
Defines functions loss MMD radial_basis_function_kernel CvM CvM_similarity

Documented in CvM loss MMD

### Two-sample Cramer-von-Mises statistic ######################################

##' @title Similarity Function Used in the Two-sample Cramer--von Mises Statistic
##'        of Remillard, Scaillet (2009, "Testing for equality between two copulas")
##' @param x (n, d)-tensor (for training: n = batch size, d = dimension of input
##'        dataset)
##' @param y (m, d)-tensor (for training typically m = n)
##' @return 0d tensor containing the two-sample CvM statistic
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' @note - Broadcasting idea (turning arrays of different shapes into compatible ones); see
##'         https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43534057/evaluate-all-pair-combinations-of-rows-of-two-tensors-in-tensorflow
##'       - The line applying tf$maximum does the trick:
##'         Arithmetic operations on an (1, n, d)- and a (m, 1, d)-tensor produce
##'         a (m, n, d)-tensor (containing all 'm' and 'n' combinations, so all
##'         combination of rows)
CvM_similarity <- function(x, y)
    ## Idea 1: Simply convert the tensors x and y to R arrays, then call
    ##         copulas' gofT2stat() for computing CvM() directly and convert
    ##         the result back to a tensor via tf$convert_to_tensor(, dtype = x$dtype):
    ##         tf$convert_to_tensor(gofT2stat(as.array(x), as.array(y)), dtype = x$dtype)
    ##         => ... but this idea fails because as.array() fails due to
    ##            disabled eager execution during training; see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66190567/how-to-convert-a-tensor-to-an-r-array-in-a-loss-function-so-without-eager-exec
    ##         => need a tensor version.

    ## Idea 2: Via tf$stack(), but hopelessly slow (also slow, but not tried: tf$map_fn)
    ## n <- nrow(x)
    ## m <- nrow(y)
    ## tf$reduce_sum(tf$stack(lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) {
    ##     tf$reduce_sum(tf$stack(lapply(seq_len(m), function(k) {
    ##         tf$reduce_prod(1-tf$maximum(x[i,], y[k,]))
    ##     }))) })))

    ## Idea 3: Broadcasting trick
    x. <- tf$expand_dims(x, axis = 1L) # convert (n, d)-tensor to (n, 1, d)-tensor
    y. <- tf$expand_dims(y, axis = 0L) # convert (m, d)-tensor to (1, m, d)-tensor
    mx. <- tf$maximum(x., y.) # (n, m, d)-tensor, where [i, k, j] contains max(x[i,j], y[k,j]); check via k <- 1, i <- 2, j <- 2
    mx <- tf$reshape(mx., shape = c(-1L, ncol(x))) # (n * m, d)-tensor
    prd <- tf$reduce_prod(1-mx, axis = 1L) # (n * m, 1)-tensor
    tf$reduce_sum(prd) # sum all elements

##' @title Two-sample Cramer--von Mises Statistic of Remillard, Scaillet (2009,
##'        "Testing for equality between two copulas")
##' @param x (n, d)-tensor (for training: n = batch size, d = dimension of input
##'        dataset)
##' @param y (m, d)-tensor (for training typically m = n)
##' @return 0d tensor containing the two-sample CvM statistic
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' @note MWE:
##'       n <- 3
##'       m <- 4
##'       d <- 2
##'       library(copula)
##'       set.seed(271)
##'       U <- pobs(matrix(runif(n * d), ncol = d)) # dummy sample 1
##'       V <- pobs(matrix(runif(m * d), ncol = d)) # dummy sample 2
##'       gofT2stat(U, V) # 0.03761905
##'       gofT2stat(U, V, useR = TRUE) # same
##'       library(tensorflow)
##'       x <- tf$convert_to_tensor(U, dtype = "float64")
##'       y <- tf$convert_to_tensor(V, dtype = "float64")
##'       gnn:::CvM(x, y) # same
CvM <- function(x, y)
    ## For when called manually with R objects
    is.R.x <- !tf$is_tensor(x)
    is.R.y <- !tf$is_tensor(y)
    if(is.R.x) x <- tf$convert_to_tensor(x, dtype = "float64")
    if(is.R.y) y <- tf$convert_to_tensor(y, dtype = "float64")
    ## Main
    res1 <- CvM_similarity(x, x) # x with x
    res2 <- CvM_similarity(x, y) # x with y
    res3 <- CvM_similarity(y, y) # y with y
    n <- nrow(x)
    m <- nrow(y)
    res <- (res1/n^2 - 2*res2/(n*m) + res3/m^2) / (1/n + 1/m) # tf.Tensor(, shape=(), dtype=float64)
    ## Return
    if(is.R.x || is.R.y) as.numeric(res) else res

### MMD ########################################################################

##' @title Radial Basis Function Kernel (Similarity Measure between two Samples
##'        Used in the MMD)
##' @param x (n, d)-tensor (for training: n = batch size, d = dimension of input
##'        dataset)
##' @param y (m, d)-tensor (for training typically m = n)
##' @param bandwidth numeric containing the bandwidth parameter(s);
##'        the default seems to work well for copula type of data (the smallest
##'        value was critical for learning copulas with singular component).
##' @return (n, m)-tensor
##' @author Marius Hofert and Avinash Prasad
##' @note - This function works with tensor objects; see
##'         https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf and replace "tf." by
##'         "tf$" (see also https://tensorflow.rstudio.com/guide/tensorflow/tensors/).
##'         Also note that tensors are 0-indexed. For example:
##'         + tf$reduce_sum(, axis = 0L) = colSums
##'         + tf$expand_dims(arg, axis = 1L) = adds a dimension (of length/thickness 1,
##'           so no additional values) at the index 'axis' (0-indexed), so for:
##'           - arg = (n, d)-matrix => tf$expand_dims(arg, axis = 2L)
##'                 = array(arg, dim = c(nrow(arg), ncol(arg), 1))
##'           - arg = n-vector => tf$expand_dims(arg, axis = 1L)
##'                 = matrix(arg, ncol = 1)
##'       - The radial basis function kernel is a similarity measure.
##'         With the scaling factor 1/(\sqrt{2*pi} * bandwidth) one obtains
##'         the Gaussian kernel K_bandwidth(x) = dnorm(x, sd = bandwidth)
##'         used in statistics. We don't want to scale here as we don't want
##'         to blow up the value for small distances between x and y due to
##'         small bandwidths.
##'       - No checks are done for performance reasons.
##'       - Formerly used bandwidths: sqrt(c(0.001, 0.01, 0.15, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75))
##'       - MWE for how to call (outside training)
##'         n <- 3
##'         m <- 4
##'         d <- 2
##'         library(tensorflow)
##'         x <- tf$cast(matrix(1:(n * d), ncol = d), dtype = "float64") # make tensor 'double' (otherwise tf$matmul fails)
##'         y <- tf$cast(matrix(1:(m * d), ncol = d), dtype = "float64")
##'         gnn:::radial_basis_function_kernel(x, x) # (n, n)-tensor
##'         gnn:::radial_basis_function_kernel(x, y, bandwidth = c(0.1, 0.1)) # (n, m)-tensor
##'         gnn:::radial_basis_function_kernel(x, y, bandwidth = 0.1) # (n, m)-tensor
radial_basis_function_kernel <- function(x, y, bandwidth = 10^c(-3/2, -1, -1/2, -1/4, -1/8, -1/16))
    ## Idea 1:
    ## dst2 <- tf$transpose(tf$reduce_sum(tf$square((tf$expand_dims(x, axis = 2L) -
    ##                                              tf$transpose(y))), axis = 1L))
    ## dst2.vec <- tf$reshape(dst2, shape = c(1L, -1L))
    ## xpn <- if(length(bandwidth) == 1) {
    ##            tf$multiply(1 / (2 * bandwidth^2), dst2.vec)
    ##        } else {
    ##            tf$matmul(1 / (2 * tf$expand_dims(bandwidth^2, axis = 1L)), b = dst2.vec)
    ##        }
    ## tf$reshape(tf$reduce_sum(tf$exp(-xpn), axis = 0L), shape = tf$shape(dst2))

    ## Idea 2: Idea 1 but better explained.
    ## x.1 <- tf$expand_dims(x, axis = 2L) # (n, d, 1)-tensor
    ## y.t <- tf$transpose(y) # (d, m)-tensor
    ## dff2 <- tf$square(x.1 - y.t) # (n, d, m)-tensor where [i, j, k] contains (x[i,j] - y[k,j])^2
    ## dst2 <- tf$reduce_sum(dff2, axis = 1L) # (n, m)-matrix with (i, j) element containing sum_{k = 1}^d (x[i,k] - y[j,k])^2
    ## dst2.vec <- tf$reshape(dst2, shape = c(1L, -1L)) # tensor dst2 reshaped into dim (1, -1), where -1 means that the 2nd dimension is determined automatically (here: based on the first argument of (1, -1) being 1) => create one (n * m)-long row vector
    ## fctr.tf <- tf$convert_to_tensor(as.matrix(1 / (2 * bandwidth^2)), dtype = dst2.vec$dtype) # convert column vector (as.matrix()) to 1-column tensor (of float32/float64, as dst2.vec so that they can be multiplied without problems; note that training uses float32 whereas evaluation afterwards typically float64)
    ## kernels <- tf$exp(-tf$matmul(fctr.tf, b = dst2.vec)) # exp(-(x - y)^2 / (2 * h^2)); matrix multiplication of (length(bandwidth), 1)-tensor with (1, n * m)-tensor => (length(bandwidth), n * m)-tensor
    ## tf$reshape(tf$reduce_mean(kernels, axis = 0L), # reduce (= apply) over dimension 1 (axis = 0; cols), so compute colMeans() => (1, n * m)-tensor
    ##            shape = tf$shape(dst2)) # reshape into the original (n, m) shape

    ## Idea 3: Clearer broadcasting (arithmetic operations on an (1, n, d)-
    ##         and a (m, 1, d)-tensor produce a (m, n, d)-tensor (containing
    ##         all 'm' and 'n' combinations, so all combinations of rows)
    x. <- tf$expand_dims(x, axis = 1L) # convert (n, d)-tensor to (n, 1, d)-tensor (orthogonal to x-axis)
    y. <- tf$expand_dims(y, axis = 0L) # convert (m, d)-tensor to (1, m, d)-tensor (orthogonal to y-axis)
    dff2 <- tf$square(x. - y.) # (n, m, d)-tensor, where [i, k, j] contains (x[i,j] - y[k,j])^2
    dst2 <- tf$reduce_sum(dff2, axis = 2L) # (n, m)-matrix with (i, k) element containing sum_{j = 1}^d (x[i,j] - y[k,j])^2
    dst2.vec <- tf$reshape(dst2, shape = c(1L, -1L)) # tensor dst2 reshaped into dim (1, -1) => create (1, n * m)-tensor
    fctr <- tf$convert_to_tensor(as.matrix(1 / (2 * bandwidth^2)), dtype = dst2.vec$dtype) # (length(bandwidth), 1)-tensor; as.matrix() is required for the case of length(bandwidth) = 1
    kernels <- tf$exp(-tf$matmul(fctr, b = dst2.vec)) # exp(-(x - y)^2 / (2 * h^2)); matrix multiplication of (length(bandwidth), 1)-tensor with (1, n * m)-tensor => (length(bandwidth), n * m)-tensor
    tf$reshape(tf$reduce_mean(kernels, axis = 0L), # reduce (= apply) over dimension 1 (axis = 0; cols), so compute colMeans() => (1, n * m)-tensor
               shape = tf$shape(dst2)) # reshape into the original (n, m) shape

##' @title Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD)
##' @param x (n, d)-tensor (for training: n = batch size, d = dimension of input
##'        dataset)
##' @param y (m, d)-tensor (for training typically m = n)
##' # @param method string indicating the method to be used to evaluate the MMD
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to the underlying
##'        radial_basis_function_kernel(), most notably 'bandwidth'
##' @return 0d tensor containing the MMD
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' @note - For "MMD", one has O(1/n) if x d= y and O(1) if x !d= y
##'       - (Almost) no checking done for efficiency reasons
MMD <- function(x, y, ...) # method = c("tensorflow", "C"), ...)
    ## if(method == "C") { # exact match
    ##     if(!hasArg("bandwidth"))
    ##         bandwidth <- 10^c(-3/2, -1, -1/2, -1/4, -1/8, -1/16)
    ##     ## <could add .Call() here>
    ##     stop("method = \"C\" is currently not implemented")
    ## } else {
        ## For when called manually with R objects # and method = "tensorflow"
        is.R.x <- !tf$is_tensor(x)
        is.R.y <- !tf$is_tensor(y)
        if(is.R.x) x <- tf$convert_to_tensor(x, dtype = "float64")
        if(is.R.y) y <- tf$convert_to_tensor(y, dtype = "float64")
        ## Main
        res <- tf$sqrt(tf$reduce_mean(radial_basis_function_kernel(x, y = x, ...)) +
                       tf$reduce_mean(radial_basis_function_kernel(y, y = y, ...)) -
                       2 * tf$reduce_mean(radial_basis_function_kernel(x, y = y, ...))) # tf.Tensor(, shape=(), dtype=float64)
        ## Return
        if(is.R.x || is.R.y) as.numeric(res) else res
    ## }

### Main loss function wrapper #################################################

##' @title Loss Function to Measure Statistical Discrepancy between Two Datasets
##' @param x (n, d)-tensor or matrix (for training: n = batch size, d = dimension
##'        of input dataset)
##' @param y (m, d)-tensor or matrix (for training typically m = n)
##' @param type type of reconstruction loss function. Currently available are:
##'        "MMD": (kernel) maximum mean discrepancy
##'        "CvM": Cramer-von Mises statistic of Remillard, Scaillet (2009,
##'               "Testing for equality between two copulas")
##'        "MSE": mean squared error
##'        "BCE": binary cross entropy
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to the underlying functions.
##' @return 0d tensor containing the reconstruction loss
##' @author Marius Hofert and Avinash Prasad
loss <- function(x, y, type = c("MMD", "CvM", "MSE", "BCE"), ...)
    if(is.numeric(x)) x <- rbind(x) # to work for 1-sample input
    if(is.numeric(y)) y <- rbind(y)
    type <- match.arg(type)
           "MMD" = { # (theoretically) most suitable for measuring statistical discrepancy
               MMD(x, y = y, ...)
           "CvM" = {
               CvM(x, y = y)
           "MSE" = { # from keras; requires nrow(x) == nrow(y)
               loss_mean_squared_error(x, y) # default for calculating the reconstruction error between two observations
           "BCE" = { # from keras; requires nrow(x) == nrow(y)
               loss_binary_crossentropy(x, y) # useful for black-white images where we can interpret each pixel
           stop("Wrong 'type'"))

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