syntable: Synoptic tables and calculation of cluster-wise frequencies,...

View source: R/syntable.R

syntableR Documentation

Synoptic tables and calculation of cluster-wise frequencies, fidelity and differential species character


Synoptic tables are a tool for the visualization and interpretation of previously defined plant species groups (clusters), e.g. from cluster analysis or classification methods. They help to determine characteristic patterning of species occurrences in plant communities by calculating cluster-wise percentage or absolute frequencies, mean/median cover values, fidelity (phi) or differential species character. syntable function calculates an unordered synoptic table for plant community analysis, using an input species-sample dataframe and a numeric vector of cluster identity input. The unordered output table can be sorted automatically with synsort function in this package.


syntable(spec, cluster, abund = "perc", type = "percfreq")



Species matrix or dataframe with species in columns and samples in rows. Values must be numeric, with point "." as decimal character, or integer. Missing values, NA or NaN are not allowed. Species and sample names must be defined as column- and rownames, respectively.


Integer vector with classification cluster identity. Ensure matching order of cluster identity and samples in dataframe for correct allocation of cluster numbers to samples.


Data input type. Define whether input species matrix or dataframe is presence/absence data (abund = "freq") or percentage cover (abund = "perc", default).


Type of synoptic table output type = c("percfreq", "totalfreq", "mean", "median", "diffspec", "phi"). See Details.


The function returns a list of result components.


unordered synoptic table for given species and clusters


total samples in clusters

Additionally for differential species character calculation:


Synoptic table only with differential species


List of non-differential species


Lists differential species for each cluster


For synoptic table calculation, six types are available.

  • type = "percfreq" Default, creates a percentage frequency table

  • type = "totalfreq" Creates an absolute frequency table

  • type = "mean" Calculates mean of species values given in spec per cluster

  • type = "median" Calculates median of species values given in spec per cluster

  • type = "diffspec" Calculates differential character of species according to Tsiripidis et al. 2009, with resulting character p = positive, n = negative, pn = positive- negative or no differential character (-). Consider that differential character is always restricted to some and not necessarily all of the other units, thus considering percentage frequency is essential for correct interpretation of the diagnostic species character.

  • type = "phi" Calculates fidelity measure phi (algorithm basing on Sokal & Rohlf 1995, Bruelheide 2000). Values are ranging between -1 and 1 with high values near 1 indicating high fidelity.

For sorting the output synoptic table, use synsort function, providing several options.


Jenny Schellenberg (


Bruelheide, H. (2000): A new measure of fidelity and its application to defining species groups. Journal of Vegetation Science 11: 167-178. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("")}

Chytry, M., Tichy, L., Holt, J., Botta-Dukat, Z. (2002): Determination of diagnostic species with statistical fidelity measures. Journal of Vegetation Science 13: 79-90. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("")}

Sokal, R.R. & Rohlf, F.J. (1995): Biometry. 3rd edition Freemann, New York.

Tsiripidis, I., Bergmeier, E., Fotiadis, G. & Dimopoulos, P. (2009): A new algorithm for the determination of differential taxa. Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 233-240. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("")}

See Also



## Synoptic table of Scheden vegetation data
pam1 <- pam(schedenveg, 4)  # PAM clustering with 4 clusters output

## 1) unordered synoptic percentage frequency table
unordered <- syntable(schedenveg, pam1$clustering, abund = "perc",
                      type = "percfreq")
unordered                   # view results

## 2) differential species analysis
differential <- syntable(schedenveg, pam1$clustering, abund = "perc",
                         type = "diffspec")
# show complete table with differential character of species
# list differential species for second cluster

## 3) Synoptic table with phi fidelity
phitable <- syntable(schedenveg, pam1$clustering, abund = "perc",
                     type = "phi")

goeveg documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:35 p.m.