
Defines functions with_ignore_unknown_params only_formals_and_dots deduplicate_params smart_swap_mapping_data match_unnamed_args collapse_data collapse_mappings filter_by_ggcall_ids expand_dots

Documented in collapse_data collapse_mappings deduplicate_params expand_dots filter_by_ggcall_ids match_unnamed_args only_formals_and_dots smart_swap_mapping_data with_ignore_unknown_params

#' Expand dot arguments into named arguments
#' @param expr An expression whose arguments need to be expanded.
#' @param envir An environment in which to evaluate expansion.
expand_dots <- function(expr, envir = parent.frame(2L)) {
  f <- expr[[1]]
  fobj <- eval(f, envir = envir)
  if (!is.function(fobj) || is.primitive(fobj)) return(expr)
  fargs <- as.list(expr)[-1]

  # evaluate data argument greedily
  fargs$data <- eval(fargs$data, envir = envir)

  # replace dots with ellipsis args in envir
  dots <- eval(quote(substitute(...())), envir = envir)
  dots_idx <- utils::tail(which(fargs == quote(...)), 1)
  if (length(dots_idx)) {
    fargs <- append(fargs, dots, after = dots_idx)
    fargs <- fargs[fargs != quote(...)]

  fargs <- collapse_mappings(fargs)
  fargs <- collapse_data(fargs)
  fargs <- deduplicate_params(fargs)
  fargs <- match_unnamed_args(fobj, fargs, envir = envir)

  as.call(append(f, fargs))

#' Filter a named list by ids
#' Filter a named list (often an aesthetic mapping or argument list) for only
#' unprefixed elements, elements which don't match any of \code{all_ids} and 
#' those which match one of \code{call_ids}. For those that match, remove the
#' id prefix.
#' @param x A named list to filter.
#' @param call_ids A character vector of valid ids.
#' @param all_ids A character vector of all possible ids.
filter_by_ggcall_ids <- function(x, call_ids, all_ids) {
  if (is.null(x)) return(x)

  in_xnames <- names(x)
  names(x) <- gsub(
    sprintf("^(%s)\\.(.+)", paste0(call_ids, collapse = "|")), 

  x_name_matches <- matrix(
    apply(as.matrix(all_ids), 1L, function(id, xnames) {
        grepl(sprintf("^%s\\..+", id), xnames)
      }, names(x)), 
    nrow = length(x), 
    ncol = length(all_ids), 
    dimnames = list(names(x), all_ids))

  x <- x[!apply(x_name_matches, 1L, any)]

  # prefer arguments that have been explicitly prefixed with an id
  is_prefixed <- !in_xnames %in% names(x) 
  x[names(is_prefixed)] <- x[is_prefixed]

  x[!duplicated(names(x), fromLast = TRUE)]

#' Collapse aesthetic mappings arguments
#' Reduce aesthetic mapping arguments using \code{update_mapping}
#' @param args A list of arguments. If multiple elements are named "mapping"
#' they will be collapsed into a single mapping argument, appropriately
#' updating aesthetic mappings.
collapse_mappings <- function(args) { 
  aes_args <- unname(args[names(args) %in% "mapping"])
  if (!length(aes_args)) return(args)
  args <- args[!names(args) %in% "mapping"]
  args$mapping <- do.call(update_mapping, aes_args)

#' Collapse data arguments
#' Reduce data arguments using \code{update_data}
#' @param args A list of arguments. If multiple elements are named "data"
#' they will be collapsed into a single mapping argument, appropriately
#' updating datasets and applying functions as needed.
collapse_data <- function(args) { 
  data_args <- unname(args[names(args) %in% "data"])
  if (!length(data_args)) return(args)
  args <- args[!names(args) %in% "data"]
  args$data <- do.call(update_data, data_args)

#' Match unnamed arguments
#' Similar to match.call, but without evaluating arguments, avoiding possible
#' syntactic errors that would arise due to ggpackets-specific syntax.
#' @param f A function to match arguments against.
#' @param args A list of arguments to match.
#' @param envir An environment in which the function should be matched.
match_unnamed_args <- function(f, args, envir = parent.frame()) {
  if (is.primitive(f)) return(args)

  # only match unnamed, possibly redundaant args
  idx_unnamed <- is.null(names(args)) | names(args) == ""
  matched_args <- match.call(
    as.call(append(f, args[idx_unnamed])), 
    expand.dots = TRUE, 
    envir = envir)[-1]
  names(args)[idx_unnamed] <- names(matched_args)

#' Mimic ggplot2 behavior of intelligently interpretting first layer argument
#' Like ggplot, if the first argument doesn't appear to be an aesthetic
#' mapping, despite mappings being appropriately passed in the first argument,
#' swap the first two arguments.
#' @param args a list of arguments to interpet
smart_swap_mapping_data <- function(args) {
  if ("mapping" %in% names(args) && !inherits(args$mapping, "uneval")) {
    arg_mapping_in <- args$mapping
    args$mapping <- args$data
    args$data <- arg_mapping_in

#' Remove arguments with duplciated names
#' @param args A list of arguments to deduplicate.
deduplicate_params <- function(args) {
  if (is.null(names(args))) names(args) <- rep("", length(args))
  args[!duplicated(names(args), fromLast = TRUE)]

#' Filter for only arguments that can be accepted by a given function
#' @param f A function to filter on.
#' @param args A list of arguments to filter.
only_formals_and_dots <- function(f, args) {
  if ("..." %in% names(formals(f))) return(args)
  args[names(args) %in% names(formals(f))]

#' Evaluate an expression, ignoring warnings about unknown parameters
#' @param expr An expression to evaluate.
#' @param envir An environment to evaluate the given expression in.
with_ignore_unknown_params <- function(expr, envir = parent.frame()) {
    eval(expr, envir = envir)
  }, warning = function(w) {
    if (grepl("^Ignoring unknown (parameters|aesthetics):", w$message))

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ggpackets documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 1:06 a.m.