
#' Simple example of a Geometric Network
#' A simple, artificially created, example of a geometric network.
#' @usage data(small_gn)
#' @format \code{small_gn} is an object of class "\code{gn}".
#' @source Created by Marc Schneble \email{marc.schneble@lmu.de}.


#' Car Crashes on Highways in Montgomery County
#' A point pattern which represents 18,263 car crashes on a network of
#' highways in Montgomery county, Maryland. The temporal dimension is
#' represented through the covariate "hour".
#' @usage data(montgomery)
#' @format \code{montgomery} is an object of class "\code{gnpp}".
#' @source Created by Marc Schneble \email{marc.schneble@lmu.de}.


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geonet documentation built on July 11, 2022, 9:08 a.m.