Man pages for geonames
Interface to the "Geonames" Spatial Query Web Service

geonamesQuery the geonames web API for geographic data
GNcitiesfind cities
GNcountryCodecountry code for location
GNcountryInfocountry info
GNcountrySubdivisioncountry code and subdivision
GNearthquakesrecent earthquakes
GNfindNearbynearby search
GNfindNearbyPlaceNamepopulated place search
GNfindNearbyPostalCodesfind postal code
GNfindNearbyStreetsnearby street finding
GNfindNearByWeatherweather at location
GNfindNearbyWikipedianearby wikipedia entries
GNfindNearestAddressnearest address
GNfindNearestIntersectionnearest intersection
GNgtopo30topo30 height
GNpostalCodeCountryInfopostal code info
GNpostalCodeLookuppostal code lookup
GNpostalCodeSearchpostal code search
GNsearchsearch geonames
GNsrtm3srtm3 height
GNtimezonetimezone for location
GNweatherweather stations in box
GNweatherIcaoICAO weather station data
GNwikipediaBoundingBoxwikipedia articles in a box
GNwikipediaSearchsearch wikipedia
hierarchyAdmin area hierarchy
geonames documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:07 p.m.