
Defines functions gridPar

Documented in gridPar

#' Set up parameters for grids, points, and links in plotRefToTarget
#' Function produces a list of parameter changes within \code{\link{plotRefToTarget}}.
#' The function allows users to vary certain plotting parameters to produce different
#' graphical outcomes for \code{\link{plotRefToTarget}}.  Not all parameters need to be adjusted to use this function, as the defaults above will be used.
#' @param pt.bg Background color of reference configuration points (single value or vector of values)
#' @param pt.size Scale factor for reference configuration points (single value or vector of values)
#' @param link.col The color of links for reference configurations (single value or vector of values)
#' @param link.lwd The line weight of links for reference configurations (single value or vector of values)
#' @param link.lty The line type of links for reference configurations (single value or vector of values)
#' @param out.col The color of outline for reference configurations (single value or vector of values)
#' @param out.cex The size of plotting symbol of outline for reference configurations (single value or vector of values)
#' @param tar.pt.bg Background color of target configuration points (single value or vector of values)
#' @param tar.pt.size Scale factor for target configuration points (single value or vector of values)
#' @param tar.link.col The color of links for target configurations (single value or vector of values)
#' @param tar.link.lwd The line weight of links for target configurations (single value or vector of values)
#' @param tar.link.lty The line type of links for target configurations (single value or vector of values)
#' @param tar.out.col The color of outline for target configurations (single value or vector of values)
#' @param tar.out.cex The size of plotting symbol of outline for target configurations (single value or vector of values)
#' @param n.col.cell The number of square cells (along x axis) for grids (single numerical value)
#' @param grid.col The color of grid lines (single value)
#' @param grid.lwd Scale factor for the weight of grid lines (single numerical value)
#' @param grid.lty The line type for grid lines (single numerical value, as in base R \code{\link{plot}})
#' @param txt.adj The adjustment value of the landmark label (one or two values, as in base R \code{\link{text}} and \code{\link[rgl]{text3d}}) 
#' @param txt.pos The position of the landmark label, overrides txt.adj (single numerical value, as in base R \code{\link{text}} and \code{\link[rgl]{text3d}}) 
#' @param txt.cex The size of the landmark label text (single numerical value, as in base R \code{\link{text}} and \code{\link[rgl]{text3d}})
#' @param txt.col The color of the landmark label text (single numerical value, as in base R \code{\link{text}} and \code{\link[rgl]{text3d}})
#' @keywords utilities
#' @keywords visualization
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer & Emma Sherratt
#' @seealso  \code{\link{plotRefToTarget}}, \code{\link{text}}, \code{\link[rgl]{text3d}} 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(plethodon) 
#' Y.gpa <- gpagen(plethodon$land)    #GPA-alignment
#' ref <- mshape(Y.gpa$coords)
#' plotRefToTarget(ref, Y.gpa$coords[,,39]) # default settings
#' # Altering points and links
#' GP1 <- gridPar(pt.bg = "red", pt.size = 1, link.col = "blue", link.lwd = 2, 
#' n.col.cell = 50)
#' plotRefToTarget(ref, Y.gpa$coords[,,39], gridPars = GP1, mag = 2, 
#' links = plethodon$links, method = "TPS")
#' # Altering point color
#' GP2 <- gridPar(pt.bg = "green", pt.size = 1) 
#' plotRefToTarget(ref, Y.gpa$coords[,,39], gridPars = GP2, mag = 3, 
#' method = "vector")
#' # Altering ref and target points
#' GP3 <- gridPar(pt.bg = "blue", pt.size = 1.5, tar.pt.bg = "orange", 
#' tar.pt.size = 1) 
#' plotRefToTarget(ref, Y.gpa$coords[,,39], gridPars = GP3, mag = 3, 
#' method = "points")
#' # Altering outline color
#' GP4 <- gridPar(tar.out.col = "red", tar.out.cex = 0.3) 
#' plotRefToTarget(ref, Y.gpa$coords[,,39], gridPars = GP4, mag = 3, 
#' outline = plethodon$outline, method = "TPS")
#' # Altering text labels
#' GP5 <- gridPar(txt.pos = 3, txt.col = "red") 
#' plotRefToTarget(ref, Y.gpa$coords[,,39], gridPars = GP5, mag = 3, 
#' method = "vector", label = TRUE)
#' }
gridPar <- function(pt.bg = "gray", 
                    pt.size = 1.5,
                    link.col = "gray",
                    link.lwd = 2,
                    link.lty = 1,
                    out.col = "gray",
                    out.cex = 0.1,
                    tar.pt.bg = "black",
                    tar.pt.size = 1,
                    tar.link.col = "black",
                    tar.link.lwd = 2,
                    tar.link.lty = 1,
                    tar.out.col = "black",
                    tar.out.cex = 0.1,
                    n.col.cell = 20,
                    grid.col = "black",
                    grid.lwd = 1,
                    grid.lty = 1,
                    txt.adj = NULL,
                    txt.pos = 2, 
                    txt.cex = 0.8,
                    txt.col = "black"

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geomorph documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.