
Defines functions transf_pot gg_pt

Documented in gg_pt transf_pot

#' Plots for power transformations
#' Returns normal QQ plots for a set of power transformations. If there are
#' groups in the data, transformations can be applied separately to each of
#' them.
#' @param df dataframe
#' @param vble numeric variable in df to be transformed
#' @param group optional character or factor grouping variable in df. Defaults
#'   to NULL.
#' @param taus vector of numeric values for the power transformations (0 is
#'   considered to be the log transform)
#' @param xlabel x-axis label
#' @param ylabel y-axis label
#' @param nrow number of rows for facet_wrap, only applied when group is NULL.
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to stat_qq(), such as size, color, shape.
#' @return a ggplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' # Without groups
#' fusion %>%
#'   filter(nv.vv == "VV") %>%
#'   gg_pt(time)
#' fusion %>%
#'   filter(nv.vv == "VV") %>%
#'   gg_pt(time, taus = c(-0.25, -0.5, -1, 0),
#'         xlabel = "Cuantiles normales", ylabel = "Valores transformados",
#'         nrow = 3, color = "red")
#' # With groups
#' gg_pt(fusion, time, nv.vv, taus = c(-0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5))
gg_pt <- function(df, vble, group = NULL,
									taus = c(-1, -.5, -.25, 0, .25, .5, 1),
									xlabel = "Normal quantiles",
									ylabel = paste("Transformed", quo_text(vble)),
									nrow = 2,...) {

	# NSE y controles
	if (!is.data.frame(df)) stop("The object provided in the argument df is not a data.frame")
	vble <- enquo(vble)
	group <- enquo(group)
	if (!is.numeric(eval_tidy(vble, df)))
		stop(paste(quo_text(vble), "provided for the vble argument is not a numeric variable"))
	if (!quo_is_null(group) && !is.character(eval_tidy(group, df)) && !is.factor(eval_tidy(group, df)))
		stop(paste(quo_text(group), "provided for the group argument is neither a character nor a factor variable"))
	if (!is.numeric(taus)) stop("taus must be a numeric vector")
	if (!is.numeric(nrow)) stop("nrow must be a number")
	if (length(nrow) > 2 || nrow < 1) stop("Argument nrow must be a numeric value of length one, greater or equal to 1")

	# Transformar valores
	datos_pot <-
		sapply(taus, transf_pot, x = pull(df, !!vble)) %>%
		as_tibble(.name_repair = ~ vctrs::vec_as_names(..., repair = "unique", quiet = TRUE)) %>%
	if (quo_is_null(group)) {
		datos_pot <- tidyr::pivot_longer(datos_pot, cols = dplyr::everything(), names_to = "tau", values_to = "y")
	} else {
		datos_pot <-
			datos_pot %>%
			mutate(groups = pull(df, !!group)) %>%
			tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -starts_with("groups"), names_to = "tau", values_to = "y")
	datos_pot$tau <- as.numeric(datos_pot$tau)

	# Graficar
	g <- ggplot(datos_pot, aes(sample = .data$y)) +
		stat_qq(...) +
		stat_qq_line() +
		xlab(xlabel) + ylab(ylabel)

	if (quo_is_null(group)) {
		g <- g + facet_wrap(~ tau, scales = "free_y", nrow = nrow)
	} else {
		g <- g + facet_wrap(groups ~ tau, scales = "free_y", nrow = 2)

#' The trasf_pot function
#' Helper function for gg_pt
#' @param x numeric vector to be transformed
#' @param tau powers
#' @return vector of transformed values
#' @keywords internal
transf_pot <- function(x, tau = 0) {
	if(tau == 0) {
		x = log(x)
	} else {
		x = x^tau

# Con facet_grid quedan mejor los paneles pero no puedo liberar el eje Y
# ggplot(datos_pot, aes(sample = y)) +
#     stat_qq() +
#     stat_qq_line() +
#     facet_grid(nv.vv ~ tau, scales = "free_y") +
#     xlab("Cuantiles normales") + ylab("Tiempo VV transformado")

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ggcleveland documentation built on Aug. 16, 2021, 9:07 a.m.