
## Undo options
## (a) Added
added <- setdiff(names(options()), names(oopts0))
opts <- vector("list", length = length(added))
names(opts) <- added
## (b) Modified
## (c) Removed, e.g. future.plan=NULL
removed <- setdiff(names(oopts0), names(options()))
opts <- oopts0[removed]
## (d) Assert that everything was undone
stopifnot(identical(options(), oopts0))

## Undo system environment variables
## (a) Added
cenvs <- Sys.getenv()
added <- setdiff(names(cenvs), names(oenvs0))
for (name in added) Sys.unsetenv(name)
## (b) Missing
missing <- setdiff(names(oenvs0), names(cenvs))
if (length(missing) > 0) do.call(Sys.setenv, as.list(oenvs0[missing]))
## (c) Modified?
for (name in intersect(names(cenvs), names(oenvs0))) {
  ## WORKAROUND: On Linux Wine, base::Sys.getenv() may
  ## return elements with empty names. /HB 2016-10-06
  if (nchar(name) == 0) next
  if (!identical(cenvs[[name]], oenvs0[[name]])) {
    do.call(Sys.setenv, as.list(oenvs0[name]))
## (d) Assert that everything was undone
stopifnot(identical(Sys.getenv(), oenvs0))

## Undo variables
rm(list = c(setdiff(ls(), ovars)))

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globals documentation built on Nov. 22, 2022, 1:10 a.m.