
Defines functions fit.gpd.lmom.given fit.gpd.lmom fit.gpd

Documented in fit.gpd fit.gpd.lmom fit.gpd.lmom.given

# omnibus gpd fitter - modelled on fit.fkml
fit.gpd <- function(x,method="LM",na.rm=TRUE, record.cpu.time = TRUE,return.data=FALSE,LambdaZeroEpsilon=1e-15){
  # rec.cpu.time TRUE for consistency with fit.fkml
  # Start timing
  if(record.cpu.time) { 
    time.1 <- as.numeric(proc.time()[3]) } else { time.1 <- "not timing"
  # set long method name
  if (method == "LM")  {method.name="Method of L-Moments"}
  if (method == "SM")  {method.name="Starship"}
  if (method == "starship")  {
    method="SM" }
  if (method == "LM")  {
    results <- fit.gpd.lmom(data=x,na.rm=na.rm,LambdaZeroEpsilon=LambdaZeroEpsilon)
  # results a list with 2 elements
  if (method == "SM") {
    if (na.rm) {
      original.n = length(x)
      x = x[!is.na(x)]
    starship.results <- starship(data=x,param="gpd",return.data=FALSE) # returning data is dealt with below
    region = gldGPDRegionID(pars=starship.results$lambda)
    if (region == "A"){
      results = list(estA=starship.results$lambda,estB=NULL,param="gpd",starship=starship.results) }
    if (region == "B"){
      results = list(estA=NULL,estB=starship.results$lambda,param="gpd",starship=starship.results) }
  # add optional elements
  if (record.cpu.time) {
    time.2 <- as.numeric(proc.time()[3]); runtime <- round(time.2-time.1,2) 
    results$cpu <- runtime 
  if (return.data) {results$data = x}
  class(results) <- "GldGPDFit"

fit.gpd.lmom <- function(data,na.rm=TRUE,LambdaZeroEpsilon=1e-15){
  if (na.rm){ dataNArm <- data[!is.na(data)] 
  } else { if (any(is.na(data))) {
      stop(paste("NA values in ",deparse(substitute(data)),". use na.rm=TRUE to fit these data.",sep=""))} else {dataNArm <- data}

fit.gpd.lmom.given <- function(lmoms,n=NULL,LambdaZeroEpsilon=1e-15){
  if (length(lmoms) < 4) {stop("4 L-Moments are required to fit the GLD gpd.\nArgument lmoms of fit.gpd.lmom.given is less than 4 long.")}
  t4 <- lmoms[4]
  t3 <- lmoms[3]
  l2 <- lmoms[2]
  l1 <- lmoms[1]
  el.1 <- (3+7*t4)
  if (abs(t3)>=1){problem=paste("No estimates possible, impossible sample Tau 3 value: Tau3=",t3,"outside (-1,1) range\n")
    res <- list(estA=NA,estB=NA,warn=problem,param="gpd")
    class(res) <- "GldGPDFit"
  if ( (5*t3^2-1)/4 > t4 ){problem = paste("No estimates possible, impossible sample Tau3/Tau4 combination. (5*Tau3^2-1)/4 =",(5*t3^2-1)/4,"must be <= Tau4 =",t4,"\n")
    res <- list(estA=NA,estB=NA,warn=problem,param="gpd")
    class(res) <- "GldGPDFit"
  if (t4 < -0.25){problem = paste("No estimates possible, impossible sample Tau 4 value: Tau4=",t4,"< -0.25\n")
  res <- list(estA=NA,estB=NA,warn=problem,param="gpd")
  class(res) <- "GldGPDFit"
    if (t4>=1){problem = paste("No estimates possible, impossible sample Tau 4 value: Tau4=",t4,">= 1\n")
    res <- list(estA=NA,estB=NA,warn=problem,param="gpd")
    class(res) <- "GldGPDFit"
  if ((t4^2+98*t4+1)<0) {problem = paste("No estimates possible, Tau4 too low (lowest possible value is approx -0.0102051). Tau4 here is ",t4,"\n")
    res <- list(estA=NA,estB=NA,warn=problem,param="gpd")
    class(res) <- "GldGPDFit"
  el.2 <- sqrt(t4^2+98*t4+1)
  denom <- (2*(1-t4))
  lambdahatA <- (el.1 - el.2 )/ denom
  lambdahatB <- (el.1 + el.2 )/ denom
  deltahatA <- 0.5*(1-(t3*(lambdahatA+3))/(lambdahatA-1))
  deltahatB <- 0.5*(1-(t3*(lambdahatB+3))/(lambdahatB-1))  
  betahatA <- l2*(lambdahatA+1)*(lambdahatA+2)
  betahatB <- l2*(lambdahatB+1)*(lambdahatB+2)
  alphahatA <- l1+(betahatA*(1-2*deltahatA))/(lambdahatA+1)
  alphahatB <- l1+(betahatB*(1-2*deltahatB))/(lambdahatB+1)
  if (abs(lambdahatA)<LambdaZeroEpsilon) { # lamdbahatA is close to zero
    # Use SLD special case
    AisSLD = TRUE
    lambdahatA = 0 
  } else {AisSLD = FALSE}
  lmomestA <- c(alphahatA,betahatA,deltahatA,lambdahatA)
  if (gl.check.lambda(lmomestA,param="gpd")) {  
    names(lmomestA) <- c("alpha","beta","delta","lambda")
    RegionAest = TRUE} else {lmomestA <- NA
    RegionAest = FALSE}
  lmomestB <- c(alphahatB,betahatB,deltahatB,lambdahatB)
  if (gl.check.lambda(lmomestB,param="gpd")) {  
    names(lmomestB) <- c("alpha","beta","delta","lambda")
    RegionBest = TRUE
    } else {
    lmomestB = NA
    RegionBest = FALSE}
 #if (FALSE){ # code which is iffed out below
   # calculates SEs in the SLD special case, but not in 
   # the main gld GPD case 
  if (!is.null(n)){ # Sample size is known - calculate Std Errors
    # Calculate standard errors for gld
    # Check if SEs exist in region A (lambda > -0.5 )
    if (RegionAest){
      # calculate SEs for region A estimate
      # Don't do this test for region B, because they always exist?
      if (AisSLD){
        # lambda = 0, so this is the SLD - SE calculation ...
        # see fit.R in R package, sld
        warning("Since lambda estimate is zero, the estimated distribution\nis a special case, the Quantile Based Skew Logistic Distribution.\nNo standard errors are available for lambda, but SEs for the other\nparameters are given from the Quantile Based SLD.\n")
        #om = dh*(1-dh) # omega
        #se.alpha = bh * sqrt((57 + (125*pi^2-1308)*om)/(15*n))
        #se.beta = bh * sqrt(4/(3*n) * (1 - (pi^2-8)*om))
        #se.delta = sqrt((8-(397+160*om-20*pi^2*(om+2))*om)/(15*n))
        omega = lmomestA[3]*(1-lmomestA[3])
        se.alpha = lmomestA[2] * sqrt((57 + (125*pi^2-1308)*omega)/(15*n))
        se.beta = lmomestA[2] * sqrt(4/(3*n) * (1 - (pi^2-8)*omega))
        se.delta = sqrt((8-(397+160*omega-20*pi^2*(omega+2))*omega)/(15*n))
        lmomestA <- cbind(lmomestA,c(se.alpha,se.beta,se.delta,NA))
        dimnames(lmomestA) <- list(c("alpha","beta","delta","lambda"),c("Estimate","Std. Error"))
      } else {
        if (lambdahatA > -0.5) { # We can calculate SEs
          alphahatA.se = se.alphahat(alphahatA,betahatA,deltahatA,lambdahatA,n)
          betahatA.se = se.betahat(alphahatA,betahatA,deltahatA,lambdahatA,n)
          deltahatA.se = se.deltahat(alphahatA,betahatA,deltahatA,lambdahatA,n)
          lambdahatA.se = se.lambdahat(alphahatA,betahatA,deltahatA,lambdahatA,n)
          SEs.A = c(alphahatA.se,betahatA.se,deltahatA.se,lambdahatA.se)
          lmomestA = cbind(lmomestA,SEs.A)
          dimnames(lmomestA)[[2]] = c("Estimate","Std. Error")
        } else { warning("Region A Standard Errors are undefined since lambda is estimated as <= -0.5\n")}
      # calculate SEs for region B estimate
    if (RegionBest) {
      # If we have go this far, there is always a region B estimate?
      if (lmomestB[4] == 0){
        # lambda = 0, so this is the SLD - SE calculation ...
        # see fit.R in R package, sld
        warning("Since lambda estimate is zero, the estimate is a special case,\nthe Quantile Based Skew Logistic Distribution.  No standard errors are available for lambda,\nbut SEs for the other parameters are given from the Quantile Based SLD.\n")
        omega = lmomestB$delta*(1-lmomestB$delta)
        se.alpha = lmomestB$beta * sqrt((57 + (125*pi^2-1308)*omega)/(15*n))
        se.beta = lmomestB$beta * sqrt(4/(3*n) * (1 - (pi^2-8)*omega))
        se.delta = sqrt((8-(397+160*omega-20*pi^2*(omega+2))*omega)/(15*n))
        lmomestB <- cbind(lmomestB,c(se.alpha,se.beta,se.delta,NA))
        dimnames(lmomestB) <- list(c("alpha","beta","delta","lambda"),c("Estimate","Std. Error"))
      } else {
        if (lambdahatB > -0.5) { # We can calculate SEs
          alphahatB.se = se.alphahat(alphahatB,betahatB,deltahatB,lambdahatB,n)
          betahatB.se = se.betahat(alphahatB,betahatB,deltahatB,lambdahatB,n)
          deltahatB.se = se.deltahat(alphahatB,betahatB,deltahatB,lambdahatB,n)
          lambdahatB.se = se.lambdahat(alphahatB,betahatB,deltahatB,lambdahatB,n)
          SEs.B = c(alphahatB.se,betahatB.se,deltahatB.se,lambdahatB.se)
          lmomestB = cbind(lmomestB,SEs.B)
          dimnames(lmomestB)[[2]] = c("Estimate","Std. Error")
        } else { # no need for SEs, stay as before
          warning("Region B Standard Errors are undefined since lambda is estimated as <= -0.5\n")
  ret <- list(estA=lmomestA,estB=lmomestB,param="gpd")
  if (RegionAest){ 
    ret <- list(estA=lmomestA,estB=lmomestB,param="gpd")
    } else {
      if (RegionBest) {
        ret <- list(estB=lmomestB,param="gpd")
      } else {
        ret <- list(param="gpd")
  class(ret) <- "GldGPDFit"

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