
Defines functions read_plink

Documented in read_plink

#' Read genotype and sample data in a Plink BED/BIM/FAM file set.
#' This function reads a genotype matrix (`X`, encoded as reference allele dosages) and its associated locus (`bim`) and individual (`fam`) data tables in the three Plink files in BED, BIM, and FAM formats, respectively.
#' All inputs must exist or an error is thrown.
#' This function is a wrapper around the more basic functions
#' [read_bed()],
#' [read_bim()],
#' [read_fam()],
#' which simplifies data parsing and additionally better guarantees data integrity.
#' Below suppose there are `m` loci and `n` individuals.
#' @param file Input file path, without extensions (each of .bed, .bim, .fam extensions will be added automatically as needed).
#' Alternatively, input file path may have .bed extension (but not .bim, .fam, or other extensions).
#' @param verbose If `TRUE` (default), function reports the paths of the files being read (after autocompleting the extensions).
#' @return A named list with items in this order: `X` (genotype matrix, see description in return value of [read_bed()]), `bim` (tibble, see [read_bim()]), `fam` (tibble, see [read_fam()]).
#' `X` has row and column names corresponding to the `id` values of the `bim` and `fam` tibbles.
#' @examples
#' # to read "data.bed" etc, run like this:
#' # obj <- read_plink("data")
#' # this also works
#' # obj <- read_plink("data.bed")
#' #
#' # you get a list with these three items:
#' # genotypes
#' # obj$X
#' # locus annotations
#' # obj$bim
#' # individual annotations
#' # obj$fam
#' # The following example is more awkward
#' # because package sample data has to be specified in this weird way:
#' # first get path to BED file
#' file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.bed', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
#' # read genotypes and annotation tables
#' plink_data <- read_plink(file)
#' # genotypes
#' plink_data$X
#' # locus annotations
#' plink_data$bim
#' # individual annotations
#' plink_data$fam
#' # the same works without .bed extension
#' file <- sub('\\.bed$', '', file) # remove extension
#' # it works!
#' plink_data <- read_plink(file)
#' @seealso
#' [read_bed()],
#' [read_bim()], and
#' [read_fam()]
#' for individual parsers of each input table, including a description of each object returned.
#' [geno_to_char()] for translating numerical genotypes into more human-readable character encodings.
#' Plink BED/BIM/FAM format reference:
#' <https://www.cog-genomics.org/plink/1.9/formats>
#' @export
read_plink <- function(file, verbose = TRUE) {
    # die if things are missing
    if (missing(file))
        stop('Input file path is required!')

    # remove bed extension if present
    file <- sub('\\.bed$', '', file)
    # before wasting time parsing, check that all required files are present
    # first read annotation tables
    bim <- read_bim(file, verbose = verbose)
    fam <- read_fam(file, verbose = verbose)

    # read genotypes, using the above data dimensions
    X <- read_bed(
        file = file,
        names_loci = bim$id,
        names_ind = fam$id,
        verbose = verbose
    # returned desired named list with all data
            X = X,
            bim = bim,
            fam = fam

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genio documentation built on Jan. 7, 2023, 1:12 a.m.