
Defines functions make_proto_method_str cloneScales

Documented in cloneScales

#' @title Clone ggplot2 scales from compiled ggplot objects
#' @description Clone ggplot2 scales from compiled ggplot objects returns not
#' the original call but the nested call
#' @param p ggplot object
#' @param verbose boolean, if TRUE then returns script to eval(parse) if FALSE returns new compiled object Default: FALSE
#' @return ggplot scale or script (depends on verbose)
#' @examples
#'  # p <- pList$pointSmooth+scale_colour_continuous(low='red')
#'  # p
#'  # pList$pointSmooth+cloneScales(p)
#' @rdname cloneScales
cloneScales <- function(p, verbose=FALSE) {
  sapply(p$scales$scales, function(obj) {
    a <- as.character(obj$call)

    tempscale <- vector("list", length(names(formals(a[1]))))
    names(tempscale) <- names(formals(a[1]))

    tempscale.cl <- sapply(names(tempscale), function(idx) class(obj[[idx]]))

    skip.val <- grep("super", names(tempscale))

    for (idx in names(tempscale)[-skip.val]) tempscale[[idx]] <- obj[[idx]]

    tempscale$super <- formals(a[1])[["super"]]

    scaleout <- do.call(a[1], tempscale)
    structure(scaleout, class = class(obj))

    if (verbose) {
      scaleout_cl <- sapply(scaleout$call, class)
      idx_methods <- names(scaleout_cl)[scaleout_cl == "ggproto_method"]
      for (idx in idx_methods) scaleout$call[[idx]] <- eval(parse(text = make_proto_method_str(scaleout$call[[idx]], environment(scaleout$call[[idx]])$f)))
      scale_return <- gsub('"', "'", paste0(format(scaleout$call), collapse = "\n"))
    } else {
      scale_return <- scaleout

make_proto_method_str <- function(self, f) {
  args <- formals(f)
  # is.null is a fast path for a common case; the %in% check is slower but also
  # catches the case where there's a `self = NULL` argument.
  has_self <- !is.null(args[["self"]]) || "self" %in% names(args)
  if (has_self) {
    fun <- quote(structure(function(...) f(..., self = self),class="ggproto_method"))
  } else {
    ff <- format(f)
    fun <- sprintf('structure(%s,class="ggproto_method")', paste0(ff, collapse = "\n"))


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ggedit documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:07 a.m.