
#' Geoserver REST API Style Manager
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
#' @keywords geoserver rest api style
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for managing the styles
#' of a GeoServer instance.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    GSStyleManager$new("http://localhost:8080/geoserver", "admin", "geoserver")
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\code{new(url, user, pwd, logger)}}{
#'    This method is used to instantiate a GSManager with the \code{url} of the
#'    GeoServer and credentials to authenticate (\code{user}/\code{pwd}). By default,
#'    the \code{logger} argument will be set to \code{NULL} (no logger). This argument
#'    accepts two possible values: \code{INFO}: to print only geosapi logs,
#'    \code{DEBUG}: to print geosapi and CURL logs
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{getStyles()}}{
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{getStyleNames()}}{
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{getStyle(style)}}{
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{createStyle(file, sldBody, name, raw, ws)}}{
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{updateStyle(file, sldBody, name, raw, ws)}}{
#'    Updates a GeoServer style. Returns \code{TRUE} if the style has been 
#'    successfully updated, \code{FALSE} otherwise
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{deleteStyle(style, recurse, purge, ws)}}{
#'    Deletes a GeoServer style given a name. Returns \code{TRUE} if the style 
#'    has been successfully deleted, \code{FALSE} otherwise
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{getSLDVersion(sldBody)}}{
#'    Get the SLD version from the XML object (of class \code{XMLInternalDocument})
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{getSLDBody(style, ws = NULL)}}{
#'    Get the SLD Body given a style name. This method is only supported for
#'    Geoserver >= 2.2.
#'  }
#' }
#' @author Emmanuel Blondel <emmanuel.blondel1@@gmail.com>
GSStyleManager <- R6Class("GSStyleManager",
  inherit = GSManager,
  public = list(
    #'@description Get the list of available styles. 
    #'@param ws an optional workspace name
    #'@return an object of class \code{list} containing items of class \code{\link{GSStyle}}
    getStyles = function(ws = NULL){
      self$INFO("Fetching list of styles")
      req_url <- "/styles.xml"
      if(!is.null(ws)) req_url <- sprintf("/workspaces/%s/styles.xml", ws)
      req <- GSUtils$GET(self$getUrl(), private$user,
                         private$keyring_backend$get(service = private$keyring_service, username = private$user),
                         req_url, self$verbose.debug)
      styleList <- NULL
      if(status_code(req) == 200){
        styleXML <- GSUtils$parseResponseXML(req)
        styleXMLList <- getNodeSet(styleXML, "//style")
        styleList <- lapply(styleXMLList, function(x){
          xml <- xmlDoc(x)
          return(GSStyle$new(xml = xml))
        self$INFO(sprintf("Successfully fetched %s styles", length(styleList)))
        self$ERROR("Error while fetching list of styles")
    #'@description Get the list of available style names
    #'@param ws an optional workspace name
    #'@return a vector of class \code{character}
    getStyleNames = function(ws = NULL){
      styleList <- sapply(self$getStyles(ws = ws), function(x){x$name})
    #'@description Get a \code{\link{GSStyle}} object given a style name.
    #'@param style style name
    #'@param ws workspace name. Optional
    #'@return object of class \link{GSStyle}
    getStyle = function(style, ws = NULL){
      self$INFO(sprintf("Fetching style '%s'", style))
      reqUrl <- ""
      if(!missing(ws) & !is.null(ws)){
        reqUrl <- sprintf("/workspaces/%s", ws)
      reqUrl <- paste0(reqUrl, sprintf("/styles/%s.xml", style))
      req <- GSUtils$GET(self$getUrl(), private$user,
                         private$keyring_backend$get(service = private$keyring_service, username = private$user),
                         reqUrl, self$verbose.debug)
      style <- NULL
      if(status_code(req) == 200){
        styleXML <- GSUtils$parseResponseXML(req)
        style <- GSStyle$new(xml = styleXML)
        self$INFO("Successfully fetched style!")
        self$ERROR("Error while fetching style")
    #'@description Creates a GeoServer style given a name.
    #'@param file file
    #'@param sldBody SLD body
    #'@param name name
    #'@param raw raw
    #'@param ws workspace name
    #'@return \code{TRUE} if the style has been successfully created, \code{FALSE} otherwise
    createStyle = function(file, sldBody = NULL, name, raw = FALSE, ws = NULL){
      self$INFO(sprintf("Creating style '%s'", name))
      created <- FALSE
        content <- readChar(file, file.info(file)$size)
          stop("SLD style is not recognized XML")
        sldBody <- XML::xmlParse(content)
      if(!is(sldBody, "XMLInternalDocument")){
        stop("SLD body is not an XML document object")
      contentType <- switch(self$getSLDVersion(sldBody),
                            "1.0.0" = "application/vnd.ogc.sld+xml",
                            "1.1.0" = "application/vnd.ogc.se+xml",
        stop("Not contentType specified for style creation")
      reqUrl <- ""
      if(!missing(ws) & !is.null(ws)){
        reqUrl <- sprintf("/workspaces/%s", ws)
      reqUrl <- paste0(reqUrl, "/styles?name=", name)
      if(raw) reqUrl <- paste0(reqUrl, "&raw=", tolower(as.character(raw)))
      req <- GSUtils$POST(
        url = self$getUrl(),
        user = private$user,
        pwd = private$keyring_backend$get(service = private$keyring_service, username = private$user),
        path = reqUrl,
        content = as(sldBody, "character"),
        contentType = contentType,
        verbose = self$verbose.debug
      if(status_code(req) == 201){
        self$INFO("Successfully created style!")
        created = TRUE
        self$ERROR("Error while creating style")
    #'@description Updates a GeoServer style given a name.
    #'@param file file
    #'@param sldBody SLD body
    #'@param name name
    #'@param raw raw
    #'@param ws workspace name
    #'@return \code{TRUE} if the style has been successfully updated, \code{FALSE} otherwise
    updateStyle = function(file, sldBody = NULL, name, raw = FALSE, ws = NULL){
      self$INFO(sprintf("Updating style '%s'", name))
        content <- readChar(file, file.info(file)$size)
          stop("SLD style is not recognized XML")
        sldBody <- XML::xmlParse(content)
      if(!is(sldBody, "XMLInternalDocument")){
        stop("SLD body is not an XML document object")
      contentType <- switch(self$getSLDVersion(sldBody),
                            "1.0.0" = "application/vnd.ogc.sld+xml",
                            "1.1.0" = "application/vnd.ogc.se+xml",
        stop("Not contentType specified for style creation")
      reqUrl <- ""
      if(!missing(ws) & !is.null(ws)){
        reqUrl <- sprintf("/workspaces/%s", ws)
      reqUrl <- paste0(reqUrl, sprintf("/styles/%s.xml", name))
      if(raw) reqUrl <- paste0(reqUrl, "&raw=", tolower(as.character(raw)))
      updated <- FALSE
      req <- GSUtils$PUT(
        url = self$getUrl(), user = private$user,
        pwd = private$keyring_backend$get(service = private$keyring_service, username = private$user),
        path = reqUrl,
        content = as(sldBody, "character"),
        contentType = contentType,
        verbose = self$verbose.debug
      if(status_code(req) == 200){
        self$INFO("Successfully updated style!")
        updated = TRUE
        self$ERROR("Error while updating style")
    #'@description Deletes a style given a name.
    #'    By defaut, the option \code{recurse} is set to FALSE, ie datastore layers are not removed.
    #'    To remove all coverage store layers, set this option to TRUE. The \code{purge} parameter is used 
    #'    to customize the delete of files on disk (in case the underlying reader implements a delete method).
    #'@param name name
    #'@param recurse recurse
    #'@param purge purge
    #'@param ws workspace name
    #'@return \code{TRUE} if the style has been successfully deleted, \code{FALSE} otherwise
    deleteStyle = function(name, recurse = FALSE, purge = FALSE, ws = NULL){
      self$INFO(sprintf("Deleting style '%s'", name))
      deleted <- FALSE
      path <- ""
      if(!missing(ws) & !is.null(ws)){
        path <- sprintf("/workspaces/%s", ws)
      path <- paste0(path, sprintf("/styles/%s", name))
      path <- paste0(path, "?recurse=", tolower(as.character(recurse)))
      path <- paste0(path, "&purge=", tolower(as.character(recurse)))
      #TODO hack for style removing (not managed by REST API) - check version
      req <- GSUtils$DELETE(self$getUrl(), private$user,
                            private$keyring_backend$get(service = private$keyring_service, username = private$user),
                            path = path, self$verbose.debug)
      if(status_code(req) == 200){
        self$INFO("Successfully deleted style!")
        deleted = TRUE
        self$ERROR("Error while deleting style")
    #'@description Get SLD version
    #'@param sldBody SLD body
    getSLDVersion = function(sldBody){
      return(xmlGetAttr(xmlChildren(sldBody)[[1]], "version"))
    #'@description Get SLD body
    #'@param style style name
    #'@param ws workspace name
    #'@return an object of class \link{XMLInternalNode-class}
    getSLDBody = function(style, ws = NULL){
        err <- sprintf("Unsupported method for GeoServer %s", self$version$version)
      self$INFO(sprintf("Fetching SLD body for style '%s'", style))
      reqUrl <- ""
      if(!missing(ws) & !is.null(ws)){
        reqUrl <- sprintf("/workspaces/%s", ws)
      reqUrl <- paste0(reqUrl, sprintf("/styles/%s.sld", style))
      req <- GSUtils$GET(self$getUrl(), private$user,
                         private$keyring_backend$get(service = private$keyring_service, username = private$user),
                         reqUrl, self$verbose.debug)
      style <- NULL
      if(status_code(req) == 200){
        style <- GSUtils$parseResponseXML(req)
        self$INFO("Successfully fetched SLD body!")
        self$ERROR("Error while fetching SLD body")

Try the geosapi package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

geosapi documentation built on Oct. 4, 2023, 5:06 p.m.