
Defines functions themeFetchFull

Documented in themeFetchFull

#' @title themeFetchFull
#' @description Returns a nested list of all elements in gg theme object,
#' for plot.theme plot.
#' @param a gg theme
#' @return list
#' @keywords internal
themeFetchFull <- function(a=theme_get()) {
  obj.names <- names(a)[which(lapply(a, length) > 0)]
  #obj.names <- obj.names[!grepl("margin|ticks.length|ontop|switch|key.size", obj.names)]
  obj.names.split <- regmatches(obj.names, regexpr("[.]", obj.names), invert = TRUE)
  panel.names <- unique(unlist(lapply(regmatches(obj.names, regexpr("[.]", obj.names), invert = TRUE), "[", 1)))
  vout <- vector("list", length(panel.names))
  names(vout) <- panel.names
  for (i in 1:length(obj.names)) {
    obj.class <- lapply(a[[obj.names[i]]], function(x) class(x)[1])
    obj.val <- lapply(a[[obj.names[i]]], "[", 1)
    obj.name <- names(a[[obj.names[i]]])
    if (is.null(obj.name)) obj.name <- obj.names.split[[i]][2]
    obj.val[unlist(lapply(obj.class, function(x) x == "NULL"))] <- ""
    idx <- which(!obj.name %in% c('arrow','inherit.blank',"debug"))
    obj <- mapply(c, name = obj.name[idx], value = obj.val[idx], class = obj.class[idx], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    if ("margin" %in% obj.name)
      obj <- margin_theme(a,obj,obj.class,obj.names,i)
    obj$call <- class(a[[obj.names[i]]])[1]
    if (obj.names[i]%in%c('legend.justification','legend.position')) obj$call <- gsub("legend.", "", obj.names[i])
    if (length(obj.names.split[[i]]) == 1) {
      vout[[obj.names.split[[i]][1]]] <- obj
    } else {
      vout[[obj.names.split[[i]][1]]][[obj.names.split[[i]][2]]] <- obj

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ggedit documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:07 a.m.