utils::globalVariables(c(".data", "x", "y"))
# Support function
points_on_line <- function(.x, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
.slope <- (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
.intercept <- y2 - .slope * x2
.intercept + .x * .slope
get_area <- function(.sh, ..x, .w) {
out <- .sh %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$x >= ..x,
.data$x <= (..x + .w)) %>%
dplyr::summarise(ymin = max(.data$ymin),
ymax = min(.data$ymax))
(out$ymax - out$ymin) * .w
get_position <- function(..df) {
.w <- (range(..df$x)[2]-range(..df$x)[1])/10
sh <- dplyr::tibble(x = ..df$x[1:(nrow(..df)/2)],
ymin = ..df$y[1:(nrow(..df)/2)],
ymax = ..df$y[(nrow(..df)/2+1):nrow(..df)] %>% rev()
it <- sh %>%
dplyr::filter((x + .w) <= max(x)) %>%
v <- purrr::map_dbl(it, ~get_area(.sh = sh, ..x = .x, .w))
i <- which.max(v)
sh %>%
dplyr::slice(i) %>%
dplyr::transmute(x = .data$x + .w / 2,
y = .data$ymin + (.data$ymax - .data$ymin) / 2)
sort_inside_out_naive <- function(df) {
df %>%
sort_onset %>%
dplyr::mutate(onset_order = as.numeric(.data$fill),
# even first desc, then odd ascending
insideout_order = dplyr::if_else(.data$onset_order %% 2 == 0,$onset_order,
fill = forcats::fct_reorder(.data$fill, .data$insideout_order))
sort_onset <- function(df) {
df %>%
# Put zero or negative values last
dplyr::arrange(.data$y <= 0,$x) %>%
dplyr::mutate(fill = forcats::fct_inorder(.data$fill))
stack_densities <- function(data,
bw = bw,
n_grid = n_grid,
extra_span = extra_span,
center_fun = center_fun,
method = method,
true_range = true_range,
type = type) {
if(is.null(center_fun)) {center_fun <- function(x) {return(0)}
.min_x <- range(data$x, na.rm = TRUE)[1]
.max_x <- range(data$x, na.rm = TRUE)[2]
.range_length <- .max_x - .min_x
.min_x_est <- .min_x - .range_length * extra_span
.max_x_est <- .max_x + .range_length * extra_span
fun <- if(method == "new_wiggle") {
bw = bw,
n_grid = n_grid,
min_x = .min_x_est,
max_x = .max_x_est)
if(type == "mirror") {
init <- quote(-(sum(.data$y) / 2))
} else if (type %in% c("ridge", "proportional")) {
init <- quote(0)
data <- purrr::map_dfr(data %>% split(data$group), fun) %>%
dplyr::mutate(y = dplyr::if_else(y < 0, 0, y))
if(true_range == "both") {
data <- data %>%
dplyr::filter(x >= .min_x,
x <= .max_x)
} else if (true_range == "max_x") {
data <- data %>%
dplyr::filter(x <= .max_x)
} else if (true_range == "min_x") {
data <- data %>%
dplyr::filter(x >= .min_x)
data <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate(group_tmp = factor(.data$group) %>% as.numeric()) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$x, .data$group_tmp) %>%
if(type == "proportional") {
data <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate(y = .data$y / sum(.data$y, na.rm = TRUE))
data <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate(ymin = purrr::accumulate(.data$y, ~.x + .y,
.init = eval(init),
.dir = "backward")[-1],
ymax = .data$ymin + .data$y) %>%
data <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars("ymin", "ymax"), ~{. + center_fun(.data$x)})
data <- purrr::map_dfr(data %>% split(data$group),
.x <- .x %>% dplyr::arrange(x)
x = c(.x$x, rev(.x$x)),
y = c(.x$ymin, rev(.x$ymax)),
group = dplyr::first(.x$group))
StatStreamDensity <- ggplot2::ggproto("StatStreamDensity", ggplot2::Stat,
required_aes = c("x", "y", "fill"),
extra_params = c("bw", "n_grid", "extra_span", "na.rm", "center_fun", "method", "true_range", "type", "sorting"),
setup_data = function(data, params) {
if(is.character(data$fill)) {
data$fill <- factor(data$fill)
# sorting
if(params$sorting == "inside_out") {
data <- data %>% sort_inside_out_naive() %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$fill) %>%
dplyr::mutate(group = as.numeric(.data$fill))
if(params$sorting == "onset") {
data <- data %>% sort_onset() %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$fill) %>%
dplyr::mutate(group = as.numeric(.data$fill))
if(params$na.rm) {
data <- data %>%
tidyr::drop_na(x, y, fill)
.panels <- unique(data$PANEL)
.per_panel <- purrr::map_dfr(.panels, ~{
data %>%
dplyr::filter(PANEL == .x) %>%
bw = params$bw,
n_grid = params$n_grid,
extra_span = params$extra_span,
center_fun = params$center_fun,
method = params$method,
true_range = params$true_range,
type = params$type
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(PANEL = .x)
}) %>%
dplyr::mutate(PANEL = factor(PANEL))
suppressWarnings(data %>%
dplyr::select(-"x", -"y") %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::left_join(.per_panel, by = c("group", "PANEL"))
compute_group = function(data, scales) {
StatStreamDensityText <- ggplot2::ggproto("StatStreamDensityText", ggplot2::Stat,
required_aes = c("x", "y", "fill"),
extra_params = c("bw", "n_grid", "extra_span", "na.rm", "center_fun", "method", "true_range", "sorting", "type"),
setup_data = function(data, params) {
if(is.character(data$fill)) {
data$fill <- factor(data$fill)
# sorting
if(params$sorting == "inside_out") {
data <- data %>% sort_inside_out_naive() %>%
dplyr::arrange(fill) %>%
dplyr::mutate(group = as.numeric(fill))
if(params$sorting == "onset") {
data <- data %>% sort_onset() %>%
dplyr::arrange(fill) %>%
dplyr::mutate(group = as.numeric(fill))
if(params$na.rm) {
data <- data %>%
tidyr::drop_na(x, y, fill)
.panels <- unique(data$PANEL)
.per_panel <- purrr::map_dfr(.panels, ~{
data %>%
dplyr::filter(PANEL == .x) %>%
bw = params$bw,
n_grid = params$n_grid,
extra_span = params$extra_span,
center_fun = params$center_fun,
method = params$method,
true_range = params$true_range,
type = params$type
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(PANEL = .x)
}) %>%
dplyr::mutate(PANEL = factor(PANEL))
suppressWarnings(data %>%
dplyr::select(-"x", -"y") %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::left_join(.per_panel, by = c("group", "PANEL"))
compute_group = function(data, scales) {
#' @title geom_stream
#' geom to create stream plots
#' @param mapping provide you own mapping. both x and y need to be numeric.
#' @param data provide you own data
#' @param geom change geom
#' @param position change position
#' @param na.rm remove missing values
#' @param show.legend show legend in plot
#' @param bw bandwidth of kernel density estimation
#' @param n_grid number of x points that should be calculated. The higher the more smooth plot.
#' @param center_fun a function that returns the y center for each possible x in range of x.
#' @param method Only `new wiggle` is implemented so far.
#' @param type one of `mirror` which stacks symmetrically around the x axis, or `ridge` which stacks from the x-axis, or `proportional`
#' @param true_range should the true data range be used or the estimation range?
#' @param extra_span How many extra range should be used in estimation? Percent of x range added to min and max.
#' @param sorting Should the groups be sorted. Either the default 'none', 'onset' or 'inside_out'
#' @param inherit.aes should the geom inherits aesthetics
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed to the geom
#' @return a 'ggplot' layer
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' set.seed(123)
#' df <- data.frame(x = rep(1:10, 3),
#' y = rpois(30, 2),
#' group = sort(rep(c("A", "B", "C"), 10)))
#' ggplot(df, aes(x, y, fill = group, label = group)) +
#' geom_stream()
#' @export
geom_stream <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, geom = "polygon",
position = "identity", show.legend = NA,
inherit.aes = TRUE,
na.rm = TRUE,
bw = 0.75,
extra_span = 0.01,
n_grid = 1000,
method = c("new_wiggle"),
center_fun = NULL,
type = c("mirror", "ridge", "proportional"),
true_range = c("both", "min_x", "max_x", "none"),
sorting = c("none", "onset", "inside_out"), ...) {
method <- match.arg(method)
type <- match.arg(type)
true_range <- match.arg(true_range)
sorting <- match.arg(sorting)
stat = StatStreamDensity, data = data, mapping = mapping, geom = geom,
position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
params = list(na.rm = na.rm,
bw = bw,
extra_span = extra_span,
center_fun = center_fun,
n_grid = n_grid,
type = type,
true_range = true_range,
method = method,
sorting = sorting, ...)
#' @title geom_stream_label
#' geom to create labels to a geom_stream plot
#' @param mapping provide you own mapping. both x and y need to be numeric.
#' @param data provide you own data
#' @param geom change geom
#' @param position change position
#' @param na.rm remove missing values
#' @param show.legend show legend in plot
#' @param bw bandwidth of kernel density estimation
#' @param n_grid number of x points that should be calculated. The higher the more smooth plot.
#' @param center_fun a function that returns the y center for each possible x in range of x.
#' @param method Only `new wiggle` is implemented so far.
#' @param type one of `mirror` which stacks symmetrically around the x axis, or `ridge` which stacks from the x-axis, or `proportional`.
#' @param true_range should the true data range be used or the estimation range?
#' @param extra_span How many extra range should be used in estimation? Percent of x range added to min and max.
#' @param sorting Should the groups be sorted. Either the default 'none', 'onset' or 'inside_out'
#' @param inherit.aes should the geom inherits aesthetics
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed to the geom
#' @return a 'ggplot' layer
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' set.seed(123)
#' df <- data.frame(x = rep(1:10, 3),
#' y = rpois(30, 2),
#' group = sort(rep(c("A", "B", "C"), 10)))
#' ggplot(df, aes(x, y, fill = group, label = group)) +
#' geom_stream() +
#' geom_stream_label(n_grid = 100)
#' @export
geom_stream_label <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, geom = "text",
position = "identity", show.legend = NA,
inherit.aes = TRUE,
na.rm = TRUE,
bw = 0.75,
extra_span = 0.01,
n_grid = 100,
method = c("new_wiggle"),
center_fun = NULL,
type = c("mirror", "ridge", "proportional"),
true_range = c("both", "min_x", "max_x", "none"),
sorting = c("none", "onset", "inside_out"), ...) {
method <- match.arg(method)
type <- match.arg(type)
true_range <- match.arg(true_range)
sorting <- match.arg(sorting)
stat = StatStreamDensityText, data = data, mapping = mapping, geom = geom,
position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
params = list(na.rm = na.rm,
bw = bw,
extra_span = extra_span,
center_fun = center_fun,
n_grid = n_grid,
type = type,
true_range = true_range,
method = method,
sorting = sorting, ...)
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