
## GNU General Public License version 3 , see file LICENCE ============== =====
##    sourcefile of package 'ggsolvencyii'
##    Copyright (C) <2018>  < Marco van Zanden , git@vanzanden.nl >
##    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##    (at your option) any later version.
##    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##    GNU General Public License for more details.
##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## functions in this file =============================================== =====
## main:
##    fn_circlepoints
##    fn_squarepoints
## small:
##    fn_sqXP
##    fn_sqYP
##    fn_sqdegseq
## ====================================================================== =====

## fn_circlepoints ====================================================== =====
# ' fn_circlepoints
# '
# ' @param ri the  inner radius of the circle segment
# ' @param ro the outer radius of the circle segment
# ' @param db degrees beginning of section (compass-wise: 0 degrees is north, 90 degrees is east)
# ' @param de degrees end of section
# ' @param plottype "circle" of "outer", the former only requiring a ro
# ' @param indication11 dummy text
# ' @param indication13 dummy text
# ' @param stepsize default value = 0.5, as of now no calls to this function override this default. the stepsize in degrees along the inner or outer lines,
# '
# ' @return a dataframe with points to be plotted, relative from (0,0) coordinates system.
# ' The dataframe has 3 columns: xpoint, ypoint, outlinetype (from puntenfunctie description)
# ' ## outlinetype are 1 through 4 and 11 and 13.
# '       type 1 : line from point defined by ri/db  to ro/db (radius outward)
# '       type 2 : line from point defined by ro/db  to ro/de (outer line of section)
# '       type 3 : line from point defined by ro/de  to ri/de (radius inward)
# '       type 4 : line from point defined by ri/de  to ri/db  outer line of section)
# ' @export
# '
# ' @examples

fn_circlepoints <- function(ri, ro, db, de, plottype,
                           indication11, indication13, stepsize = 0.50) {
        if (plottype == "outer") {
          xpoint <- round(ri * cos(.5 * pi - db / 360 * 2 * pi), digits = 7)
          ypoint <- round(ri * sin(.5 * pi - db / 360 * 2 * pi), digits = 7)
          if (indication11 == FALSE) {
            outlinetype <- "1"
          } else {
            outlinetype <- "11"
          df <- data.frame(xpoint = xpoint, ypoint = ypoint,
                           outlinetype = outlinetype)
          xpoint <- round(ro * cos(.5 * pi - db / 360 * 2 * pi), digits = 7)
          ypoint <- round(ro * sin(.5 * pi - db / 360 * 2 * pi), digits = 7)
          if (indication11 == TRUE) {
            outlinetype <- "11"
          } else {
            outlinetype <- "1"
          df2 <- data.frame(xpoint = xpoint, ypoint = ypoint,
                            outlinetype = outlinetype)
          df <- rbind(df, df2)
        } else {
          #no point, but an empty dataframe
          xpoint <- 1 #dummy
          ypoint <- 1 # dummy
          outlinetype <- "dummy"
          df <- data.frame(xpoint = xpoint, ypoint = ypoint,
                           outlinetype = outlinetype)
          df <- df[0]

      ## points along the outer edge
        degseq <- c(seq(db, de, by = stepsize), de) #
        xpoint <- round(ro * cos(.5 * pi - degseq / 360 * 2 * pi), digits = 7)
        ypoint <- round(ro * sin(.5 * pi - degseq / 360 * 2 * pi), digits = 7)
        outlinetype <- "2"
        tmp <- data.frame(xpoint = xpoint, ypoint = ypoint,
                          outlinetype = outlinetype)
        df <- rbind(df, tmp)

      ## radial line
        if (plottype == "outer") {
          xpoint <- round(ro * cos(.5 * pi - de / 360 * 2 * pi), digits = 7)
          ypoint <- round(ro * sin(.5 * pi - de / 360 * 2 * pi), digits = 7)
          if (indication13 == TRUE) {
            outlinetype <- "13"
          } else {
            outlinetype <- "3"
          df <- rbind(df, cbind(xpoint, ypoint, outlinetype))
          xpoint <- round(ri * cos(.5 * pi - de / 360 * 2 * pi), digits = 7)
          ypoint <- round(ri * sin(.5 * pi - de / 360 * 2 * pi), digits = 7)
          if (indication13 == TRUE) {
            outlinetype <- "13"
          } else {
            outlinetype <- "3"
          df <- rbind(df, cbind(xpoint, ypoint, outlinetype))
        } else {
          #no points

    ## points along the inner edge
      if (plottype == "outer") {
        degseq <- c(seq(de, db, by = -stepsize), db) #
        xpoint <- round(ri * cos(.5 * pi - degseq / 360 * 2 * pi), digits = 7)
        ypoint <- round(ri * sin(.5 * pi - degseq / 360 * 2 * pi), digits = 7)
        outlinetype <- "4"
        tmp <- data.frame(xpoint = xpoint, ypoint = ypoint,
                          outlinetype = outlinetype)
        df <- rbind(df, tmp)
      } else {
        #no points
    ## RESULTS
      polygonpoints_result <- df

## fn_squarepoints ====================================================== =====
# ' fn_squarepoints
# '
# ' @param ri the (vertical) distance of center of circle to the inner edge of the segment;
# ' @param ro the (vertical) distance of center of circle to the outer edge of the segment;
# ' @param db degrees beginning of section (compass-wise: 0 degrees is north, 90 degrees is east)
# ' @param de degrees end of section
# ' @param plottype "circle" of "outer", the former only requiring a ro
# ' @param indication11 dummy text
# ' @param indication13 dummy text
# '
# ' @return a dataframe with points to be plotted, relative from (0,0) coordinates system.
# ' The dataframe has 3 columns: xpoint, ypoint, outlinetype (from puntenfunctie description)
# ' ## outlinetype are 1 through 4 and 11 and 13.
# '       type 1 : line from point defined by ri/db  to ro/db (radius outward)
# '       type 2 : line from point defined by ro/db  to ro/de (outer line of section)
# '       type 3 : line from point defined by ro/de  to ri/de (radius inward)
# '       type 4 : line from point defined by ri/de  to ri/db  outer line of section)
# ' @exportnot
# '
# ' @examples

fn_squarepoints <- function(ri, ro, db, de,
                           plottype, indication11, indication13 )  {

      ## a "radial line"
        ## determination of octants 0 to 7
        ##     (compas bearing 0-45: octant 0, 45-90: octant 1 etc )
        octant_b <- ((db + 2 * 360) %/% 45) %% 8
        octant_e <- ((de + 2 * 360) %/% 45) %% 8
# print(paste0("db de" , db, ", ", de))
# print(paste0("octants" , octant_b, ", ", octant_e))
      ## (beginning xpoint is calculated as :
      ##    xbsign * ri + (1-abs(xbsign) * sqrt(2*ri^2) * sin/cosin function :
      ## analog for endpoint (xesign, )
      ##       xbsign is -1/0/1, xsignB = 0 or 1,
      ##       negative values are introduced by sin/cosine function
      ## analog for xpoint/ro and ypoint/ri and ypoint/ro
        if (octant_b  == 0) {xbsign <-  0 ; ybsign <-  1 }
        if (octant_b  == 1) {xbsign <-  1 ; ybsign <-  0 }
        if (octant_b  == 2) {xbsign <-  1 ; ybsign <-  0 }
        if (octant_b  == 3) {xbsign <-  0 ; ybsign <- -1 }
        if (octant_b  == 4) {xbsign <-  0 ; ybsign <- -1 }
        if (octant_b  == 5) {xbsign <- -1 ; ybsign <-  0 }
        if (octant_b  == 6) {xbsign <- -1 ; ybsign <-  0 }
        if (octant_b  == 7) {xbsign <-  0 ; ybsign <-  1 }

        if (octant_e  == 0) {xesign <-  0 ; yesign <-  1 }
        if (octant_e  == 1) {xesign <-  1 ; yesign <-  0 }
        if (octant_e  == 2) {xesign <-  1 ; yesign <-  0 }
        if (octant_e  == 3) {xesign <-  0 ; yesign <- -1 }
        if (octant_e  == 4) {xesign <-  0 ; yesign <- -1 }
        if (octant_e  == 5) {xesign <- -1 ; yesign <-  0 }
        if (octant_e  == 6) {xesign <- -1 ; yesign <-  0 }
        if (octant_e  == 7) {xesign <-  0 ; yesign <-  1 }

        if (plottype == "outer") {
          xpoint <- fn_sqXP(vertdistance = ri, degrees = db,
                           xsign = xbsign, rounding = 7)
          ypoint <- fn_sqYP(vertdistance = ri, degrees = db,
                           ysign = ybsign, rounding = 7)
          if (indication11 == FALSE) {
            outlinetype <- "1"
          } else {
            outlinetype <- "11"
          df <- data.frame(degrees = db, afstand = ri,
                           xpoint = xpoint, ypoint = ypoint,
                           outlinetype = outlinetype)
          xpoint <- fn_sqXP(vertdistance = ro, degrees = db,
                           xsign = xbsign, rounding = 7)
          ypoint <- fn_sqYP(vertdistance = ro, degrees = db,
                           ysign = ybsign, rounding = 7)
          if (indication11 == TRUE) {
            outlinetype <- "11"
          } else {
            outlinetype <- "1"
          df2 <-  data.frame(degrees = db, afstand = ro,
                              xpoint = xpoint, ypoint = ypoint,
                              outlinetype = outlinetype)
          df <- rbind(df, df2)
        } else {
          #no point, but an empty dataframe
          xpoint <- 1 #dummy
          ypoint <- 1 # dummy
          outlinetype <- "dummy"
          df <- data.frame(degrees = 0, afstand = 0,
                           xpoint = xpoint, ypoint = ypoint,
                           outlinetype = outlinetype)
          df <- df[0]

      ## points along the outer edge
        degseq <- fn_sqdegseq(startdegrees = db, enddegrees = de)
        for (degreesloop in degseq) {
          octant_loop <- ((degreesloop + 2 * 360) %/% 45) %% 8
          if (octant_loop  == 0) {xloopsign <-  0 ; yloopsign <-  1 }
          if (octant_loop  == 1) {xloopsign <-  1 ; yloopsign <-  0 }
          if (octant_loop  == 2) {xloopsign <-  1 ; yloopsign <-  0 }
          if (octant_loop  == 3) {xloopsign <-  0 ; yloopsign <- -1 }
          if (octant_loop  == 4) {xloopsign <-  0 ; yloopsign <- -1 }
          if (octant_loop  == 5) {xloopsign <- -1 ; yloopsign <-  0 }
          if (octant_loop  == 6) {xloopsign <- -1 ; yloopsign <-  0 }
          if (octant_loop  == 7) {xloopsign <-  0 ; yloopsign <-  1 }

          xpoint <- fn_sqXP(vertdistance = ro, degrees = degreesloop,
                           xsign = xloopsign, rounding = 7)
          ypoint <- fn_sqYP(vertdistance = ro, degrees = degreesloop,
                           ysign = yloopsign, rounding = 7)
          outlinetype <- "2"
          tmp <- data.frame(degrees = degreesloop, afstand = ro,
                            xpoint = xpoint, ypoint = ypoint,
                            outlinetype = outlinetype)
          df <- rbind(df, tmp)

      ## radial line
        if (plottype == "outer") {
          xpoint <- fn_sqXP(vertdistance = ro, degrees = de,
                           xsign = xesign, rounding = 7)
          ypoint <- fn_sqYP(vertdistance = ro, degrees = de,
                           ysign = yesign, rounding = 7)
          if (indication13 == TRUE) {
            outlinetype <- "13"
          } else {
            outlinetype <- "3"
          tmp <- data.frame(degrees = de, afstand = ro,
                            xpoint = xpoint, ypoint = ypoint,
                            outlinetype = outlinetype)
          df <- rbind(df, tmp)

          xpoint <- fn_sqXP(vertdistance = ri, degrees = de,
                           xsign = xesign, rounding = 7)
          ypoint <- fn_sqYP(vertdistance = ri, degrees = de,
                           ysign = yesign, rounding = 7)
          if (indication13 == TRUE) {
            outlinetype <- "13"
          } else {
            outlinetype <- "3"
          tmp <- data.frame(degrees = de, afstand = ri, xpoint = xpoint,
                            ypoint = ypoint, outlinetype = outlinetype)
          df <- rbind(df, tmp)
        } else {
          #no points

      ## points along the inner edge
        if (plottype == "outer") {
          degseq <- fn_sqdegseq(startdegrees = db,
                               enddegrees = de,
                               counterclockwise = TRUE)
          for (degreesloop in degseq) {
            octant_loop <- ((degreesloop + 2 * 360) %/% 45) %% 8
            if (octant_loop  == 0) {xloopsign <-  0 ; yloopsign <-  1 }
            if (octant_loop  == 1) {xloopsign <-  1 ; yloopsign <-  0 }
            if (octant_loop  == 2) {xloopsign <-  1 ; yloopsign <-  0 }
            if (octant_loop  == 3) {xloopsign <-  0 ; yloopsign <- -1 }
            if (octant_loop  == 4) {xloopsign <-  0 ; yloopsign <- -1 }
            if (octant_loop  == 5) {xloopsign <- -1 ; yloopsign <-  0 }
            if (octant_loop  == 6) {xloopsign <- -1 ; yloopsign <-  0 }
            if (octant_loop  == 7) {xloopsign <-  0 ; yloopsign <-  1 }

            xpoint <- fn_sqXP(vertdistance = ri, degrees = degreesloop,
                               xsign = xloopsign, rounding = 7)
            ypoint <- fn_sqYP(vertdistance = ri, degrees = degreesloop,
                               ysign = yloopsign, rounding = 7)
            outlinetype <- "4"
            tmp <- data.frame(degrees = degreesloop, afstand = ri,
                                xpoint = xpoint, ypoint = ypoint,
                                outlinetype = outlinetype)
              df <- rbind(df, tmp)
      ## RESULTS
        polygonpoints_result <- df

## fn_sqXP ============================================================== =====
# ' fn_sqXP calculating the horizontal offset of the point, based on a reference value (vertdistance) and compass direction.
# '
# ' @param vertdistance dummy text
# ' @param degrees dummy text
# ' @param xsign dummy text
# ' @param rounding dummy text
# '
# ' @return a distance

fn_sqXP <- function(vertdistance, degrees, xsign, rounding) {
    xpoint <- round(xsign * vertdistance +
                      (1 - abs(xsign)) *
                      sqrt(2 * vertdistance ^ 2) *
                      cos(.5 * pi - degrees / 360 * 2 * pi),
                    digits = rounding)
   ##return results

## fn_sqYP ============================================================== =====
# ' fn_sqYP calculating the vertical offset of the point, based on a reference value (vertdistance) and compass direction.
# '
# ' @param vertdistance dummy text
# ' @param degrees dummy text
# ' @param ysign dummy text
# ' @param rounding dummy text
# '
# ' @return a distance

fn_sqYP <- function(vertdistance, degrees, ysign, rounding) {
       ypoint <- round(ysign * vertdistance +
                        (1 - abs(ysign)) *
                        sqrt(2 * vertdistance ^ 2) *
                        sin(.5 * pi - degrees / 360 * 2 * pi),
                        digits = rounding)
      ##return results

## fn_sqdegseq ========================================================== =====
# ' fn_sqdegseq gives a sequence of degrees based on a starting and end rotation, with all the multiples of 45 degrees within the range. If starting degrees > enddegrees then (multples of) 360 degrees are added until start degrees is smaller then enddegrees.
# '
# ' @param startdegrees a startingpoint of degrees (as used in a compass)
# ' @param enddegrees the endpoint of degrees (as used in a compass)
# ' @param counterclockwise (bln, default = FALSE)
# ' @param reset (bln, default = FALSE) if reset is True then startdegrees is reset to a number between 0 and 360, and enddegrees to a number between 0 and 720 degrees
# '
# ' @return a sequence of at least two compass directions, with the multiples of 45 degrees in between the outer limits.
# ' @exportnot
# '
# ' @examples

fn_sqdegseq <- function(startdegrees, enddegrees,
                       counterclockwise = FALSE, reset= FALSE) {
    if (reset == TRUE)  {
      startdegrees <- startdegrees - 360 * (startdegrees %/% 360)
    if (enddegrees < startdegrees) {
      enddegrees <- enddegrees + 360 * ((startdegrees - enddegrees) %/% 360)
    if (enddegrees < startdegrees) { enddegrees <- enddegrees + 360 }
    firstmultiple <- 45 * (startdegrees %/% 45 + 1)
    lastmultiple <-  45 * (enddegrees %/% 45 + 0)
    if (counterclockwise == FALSE) {
      if (lastmultiple < firstmultiple) {
        degseq <- c(startdegrees, enddegrees)
      } else {
        degseq <- c(startdegrees, seq(from = firstmultiple,
                                         to = lastmultiple,
                                       by = 45), enddegrees)
    } else {
      if (lastmultiple < firstmultiple) {
        degseq <- c(enddegrees, startdegrees)
      } else {
        degseq <- c(enddegrees, seq(from = lastmultiple,
                                       to = firstmultiple,
                                     by = -45), startdegrees)
  ##return results

## ====================================================================== =====

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ggsolvencyii documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:54 p.m.