
Defines functions ga_data_aggregations parse_rows parse_aggregations my_bind_cols get_field_values row_types no_rows parse_runreport parse_realtime do_runreport_req ga_aw_report ga_aw_realtime ga_data version_aw

Documented in ga_data ga_data_aggregations

version_aw <- function(){

#' Google Analytics Data for GA4 (App+Web)
#' @description 
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Fetches Google Analytics from the Data API for Google Analytics 4 (Previously App+Web)
#' @seealso [Documentation on Data API](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1)
#' @details 
#' This is the main function to call the Google Analytics 4 Data API.  
#' @param propertyId A GA4 property Id
#' @param metrics The metrics to request - see [ga_meta] - set to NULL to only see dimensions
#' @param dimensions The dimensions to request - see [ga_meta]
#' @param dim_filters Filter on the dimensions of the request - a filter object created by [ga_data_filter]
#' @param met_filters Filter on the metrics of the request - a filter object created by [ga_data_filter]
#' @param orderBys How to order the response - an order object created by [ga_data_order]
#' @param limit The number of rows to return - use -1 to return all rows
#' @param page_size The size of API pages - default is 100000L rows
#' @param date_range A vector with start and end dates in YYYY-MM-DD format - can send in up to four date ranges at once
#' @param dimensionDelimiter If combining dimensions in one column, the delimiter for the value field
#' @param realtime If TRUE then will call the real-time reports, that have a more limited set of dimensions/metrics - see [valid real-time dimensions](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/realtime-basics)
#' @param raw_json You can send in the raw JSON string for a Data API request which will skip all checks
#' @param metricAggregations Default NULL, pass in character vector of one or multiple of \code{c("TOTAL","MAXIMUM","MINIMUM","COUNT")} to return extra metadata 
#' @importFrom googleAuthR gar_api_generator
#' @import assertthat
#' @family GA4 functions
#' @return A data.frame tibble, including attributes metadata, metricAggregations and rowCount.  Use [ga_data_aggregations] to extract the data.frames of metricAggregations
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # send up to 4 date ranges
#' multi_date <- ga_data(
#'   206670707,
#'   metrics = c("activeUsers","sessions"),
#'   dimensions = c("date","city","dayOfWeek"),
#'   date_range = c("2020-03-31", "2020-04-27", "2020-04-30", "2020-05-27"),
#'   dim_filters = ga_data_filter("city"=="Copenhagen"),
#'   limit = 100
#'   )
#' # metric and dimension expressions
#' # create your own named metrics
#' met_expression <- ga_data(
#'   206670707,
#'   metrics = c("activeUsers","sessions",sessionsPerUser = "sessions/activeUsers"),
#'   dimensions = c("date","city","dayOfWeek"),
#'   date_range = c("2020-03-31", "2020-04-27"),
#'   limit = 100
#'   )
#' # create your own aggregation dimensions
#' dim_expression <- ga_data(
#'   206670707,
#'   metrics = c("activeUsers","sessions"),
#'   dimensions = c("date","city","dayOfWeek", cdow = "city/dayOfWeek"),
#'   date_range = c("2020-03-31", "2020-04-27"),
#'   limit = 100
#'   )
#' # run a real-time report (no date dimension allowed) 
#' # includes metricAggregation metadata
#' realtime <- ga_data(
#'   206670707,
#'   metrics = "activeUsers",
#'   dimensions = c("city","unifiedScreenName"),
#'   limit = 100,
#'   realtime = TRUE,
#'   metricAggregations = c("TOTAL","MAXIMUM","MINIMUM"))
#' # extract meta data from the table
#' ga_data_aggregations(realtime)
#' # add ordering
#' a <- ga_data_order(-sessions)
#' b <- ga_data_order(-dayOfWeek, type = "NUMERIC")
#' ga_data(
#'   206670707,
#'   metrics = c("activeUsers","sessions"),
#'   dimensions = c("date","city","dayOfWeek"),
#'   date_range = c("2020-03-31", "2020-04-27"),
#'   orderBys = c(a, b)
#'   )
#' }
ga_data <- function(
  date_range = NULL,
  dimensions = NULL,
  dim_filters = NULL,
  dimensionDelimiter = "/",
  met_filters = NULL,
  orderBys = NULL,
  limit = 100,
  page_size = 100000L,
  realtime = FALSE,
  metricAggregations = NULL,
  raw_json = NULL) {
      raw_json_txt <- jsonlite::toJSON(raw_json, auto_unbox = TRUE)
    } else {
      raw_json_txt <- raw_json
    myMessage("Making API request with raw JSON: ", raw_json_txt, level = 3)
    if(realtime) return(ga_aw_realtime(propertyId, raw_json))
    return(do_runreport_req(propertyId, raw_json))
              page_size <= 100000)
  # in case someone passes in a filter instead of an expression
  dimensionFilter <- as_filterExpression(dim_filters)
  metricFilter    <- as_filterExpression(met_filters)
  # optional get these 3 - COUNT is not available unless pivot?
  assert_that_ifnn(metricAggregations, is.character)
                   function(x) all(x %in% c("TOTAL","MAXIMUM","MINIMUM","COUNT")))
  dims <- gaw_dimension(dimensions, delimiter = dimensionDelimiter)
  mets <- gaw_metric(metrics)
    brrr <- RunRealtimeReport(
      dimensions = dims,
      metrics = mets,
      limit = limit,
      dimensionFilter = dimensionFilter,
      metricFilter = metricFilter,
      metricAggregations = metricAggregations,
      orderBys = orderBys,
      returnPropertyQuota = TRUE
    myMessage("Realtime Report Request", level = 3)
    res <- ga_aw_realtime(propertyId, brrr)
  # here as not needed for real-time but needed for brrr
  dates <- gaw_dates(date_range)
  brrr <- RunReportRequest(
        metrics = mets,
        dimensions = dims,
        dateRanges = dates,
        limit = limit,
        dimensionFilter = dimensionFilter,
        metricFilter = metricFilter,
        metricAggregations = metricAggregations,
        orderBys = orderBys,
        keepEmptyRows = TRUE,
        returnPropertyQuota = TRUE
  ga_aw_report(propertyId, brrr, page_size)

#' Realtime API
#' @noRd
ga_aw_realtime <- function(propertyId, requestObj){
  url <- 
                 version_aw(), propertyId)
  # analyticsdata.runRealtimeReport
  f <- gar_api_generator(url, "POST", 
                         data_parse_function = parse_realtime)
  o <- f(the_body = requestObj)

#' Normal Reporting API
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
ga_aw_report <- function(propertyId, requestObj, page_size){
  request_limit <- requestObj$limit

  if(request_limit == -1 || page_size < request_limit){
    requestObj$limit <- page_size
  # first page
  o <- do_runreport_req(propertyId, requestObj)
  rowCount <- attr(o, "rowCount")
  to_fetch <- min(rowCount, request_limit)
  if(request_limit == -1){
    to_fetch <- rowCount

  # don't need pagination
  if(to_fetch < page_size) return(o)
  # get number of pages
  pages <- (to_fetch %/% page_size)
  offsets <- seq(from = page_size, by = page_size, length.out = pages)
  o_pages <- lapply(offsets, function(x){
    myMessage("Paging API from offset [", x,"]", level = 3)
    remaining_rows <- to_fetch - x
    if(remaining_rows < page_size){
      requestObj$limit <- remaining_rows
    requestObj$offset <- x
    do_runreport_req(propertyId, requestObj)
  ooo <- c(list(o), o_pages)


do_runreport_req <- function(property, requestObj){
  url <- 
            version_aw(), property)
  # analyticsdata.runReport
  f <- gar_api_generator(url, "POST", 
                         data_parse_function = parse_runreport)
  f(the_body = requestObj)

parse_realtime <- function(x){
  if(no_rows(x)) return(data.frame())

  dim_names <- x$dimensionHeaders$name
  met_names <- x$metricHeaders$name
  parse_rows(x, dim_names, met_names)

#' @noRd
parse_runreport <- function(o){

  if(no_rows(o)) return(data.frame())
  dim_names <- o$dimensionHeaders$name
  met_names <- o$metricHeaders$name
  parse_rows(o, dim_names, met_names)

no_rows <- function(o){
    myMessage("No data found", level = 3)

row_types <- function(res, met_names){
  #type changes
  if("date" %in% names(res)){
    res$date <- as.Date(res$date, format = "%Y%m%d")
  if("firstTouchDate" %in% names(res)){
    res$firstTouchDate <- as.Date(res$firstTouchDate, format = "%Y%m%d")
  res %>% mutate(across(met_names, as.numeric))

get_field_values <- function(x, name){
  o <- lapply(x, function(y) setNames(y$value, name))

my_bind_cols <- function(x, y){
  # bind_cols returns 0rows if first df has 0
  if(nrow(x) == 0){
  if(nrow(y) == 0){
  bind_cols(x, y)

#' @noRd
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols bind_rows across mutate
parse_aggregations <- function(agg, dim_names, met_names){
  if(is.null(agg)) return(NULL)
  dds <- get_field_values(agg$dimensionValues, name = dim_names)
  mms <- get_field_values(agg$metricValues, name = met_names)  
  res <- my_bind_cols(dds, mms)
  res <- row_types(res, met_names)

#' @noRd
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols bind_rows across mutate
parse_rows <- function(o, dim_names, met_names){


  dds <- get_field_values(o$rows$dimensionValues, name = dim_names)
  mms <- get_field_values(o$rows$metricValues, name = met_names)
  res <- my_bind_cols(dds, mms)
  res <- row_types(res, met_names = met_names)
  dl <- attr(res, "metadata")[["dataLossFromOtherRow"]]
  if(!is.null(dl) && dl){
    myMessage("Warning: some buckets of dimension combinations are rolled into '(other)' row. This can happen for high cardinality reports.", level = 3)
  if(!is.null(o$metadata) && length(o$metadata) > 1){
    attr(res, "metadata") <- o$metadata
  attr(res, "metricAggregations") <- list(
    totals =   parse_aggregations(o$totals, dim_names, met_names),
    maximums = parse_aggregations(o$maximums, dim_names, met_names),
    minimums = parse_aggregations(o$minimums, dim_names, met_names)
  myMessage("Downloaded [",nrow(res), "] of total [", o$rowCount,"] rows", 
            level = 3)
  attr(res, "rowCount") <- o$rowCount
  ## remove dateRange column if only one unique value
  if(!is.null(res[["dateRange"]]) &&
     all(unique(res$dateRange) == "date_range_0")){
    res$dateRange <- NULL

#' Extract metric aggregations from a [ga_data] result
#' @description 
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Metric aggregations are available in all requests.  This function lets you easily access the data.frames
#' @param df A data.frame result from [ga_data]
#' @param type totals, maximums, minimums, counts (if available) or all
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' #' # send up to 4 date ranges
#' multi_date <- ga_data(
#'   206670707,
#'   metrics = c("activeUsers","sessions"),
#'   dimensions = c("date","city","dayOfWeek"),
#'   date_range = c("2020-03-31", "2020-04-27", "2020-04-30", "2020-05-27"),
#'   dim_filters = ga_data_filter("city"=="Copenhagen"),
#'   limit = 100
#'   )
#' # metric aggregations for each date range
#' ga_data_aggregations(multi_date, type = "all")
#' # specify type
#' ga_data_aggregations(multi_date, type = "maximums")
#' }
ga_data_aggregations <- function(df, 
                                 type = c("all","totals",
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(is.null(attr(df, "metricAggregations"))){
    stop("No aggregations found.  Is the data.frame from ga_data()?", 
         call. = FALSE)
  ma <- attr(df, "metricAggregations")
  if(type == "all"){

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googleAnalyticsR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:15 p.m.