
if (rmarkdown::pandoc_available("2.0.0")) {

  repo_input <- tempfile(pattern = "git2r-")
  repo <- fake_repo(repo_input)

  # Classic use
  with_dir(repo, {
    res <- git_down(author = "Cervan",
                    pattern = c("Issue" = "#[[:digit:]]+"),
                    open = FALSE
  lines <- readLines(file.path(dirname(res), "section-issue.html"))
  # like <h2><span>1.2</span> Issue: #1</h2>',
  one_line_exists <- grep('h2.+1[.]2.+Issue: #1.+h2', lines, fixed = FALSE)
  # like <h3><span>1.2.1</span> commit: example: modification</h3>',
  sub_commit_1 <- grep('h3.+1[.]2[.]1.+commit: example: modification.+h3',
                       lines, fixed = FALSE)
  # like <h3><span>1.2.2</span> commit: Add NEWS</h3>',
  sub_commit_2 <- grep('h3.+1[.]2[.]2.+commit: Add NEWS.+h3',
                       lines, fixed = FALSE)

  test_that("git_down function",{
    expect_match(res, regexp = ".html")
    expect_true(file.exists(file.path(dirname(res), "section-issue.html")))
    expect_length(one_line_exists, 1)
    expect_length(sub_commit_1, 1)
    expect_length(sub_commit_2, 1)

  # clean dir
  unlink(dirname(res), recursive = TRUE)

  # Pattern without name and special characters cleaned
  with_dir(repo, {
    res <- git_down(author = "StatnMap",
                    pattern = c("#[[:digit:]]+"),
                    open = FALSE

  lines <- readLines(file.path(dirname(res), "section-digit.html"))
  # like <h2><span>1.2</span> <code>#--:digit:--+</code>: #1</h2>',
  one_line_exists <- grep('h2.+1[.]2.+<code>#--:digit:--\\+</code>: #1.+h2',
                          lines, fixed = FALSE)

  test_that("git_down no name function",{
    expect_match(res, regexp = ".html")
    expect_true(file.exists(file.path(dirname(res), "section-digit.html")))
    expect_true(length(one_line_exists) == 1)

  # clean dir
  unlink(dirname(res), recursive = TRUE)

  # With multiple patterns ----
  with_dir(repo, {
    res <- git_down(author = "Seb",
                    pattern = c("Tickets" = "ticket[[:digit:]]+", "Issues" = "#[[:digit:]]+"),
                    open = FALSE

  test_that("git_down multiple pattern works", {
    expect_match(res, regexp = ".html")

    issues_file <- normalizePath(file.path(dirname(res), "section-issues.html"))
    tickets_file <- normalizePath(file.path(dirname(res), "section-tickets.html"))


    lines <- readLines(tickets_file)
    # like <h2><span>1.2</span> Ticket: ticket1234</h2>'
    one_line_ticket_exists <- grep('h2.*1.2.*Ticket: ticket1234.*h2',
                                   lines, fixed = FALSE)

    expect_true(length(one_line_ticket_exists) == 1)

    lines <- readLines(issues_file)
    # like <h2><span>2.2</span> Issue: #1</h2>',
    one_line_exists <- grep('h2.+2[.]2.+Issue: #1.+h2',
                            lines, fixed = FALSE)
    expect_true(length(one_line_exists) == 1)

  # clean dir
  unlink(dirname(res), recursive = TRUE)

  # With table of correspondence
  pattern.table <- data.frame(
    number = c("#2", "#1", "#1000"),
    title = c("#2 A second issue to illustrate a blog post",
              "#1 An example of issue",
              "#1000 issue with no commit"))

  test_that("git_down with pattern table",{
    with_dir(repo, {
      res <- git_down(author = "Cervan",
                      pattern = c("Issue" = "#[[:digit:]]+"),
                      pattern.table = pattern.table,
                      open = FALSE
      expect_match(res, regexp = ".html")

  # clean dir
  unlink(dirname(res), recursive = TRUE)

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gitdown documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:01 p.m.