
Defines functions chunkify anti_sample

#' Get a GA request with anti-sampling
#' Calculates multiple API calls to avoid sampling
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
anti_sample <- function(anti_sample_batches,
  if(length(date_range) > 2) stop("Anti-sampling not available for comparison date ranges.")
  ## stop bug where batch sizes break
    ## issue 112 - support "today" and "yesterday"
    # issue 209 - turn NDaysAgo into R Dates
    date_range <- Reduce(c, lapply(date_range, process_date))
  myMessage("Finding how much sampling in data request...", level = 3)
  test_call <- google_analytics(viewId            = viewId,
                                date_range        = date_range,
                                metrics           = metrics,
                                dimensions        = dimensions,
                                dim_filters       = dim_filters,
                                met_filters       = met_filters,
                                filtersExpression = filtersExpression,
                                order             = order,
                                segments          = segments,
                                pivots            = pivots,
                                cohorts           = cohorts,
                                max               = 10,
                                metricFormat      = metricFormat,
                                samplingLevel     = "LARGE",
                                histogramBuckets  = histogramBuckets,
                                slow_fetch        = FALSE,
                                rows_per_call     = rows_per_call)

  ## reduce read counts by 10% to get more calls as returned figure is flakey
  read_counts <- round(as.integer(attr(test_call,"samplesReadCounts")[[1]]) * 0.9)
  space_size  <- as.integer(attr(test_call, "samplingSpaceSizes")[[1]])
  samplingPer <- get_samplePercent(read_counts, space_size)
  ## add 20% to rowCount as its flakey (sampled rows of 0 not included?)
  rowCount <- round(as.integer(attr(test_call, "rowCount")[[1]]) * 1.2)
  if(identical(samplingPer, numeric(0))){
    myMessage("No sampling found, returning call", level = 3)
    unsampled <- google_analytics(viewId            = viewId,
                                  date_range        = date_range,
                                  metrics           = metrics,
                                  dimensions        = dimensions,
                                  dim_filters       = dim_filters,
                                  met_filters       = met_filters,
                                  filtersExpression = filtersExpression,
                                  order             = order,
                                  segments          = segments,
                                  pivots            = pivots,
                                  cohorts           = cohorts,
                                  max               = -1,
                                  metricFormat      = metricFormat,
                                  samplingLevel     = "LARGE",
                                  histogramBuckets  = histogramBuckets,
                                  anti_sample       = FALSE,
                                  slow_fetch        = slow_fetch,
                                  rows_per_call     = rows_per_call)
  if(anti_sample_batches == "auto"){
    ## sampling
    myMessage("Finding number of sessions for anti-sample calculations...", level = 3)
    explore_sessions <- google_analytics(viewId = viewId,
                                         date_range = date_range,
                                         metrics = "sessions",
                                         dimensions = "date",
                                         max = -1) ## download all days! #66
    explore_sessions$cumulative <- cumsum(explore_sessions$sessions)
    explore_sessions$sample_bucket <- chunkify(explore_sessions$sessions, limit = 250e3)
  } else {
    stopifnot(anti_sample_batches >= 1)
    asb <- as.integer(anti_sample_batches)
    date_col <- seq(date_range[1], date_range[2], by = 1)
    sample_bucket <- as.factor((seq_along(date_col) - 1) %/% asb) # 0 indexed lengths (#74)
    explore_sessions <- data.frame(date = date_col, sample_bucket = sample_bucket)
  ## split to find new date ranges
  splits <- split(explore_sessions, explore_sessions[["sample_bucket"]])

  new_date_ranges <- lapply(splits, function(x) {list(start_date = min(x$date), 
                                                     end_date = max(x$date),
                                                     range_date = nrow(x))})
  myMessage("Calculated [", 
            "] batches are needed to download approx. [", 
            rowCount,"] rows unsampled.", 
            level = 3)
  myMessage("Found [", 
            "] sampleReadCounts from a [", 
            space_size, "] samplingSpaceSize.", 
            level = 2)
  ## send to fetch
  did_it_work <- TRUE
  unsampled_list <- lapply(new_date_ranges, function(x){
    myMessage("Anti-sample call covering ", x$range_date, " days: ", 
              x$start_date, ", ", x$end_date, level = 3)
    out <- google_analytics(viewId            = viewId,
                            date_range        = c(x$start_date,x$end_date),
                            metrics           = metrics,
                            dimensions        = dimensions,
                            dim_filters       = dim_filters,
                            met_filters       = met_filters,
                            filtersExpression = filtersExpression,
                            order             = order,
                            segments          = segments,
                            pivots            = pivots,
                            cohorts           = cohorts,
                            max               = -1,
                            metricFormat      = metricFormat,
                            samplingLevel     = "LARGE",
                            histogramBuckets  = histogramBuckets,
                            slow_fetch        = slow_fetch,
                            rows_per_call     = rows_per_call)
    read_counts2 <- as.integer(attr(out,"samplesReadCounts")[[1]])
    space_size2  <- as.integer(attr(out, "samplingSpaceSizes")[[1]])
    samplingPer2  <- get_samplePercent(read_counts2, space_size2)
    if(!identical(samplingPer2, numeric(0))){
      myMessage("Anti-sampling failed", level = 3)
      did_it_work <<- FALSE
  out <- dplyr::bind_rows(unsampled_list)
  ## get rid of duplicate rows per sample call
  agg_cols <- gsub("ga:","",dimensions) 
  ## take care of segment column (#149)
    agg_cols <- c("segment", agg_cols)
  out <- aggregateGAData(out, agg_names = agg_cols)
  ## fill these in later
    attr(out, "totals") <- attr(test_call, "totals")
    attr(out, "minimums") <- attr(test_call, "minimums")
    attr(out, "maximums") <- attr(test_call, "maximums")
    attr(out, "rowCount") <- as.character(nrow(out))
    attr(out, "nextPageToken") <- NULL
    attr(out, "antiSampleWorked") <- did_it_work
    myMessage("Finished unsampled data request, total rows [", nrow(out),"]", level = 3)
    if(did_it_work) myMessage("Successfully avoided sampling", level = 3)


#' Break down a request into unsampled chunks
#' @param sessions_vec A vector, ordered by date, with the number of sessions
#' @param limit This is the upper bound for the number of sessions in one chunk
#' @return A vector with the batch number of each date. This allows for usage in
#'   a mutate.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
chunkify <- function(sessions_vec, limit = 250e3) {
  batch_size    <- 0
  batch_number  <- 1
  batch_numbers <- rep(1, length(sessions_vec))
  for (i in 1:length(sessions_vec)) {
    sessions <- sessions_vec[i]
    batch_size <- batch_size + sessions
    #If today puts up above the limit, it starts a new batch!
    if (batch_size >= limit) {
      batch_number <- batch_number + 1
      batch_size   <- sessions
    batch_numbers[i] <- batch_number

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

googleAnalyticsR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:15 p.m.