
Defines functions prepare_checks prepare_preps make_check make_prep

Documented in make_check make_prep

#' @title Defining custom preparations and checks
#' @name customization
#' @rdname customization

#' @param name Name of the preparation function.
#' @param func A function that takes two arguments:
#'   The \code{path} to the root directory of the package, and a logical
#'   argument: \code{quiet}. If \code{quiet} is true, the preparation function
#'   may print out diagnostic messages. The output of this function will be
#'   saved as the " \code{name}" entry of \code{state}, i.e. of the input for
#'   the  \code{check}-functions (see example).
#' @describeIn customization Create a preparation function
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # make a preparation function
#' url_prep <- make_prep(
#'   name = "desc", 
#'   func = function(path, quiet) desc::description$new(path)
#' )
#' # and the corresponding check function
#' url_chk <- make_check(
#'   description = "URL field in DESCRIPTION",
#'   tags = character(),
#'   preps = "desc",
#'   gp = "have a URL field in DESCRIPTION",
#'   check = function(state) state$desc$has_fields("URL")
#' )
#' # use together in gp():
#' # (note that you have to list the name of your custom check in
#' # the checks-argument as well....)
#' bad1 <- system.file("bad1", package = "goodpractice")
#' res <- gp(bad1, checks = c("url", "no_description_depends"),
#'           extra_preps = list("desc" = url_prep),
#'           extra_checks = list("url" = url_chk))

make_prep <- function(name, func) {
  function(state, path = state$path, quiet) {
    state[[name]] <- func(path, quiet)

#' @param description A description of the check.
#' @param check A function that takes the \code{state} as an argument.
#' @param gp A short description of what is good practice.
#' @param ... Further arguments. Most important: A \code{preps} argument that 
#'  contains the names of all the preparation functions required for the check.
#' @describeIn customization Create a check function
#' @export

make_check <- function(description, check, gp, ...) {
    list(description = description, check = check, gp = gp, ...),
    class = "check"

prepare_preps <- function(preps, extra_preps) {
  utils::modifyList(preps, c(list(), extra_preps))

prepare_checks <- function(checks, extra_checks) {
  utils::modifyList(checks, c(list(), extra_checks))

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goodpractice documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:55 a.m.