#' Create a model of a data set and compute predictions.
#' Fit a 1d model, then compute predictions and (optionally) standard errors
#' over an evenly spaced grid.
#' \code{compute_model_prediction} fits a model to the data and makes
#' predictions with it. \code{compute_smooth} is a special case of model
#' predictions where the model is a smooth loess curve whose smoothness is
#' controlled by the \code{span} parameter.
#' @param x Dataset-like object to model and predict. Built-in methods for data
#' frames, grouped data frames and ggvis visualisations.
#' @param model Model fitting function to use - it must support R's standard
#' modelling interface, taking a formula and data frame as input, and
#' returning predictions with \code{\link{predict}}. If not supplied, will use
#' \code{\link{loess}} for <= 1000 points, otherwise it will use
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}}. Other modelling functions that will work include
#' \code{\link{lm}}, \code{\link{glm}} and \code{\link[MASS]{rlm}}.
#' @param formula Formula passed to modelling function. Can use any variables
#' from data.
#' @param se include standard errors in output? Requires appropriate method of
#' \code{predict_grid}, since the interface for returning predictions with
#' standard errors is not consistent acrossing modelling frameworks.
#' @param level the confidence level of the standard errors.
#' @param n the number of grid points to use in the prediction
#' @param domain If \code{NULL} (the default), the domain of the predicted
#' values will be the same as the domain of the prediction variable in the
#' data. It can also be a two-element numeric vector specifying the min and
#' max.
#' @param ... arguments passed on to \code{model} function
#' @param method Deprecated. Please use \code{model} instead.
#' @param span Smoothing span used for loess model.
#' @return A data frame with columns: \item{\code{resp_}}{regularly spaced grid
#' of \code{n} locations} \item{\code{pred_}}{predicted value from model}
#' \item{\code{pred_lwr_} and \code{pred_upr_}}{upper and lower bounds of
#' confidence interval (if \code{se = TRUE})} \item{\code{pred_se_}}{the
#' standard error (width of the confidence interval) (if \code{se = TRUE})}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Use a small value of n for these examples
#' mtcars %>% compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt, n = 10)
#' mtcars %>% compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt, n = 10, se = TRUE)
#' mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) %>% compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt, n = 10)
#' # compute_smooth defaults to loess
#' mtcars %>% compute_smooth(mpg ~ wt)
#' # Override model to suppress message or change approach
#' mtcars %>% compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt, n = 10, model = "loess")
#' mtcars %>% compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt, n = 10, model = "lm")
#' # Set the domain manually
#' mtcars %>%
#' compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt, n = 20, model = "lm", domain = c(0, 8))
#' # Plot the results
#' mtcars %>% compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt) %>%
#' ggvis(~pred_, ~resp_) %>%
#' layer_paths()
#' mtcars %>% ggvis() %>%
#' compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt) %>%
#' layer_paths(~pred_, ~resp_)
compute_model_prediction <- function(x, formula, ..., model = NULL, se = FALSE,
level = 0.95, n = 80L, domain = NULL, method) {
if (!missing(method)) {
deprecated("method", version = "0.3")
model <- method
#' @export <- function(x, formula, ..., model = NULL,
se = FALSE, level = 0.95, n = 80L,
domain = NULL, method) {
model <- model %||% guess_model(x)
if (nrow(x) == 0) {
restore <- identity
if (is.character(model)) {
# This allows the use of e.g. MASS::rlm
model <- parse(text = model)[[1]]
if (model == quote(loess)) {
# loess can't handle POSIXct, so convert to numeric. Fortunately we know
# that loess only has a single predictor to extract.
pred_var <- formula[[3]]
pred_vals <- eval(pred_var, x)
if (inherits(pred_vals, "POSIXct")) {
x[[as.character(pred_var)]] <- as.numeric(pred_vals)
tz <- attr(pred_vals, "tzone", TRUE)
restore <- function(data) {
data$pred_ <- as.POSIXct(data$pred_, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = tz)
} else if (inherits(pred_vals, "Date")) {
x[[as.character(pred_var)]] <- as.numeric(pred_vals)
restore <- function(data) {
data$pred_ <- structure(data$pred_, class = "Date")
# Create model environment & model call
env <- new.env(parent = environment(formula))
env$data <- x
model_call <- make_call(model, formula, data = quote(data), ...)
# Fit model and make predictions
model <- eval(model_call, env)
res <- pred_grid(model, x, se = se, level = level, n = n, domain = domain)
empty_smooth <- function(se = FALSE) {
res <- data.frame(resp_ = numeric(0), pred_ = numeric(0))
if (se) {
res$pred_lwr_ <- numeric(0)
res$pred_upr_ <- numeric(0)
res$pred_se_ <- numeric(0)
#' @export
compute_model_prediction.grouped_df <- function(x, formula, ..., model = NULL,
se = FALSE, level = 0.95, n = 80L,
domain = NULL, method) {
dplyr::do(x, compute_model_prediction(., formula = formula, model = model,
se = se, level = level, n = n, domain = domain, ...))
#' @export
compute_model_prediction.ggvis <- function(x, formula, ..., model = NULL,
se = FALSE, level = 0.95, n = 80L,
domain = NULL, method) {
args <- list(formula = formula, model = model, se = se, level = level,
n = n, domain = domain, ...)
register_computation(x, args, "model_prediction", function(data, args) {
output <- do_call(compute_model_prediction, quote(data), .args = args)
preserve_constants(data, output)
#' @rdname compute_model_prediction
#' @export
compute_smooth <- function(x, formula, ..., span = 0.75, se = FALSE) {
compute_model_prediction(x, formula, ..., model = "loess", span = span,
se = se)
guess_model <- function(data) {
model <- if (max_rows(data) > 1000) "gam" else "loess"
# Helper function to create data frame of predictions -------------------------
pred_grid <- function(model, data, domain = NULL, n = 80, se = FALSE,
level = 0.95) {
assert_that(is.numeric(level), length(level) == 1, level >= 0, level <= 1)
assert_that(length(n) == 1, n >= 0)
assert_that(is.null(domain) || length(domain) == 2)
#' @export
pred_grid.loess <- function(model, data, domain = NULL, n = 80, se = FALSE,
level = 0.95) {
if (length(model$xnames) > 1) {
stop("Only know how to make grid for one variable", call. = FALSE)
x_rng <- domain %||% range(model$x, na.rm = TRUE)
x_grid <- seq(x_rng[1], x_rng[2], length = n)
grid <- stats::setNames(data.frame(x_grid), model$xnames)
resp <- stats::predict(model, newdata = grid, se = se)
if (!se) {
pred_ = x_grid,
resp_ = as.vector(resp)
} else {
ci <- resp$ * stats::qt(level / 2 + .5, resp$df)
pred_ = x_grid,
resp_ = resp$fit,
resp_lwr_ = resp$fit - ci,
resp_upr_ = resp$fit + ci,
resp_se_ = resp$
#' @export
pred_grid.lm <- function(model, data, domain = NULL, n = 80, se = FALSE,
level = 0.95) {
x_var <- get_predict_vars(stats::terms(model))
if (length(x_var) > 1) {
stop("Only know how to make grid for one variable", call. = FALSE)
x_rng <- domain %||% range(data[[x_var]], na.rm = TRUE)
x_grid <- seq(x_rng[1], x_rng[2], length = n)
grid <- stats::setNames(data.frame(x_grid), x_var)
resp <- stats::predict(model, newdata = grid, se = se,
level = level, interval = if(se) "confidence" else "none")
if (!se) {
pred_ = x_grid,
resp_ = as.vector(resp)
} else {
pred_ = x_grid,
resp_ = resp$fit[, 1],
resp_lwr_ = resp$fit[, 2],
resp_upr_ = resp$fit[, 3],
resp_se_ = resp$
# Given a formula object, return a character vector of predictor variables
get_predict_vars <- function(f) {
if (!is.formula(f))
stop("f must be a formula object")
if (length(f) != 3)
stop("Formula must have components on both sides of `~`")
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