
Defines functions collapse_list scale_x_upset scale_x_mergelist

Documented in scale_x_mergelist scale_x_upset

#' Merge list columns into character vectors
#' The function handles list columns by collapsing them into delimited strings
#' using the \code{sep} argument. This is useful to show sets and in combination
#' with the \code{axis_combmatrix()} function.
#' @param sep String the is used to delimit the elements in each list entry.
#'   Default: "-".
#' @param ... additional arguments that are passed on to
#'   \code{ggplot2::scale_x_discrete}
#' @param position either "top" or "bottom" to specify where the
#'   x axis drawn. Default: "bottom"
#' @seealso \code{\link[ggplot2]{discrete_scale}}
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(tidy_movies[1:100, ], aes(x=Genres)) +
#'   geom_bar() +
#'   scale_x_mergelist() +
#'   theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust=1, vjust = 0.5))
#' ggplot(tidy_movies[1:100, ], aes(x=Genres)) +
#'   geom_bar() +
#'   scale_x_mergelist(sep = " & ", name = "Merged Movie Genres", position = "top") +
#'   theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust=0, vjust = 0.5))
#' @export
scale_x_mergelist <- function(sep="-", ..., position = "bottom"){
  sc <- discrete_scale(c("x", "xmin", "xmax", "xend"), palette = identity, ...,
                       guide = ggplot2::waiver(), position = position, super = ScaleMergeList)
  sc2 <- scale_x_discrete(position = position, ...)
  sc$range_c <- sc2$range_c
  sc$internal_text_separator <- sep


#' Scale to make UpSet plots
#' This function takes a list column and turns it into a combination matrix
#' axis. It internally wraps the call to \code{scale_x_mergelist()} and
#' \code{axis_combmatrix()} and makes sure that the elements are sorted by
#' size.
#' @param order_by either "freq" or "degree". Default: "freq"
#' @param n_sets maximum number of sets that are displayed. Default: Inf
#' @param n_intersections maximum number of intersections that are
#'   displayed. Default: Inf
#' @param sets character vector that specifies which sets are displayed
#' @param intersections a list of character vectors that specifies which
#'   intersections are displayed
#' @param reverse boolean if the order of the intersections is reversed.
#'   Default: FALSE
#' @param ytrans transformers for y axis. For more information see
#'   \code{axis_combmatrix()}. Default: "identity"
#' @param position either "top" or "bottom" to specify where the
#'   combination matrix is drawn. Default: "bottom"
#' @param ... additional parameters for \code{ggplot2::discrete_scale()}
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(tidy_movies[1:100, ], aes(x=Genres)) +
#'   geom_bar() +
#'   scale_x_upset(reverse = TRUE, sets=c("Drama", "Action"))
#'  ggplot(tidy_movies[1:100, ], aes(x=Genres)) +
#'    geom_bar() +
#'    scale_x_upset(n_intersections = 5, ytrans="sqrt")
#'  ggplot(tidy_movies[1:100, ], aes(x=Genres, y=year)) +
#'    geom_boxplot() +
#'    scale_x_upset(intersections = list(c("Drama", "Comedy"), c("Short"), c("Short", "Animation")),
#'                  sets = c("Drama", "Comedy", "Short", "Animation", "Horror"))
#' @export
scale_x_upset <- function(order_by = c("freq", "degree"), n_sets = Inf, n_intersections = Inf,
                          sets = NULL, intersections = NULL, reverse=FALSE,
                          ytrans="identity", ..., position = "bottom"){
  sc <- discrete_scale(c("x", "xmin", "xmax", "xend"),  palette = identity, ...,
               guide = ggplot2::waiver(), position = position, super = ScaleUpset)
  order_by <- match.arg(order_by,  c("freq", "degree"))
  sc$order_by <- order_by
  sc$n_sets <- n_sets
  sc$n_intersections <- n_intersections
  sc$sets <- sets
  sc$intersections <- intersections
  sc$reverse <- reverse
  sc2 <- scale_x_discrete(position = position, ...)
  sc$range_c <- sc2$range_c
  # Some unique separator that does not randomly appear in text data
  sc$internal_text_separator <- "-__-__-_-"

  list(sc, axis_combmatrix(sep = sc$internal_text_separator, levels=levels, ytrans=ytrans))

ScaleMergeList <- ggproto("ScaleMergeList", ScaleDiscretePosition,

  internal_text_separator = "-",

  # train = function(self, x) {
  #   # browser()
  #   print("In train")
  #   # if(is.list(x)){
  #   #   x <- collapse_list(self, x)
  #   # }
  #   ggproto_parent(ScaleDiscretePosition, self)$train(x)
  # },

  # map = function(self, x, limits = self$get_limits()) {
  #   # browser()
  #   print("In map")
  #   # if(is.list(x)){
  #   #   x <- collapse_list(self, x)
  #   # }
  #   ggproto_parent(ScaleDiscretePosition, self)$map(x, limits)
  # },

  # map_df = function(self, df, i = NULL){
  #   print("In map_df")
  #   ggproto_parent(ScaleDiscretePosition, self)$map_df(df, i)
  # },

  transform_df = function(self, df) {
    # browser()
    # print("In transform_df")
    old_res <- ggproto_parent(ScaleDiscretePosition, self)$transform_df(df)
    if("group" %in% colnames(df) && is.list(df$x) && all(df$group == -1)){
      # If the grouping is not set correctly, because it is a list column
      # adapt that one manually
      new_group <- as.numeric(as.factor(old_res$x))
      c(old_res, list(group = new_group))
  transform = function(self, x){
    # print("In transform")
      x <- collapse_list(self, x)
      stop("Error in scale_x_mergelist. Aesthetic 'x' must be of type list. It currently is: ",
           paste0(class(x), collapse = ", "))
    ggproto_parent(ScaleDiscretePosition, self)$transform(x)


ScaleUpset <- ggproto("ScaleUpset", ScaleMergeList,
   order_by = "freq",
   n_sets = Inf,
   n_intersections = Inf,
   sets = NULL,
   intersections = NULL,

   transform = function(self, x) {
       x <- lapply(x, sort)

       if(self$n_intersections < length(unique(x))){
         x_tmp <- vapply(x, paste0, collapse=self$internal_text_separator, FUN.VALUE = "")
         intersections_tmp <- names(sort(table(x_tmp), decreasing=TRUE))[seq_len(self$n_intersections)]
         self$intersections <- strsplit(intersections_tmp, self$internal_text_separator)
       if(! is.null(self$intersections)){
         x <- lapply(x, function(elem){
           keep <- any(vapply(self$intersections, function(inter){
             length(elem) == length(inter) && all(sort(elem) == sort(inter))
           }, FUN.VALUE= FALSE))

         sets <- unique(unlist(x))
         sets <- sets[! is.na(sets)]
         # Only sort sets if they are not set by user
         sets <- names(sort(table(unlist(x))[sets], decreasing = TRUE))
         sets <- intersect(self$sets, unique(unlist(x)))
       sets <- sets[seq_len(min(length(sets), self$n_sets))]
       sets <- factor(sets, levels=sets, ordered=TRUE)

       self$sets <- sets

       to_delete <- vapply(x, function(elem) length(elem) > 0 && !any(elem %in% levels(sets)), FUN.VALUE = FALSE)
       x <- lapply(x, function(elem) elem[elem %in% levels(sets)])
       x_string <- vapply(x, paste0, collapse=self$internal_text_separator, FUN.VALUE = "")
       x_string[to_delete] <- NA

       if(self$order_by == "freq"){
         levels <- names(sort(table(x_string), decreasing = !self$reverse))
       }else if(self$order_by == "degree"){
         levels <- unique(x)
         degree <- vapply(levels, length, FUN.VALUE = 0)
         levels <- vapply(levels, paste0, collapse=self$internal_text_separator, FUN.VALUE = "")
         levels <- levels[degree != 0]
         x_string <- vapply(x, paste0, collapse=self$internal_text_separator, FUN.VALUE = "")
         levels <- levels[order(degree[degree > 0], sort(-table(x_string))[levels])]
           levels <- rev(levels)
       x_string <- factor(x_string, levels = levels, ordered=TRUE)
       stop("Error in scale_upset for aesthetic 'x'. 'x' must be of type list. It currently is: ",
            paste0(class(LETTERS), collapse = ", "))
     # Cannot call this anymore because this one must be a list
     # ggproto_parent(ScaleMergeList, self)$transform(x_string)

   # map = function(self, x, limits = self$get_limits()) {
   #   if(is.list(x)){
   #     x <- lapply(x, sort)
   #     to_delete <- vapply(x, function(elem) length(elem) > 0 && !any(elem %in% levels(self$sets)), FUN.VALUE = FALSE)
   #     x <- lapply(x, function(elem) elem[elem %in% levels(self$sets)])
   #     x_string <- vapply(x, paste0, collapse=self$internal_text_separator, FUN.VALUE = "")
   #     x_string[to_delete] <- NA
   #   }else{
   #     x_string <- x
   #   }
   #   ggproto_parent(ScaleDiscretePosition, self)$map(x_string, limits)
   # },

   get_limits = function(self){
     limits <- ggproto_parent(ScaleMergeList, self)$get_limits()
     limits <- limits[! is.na(limits)]


collapse_list <- function(self, x){
  x <- lapply(x, sort)
  vapply(x, paste0, collapse=self$internal_text_separator, FUN.VALUE = "")

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ggupset documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:08 p.m.