#' @title GLM-PCA
#' @description Generalized principal components analysis for
#' dimension reduction of non-normally distributed data.
#' @name glmpca
#' @param Y matrix-like object of count or binary data with features as rows
#' and observations as columns. Sparse matrices from the \code{Matrix}
#' package are supported. Column-oriented sparsity is preferred.
#' @param L desired number of latent dimensions (positive integer).
#' @param fam string describing the likelihood to use for the data. Families
#' include Poisson ('\code{poi}'), negative binomial with global
#' overdispersion ('\code{nb}'), negative binomial with feature-specific
#' overdispersion ('\code{nb2}'), or binomial ('\code{binom}'). Families
#' '\code{mult}' and '\code{bern}' are deprecated as both are special cases of
#' '\code{binom}' with \code{sz} set to NULL and 1, respectively. They are
#' provided only for backward compatibility. Family '\code{nb2}' has not been
#' thoroughly tested and is considered experimental.
#' @param minibatch string describing whether gradients should be computed with
#' all observations ('\code{none}', the default) or a subset of observations,
#' which is useful for larger datasets. Option '\code{stochastic}' computes
#' a noisy estimate of the full gradient using a random sample of observations
#' at each iteration. Option '\code{memoized}' computes the full data
#' gradient under memory constraints by caching summary statistics across
#' batches of observations.
#' @param optimizer string describing whether to use the fast AvaGrad method
#' ('\code{avagrad}', the default) or the slower diagonal Fisher scoring
#' method ('\code{fisher}') that was used in the original glmpca
#' implementation.
#' @param ctl a list of control parameters. See 'Details'
#' @param sz numeric vector of size factors for each observation. If NULL
#' (the default), colSums are used for family '\code{binom}', and
#' colMeans are used for families '\code{poi}','\code{nb}', and '\code{nb2}'.
#' @param nb_theta initial value for negative binomial overdispersion
#' parameter(s). Small values lead to more overdispersion. Default: 100. See
#' \code{\link[MASS]{negative.binomial}}. (\code{nb_theta}->\eqn{\infty}
#' equivalent to Poisson).
#' @param X a matrix of column (observations) covariates. Any column with all
#' same values (eg. 1 for intercept) will be removed. This is because we force
#' a feature-specific intercept and want to avoid collinearity.
#' @param Z a matrix of row (feature) covariates, usually not needed.
#' @param init a list containing initial estimates for the factors (\code{U})
#' and loadings (\code{V}) matrices.
#' @param ... additional named arguments. Provided only for backward
#' compatibility.
#' @details The basic model is \eqn{R = AX'+ZG'+VU'}, where \eqn{E[Y] = M
#' = linkinv(R)}. Regression coefficients are \code{A} and \code{G}, latent
#' factors are \code{U} and loadings are \code{V}.
#' The objective is to minimize the deviance between \code{Y}
#' and \code{M}. The deviance quantifies the goodness-of-fit of the GLM-PCA
#' model to the data (smaller=better).
#' Note that \code{glmpca} uses a random initialization,
#' so for fully reproducible results one may use \code{set.seed}.
#' The \code{ctl} argument accepts any of the following optional components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{verbose}{Logical. Should detailed status messages be printed
#' during the optimization run? Default: \code{FALSE}.}
#' \item{batch_size}{Positive integer. How many observations should be
#' included in a minibatch? Larger values use more memory but lead to
#' more accurate gradient estimation. Ignored if \code{minibatch='none'}.
#' Default: 1000.}
#' \item{lr}{Positive scalar. The AvaGrad learning rate. Large values
#' enable faster convergence but can lead to numerical instability.
#' Default: 0.1. If a numerical divergence occurs, \code{glmpca}
#' will restart the optimization \code{maxTry} times (see below)
#' and reduce the learning rate by a factor of five each time.}
#' \item{penalty}{Non-negative scalar. The L2 penalty for the latent
#' factors. Default: 1. Regression coefficients are not penalized. Only
#' used by the Fisher scoring optimizer. Larger values improve numerical
#' stability but bias the parameter estimates. If a numerical divergence
#' occurs, \code{glmpca} will restart the optimization \code{maxTry} times
#' (see below) and increase the penalty by a factor of five each time.}
#' \item{maxTry}{Positive integer. In case of numerical divergence, how
#' many times should optimization be restarted with a more stable penalty
#' or learning rate? Default: 10.}
#' \item{minIter}{Positive integer. Minimum number of iterations (full
#' passes through the dataset) before checking for numerical convergence.
#' Default: 30.}
#' \item{maxIter}{Positive integer. Maximum number of iterations. If
#' numerical convergence is not achieved by this point, the results may
#' not be reliable and a warning is issued. Default: 1000.}
#' \item{tol}{Positive scalar. Relative tolerance for assessing convergence.
#' Convergence is determined by comparing the deviance at the previous
#' iteration to the current iteration. Default: 1e-4.}
#' \item{epsilon}{Positive scalar. AvaGrad hyperparameter. See Savarese et
#' al (2020). Default: 0.1.}
#' \item{betas}{Numeric vector of length two. AvaGrad hyperparameters.
#' See Savarese et al (2020). Default: \code{c(0.9, 0.999)}.}
#' \item{minDev}{Scalar. Minimum deviance threshold at which optimization
#' is terminated. Useful for comparing different algorithms as it avoids
#' the need to determine numerical convergence. Default: NULL}
#' }
#' @return An S3 object of class \code{glmpca} with copies of input components
#' \code{optimizer}, \code{minibatch}, \code{ctl},\code{X}, and \code{Z},
#' along with the following additional fitted components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{factors}{a matrix \code{U} whose rows match the columns
#' (observations) of \code{Y}. It is analogous to the principal components
#' in PCA. Each column of the factors matrix is a different latent
#' dimension.}
#' \item{loadings}{a matrix \code{V} whose rows match the rows
#' (features/dimensions) of \code{Y}. It is analogous to loadings in PCA.
#' Each column of the loadings matrix is a different latent dimension.}
#' \item{coefX}{a matrix \code{A} of coefficients for the
#' observation-specific covariates matrix \code{X}. Each row of coefX
#' corresponds to a row of \code{Y} and each column corresponds to a
#' column of \code{X}. The first column of coefX contains feature-specific
#' intercepts which are included by default.}
#' \item{coefZ}{a matrix \code{G} of coefficients for the feature-specific
#' covariates matrix \code{Z}. Each row of coefZ corresponds to a column
#' of \code{Y} and each column corresponds to a column of \code{Z}. By
#' default no such covariates are included and this is returned as NULL.}
#' \item{dev}{a vector of deviance values. The length of the vector is the
#' number of iterations it took for GLM-PCA's optimizer to converge.
#' The deviance should generally decrease over time.
#' If it fluctuates wildly, this often indicates numerical instability,
#' which can be improved by decreasing the learning rate or increasing the
#' penalty, see \code{ctl}.}
#' \item{dev_smooth}{a locally smoothed version of \code{dev} that may be
#' easier to visualize when \code{minibatch='stochastic'}.}
#' \item{glmpca_family}{an S3 object of class glmpca_family. This is a minor
#' extension to the \link[stats]{family} or \link[MASS]{negative.binomial}
#' object used by functions like \link[stats]{glm} and
#' \link[MASS]{glm.nb}. It is basically a list with various internal
#' functions and parameters needed to optimize the GLM-PCA objective
#' function. For the negative binomial case, it also contains the final
#' estimated value of the overdispersion parameter (\code{nb_theta}).}
#' \item{offsets}{For Poisson and negative binomial families, the offsets
#' are the logarithmically transformed size factors. These are needed to
#' compute the predicted mean values.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' #create a simple dataset with two clusters
#' mu<-rep(c(.5,3),each=10)
#' mu<-matrix(exp(rnorm(100*20)),nrow=100)
#' mu[,1:10]<-mu[,1:10]*exp(rnorm(100))
#' clust<-rep(c("red","black"),each=10)
#' Y<-matrix(rpois(prod(dim(mu)),mu),nrow=nrow(mu))
#' #visualize the latent structure
#' res<-glmpca(Y, 2)
#' factors<-res$factors
#' plot(factors[,1],factors[,2],col=clust,pch=19)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{predict.glmpca}},
#' \code{\link[stats]{prcomp}}, \code{\link[stats]{glm}},
#' \code{\link[logisticPCA]{logisticSVD}},
#' \code{scry::devianceFeatureSelection},
#' \code{scry::nullResiduals}
#' @references
#' Savarese P, McAllester D, Babu S, and Maire M (2020).
#' Domain-independent Dominance of Adaptive Methods. \emph{arXiv}
#' \url{}
#' Townes FW (2019). Generalized Principal Component Analysis. \emph{arXiv}
#' \url{}
#' Townes FW, Hicks SC, Aryee MJ, and Irizarry RA (2019).
#' Feature Selection and Dimension Reduction for Single Cell RNA-Seq based on a
#' Multinomial Model. \emph{Genome Biology}
#' \url{}
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
glmpca<-function(Y, L, fam=c("poi","nb","nb2","binom","mult","bern"),
optimizer=c("avagrad","fisher"), ctl = list(),
sz=NULL, nb_theta=NULL, X=NULL, Z=NULL,
init=list(factors=NULL, loadings=NULL), ...){
#Y is a matrix-like object, must support the following operations:
#this line is purely for backward compatibility with scry v1.0.0 (bioc3.11)
if(length(fam)>1){ fam<-fam[1] }
#handle deprecated arguments from old function signature
message("Family 'mult' is deprecated. Coercing to equivalent family ",
"'binom' with sz=NULL instead. Please use this in the future, ",
"as 'mult' will eventually be removed.")
fam<-"binom"; sz<-NULL
message("Family 'bern' is deprecated. Coercing to equivalent family ",
"'binom' with sz=1 instead. Please use this in the future, ",
"as 'bern' will eventually be removed.")
fam<-"binom"; sz<-1
message("Control parameter 'penalty' should be provided as an element ",
"of 'ctl' rather than a separate argument.")
if(is.null(ctl$penalty)){ ctl$penalty<-dots$penalty }
message("Control parameter 'verbose' should be provided as an element ",
"of 'ctl' rather than a separate argument.")
if(is.null(ctl$verbose)){ ctl$verbose<-dots$verbose }
N<-ncol(Y); J<-nrow(Y)
#sanity check inputs
if(fam %in% c("poi","nb","nb2","binom")){ stopifnot(min(Y) >= 0) }
#really this should be all(colMax(Y)<=sz), will fix later since rare
stopifnot(max(Y) <= max(sz))
fam<-ic$fam; minibatch<-ic$minibatch; optimizer<-ic$optimizer; ctl<-ic$ctl
message("Sparse matrices are not supported for minibatch='none'. ",
"Coercing to dense matrix. If this exhausts memory, ",
"consider setting minibatch to 'stochastic' or 'memoized'.")
} #in future, handle DelayedArray too
#create glmpca_family object
gnt<-glmpca_init(Y, fam, sz=sz, nb_theta=nb_theta)
gf<-gnt$gf; rfunc<-gnt$rfunc; offsets<-gnt$offsets
#initialize factors and loadings matrices
uv<-uv_init(N, J, L, gnt$intercepts, X=X, Z=Z, init=init)
U<-uv$U; V<-uv$V; lid<-uv$lid; uid<-uv$uid; vid<-uv$vid
#minimize the deviance using an optimizer
for(ntry in$maxTry)){
message("Trying AvaGrad with learning rate: ",signif(ctl$lr,4))
} else if(minibatch=="stochastic"){
} else {
error_glmpca_divergence=function(e){ e },
error_glmpca_dev_incr=function(e){ e }
if(is.null(fit)){ ctl$lr<-ctl$lr/5 } else { break }
} else if(optimizer=="fisher"){
message("Trying Fisher scoring with penalty: ",ctl$penalty)
error_glmpca_divergence=function(e){ e },
error_glmpca_dev_incr=function(e){ e }
} else {
} else {
# } else if(optimizer=="none"){ #closed-form approximate likelihood only
# dev<-gf$dev_func(Y,rfunc(U,V,offsets))
# fit<-list(U=U, V=V, dev=dev, gf=gf)
# break
} else {
stop("unrecognized optimizer")
} #end for loop over different penalty or learning rate values
if(ntry==ctl$maxTry){ stop(e) }
warning("Reached maximum number of iterations (",ctl$maxIter,
") without numerical convergence. Results may be unreliable.")
res<-c(res,fpars) #S3 object of class "glmpca" (really just a big list)
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @export
cat("GLM-PCA fit with", ncol(x$factors), "latent factors")
cat("\nnumber of observations:",nrow(x$factors))
cat("\nnumber of features:",nrow(x$loadings))
cat("\nl2 penalty:",x$ctl$penalty)
cat("\nlearning rate:",signif(x$ctl$lr,3))
cat("\nfinal deviance:",dev_final)
#' @title Predict Method for GLM-PCA Fits
#' @description Predict the mean matrix from a fitted generalized principal
#' component analysis model object.
#' @name predict.glmpca
#' @param object a fitted object of class inheriting from \code{glmpca}.
#' @param ... additional named arguments. Currently ignored.
#' @details Let \code{Y} be the data matrix originally used to estimate the
#' parameters in \code{fit}. The GLM-PCA model regards each element of
#' \code{Y} as a random sample from an exponential family distribution
#' such as a Poisson, negative binomial, or binomial likelihood. The
#' components of a GLM-PCA fit are combined to produce the predicted
#' mean of this distribution at each entry of \code{Y}. This matrix may be
#' regarded as a 'denoised' version of the original data.
#' @return a dense \code{matrix} of predicted mean values.
#' @section Warning:
#' The predicted mean matrix returned by this function
#' will have the same dimensions as the original data matrix and it will be
#' dense even if the original data were sparse. This can exhaust available
#' memory for large datasets, so use with caution.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{glmpca}},
#' \code{\link[stats]{predict.glm}} with \code{type='response'}
#' @export
#given a fitted glmpca object, return the fitted mean matrix
#can be useful for imputation of noisy data
#warning: will produce a dense matrix which can overwhelm memory for large
U<-as.matrix(cbind(object$X, object$factors))
V<-as.matrix(cbind(object$coefX, object$loadings))
} else {
U<-as.matrix(cbind(object$X, object$coefZ, object$factors))
V<-as.matrix(cbind(object$coefX, object$Z, object$loadings))
if(is.null(offsets) || all(offsets==0)){ #everything but poi, nb, nb2
} else { #poi, nb, nb2
if(is.null(binom_n) || all(binom_n)==1){ #everything but binomial w/ n>=2
} else if(length(binom_n)>1) { #binomial approx to multinomial
} else { #binomial w/ global n>=2 (eg n=2 for SNP data
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