.segment.points <-
#' feature.segment.points[feature.segment.points>=start(ranges[[i]]) &
#' feature.segment.points<=end(ranges[[i]])]
#' <- 9
#' if(grepl("exon", rescale[1], = TRUE)){#set intron width to 1/10
#' if(grepl("^exon_\\d+$", rescale[1], = TRUE)){
#' <-
#' as.numeric(sub("^exon_(\\d+)$", "\\1", rescale[1], = TRUE))
#' <-
#' }
#' width.full.range <- sum(width(feature.rd)[feature.rd$type=="exon"])
#' rescale <- width(feature.rd)
#' rescale[feature.rd$type=="intron"] <-
#' rep(ceiling(width.full.range/$type=="intron")),
#' length(rescale[feature.rd$type=="intron"]))
#' }else{#set exon width to 1/10
#' if(grepl("^intron_\\d+$", rescale[1], = TRUE)){
#' <-
#' as.numeric(sub("^intron_(\\d+)$", "\\1", rescale[1], = TRUE))
#' <-
#' }
#' width.full.range <- sum(width(feature.rd)[feature.rd$type=="intron"])
#' rescale <- width(feature.rd)
#' rescale[feature.rd$type=="exon"] <-
#' rep(ceiling(width.full.range/$type=="exon")),
#' length(rescale[feature.rd$type=="exon"]))
#' }
#' rescale <- rescale/sum(rescale)
#' if(length(rescale)==length(feature.segment.points)-1){
#' <- IRanges(feature.segment.points[-length(feature.segment.points)]+1,
#' feature.segment.points[-1])
#' start([1] <- start([1]-1
#' <- sum(width(
#' <- cumsum(round(*rescale, digits = 0))
#' rescale <- data.frame(from.start=start(,
#' from.end=end(,
#' to.start=feature.segment.points[1] +
#' c(0,[-length(]),
#' to.end=feature.segment.points[1] +
#' }else{
#' stop("Something wrong with the auto-scale setting. Please report the bug to")
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' if({
#' if(all(c("from.start", "from.end", "to.start", "to.end") %in% colnames(rescale))){
#' ## check the from coverage the whole region.
#' checkflank <- function(x){
#' to <- IRanges::IRanges(x$to.start, x$to.end)
#' xol <- findOverlaps(to, drop.self=TRUE,
#' drop.redundant=TRUE,minoverlap=2L)
#' if(length(xol)>1){
#' stop("There is overlaps of the rescale region for 'to' columns.")
#' }
#' x <- IRanges::IRanges(x$from.start, x$from.end)
#' xol <- findOverlaps(x, drop.self=TRUE,
#' drop.redundant=TRUE,minoverlap=2L)
#' if(length(xol)>1){
#' stop("There is overlaps of the rescale region for 'from' columns.")
#' }
#' xgap <- gaps(x, start=min(start(x)), end=max(end(x)))
#' if(length(xgap)>0){
#' stop("There is gaps of the rescale region for 'from' columns.")
#' }
#' }
#' checkflank(rescale)
#' <- function(x){
#' if(is(x, "GRanges")){
#' x.start <- start(x)
#' x.end <- end(x)
#' y <- c(x.start, x.end)
#' x.cut <- cut(y, breaks=c(rescale$from.start[1], rescale$from.end+1),
#', right=FALSE)
#' y <- mapply(function(a, b){
#' if(! {
#' rescale(a, to=c(rescale$to.start[b], rescale$to.end[b]),
#' from=c(rescale$from.start[b], rescale$from.end[b]))
#' }else{
#' a
#' }
#' }, y, as.numeric(as.character(x.cut)))
#' y <- round(y)
#' start(x) <- 1
#' end(x) <- y[seq_along(x)+length(x)]
#' start(x) <- y[seq_along(x)]
#' x
#' }else{
#' x.cut <- cut(x, breaks=c(rescale$from.start[1], rescale$from.end+1),
#', right=FALSE)
#' y <- mapply(function(a, b){
#' if(! {
#' rescale(a, to=c(rescale$to.start[b], rescale$to.end[b]),
#' from=c(rescale$from.start[b], rescale$from.end[b]))
#' }else{
#' a
#' }
#' }, x, as.numeric(as.character(x.cut)))
#' y <- round(y)
#' y
#' }
#' }
#' feature <-
#' SNPs <-
#' if(is.logical(xaxis)[1]){
#' if(xaxis[1]){
#' xaxis <- c(rescale$to.start[1], rescale$to.end)
#' names(xaxis) <- c(rescale$from.start[1], rescale$from.end)
#' }
#' }else{
#' xaxis.names <- names(xaxis)
#' if(length(xaxis.names)!=length(xaxis)){
#' xaxis.names <- as.character(xaxis)
#' }
#' xaxis <-
#' names(xaxis) <- xaxis.names
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' ## convert height to npc number
#' feature$height <- convertHeight2NPCnum(feature$height)
#' ## multiple transcripts in one gene could be separated by featureLayerID
#' feature <- setFeatureLayerID(feature, ranges[[i]])
#' feature.splited <- split(feature, feature$featureLayerID)
#' ## bottomblank, the transcripts legend height
#' bottomblank <- plotFeatureLegend(feature, as.numeric(convertY(unit(1, "line"), "npc")),
#' ranges[[i]], xaxis,, label_on_feature)
#' ## get the max score and scoreType
#' if(length(SNPs$score)>0){
#' SNPs$score <- sapply(SNPs$score, mean) ## fix the bug of score is NumericList
#' }
#' scoreMax0 <- scoreMax <-
#' if(length(SNPs$score)>0) ceiling(max(c(SNPs$score, 1), na.rm=TRUE)) else 1
#' if(type=="pie.stack") scoreMax <- length(unique(SNPs$stack.factor))
#' if(!type %in% c("pie", "pie.stack")){
#' scoreType <-
#' if(length(SNPs$score)>0) all(floor(SNPs$score)==SNPs$score) else FALSE
#' if(length(yaxis)>1 && is.numeric(yaxis)){
#' if(length(names(yaxis))!=length(yaxis)){
#' names(yaxis) <- yaxis
#' }
#' scoreMax0 <- max(yaxis, scoreMax0)
#' scoreMax <- max(yaxis, scoreMax)
#' }
#' if(scoreMax>10) {
#' SNPs$score <- 10*SNPs$score/scoreMax
#' scoreMax <- 10*scoreMax0/scoreMax
#' scoreType <- FALSE
#' }else{
#' scoreMax <- scoreMax0
#' }
#' }else{
#' scoreType <- FALSE
#' }
#' ## if the type is caterpillar, there are lollipop in both sides
#' ## plot the bottom lollipops first. And push a new viewport
#' IsCaterpillar <- length(SNPs$SNPsideID) > 0
#' if(IsCaterpillar){
#' if(any($SNPsideID)) ||
#' !all(SNPs$SNPsideID %in% c('top', 'bottom'))){
#' warning("Not all SNPsideID is top or bottom")
#' IsCaterpillar <- FALSE
#' }
#' }
#' if(IsCaterpillar){
#' <- SNPs[SNPs$SNPsideID=='top']
#' SNPs.bottom <- SNPs[SNPs$SNPsideID=='bottom']
#' }else{
#' <- SNPs
#' SNPs.bottom <- GRanges()
#' }
#' if(length(SNPs.bottom)<1) IsCaterpillar <- FALSE
#' ## viewport of plot region
#' if(!IsCaterpillar){
#' bottomblank <- bottomblank
#' }
#' pushViewport(viewport(x=LINEW + .5, y=bottomblank/2 + .5,
#' width= 1 - 7*LINEW,
#' height= 1 - bottomblank,
#' xscale=c(start(ranges[[i]]), end(ranges[[i]])),
#' clip="off"))
#' ## plot xaxis
#' bottomHeight <- 0
#' if(IsCaterpillar){
#' ## total height == maxscore + extension + gap + labels
#' bottomHeight <- getHeight(SNPs=SNPs.bottom,
#' ratio.yx=ratio.yx,
#' cex=cex,
#' type=type,
#' scoreMax=scoreMax,
#' level="data&labels")
#' #bottomHeight <- bottomHeight/len
#' vp <- viewport(y=bottomHeight, just="bottom",
#' xscale=c(start(ranges[[i]]), end(ranges[[i]])))
#' pushViewport(vp)
#'$col <- "gray"
#' plot.grid.xaxis(xaxis,
#' popViewport()
#' }else{
#' plot.grid.xaxis(xaxis,
#' }
#' ## the baseline, the center of the first transcript
#' baseline <-
#' max(c(feature.splited[[1]]$height/2,
#' .0001)) + 0.2 * LINEH
#' baselineN <-
#' max(c(feature.splited[[length(feature.splited)]]$height/2,
#' .0001)) + 0.2 * LINEH
#' ##plot features
#' feature.height <- plotFeatures(feature.splited, LINEH, bottomHeight, label_on_feature)
#' if(length(SNPs.bottom)>0){
#' plotLollipops(SNPs.bottom, feature.height, bottomHeight, baselineN,
#' type, ranges[[i]], yaxis,, scoreMax, scoreMax0, scoreType,
#' LINEW, cex, ratio.yx, GAP, pin, dashline.col,
#' side="bottom", jitter=jitter)
#' }
#' feature.height <- feature.height + 2*GAP
#' if(length(>0){
#' plotLollipops(, feature.height, bottomHeight, baseline,
#' type, ranges[[i]], yaxis,, scoreMax, scoreMax0, scoreType,
#' LINEW, cex, ratio.yx, GAP, pin, dashline.col,
#' side="top", jitter=jitter)
#' }
#' ## legend
#' this.height <- getHeight(,
#' ratio.yx, LINEW, GAP, cex, type,
#' scoreMax=scoreMax,
#' level="data&labels")
#' this.height <- this.height + bottomHeight + feature.height
#' this.height <- plotLegend(legend[[i]], this.height, LINEH)
#' popViewport()
#' this.height <- bottomblank +
#' this.height * (1 - bottomblank)
#' ## ylab
#' if(length(yaxis)>1 && is.numeric(yaxis)){
#' x <- LINEW
#' }else{
#' x <- unit(3, "lines")
#' if(yaxis){
#' x <- LINEW
#' }
#' }
#' vp <- viewport(x=.5, y=this.height*0.5,
#' width=1, height=this.height)
#' pushViewport(vp)
#' if(is.logical(ylab)){
#' if(ylab && length(names(>0){
#' grid.text(names([i], x = x,
#' y = .5, rot = 90,
#' }
#' }
#' if(is.character(ylab)){
#' if(length(ylab)==1) ylab <- rep(ylab, len)
#' grid.text(ylab[i], x = x,
#' y = .5, rot = 90,
#' }
#' popViewport()
#' popViewport()
#' height0 <- height0 + this.height*height
#' }
#' }
#' return(invisible(height0))
#' }
#' # SNP <- c(10, 100, 105, 108, 400, 410, 420, 600, 700, 805, 840, 1400, 1402)
#' # x <-, length(SNP))
#' # <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges::IRanges(SNP, width=1, names=paste0("snp", SNP)),
#' # value1=x, value2=100-x)
#' #$color <- rep(list(c("red", 'blue')), length(SNP))
#' #$border <-, length(SNP), replace=TRUE)
#' # features <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges::IRanges(c(1, 501, 1001),
#' # width=c(120, 500, 405),
#' # names=paste0("block", 1:3)),
#' # color="black",
#' # fill=c("#FF8833", "#51C6E6", "#DFA32D"),
#' # height=c(0.1, 0.05, 0.08),
#' # label.parameter.rot=45)
#' # lolliplot(, features, type="pie")
#' #
#' ############### handle legend ####################
#' ## set the legend as a list,
#' ## if all the legend for different tracks is same
#' ## set draw legend for last track later
#' handleLegend <- function(legend, len, dat){
#' if(length(legend)>0){
#' if(is.character(legend)){
#' if(!missing(dat)){
#' if(is.list(dat)){
#' if(length(legend)<length(dat)){
#' legend <- rep(legend, length(dat))[seq_along(dat)]
#' }
#' }else{
#' dat <- list(dat)
#' legend <- legend[1]
#' }
#' para <- c("shape", "color", "border", "alpha")
#' preset <- list("circle", "white", "black", 1)
#' shapeMap <- c("circle"=21, "square"=22, "diamond"=23,
#' "triangle_point_up"=24, "triangle_point_down"=25)
#' names(preset) <- para
#' legend <- mapply(function(.legend, .dat){
#' coln <- colnames(mcols(.dat))
#' if(.legend %in% coln){
#' labels <- mcols(.dat)[, .legend]
#' gp <- lapply(para, function(.ele){
#' if(.ele %in% coln){
#' mcols(.dat)[, .ele]
#' }else{
#' rep(preset[[.ele]], length(.dat))
#' }
#' })
#' names(gp) <- para
#' names(gp)[names(gp)=="color"] <- "fill"
#' gp <-, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' gp <- cbind(labels=labels, gp)
#' gp[, "shape"] <- shapeMap[gp[, "shape"]]
#' names(gp)[names(gp)=="shape"] <- "pch"
#' gp <- gp[!duplicated(gp[, "labels"]), ]
#' gp <- gp[order(gp[, "labels"]), ]
#' gp <- as.list(gp)
#' }
#' }, legend, dat, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
#' }
#' }
#' if(!is.list(legend)){
#' tmp <- legend
#' legend <- vector(mode = "list", length = len)
#' legend[[len]] <- tmp
#' rm(tmp)
#' }else{
#' if(length(legend)==1){
#' tmp <- legend[[1]]
#' legend <- vector(mode = "list", length = len)
#' legend[[len]] <- tmp
#' rm(tmp)
#' }else{
#' if("labels" %in% names(legend)){
#' tmp <- legend
#' legend <- vector(mode = "list", length = len)
#' legend[[len]] <- tmp
#' rm(tmp)
#' }else{
#' if(length(legend)<len){
#' length(legend) <- len
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' return(legend)
#' }
#' ################ handle ranges #####################
#' ## if !missing(ranges) set ranges as feature ranges
#' handleRanges <- function(ranges,, features, len){
#' if(length(ranges)>0){
#' stopifnot(inherits(ranges, c("GRanges", "GRangesList", "list")))
#' if(is(ranges, "GRanges")){
#' if(length(ranges)==1){
#' ranges <- split(rep(ranges, len)[],
#' }else{
#' ranges <- split(rep(ranges, len),
#' rep(, each=len))[]
#' }
#' }else{## GRangesList
#' if(length(ranges)!=len){
#' ranges <- rep(ranges,[]
#' }
#' }
#' stopifnot(length(ranges)==len)
#' }else{
#' if(is(features, "GRanges")){
#' ranges <- split(range(unname(features), ignore.strand=TRUE)[rep(1, len)],
#' }else{
#' if(length(features)!=len){
#' stop("if both and features is GRangesList,",
#' " the lengthes of them should be identical.")
#' }
#' ranges <- GRangesList(lapply(features, function(.ele){
#' range(unname(.ele), ignore.strand=TRUE)}))
#' }
#' }
#' return(ranges)
#' }
#' ##cut all by the range
#' cutSNP <- function(, ranges, len){
#' if(is(ranges, "GRanges")){
#' for(i in{
#' range <- ranges[i]
#' stopifnot(all(width([[i]])==1))
#'[[i]] <- subsetByOverlaps([[i]], range, ignore.strand=FALSE)
#' }
#' }else{
#' if(inherits(ranges, c("GRangesList", "list"))){
#' for(i in{
#' range <- ranges[[i]]
#' stopifnot(all(width([[i]])==1))
#'[[i]] <- subsetByOverlaps([[i]], range, ignore.strand=FALSE)
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' return(
#' }
#' convertHeight2NPCnum <- function(.ele){
#' if(is(.ele, "unit")){
#' return(convertHeight(.ele, unitTo="npc", valueOnly=TRUE))
#' }else{
#' if(is.list(.ele)){
#' .ele <- sapply(.ele, function(.e){
#' if(is(.e, "unit")){
#' .e <- convertHeight(.e, unitTo="npc", valueOnly=TRUE)
#' }
#' .e[1]
#' })
#' return(unlist(.ele))
#' }else{
#' if(is.numeric(.ele)){
#' return(.ele)
#' }else{
#' if(is.integer(.ele)){
#' return(.ele)
#' }else{
#' return(.ele)
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' ## multiple transcripts in one gene could be separated by featureLayerID
#' setFeatureLayerID <- function(feature, range){
#' feature <- feature[end(feature)>=start(range) &
#' start(feature)<=end(range)]
#' if(length(feature$featureLayerID)!=length(feature)){
#' feature$featureLayerID <- rep("1", length(feature))
#' feature$featureLayerID <- as.character(feature$featureLayerID)
#' start(feature)[start(feature)<start(range)] <- start(range)
#' end(feature)[end(feature)>end(range)] <- end(range)
#' }
#' return(feature)
#' }
#' ## bottomblank, the transcripts legend height
#' plotFeatureLegend <- function(feature, LINEH, range, xaxis,, label_on_feature=FALSE){
#' if(label_on_feature) return(0)
#' if(length(xaxis)>1 || as.logical(xaxis[1])){
#' xaxisSpace <- 2
#' if(is.numeric($cex)) xaxisSpace <- 2*$cex
#' }else{
#' xaxisSpace <- 0
#' }
#' if(length(names(feature))>0){ ## features legend
#' feature.s <- feature[!duplicated(names(feature))]
#' cex <- if(length(unlist(feature.s$cex))==length(feature.s))
#' unlist(feature.s$cex) else 1
#' ncol <- getColNum(names(feature.s), cex=cex)
#' featureLegendSpace <- max(ceiling(length(names(feature.s)) / ncol) * cex + 1 )
#' pushViewport(viewport(x=.5, y=featureLegendSpace*LINEH/2,
#' width=1,
#' height=featureLegendSpace*LINEH,
#' xscale=c(start(range), end(range))))
#' color <- if(length(unlist(feature.s$color))==length(feature.s))
#' unlist(feature.s$color) else "black"
#' fill <- if(length(unlist(feature.s$fill))==length(feature.s))
#' unlist(feature.s$fill) else "black"
#' pch <- if(length(unlist(feature.s$pch))==length(feature.s))
#' unlist(feature.s$pch) else 22
#' grid.legend(label=names(feature.s), ncol=ncol,
#' byrow=TRUE, vgap=unit(.2, "lines"),
#' hgap=unit(.5, "lines"),
#' pch=pch,
#' gp=gpar(col=color, fill=fill, cex=cex))
#' popViewport()
#' }else{
#' featureLegendSpace <- 0
#' }
#' bottomblank <- (xaxisSpace + featureLegendSpace) * LINEH
#' return(bottomblank)
#' }
#' getColNum <- function(labels, spaces="WW", cex){
#' ncol <- floor(as.numeric(convertX(unit(1, "npc"), "line")) /
#' maxStringWidth(labels, spaces=spaces, cex) /
#' as.numeric(convertX(stringWidth("W"), "line")))
#' nrow <- ceiling(length(labels) / ncol)
#' ncol <- ceiling(length(labels) / nrow)
#' ncol
#' }
#' maxStringWidth <- function(labels, spaces="WW", cex){
#' max(as.numeric(convertX(stringWidth(paste0(labels, spaces)), "line"))*cex)
#' }
#' plot.grid.xaxis <- function(xaxis, gp=gpar(col="black")){
#' ## axis, should be in the bottom of transcripts
#' if(length(xaxis)==1 && as.logical(xaxis)) {
#' grid.xaxis(gp=gp)
#' }
#' if(length(xaxis)>1 && is.numeric(xaxis)){
#' xaxisLabel <- names(xaxis)
#' if(length(xaxisLabel)!=length(xaxis)) xaxisLabel <- TRUE
#' grid.xaxis(at=xaxis, label=xaxisLabel, gp=gp)
#' }
#' }
#' plotFeatures <- function(feature.splited, LINEH, bottomHeight,
#' label_on_feature=FALSE){
#' feature.height <- 0
#' for(n in seq_along(feature.splited)){
#' this.feature.height <-
#' max(c(feature.splited[[n]]$height/2,
#' .0001)) + 0.2 * LINEH
#' feature.height <- feature.height + this.feature.height
#' ##baseline
#' grid.lines(x=c(0, 1), y=c(bottomHeight+feature.height,
#' bottomHeight+feature.height))
#' for(m in seq_along(feature.splited[[n]])){
#' this.dat <- feature.splited[[n]][m]
#' color <- if(is.list(this.dat$color)) this.dat$color[[1]] else
#' this.dat$color
#' if(length(color)==0) color <- "black"
#' fill <- if(is.list(this.dat$fill)) this.dat$fill[[1]] else
#' this.dat$fill
#' if(length(fill)==0) fill <- "white"
#' this.cex <- if(length(this.dat$cex)>0) this.dat$cex[[1]][1] else 1
#' lwd <- if(length(this.dat$lwd)>0) this.dat$lwd[[1]][1] else 1
#' this.feature.height.m <-
#' if(length(this.dat$height)>0)
#' this.dat$height[[1]][1] else
#' 2*this.feature.height
#' grid.rect(x=start(this.dat)-.1, y=bottomHeight+feature.height,
#' width=width(this.dat)-.8,
#' height=this.feature.height.m,
#' just="left", gp=gpar(col=color, fill=fill, lwd=lwd),
#' default.units = "native")
#' if(label_on_feature & ![1])){
#' grid.text(x=(start(this.dat)+end(this.dat))/2,
#' y=bottomHeight+feature.height,
#' just = "centre",
#' label = names(this.dat)[1],
#' gp= gpar(list(cex=this.cex *
#' this.feature.height.m/
#' this.feature.height,
#' color=color)),
#' default.units = "native")
#' }
#' }
#' feature.height <- feature.height + this.feature.height
#' }
#' feature.height
#' }
#' plotLollipops <- function(SNPs, feature.height, bottomHeight, baseline,
#' type, ranges, yaxis,, scoreMax, scoreMax0, scoreType,
#' LINEW, cex, ratio.yx, GAP, pin, dashline.col,
#' side=c("top", "bottom"), jitter=c("node", "label"),
#' main=TRUE){
#' side <- match.arg(side)
#' jitter <- match.arg(jitter)
#' if(side=="top"){
#' pushViewport(viewport(y=bottomHeight,
#' height=1,
#' just="bottom",
#' xscale=c(start(ranges),
#' end(ranges)),
#' clip="off"))
#' }else{
#' pushViewport(viewport(y=bottomHeight+feature.height,
#' height=1,
#' just="top",
#' xscale=c(start(ranges),
#' end(ranges)),
#' yscale=c(1, 0),
#' clip="off"))
#' }
#' if(type=="pie.stack" && length(SNPs$stack.factor)>0){
#' stopifnot(is.vector(SNPs$stack.factor, mode="character"))
#' if(length(SNPs$stack.factor.order)>0 ||
#' length(SNPs$stack.factor.first)>0){
#' warning("stack.factor.order and stack.factor.first are used by this function!",
#' "The values in these column will be removed.")
#' }
#' ## condense the SNPs
#' stack.factors <- unique(as.character(SNPs$stack.factor))
#' stack.factors <- sort(stack.factors)
#' stack.factors.order <- seq_along(stack.factors)
#' names(stack.factors.order) <- stack.factors
#' SNPs <- SNPs[order(as.character(seqnames(SNPs)), start(SNPs),
#' as.character(SNPs$stack.factor))]
#' SNPs$stack.factor.order <- stack.factors.order[SNPs$stack.factor]
#' SNPs$stack.factor.first <- !duplicated(SNPs)
#' SNPs.condense <- SNPs
#' SNPs.condense$oid <- seq_along(SNPs)
#' SNPs.condense$factor <- paste(as.character(seqnames(SNPs)), start(SNPs), end(SNPs))
#' SNPs.condense <- split(SNPs.condense, SNPs.condense$factor)
#' SNPs.condense <- lapply(SNPs.condense, function(.ele){
#' .oid <- .ele$oid
#' .gr <- .ele[1]
#' mcols(.gr) <- NULL
#' .gr$oid <- NumericList(.oid)
#' .gr
#' })
#' SNPs.condense <- unlist(GRangesList(SNPs.condense), use.names = FALSE)
#' SNPs.condense <- sort(SNPs.condense)
#' lab.pos.condense <- jitterLables(start(SNPs.condense),
#' xscale=c(start(ranges), end(ranges)),
#' lineW=LINEW*cex)
#' lab.pos.condense <- reAdjustLabels(lab.pos.condense,
#' lineW=LINEW*cex)
#' condense.ids <- SNPs.condense$oid
#' lab.pos <- rep(lab.pos.condense, elementNROWS(condense.ids))
#' lab.pos <- lab.pos[order(unlist(condense.ids))]
#' }else{
#' lab.pos <- jitterLables(start(SNPs),
#' xscale=c(start(ranges), end(ranges)),
#' lineW=LINEW*cex)
#' lab.pos <- reAdjustLabels(lab.pos,
#' lineW=LINEW*cex)
#' }
#' if(length(SNPs)>0){
#' yaxisat <- NULL
#' yaxisLabel <- TRUE
#' if(length(yaxis)>1 && is.numeric(yaxis)){
#' yaxisat <- yaxis
#' if(length(names(yaxis))==length(yaxis)) yaxisLabel <- names(yaxis)
#' yaxis <- TRUE
#' }
#' if(yaxis && scoreMax>1 && !type %in% c("pie", "pie.stack")){
#' if(side=="top"){
#' grid.yaxis(at=yaxisat,
#' label=yaxisLabel,
#' main = main,
#' vp=viewport(x=.5+ifelse(main, -1, 1) *LINEW,
#' y=feature.height+5.25*GAP*cex+
#' scoreMax*LINEW*ratio.yx/2*cex,
#' width=1,
#' height=scoreMax*LINEW*ratio.yx*cex,
#' yscale=c(0, scoreMax0+.5)))
#' }else{
#' grid.yaxis(at=yaxisat,
#' label=yaxisLabel,
#' main = main,
#' vp=viewport(x=.5+ifelse(main, -1, 1) *LINEW,
#' y=1-(feature.height+5.25*GAP*cex+
#' scoreMax*LINEW*ratio.yx/2*cex),
#' width=1,
#' height=scoreMax*LINEW*ratio.yx*cex,
#' yscale=c(scoreMax0+.5, 0)))
#' }
#' }
#' if(length(SNPs$alpha)==length(SNPs)){
#' SNPs$alpha[$alpha)] <- 0
#' if(all(is.numeric(SNPs$alpha))){
#' if(any(SNPs$alpha>1)){## convert to 0-1
#' SNPs$alpha <- SNPs$alpha/max(SNPs$alpha)
#' }
#' }else{ ## not correct format.
#' SNPs$alpha <- as.numeric(factor(as.character(SNPs$alpha)))
#' SNPs$alpha <- (SNPs$alpha+max(SNPs$alpha))/max(SNPs$alpha)/2
#' }
#' }else{
#' SNPs$alpha <- NULL
#' }
#' if(type=="circle"){
#' if(length(SNPs$shape)==length(SNPs)){
#' ## shape could only be "circle", "square", "diamond", "triangle_point_up", "triangle_point_down"
#' if(!all(SNPs$shape %in% c("circle", "square", "diamond", "triangle_point_up", "triangle_point_down"))){
#' message('shape must be "circle", "square", "diamond", "triangle_point_up", or "triangle_point_down"')
#' SNPs$shape <- as.numeric(factor(SNPs$shape))
#' SNPs$shape <- rep(c("circle", "square", "diamond", "triangle_point_up", "triangle_point_down"),
#' max(SNPs$shape))[SNPs$shape]
#' }
#' }else{
#' SNPs$shape <- NULL
#' }
#' }
#' for(m in seq_along(SNPs)){
#' this.dat <- SNPs[m]
#' color <- if(is.list(this.dat$color)) this.dat$color[[1]] else this.dat$color
#' border <-
#' if(is.list(this.dat$border)) this.dat$border[[1]] else this.dat$border
#' fill <- if(is.list(this.dat$fill)) this.dat$fill[[1]] else this.dat$fill
#' alpha <- if(length(this.dat$alpha)>0) this.dat$alpha[[1]] else 1
#' lwd <- if(is.list(this.dat$lwd)) this.dat$lwd[[1]] else this.dat$lwd
#' id <- if(is.character(this.dat$label)) this.dat$label else NA
#' id.col <- if(length(this.dat$label.col)>0) this.dat$label.col else "black"
#' shape <- if(length(this.dat$shape)>0) this.dat$shape[[1]] else "circle"
#' rot <- if(length(this.dat$label.rot)>0) this.dat$label.rot else 15
#' this.cex <- if(length(this.dat$cex)>0) this.dat$cex[[1]][1] else 1
#' this.dashline.col <-
#' if(length(this.dat$dashline.col)>0) this.dat$dashline.col[[1]][1] else dashline.col
#' if(length(names(this.dat))<1) this.dashline.col <- NA
#' this.dat.mcols <- mcols(this.dat)
#' this.dat.mcols <- cleanDataMcols(this.dat.mcols, type)
#' grid.lollipop(x1=convertX(unit(start(this.dat), "native"), "npc",
#' valueOnly=TRUE),
#' y1=baseline,
#' x2=convertX(unit(ifelse(jitter=="node",
#' lab.pos[m],
#' start(this.dat)),
#' "native"), "npc", valueOnly=TRUE),
#' y2=feature.height,
#' y3=4*GAP*cex, y4=2.5*GAP*cex,
#' radius=LINEW*cex/2,
#' col=color,
#' border=border,
#' percent=this.dat.mcols,
#' edges=100,
#' type=type,
#' ratio.yx=ratio.yx,
#' pin=pin,
#' scoreMax=scoreMax * LINEW * cex,
#' scoreType=scoreType,
#' id=id, id.col=id.col,
#' cex=this.cex, lwd=lwd, dashline.col=this.dashline.col,
#' side=side, rot=rot, alpha=alpha, shape=shape)
#' }
#' this.height <- getHeight(SNPs,
#' ratio.yx, LINEW, GAP, cex, type,
#' scoreMax=scoreMax,
#' level="data")
#' labels.rot <- 90
#' if(length(names(SNPs))>0){
#' if(type=="pie.stack"){
#' ## unique lab.pos and SNPs
#' idx <- !duplicated(names(SNPs))
#' lab.pos <- lab.pos[idx]
#' SNPs <- SNPs[idx]
#' }
#' labels.x <- lab.pos
#' labels.text <- names(SNPs)
#' labels.just <- ifelse(side=="top", "left", "right")
#' labels.hjust <- NULL
#' labels.vjust <- NULL
#' labels.check.overlap <- FALSE
#' labels.default.units <- "native"
#' <- gpar(cex=cex)
#' ## change the parameter by use definations.
#' for(label.parameter in c("x", "y", "just", "hjust", "vjust",
#' "rot", "check.overlap", "default.units",
#' "gp")){
#' label.para <- paste0("label.parameter.", label.parameter)
#' if(label.para %in% colnames(mcols(SNPs))){
#' assign(paste0("labels.", label.parameter),
#' mcols(SNPs)[, label.para])
#' }
#' }
#' if(!"cex" %in% names({
#' <- c(, cex=cex)
#' }
#' mergeList <- function(.ele){
#' .n <- unique(unlist(lapply(.ele, names)))
#' .out <- list()
#' if(length(.n)>0){
#' for(.name in .n){
#' .out[[.name]] <- sapply(.ele, function(.e){
#' if(.name %in% names(.e)){
#' .e[[.name]][1]
#' }else{
#' NA
#' }
#' })
#' }
#' }else{
#' .n <- unique(names(.ele))
#' for(.name in .n){
#' .out[[.name]] <- unlist(.ele[names(.ele) %in% .name])
#' }
#' }
#' .out
#' }
#' <- mergeList(
#'[duplicated(names(] <- NULL
#' <-,
#' if(jitter=="label"){
#' ## add guide lines
#' rased.height <- 4*GAP*cex
#' guide.height <- 2.5*GAP*cex
#' for(i in seq_along(SNPs)){
#' this.dashline.col <-
#' if(length(SNPs[i]$dashline.col)>0)
#' SNPs[i]$dashline.col[[1]][1] else
#' dashline.col
#' if(length(names(SNPs[i]))<1) this.dashline.col <- NA
#' grid.lines(x=c(start(SNPs[i]), labels.x[i]),
#' y=c(this.height+feature.height-cex*LINEW,
#' this.height+feature.height+rased.height),
#' default.units = labels.default.units,
#' gp=gpar(col=this.dashline.col, lty=3))
#' grid.lines(x=c(labels.x[i], labels.x[i]),
#' y=c(this.height+rased.height+feature.height,
#' this.height+rased.height+
#' guide.height+feature.height),
#' default.units = labels.default.units,
#' gp=gpar(col=this.dashline.col, lty=3))
#' }
#' ## add this height
#' this.height <- this.height + rased.height + guide.height
#' }
#' grid.text(x=labels.x, y=this.height + feature.height,
#' label = labels.text,
#' just = labels.just,
#' hjust = labels.hjust,
#' vjust = labels.vjust,
#' rot=labels.rot,
#' check.overlap = labels.check.overlap,
#' default.units = labels.default.units,
#' }
#' }
#' popViewport()
#' }
#' jitterLables <- function(coor, xscale, lineW, weight=1.2){
#' if(weight==1.2) {
#' stopifnot("Please sort your inputs by start position"=
#' order(coor)==1:length(coor))
#' }
#' if(weight<0.5) return(coor)
#' stopifnot(length(xscale)==2)
#' pos <- convertX(unit(coor, "native"), "npc", valueOnly=TRUE)
#' pos.diff <- diff(c(0, pos, 1))
#' idx <- which(pos.diff < weight*lineW)
#' if(length(idx)<1){
#' return(coor)
#' }
#' if(all(idx %in% c(1, length(pos)+1))){
#' return(coor)
#' }
#' idx.diff <- diff(c(-1, idx))
#' idx.grp <- rle(idx.diff)
#' idx.grp$values[idx.grp$values==1] <- length(pos) + 1:sum(idx.grp$values==1)
#' idx.grp <- inverse.rle(idx.grp)
#' idx.grp.w <- which(idx.grp>length(pos))-1
#' idx.grp.w <- idx.grp.w[idx.grp.w>0]
#' idx.grp[idx.grp.w] <- idx.grp[idx.grp.w+1]
#' idx.grp <- split(idx, idx.grp)
#' flag <- as.numeric(names(idx.grp))>length(pos)
#' idx.grp.mul <- lapply(idx.grp[flag], function(.ele){
#' c(.ele[1]-1, .ele)
#' })
#' idx.grp.sin <- lapply(idx.grp[!flag], function(.ele){
#' lapply(as.list(.ele), function(.ele){c(.ele-1, .ele)})
#' })
#' idx.grp.sin <- unlist(idx.grp.sin, recursive = FALSE)
#' idx.grp <- c(idx.grp.mul, idx.grp.sin)
#' adj.pos <- lapply(idx.grp, function(.ele){
#' .ele <- .ele[.ele>0 & .ele<=length(pos)]
#' this.pos <- pos[.ele]
#' names(this.pos) <- .ele
#' if(length(this.pos)%%2==1){
#' center <- ceiling(length(this.pos)/2)
#' }else{
#' center <- length(this.pos)/2 + .5
#' }
#' if(length(this.pos)>5){ ## too much, how to jitter?
#' this.pos <- this.pos +
#' ((1:length(this.pos))-center) * (weight-.1) *
#' lineW/ceiling(log(length(this.pos), 5))
#' }else{
#' this.pos <- this.pos +
#' ((1:length(this.pos))-center) * (weight-.1) * lineW
#' }
#' this.pos
#' })
#' names(adj.pos) <- NULL
#' adj.pos <- unlist(adj.pos)
#' coor[as.numeric(names(adj.pos))] <- adj.pos*diff(xscale)+xscale[1]
#' Recall(coor, xscale=xscale, lineW=lineW, weight=weight-0.2)
#' }
#' reAdjustLabels <- function(coor, lineW){
#' # resort
#' coor <- sort(coor)
#' bins <- ceiling(1/lineW)
#' pos <- convertX(unit(coor, "native"), "npc", valueOnly=TRUE)
#' pos.bin <- cut(pos, c(-Inf, (0:bins)*lineW, Inf), labels=0:(bins+1), right=FALSE)
#' ## split the coors by into clusters
#' ## give the clusters with more idx more spaces if there are spaces between clusters
#' tbl <- table(pos.bin)
#' if(all(tbl<2)) return(coor)
#' tbl.len <- length(tbl)
#' if(tbl.len<3) return(coor)
#' loops <- 1000
#' loop <- 1
#' while(any(tbl==0) && any(tbl>1) && loop < loops){
#' tbl.bk <- tbl
#' for(i in order(tbl.bk, decreasing=TRUE)){
#' if(tbl[i]>1 && tbl.bk[i]==tbl[i]){
#' if(i==1){
#' if(tbl[2]<tbl[1]){
#' half <- sum(tbl[1:2])/2
#' tbl[2] <- ceiling(half)
#' tbl[1] <- floor(half)
#' }
#' }else{
#' if(i==tbl.len){
#' if(tbl[tbl.len]>tbl[tbl.len-1]){
#' half <- sum(tbl[(tbl.len-1):tbl.len])/2
#' tbl[tbl.len-1] <- ceiling(half)
#' tbl[tbl.len] <- floor(half)
#' }
#' }else{
#' if(tbl[i-1]<tbl[i+1]){
#' ## i-1 and i should be balanced
#' half <- sum(tbl[(i-1):i])/2
#' tbl[i-1] <- floor(half)
#' tbl[i] <- ceiling(half)
#' }else{
#' half <- sum(tbl[i:(i+1)])/2
#' tbl[i] <- floor(half)
#' tbl[i+1] <- ceiling(half)
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' loop <- loop + 1
#' }
#' coef <- unlist(lapply(tbl, function(.ele){
#' if(.ele==0) return(0)
#' .ele <- seq(from=0, to=1, length.out=.ele+1)
#' (.ele[-length(.ele)] + .ele[-1])/2
#' }))
#' coef <- coef[coef!=0]
#' coor <- (rep(as.numeric(names(tbl)), tbl) - 1 + coef) * lineW
#' coor <- convertX(unit(coor, "npc"), "native", valueOnly=TRUE)
#' coor
#' }
#' cleanDataMcols <- function(this.dat.mcols, type){
#' this.dat.mcols <-
#' this.dat.mcols[,
#' !colnames(this.dat.mcols) %in%
#' c("color", "fill", "lwd", "id",
#' "cex", "dashline.col",
#' "id.col", "stack.factor", "SNPsideID",
#' "shape", "alpha"),
#' drop=FALSE]
#' if(type!="pie.stack"){
#' this.dat.mcols <-
#' this.dat.mcols[, !colnames(this.dat.mcols) %in%
#' c("stack.factor.order",
#' "stack.factor.first"),
#' drop=FALSE]
#' }
#' this.dat.mcols <-
#' this.dat.mcols[, !grepl("^label.parameter",
#' colnames(this.dat.mcols)),
#' drop=FALSE]
#' return(this.dat.mcols)
#' }
#' grid.lollipop <- function (x1=.5, y1=.5,
#' x2=.5, y2=.75,
#' y3=.04, y4=.02,
#' radius=.8,
#' col=NULL,
#' border=NULL,
#' percent=NULL,
#' edges=100,
#' type=c("circle", "pie", "pin", "pie.stack", "flag"),
#' ratio.yx=1,
#' pin=NULL,
#' scoreMax,
#' scoreType,
#' id=NA, id.col="black",
#' cex=1, lwd=1,
#' dashline.col="gray80",
#' side=c("top", "bottom"),
#' rot=15,
#' alpha=NULL,
#' shape=shape){
#' side <- match.arg(side)
#' stopifnot(is.numeric(c(x1, x2, y1, y2, y3, y4, radius, edges)))
#' type <- match.arg(type)
#' side <- side!="top"
#' if(!type %in% c("pie", "pie.stack")){
#' this.score <- if(length(percent$score)>0) max(percent$score, 1) else 1
#' if(type=="circle"){
#' y0 <- c(y1, y2, y2+y3, y2+y3+y4+(this.score-1)*2*radius*ratio.yx+(1-cex)*radius*ratio.yx)
#' if(scoreType) y0[4] <- y2+y3+y4
#' if(side) y0 <- 1 - y0
#' grid.lines(x=c(x1, x1, x2, x2), y=y0,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, lwd=lwd))
#' y0 <- c(y2+y3+y4+this.score*2*radius*ratio.yx,
#' y2+y3+y4+scoreMax*ratio.yx)
#' if(scoreType) y0[1] <- y2+y3+y4+this.score*2*radius*ratio.yx*cex
#' if(side) y0 <- 1 - y0
#' grid.lines(x=c(x2, x2),
#' y=y0,
#' gp=gpar(col=dashline.col, lty=3, lwd=lwd))
#' }else{
#' y0 <- c(y1, y2, y2+y3, y2+y3+y4+(this.score-.5)*2*radius*ratio.yx)
#' if(side) y0 <- 1 - y0
#' grid.lines(x=c(x1, x1, x2, x2), y=y0,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, lwd=lwd))
#' }
#' }else{
#' if(type=="pie.stack"){
#' if(percent$stack.factor.first){
#' y0 <- c(y1, y2, y2+y3, y2+y3+y4)
#' if(side) y0 <- 1 - y0
#' grid.lines(x=c(x1, x1, x2, x2), y=y0,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, lwd=lwd))
#' y0 <- c(y2+y3+y4, y2+y3+y4+scoreMax*ratio.yx)
#' if(side) y0 <- 1 - y0
#' grid.lines(x=c(x2, x2),
#' y=y0,
#' gp=gpar(col=dashline.col, lty=3, lwd=lwd))
#' }
#' }else{
#' y0 <- c(y1, y2, y2+y3, y2+y3+y4)
#' if(side) y0 <- 1 - y0
#' grid.lines(x=c(x1, x1, x2, x2), y=y0,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, lwd=lwd))
#' }
#' }
#' if(length(pin)>0){
#' if(length(border)>0) pin@paths[[2]]@rgb <- rgb2hex(col2rgb(border[1]))
#' if(length(col)>0) pin@paths[[1]]@rgb <- rgb2hex(col2rgb(col[1]))
#' if(length(col)>1) pin@paths[[3]]@rgb <- rgb2hex(col2rgb(col[2]))
#' }
#' switch(type,
#' circle={
#' if(length(border)==0) border <- "black"
#' if(length(col)==0) col <- "white"
#' if(scoreType){
#' for(i in 1:this.score){
#' y0 <- y2+y3+y4+2*radius*ratio.yx*(i-.5)*cex
#' if(side) y0 <- 1 - y0
#' switch(shape, #"circle", "square", "diamond", "triangle_point_up", "star", or "triangle_point_down"
#' circle=grid.circle1(x=x2, y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)),
#' square=grid.square(x=x2, y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)),
#' diamond=grid.diamond(x=x2, y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)),
#' triangle_point_up=grid.triangle_point_up(x=x2, y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)),
#' triangle_point_down=grid.triangle_point_down(x=x2, y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)),
#', y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)),
#' grid.circle1(x=x2, y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)))
#' }
#' }else{
#' y0 <- y2+y3+(this.score-.5)*2*radius*ratio.yx+y4
#' if(side) y0 <- 1 - y0
#' switch(shape,
#' circle=grid.circle1(x=x2, y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)),
#' square=grid.square(x=x2, y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)),
#' diamond=grid.diamond(x=x2, y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)),
#' triangle_point_up=grid.triangle_point_up(x=x2, y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)),
#' triangle_point_down=grid.triangle_point_down(x=x2, y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)),
#', y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)),
#' grid.circle1(x=x2, y=y0,
#' r=radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' gp=gpar(col=border, fill=col, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)))
#' if(!{
#' y0 <- y2+y3+(this.score-.5)*2*radius*ratio.yx+y4
#' if(side) y0 <- 1 - y0
#' grid.text(label=id, x=x2,
#' y=y0,
#' just="centre", gp=gpar(col=id.col, cex=.75*cex))
#' }
#' }
#' },
#' pie={
#' y0 <- y2+y3+y4+radius*ratio.yx
#' if(side) y0 <- 1 - y0
#' grid.pie(x=x2, y=y0,
#' radius = radius*cex,
#' col = col,
#' border = border,
#' percent=percent,
#' edges=edges,
#' lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)
#' },
#' pie.stack={
#' y0 <- y2+y3+y4+(2*percent$stack.factor.order-1)*radius*ratio.yx
#' if(side) y0 <- 1 - y0
#' grid.pie(x=x2,
#' y=y0,
#' radius = radius*cex,
#' col = col,
#' border = border,
#' percent=percent[, !colnames(percent) %in%
#' c("stack.factor.order",
#' "stack.factor.first")],
#' edges=edges,
#' lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)
#' },
#' pin={
#' y0 <- y2+y3+(this.score-.5)*2*radius*ratio.yx+y4/2
#' if(side) y0 <- 1 - y0
#' grid.picture(picture=pin, x=x2,
#' y=y0,
#' width=2*radius*ratio.yx*cex,
#' height=3*radius*ratio.yx*cex+y4)
#' if(!{
#' y0 <- y2+y3+(this.score-.25)*2*radius*ratio.yx+2*y4/3
#' grid.text(label=id, x=x2,
#' y=y0,
#' just="centre", gp=gpar(col=id.col, cex=.5*cex))
#' }
#' },
#' flag={
#' if({
#' id <- " "
#' }
#' LINEH <- as.numeric(convertY(unit(1, "line"), "npc"))*cex
#' y0 <- y2+y3+(this.score-.5)*2*radius*ratio.yx+y4/2
#' if(side) y0 <- 1 - y0
#' LINEW <- as.numeric(convertX(stringWidth(paste0("o", id, "u")), "npc"))*cex
#' LINEW <- LINEW * sign(cos(pi*rot/180))
#' LINEH0 <- LINEW*ratio.yx*tan(pi*rot/180)
#' grid.polygon(x=c(x2, x2+LINEW, x2+LINEW, x2),
#' y=c(y0, y0+LINEH0, y0+LINEH0+LINEH*1.25, y0+LINEH*1.25),
#' gp=gpar(fill=col, col=border, alpha=alpha))
#' grid.text(label=id, x=x2+LINEW*.5,
#' y=y0 + LINEH*.625+LINEH0*.5,
#' hjust=.5, vjust=.5,
#' gp=gpar(col=id.col, cex=cex),
#' rot=rot)
#' },
#' grid.pie(x=x2, y=y2+y3+y4+radius*ratio.yx,
#' radius = radius*cex,
#' col = col,
#' border = border,
#' percent=percent,
#' edges=edges,
#' lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha))
#' }
#' grid.pie <- function (x=.5, y=.5,
#' radius=.8,
#' col=NULL,
#' border=NULL,
#' percent=NULL,
#' edges=100,
#' lwd=1,
#' alpha=1) {
#' if(length(percent)>0) percent <- unlist(percent[, sapply(percent, is.numeric)])
#' if(length(percent)<1){
#' percent <- 1
#' }
#' percent <- c(0, cumsum(percent)/sum(percent))
#' if(any({
#' warning("There are events with NA number after calculating the percentage.",
#' "Please make sure all the events must contain at least one values greater than 0")
#' percent[] <- 0
#' }
#' dx <- diff(percent)
#' nx <- length(dx)
#' if (is.null(col))
#' col <- c("white", "lightblue", "mistyrose", "lightcyan",
#' "lavender", "cornsilk")
#' if (!is.null(col))
#' col <- rep_len(col, nx)
#' if (!is.null(border))
#' border <- rep_len(border, nx)
#' twopi <- 2 * pi
#' ratio.yx <- 1/as.numeric(convertX(unit(1, "snpc"), "npc"))
#' t2xy <- function(t) {
#' t2p <- twopi * t + pi/2
#' list(x = radius * cos(t2p), y = radius * sin(t2p) * ratio.yx)
#' }
#' for (i in 1L:nx) {
#' n <- max(2, floor(edges * dx[i]))
#' P <- t2xy([i], percent[i + 1], length.out = n))
#' grid.polygon(unit(c(P$x, 0)+x,"npc"), unit(c(P$y, 0)+y, "npc"), gp=gpar(col = border[i], fill = col[i], lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha))
#' }
#' invisible(NULL)
#' }
#' getHeight <- function(SNPs, ratio.yx, LINEW, GAP, cex, type, scoreMax,
#' level=c("data", "data&labels")){
#' level=match.arg(level)
#' stack.factors <- unique(as.character(SNPs$stack.factor))
#' stack.factors <- sort(stack.factors)
#' if(level=="data"){
#' switch(type,
#' circle={
#' labels.y <- LINEW + # add gaps for labels
#' 6.5*GAP*cex +
#' scoreMax * LINEW * ratio.yx*cex
#' },
#' pin={
#' if(length(SNPs$score)>0) {
#' this.scores <- ceiling(SNPs$score)
#' }else {
#' this.scores <- .5
#' }
#' this.scores[] <- .5
#' labels.y <- LINEW +
#' 6.5*GAP*cex +
#' (this.scores-0.5) * LINEW * ratio.yx*cex
#' },
#' pie={
#' labels.y <- LINEW*max(ratio.yx, 1.2) +
#' 6.5*GAP*cex + 0.5 * LINEW * ratio.yx * cex
#' },
#' pie.stack={
#' labels.y <- LINEW +
#' 6.5*GAP*cex +
#' (scoreMax-0.5) * LINEW * ratio.yx*cex
#' },
#' flag={
#' labels.y <- LINEW +
#' 6.5*GAP*cex +
#' scoreMax * LINEW * ratio.yx*cex
#' })
#' labels.y
#' }else{
#' if(length(SNPs$label.parameter.rot)>0) {
#' labels.rot <- SNPs$label.parameter.rot
#' }else{
#' labels.rot <- 90
#' }
#' labels.cex <- 1
#' if(length(SNPs$>0){
#' if(length(SNPs$$cex)>0)
#' labels.cex <- SNPs$$cex[[1]][1]
#' }
#' labels.length.rate <- labels.cex * max(cospi((labels.rot-90)/180), 0) * ratio.yx
#' stringH <- as.numeric(convertY(stringHeight("W"), "npc"))
#' switch(type,
#' circle={
#' if(length(names(SNPs))>0){
#' maxStrHeight <-
#' max(as.numeric(
#' convertX(stringWidth(names(SNPs)), "npc")
#' ))+stringH
#' }else{
#' maxStrHeight <- 0
#' }
#' maxStrHeight <- maxStrHeight * labels.length.rate
#' ypos <- LINEW + 6.5*GAP*cex +
#' scoreMax * LINEW * ratio.yx*cex + maxStrHeight
#' },
#' pin={
#' if(length(names(SNPs))>0){
#' thisStrHeight <- max(as.numeric(
#' convertX(stringWidth(names(SNPs)), "npc")) ) +
#' stringH
#' }else{
#' thisStrHeight <- 0
#' }
#' thisStrHeight <- thisStrHeight * labels.length.rate
#' if(length(SNPs$score)>0){
#' ypos <-
#' max(LINEW +
#' 6.5*GAP*cex +
#' (SNPs$score-0.5) * LINEW * ratio.yx*cex +
#' thisStrHeight)
#' }else{
#' ypos <- max(LINEW*max(ratio.yx, 1.2) +
#' 6.5*GAP*cex + thisStrHeight)
#' }
#' },
#' pie={
#' if(length(names(SNPs))>0){
#' maxStrHeight <-
#' max(as.numeric(
#' convertX(stringWidth(names(SNPs)), "npc")
#' ))+stringH
#' }else{
#' maxStrHeight <- 0
#' }
#' maxStrHeight <- maxStrHeight * labels.length.rate
#' ypos <- LINEW +
#' 6.5*GAP*cex + maxStrHeight
#' },
#' pie.stack={
#' if(length(names(SNPs))>0){
#' maxStrHeight <-
#' max(as.numeric(
#' convertX(stringWidth(names(SNPs)), "npc")
#' ))+stringH
#' }else{
#' maxStrHeight <- 0
#' }
#' maxStrHeight <- maxStrHeight * labels.length.rate
#' ypos <- LINEW +
#' 6.5*GAP*cex + maxStrHeight +
#' (scoreMax-0.5) * LINEW * ratio.yx*cex
#' },
#' flag={
#' if(length(names(SNPs))>0){
#' maxStrHeight <-
#' max(as.numeric(
#' convertX(stringWidth(names(SNPs)), "npc")
#' ))+stringH
#' }else{
#' maxStrHeight <- 0
#' }
#' maxStrHeight <- maxStrHeight * labels.length.rate
#' ypos <- LINEW + 6.5*GAP*cex +
#' scoreMax * LINEW * ratio.yx*cex + maxStrHeight
#' }
#' )
#' ypos
#' }
#' }
#' plotLegend <- function(legend, this.height, LINEH){
#' ypos <- this.height
#' pch <- 21
#' if(length(legend)>0){
#' if(is.list(legend)){
#' thisLabels <- legend[["labels"]]
#' if("pch" %in% names(legend)) pch <- legend[["pch"]]
#' gp <- legend[!names(legend) %in% c("labels", "pch")]
#' if(is.null(gp$cex)) gp$cex <- 1
#' class(gp) <- "gpar"
#' }else{
#' thisLabels <- names(legend)
#' gp <- gpar(fill=legend, cex=1)
#' }
#' if(length(thisLabels)>0){
#' ncol <- getColNum(thisLabels, cex=gp$cex)
#' topblank <- ceiling(length(thisLabels) / ncol) * gp$cex[1]
#' pushViewport(viewport(x=.5,
#' y=ypos+(topblank+.2*gp$cex[1])*LINEH/2,
#' width=1,
#' height=topblank*LINEH,
#' just="bottom"))
#' this.height <- ypos + (topblank+.2*gp$cex[1])*LINEH
#' grid.legend(label=thisLabels, ncol=ncol,
#' byrow=TRUE, vgap=unit(.1*gp$cex[1], "lines"),
#' hgap=unit(.5*gp$cex[1], "lines"),
#' pch=pch,
#' gp=gp)
#' popViewport()
#' }
#' }
#' this.height + LINEH
#' }
#' #"circle", "square", "diamond", "triangle_point_up", "star", or "triangle point_down"
#' grid.circle1 <- function(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, r = 0.5,
#' default.units = "npc", name = NULL,
#' gp = gpar(), draw = TRUE, vp = NULL){
#' fill <- gp$fill
#' col <- gp$col
#' lwd <- if(length(gp$lwd)>0) gp$lwd else 1
#' alpha <- gp$alpha
#' if(is.null(fill)) fill <- "white"
#' twopi <- 2 * pi
#' ratio.yx <- 1/as.numeric(convertX(unit(1, "snpc"), "npc"))
#' t2xy <- function(t) {
#' t2p <- twopi * t + pi/2
#' list(x = r * cos(t2p)/ratio.yx, y = r * sin(t2p))
#' }
#' P <- t2xy(, 1, length.out = 100))
#' invisible(grid.polygon(unit(P$x+x,"npc"), unit(P$y+y, "npc"),
#' gp=gpar(col = col, fill = fill, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)))
#' }
#' grid.diamond <- function(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, r = 0.5,
#' default.units = "npc", name = NULL,
#' gp = gpar(), draw = TRUE, vp = NULL){
#' fill <- gp$fill
#' col <- gp$col
#' lwd <- if(length(gp$lwd)>0) gp$lwd else 1
#' alpha <- gp$alpha
#' if(is.null(fill)) fill <- "white"
#' ratio.yx <- 1/as.numeric(convertX(unit(1, "snpc"), "npc"))
#' P <-
#' list(x = c(0, r/ratio.yx, 0, -r/ratio.yx),
#' y = c(-r, 0, r, 0))
#' invisible(grid.polygon(unit(P$x+x,"npc"), unit(P$y+y, "npc"),
#' gp=gpar(col = col, fill = fill, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)))
#' }
#' grid.triangle_point_up <- function(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, r = 0.5,
#' default.units = "npc", name = NULL,
#' gp = gpar(), draw = TRUE, vp = NULL){
#' fill <- gp$fill
#' col <- gp$col
#' lwd <- if(length(gp$lwd)>0) gp$lwd else 1
#' alpha <- gp$alpha
#' if(is.null(fill)) fill <- "white"
#' ratio.yx <- 1/as.numeric(convertX(unit(1, "snpc"), "npc"))
#' P <-
#' list(x = c(-r/ratio.yx, r/ratio.yx, 0, -r/ratio.yx),
#' y = c(-r, -r, r, -r))
#' invisible(grid.polygon(unit(P$x+x,"npc"), unit(P$y+y, "npc"),
#' gp=gpar(col = col, fill = fill, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)))
#' }
#' grid.triangle_point_down <- function(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, r = 0.5,
#' default.units = "npc", name = NULL,
#' gp = gpar(), draw = TRUE, vp = NULL){
#' fill <- gp$fill
#' col <- gp$col
#' lwd <- if(length(gp$lwd)>0) gp$lwd else 1
#' alpha <- gp$alpha
#' if(is.null(fill)) fill <- "white"
#' ratio.yx <- 1/as.numeric(convertX(unit(1, "snpc"), "npc"))
#' P <-
#' list(x = c(-r/ratio.yx, r/ratio.yx, 0, -r/ratio.yx),
#' y = c(r, r, -r, r))
#' invisible(grid.polygon(unit(P$x+x,"npc"), unit(P$y+y, "npc"),
#' gp=gpar(col = col, fill = fill, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)))
#' }
#' <- function(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, r = 0.5,
#' default.units = "npc", name = NULL,
#' gp = gpar(), draw = TRUE, vp = NULL){
#' fill <- gp$fill
#' col <- gp$col
#' lwd <- if(length(gp$lwd)>0) gp$lwd else 1
#' alpha <- gp$alpha
#' if(is.null(fill)) fill <- "white"
#' ratio.yx <- 1/as.numeric(convertX(unit(1, "snpc"), "npc"))
#' i <- 1:11
#' angle <- 180
#' alpha <- 2*pi / 10
#' r <- r * (i %% 2 + 1)/2
#' omega <- alpha * i + angle * pi /180
#' invisible(grid.polygon(unit(r*sin(omega)/ratio.yx+x,"npc"),
#' unit(r*cos(omega)+y, "npc"),
#' gp=gpar(col = col, fill = fill, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)))
#' }
#' rgb2hex <- function(x){
#' hex <- function(a) format(as.hexmode(a), width=2,
#' if(length(x==3))
#' paste0("#",hex(x[1]),hex(x[2]),hex(x[3]))
#' else
#' paste0("#",hex(x[1]),hex(x[2]),hex(x[3]),hex(x[4]))
#' }
#' grid.square <- function(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, r = 0.5,
#' default.units = "npc", name = NULL,
#' gp = gpar(), draw = TRUE, vp = NULL){
#' fill <- gp$fill
#' col <- gp$col
#' lwd <- if(length(gp$lwd)>0) gp$lwd else 1
#' alpha <- gp$alpha
#' if(is.null(fill)) fill <- "white"
#' ratio.yx <- 1/as.numeric(convertX(unit(1, "snpc"), "npc"))
#' invisible(grid.rect(unit(x,"npc"), unit(y, "npc"),
#' width = unit(r*2/ratio.yx, "npc"),
#' height = unit(r*2, "npc"),
#' gp=gpar(col = col, fill = fill, lwd=lwd, alpha=alpha)))
#' }
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