
Defines functions ss.calc

Documented in ss.calc

#' Function to Calculate Sample Size
#' Calculates the necessary sample size to achieve the specified level of power to detect an odds ratio, OR, with type 1 error rate, Alpha
#' @param power Vector of the desired power(s)
#' @param Case.Rate Vector of the proportion(s) of cases in the sample (cases/(cases + controls)).  Either k or Case.Rate must be specified.
#' @param k Vector of the number of controls per case. Either k or Case.Rate must be specified.
#' @param Alpha the desired type 1 error rate(s)
#' @param MAF Vector of minor allele frequencies
#' @param OR Vector of odds ratios to detect
#' @param True.Model A vector specifying the true underlying genetic model(s): 'Dominant', 'Additive', 'Recessive' or 'All'
#' @param Test.Model A vector specifying the assumed genetic model(s) used in testing: 'Dominant', 'Additive', 'Recessive' or 'All'
#' @return A data frame including the total number of subjects required for all combinations of the specified parameters (Case.Rate, OR, Power, etc)
#' @examples
#' ss <- ss.calc(power=0.8, Case.Rate=0.5, k=NULL,
#'    MAF=0.1, OR=3,Alpha=0.05,
#'    True.Model='All', Test.Model='All')
#' @export
  function(power=0.8, Case.Rate=NULL, k=NULL, MAF=NULL, OR=NULL,
                  Alpha=0.05, True.Model='All', Test.Model='All')

  #Error Messages for insufficient information, MAF, and
  if(is.null(k)==T & is.null(Case.Rate)==T){
    stop("k, the number of controls per case, or Case.Rate, the proportion of cases in the study sample, must be specified.")

  if(is.null(k)==F & is.null(Case.Rate)==F){
    stop("Specify one of k, the number of controls per case, or Case.Rate, the proportion of cases in the study sample, not both.")

    stop("MAF (minor allele frequency) must be specified.")

    stop("OR (detectable odds ratio) must be specified.")

  #Error Messages for out of range values

  if(sum(Case.Rate>=1)>0 | sum(Case.Rate<=0)>0){
    stop("R2 must be greater than 0 and less than 1.")

  if(sum(MAF>=1)>0 | sum(MAF<=0)>0){
    stop("MAF must be greater than 0 and less than 1.")

  if(sum(power>=1)>0 | sum(power<=0)>0){
    stop("Power must be greater than 0 and less than 1.")

    stop("k must be greater than 0.")

    stop("OR must be greater than 0.")

  if(sum(Alpha>=1)>0 | sum(Alpha<=0)>0){
    stop("Alpha must be greater than 0 and less than 1.")

  if(sum(!(Test.Model %in% c("Dominant", "Recessive", "Additive", "2df", "All")))>0){
    stop(paste("Invalid Test.Model:",
              paste(Test.Model[!(Test.Model %in% c("Dominant", "Recessive", "Additive", "2df", "All"))], collapse=', ')))

  if(sum(!(True.Model %in% c("Dominant", "Recessive", "Additive", "All")))>0){
    stop(paste("Invalid True.Model:",
              paste(True.Model[!(True.Model %in% c("Dominant", "Recessive", "Additive", "All"))], collapse=', ')))
  #Calculate needed sample size information from provided inputs
  #Test model vector
  if('All' %in% Test.Model){Test.Model<-c("Dominant", "Recessive", "Additive", "2df")}

  #True model vector
  if('All' %in% True.Model){True.Model<-c("Dominant", "Recessive", "Additive")}

  #If k is provided calculate the Case.Rate
  if(is.null(Case.Rate)==T){Case.Rate = 1/(1+k)}

  #Find all possible combinations of N and case_rate
  power.tab <- expand.grid(power, Case.Rate)
  colnames(power.tab) <- c('power', 'Case.Rate')

  iter <- nrow(power.tab)

  final.ss.tab <- NULL

  #Loop over power and Case.Rate combiantions, calculate SS for all OR's and MAF's

  for (zz in 1:iter){
    power <- power.tab[zz,"power"]
    Case.Rate <- power.tab[zz,'Case.Rate']

    #Use OR's and MAF's to calculate true distriubiton of genotypes and disease
    #For each OR
    o.save.tab <-NULL

    for (o in OR){


      #For each MAF
      for (m in MAF){
        #Temporary place to save 2x3 tables for each true model with MAF=m and OR=o
        save.tab <- NULL

        #Proportion with each genotype. This is the same for all true.models.
        P_AA <- (1-m)^2
        P_AB <- 2*m*(1-m)
        P_BB <- m^2

        #Create 2x3 tables of joint probabilities for each true model of interest

        if('Dominant' %in% True.Model){
          #Dominant Model
          #Solve Quadratic Equation to get 2x3 tables corresponding to the OR
          a <- (1-o)
          b <- (P_AA-Case.Rate+o*(Case.Rate+P_AB+P_BB))
          c <- -o*(P_AB+P_BB)*Case.Rate

          soln <- quad_roots(a,b,c)[2]

          #Under a dominant model
          #Proabilities of disease conditional on genotype
          P_AA_case_d <- (Case.Rate-soln)/P_AA
          P_AB_case_d <- P_BB_case_d <- soln/(P_AB+P_BB)

          #Joint probabilities of disease and genotype
          prob_AA_case_d <- P_AA_case_d*P_AA
          prob_AB_case_d <- P_AB_case_d*P_AB
          prob_BB_case_d <- P_BB_case_d*P_BB
          prob_AA_control_d <- (1-P_AA_case_d)*P_AA
          prob_AB_control_d <- (1-P_AB_case_d)*P_AB
          prob_BB_control_d <- (1-P_BB_case_d)*P_BB

          dom.tab <- data.frame(model=rep('Dominant',2),table=rbind(c(prob_AA_case_d, prob_AB_case_d, prob_BB_case_d),
                                                                    c(prob_AA_control_d, prob_AB_control_d,prob_BB_control_d)))

          save.tab<-rbind(save.tab, dom.tab)

        if('Additive' %in% True.Model){
          a <- (o-1)
          # a <- (sqrt(o)-1)
          b <- (P_AB+o*P_BB+Case.Rate-Case.Rate*o)
          c <- -P_AB*Case.Rate
          soln <- quad_roots(a,b,c)[2]
          upper.lim<-min(soln, P_AB)

          # fa.1<-function(x){sqrt(o)-x*(P_AA-Case.Rate+x+((sqrt(o)*x*P_BB)/(P_AB-x+sqrt(o)*x)))/((Case.Rate-x-((sqrt(o)*x*P_BB)/(P_AB-x+sqrt(o)*x)))*(P_AB-x))}

          while(trial>0 & counter<1000){upper.lim<-upper.lim-0.00000000001

          add1.root<-uniroot(fa.1,lower = 0, upper = upper.lim)$root

          #Proabilities of disease conditional on genotype
          P_AB_case_a1 <- add1.root/P_AB

          #Joint probabilities of disease and genotype
          prob_AB_case_a1 <- P_AB_case_a1*P_AB
          prob_AB_control_a1 <- (1-P_AB_case_a1)*P_AB
          prob_AA_case_a1 <-P_AA*prob_AB_case_a1/(o*prob_AB_control_a1+prob_AB_case_a1)
          prob_AA_control_a1 <- P_AA-prob_AA_case_a1
          prob_BB_case_a1 <- (prob_AA_case_a1*P_BB*o^2)/(prob_AA_case_a1*o^2 + prob_AA_control_a1)
          prob_BB_control_a1 <- P_BB-prob_BB_case_a1

          add.tab1<-data.frame(model=rep('Additive',2),table=rbind(c(prob_AA_case_a1, prob_AB_case_a1, prob_BB_case_a1),
                                                                    c(prob_AA_control_a1, P_AB-prob_AB_case_a1,prob_BB_control_a1)))

          save.tab<-rbind(save.tab, add.tab1)

        # if('Additive2' %in% True.Model){
        #   a <- (o-1)
        #   b <- (P_AB+o*P_BB+Case.Rate-Case.Rate*o)
        #   c <- -P_AB*Case.Rate
        #   soln <- quad_roots(a,b,c)[2]
        #   upper.lim<-min(soln, P_AB)

        #   fa.2<-function(x){o-x*(P_AA-Case.Rate+x+((o*x*P_BB)/(P_AB-x+o*x)))/((Case.Rate-x-((o*x*P_BB)/(P_AB-x+o*x)))*(P_AB-x))}

        #   trial<-fa.2(upper.lim)
        #   counter<-0
        #   while(trial>0 & counter<1000){upper.lim<-upper.lim-0.00000000001
        #   trial<-fa.2(upper.lim)
        #   counter<-counter+1
        #   }

        #   add2.root<-uniroot(fa.2,lower = 0, upper =  upper.lim)$root

        #   #Proabilities of disease conditional on genotype
        #   P_AB_case_a2 <- add2.root/P_AB

        #   #Joint probabilities of disease and genotype
        #   prob_AB_case_a2 <- P_AB_case_a2*P_AB
        #   prob_AB_control_a2 <- (1-P_AB_case_a2)*P_AB
        #   prob_AA_case_a2 <-P_AA*prob_AB_case_a2/(o*prob_AB_control_a2+prob_AB_case_a2)
        #   prob_AA_control_a2 <- P_AA-prob_AA_case_a2
        #   prob_BB_case_a2 <- (prob_AA_case_a2*P_BB*o^2)/(prob_AA_case_a2*o^2 + prob_AA_control_a2)
        #   prob_BB_control_a2 <- P_BB-prob_BB_case_a2

        #   add.tab2<-data.frame(model=rep('Additive2',2),table=rbind(c(prob_AA_case_a2, prob_AB_case_a2, prob_BB_case_a2),
        #                                                             c(prob_AA_control_a2, P_AB-prob_AB_case_a2,prob_BB_control_a2)))

        #   save.tab<-rbind(save.tab, add.tab2)
        # }

        if('Recessive' %in% True.Model){
          a <- (1-o)
          b <- o*P_BB+(o-1)*Case.Rate+P_AA + P_AB
          c <- -o*(P_BB)*Case.Rate

          soln <- quad_roots(a,b,c)[2]

          #Proabilities of disease conditional on genotype
          P_AB_case_r <- P_AA_case_r <- (Case.Rate-soln)/(P_AB+P_AA)
          P_BB_case_r <- soln/P_BB

          #Joint probabilities of disease and genotype
          prob_AA_case_r <- P_AA_case_r*P_AA
          prob_AB_case_r <- P_AB_case_r*P_AB
          prob_BB_case_r <- P_BB_case_r*P_BB
          prob_AA_control_r <- (1-P_AA_case_r)*P_AA
          prob_AB_control_r <- (1-P_AB_case_r)*P_AB
          prob_BB_control_r <- (1-P_BB_case_r)*P_BB

          rec.tab<-data.frame(model=rep('Recessive',2),table=rbind(c(prob_AA_case_r, prob_AB_case_r, prob_BB_case_r),
                                                                   c(prob_AA_control_r, P_AB-prob_AB_case_r,prob_BB_control_r)))

          save.tab<-rbind(save.tab, rec.tab)

                          data.frame(True.Model = save.tab[,1], MAF=m, OR = o,
                                     Disease.Status = rep(c('case', "control"),nrow(save.tab)/2),
                                     Geno.AA = save.tab[,2],Geno.AB = save.tab[,3], Geno.BB = save.tab[,4]))
      o.save.tab<-rbind(o.save.tab, m.save.tab)

    #Calculate Power for each scenario under the specified testing model


    #Loop over all of the testing models and calculate Sample Size for each OR and MAF scenario
    for (mod in Test.Model){

      #Repeat calcualtion for each OR/MAF combination
      for (j in seq(1, nrow(o.save.tab),2)){
        #Grab the correct 2x3 table of probabilities
        t<-o.save.tab[j:(j+1),c("Geno.AA", "Geno.AB", "Geno.BB")]

        #Calculate the null and alternative likelihoods
        ll.alt<-calc.like(logistic.mles(t, model = mod), t, model=mod)

        #Calculate the LRT statistic

        #Calculate the SS for the given power for a range of Alpha levels
        for (q in 1:length(Alpha)){
              ss = c(ss, uniroot(function(x) ncp.search(x=x, power=power, Alpha=Alpha[q], df=2),
                                 lower=0, upper=1000, extendInt = 'upX', tol=0.00001)$root/stat)
          }else{ss = c(ss, uniroot(function(x) ncp.search(x=x, power=power, Alpha=Alpha[q], df=1),
                                   lower=0, upper=1000, extendInt = 'upX', tol=0.00001)$root/stat)

        temp<-rbind(temp, ss)

      #Save the power calculations for each testing model in a final table for the sample size and case rate
      ss.tab<-rbind(ss.tab,data.frame(Test.Model=mod, o.save.tab[seq(1, nrow(o.save.tab),2),1:3],
                                      Power=power, Case.Rate,temp))
    colnames(ss.tab)<-c('Test.Model', 'True.Model', 'MAF', 'OR', 'Power','Case.Rate',
                        paste("N_total_at_Alpha_", Alpha, sep=''))

    final.ss.tab<-rbind(final.ss.tab, ss.tab)

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genpwr documentation built on March 31, 2021, 1:06 a.m.