
Defines functions construct_filter_expr make_filter_expr make_filter_expr_list filter_validation_meta as_filterExpression ga_aw_filter_expr ga_aw_filter ga_data_filter

Documented in ga_data_filter

#' Filter DSL for GA4 filters
#' Use with [ga_data] to create filters
#' @param x Filter DSL enabled syntax or the output of a previous call to this function - see examples
#' @details 
#' This uses a specific filter DSL syntax to create GA4 filters that can be passed to [ga_data] arguments `dim_filters` or `met_filters`. Ensure that the fields you use are either all metrics or all dimensions.
#' The syntax uses operators and the class of the value you are setting (string, numeric or logical) to construct the filter expression object.
#' Fields including custom fields for your propertyId can be imported if you fetch them via `ga_meta("data", propertyId = 12345)` before you construct a filter.  If you do not want filters to be validated, then send them in as strings ("field").
#' The DSL rules are:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{Single filters can be used without wrapping in filter expressions}
#'   \item{A single filter syntax is `(field) (operator) (value)`}
#'   \item{(field) is a dimension or metric for your web property, which you can review via [ga_meta]}
#'   \item{(field) can be validated if you fetch metadata before you construct the filter.  If you do this, you can call the fields without quote strings e.g. `city` and not `"city"`}
#'   \item{(operator) for metrics can be one of: `==, >, >=, <, <=`} 
#'   \item{(operator) for dimensions can be one of: `==, \%begins\%, \%ends\%, \%contains\%, \%in\%, \%regex\%, \%regex_partial\%` for dimensions}
#'   \item{dimension (operator) are by default case sensitive.  Make them case insensitive by using UPPER case variations `\%BEGINS\%, \%ENDS\%, ...` or `===` for exact matches}
#'   \item{(value) can be strings (`"dim1"`), numerics (`55`), string vectors (`c("dim1", "dim2")`), numeric vectors (`c(1,2,3)`) or boolean (`TRUE`) - the type will created different types of filters - see examples}
#'   \item{Create filter expressions for multiple filters when using the operators: `&, |, !` for logical combinations of AND, OR and NOT respectively. }
#' }
#' @return A `FilterExpression` object suitable for use in [ga_data]
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang enquo eval_tidy
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # start by calling ga_meta("data") to put valid field names in your environment
#' meta <- ga_meta("data")
#' # if you have custom fields, supply your propertyId to ga_meta()
#' custom_meta <- ga_meta("data", propertyId = 206670707)
#' custom_meta[grepl("^customEvent", custom_meta$apiName),]
#' }
#' ## filter clauses
#' # OR string filter
#' ga_data_filter(city=="Copenhagen" | city == "London")
#' # inlist string filter
#' ga_data_filter(city==c("Copenhagen","London"))
#' # AND string filters
#' ga_data_filter(city=="Copenhagen" & dayOfWeek == "5")
#' # ! - invert string filter
#' ga_data_filter(!(city=="Copenhagen" | city == "London"))
#' # multiple filter clauses
#' f1 <- ga_data_filter(city==c("Copenhagen","London","Paris","New York") &
#'                (dayOfWeek=="5" | dayOfWeek=="6")) 
#' # build up complicated filters
#' f2 <- ga_data_filter(f1 | sessionSource=="google")
#' f3 <- ga_data_filter(f2 & !sessionMedium=="cpc")
#' f3
#' ## numeric filter types
#' # numeric equal filter
#' ga_data_filter(sessions==5)
#' # between numeric filter
#' ga_data_filter(sessions==c(5,6))
#' # greater than numeric
#' ga_data_filter(sessions > 0)
#' # greater than or equal
#' ga_data_filter(sessions >= 1)
#' # less than numeric
#' ga_data_filter(sessions < 100)
#' # less than or equal numeric
#' ga_data_filter(sessions <= 100)
#' ## string filter types
#' # begins with string
#' ga_data_filter(city %begins% "Cope")
#' # ends with string
#' ga_data_filter(city %ends% "hagen")
#' # contains string
#' ga_data_filter(city %contains% "ope")
#' # regex (full) string
#' ga_data_filter(city %regex% "^Cope")
#' # regex (partial) string
#' ga_data_filter(city %regex_partial% "ope")
#' # by default string filters are case sensitive.  
#' # Use UPPERCASE operator to make then case insensitive
#' # begins with string (case insensitive)
#' ga_data_filter(city %BEGINS% "cope")
#' # ends with string (case insensitive)
#' ga_data_filter(city %ENDS% "Hagen")
#' # case insensitive exact
#' ga_data_filter(city %==%"coPENGhagen")
#' # avoid validation by making fields strings
#' ga_data_filter("city" %==%"coPENGhagen")
#' @family GA4 functions
ga_data_filter <- function(x){
  x <- rlang::enquo(x)
  mask_data <- c(dsl_filter_expr_funcs, 

  rlang::eval_tidy(x, data = mask_data)

#' Create a filter for use within App+Web filter expressions
#' Used within [ga_aw_filter_expr]
#' @param field The dimension or metric field name
#' @param value The value - filter type is based on what class of object
#' @param operation How the filter operates on field with value
#' @param caseSensitive For character based value filters
#' @details 
#' Ensure your value is of the right R class for the type of filter you desire.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{character: string filter}
#'   \item{character vector: in list filter}
#'   \item{numeric: Numeric filter}
#'   \item{numeric 2-length vector: between filter}
#'  }
#' For numerics also make sure to specify integer or float for metrics e.g.
#' 1L vs 1.00
#' Ensure operation is valid for the type of field you are passing:
#' numeric filters: "EQUAL", "LESS_THAN", "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL", "GREATER_THAN",
#' @importFrom assertthat is.string is.flag assert_that
#' @noRd
ga_aw_filter <- function(field,
                         operation = c("EXACT",
                         caseSensitive = TRUE){
    assert_that(operation %in% c("EXACT",
    o <- Filter_aw(field, 
                   stringFilter = StringFilter(
                     matchType = operation,
                     caseSensitive = caseSensitive
  } else if(is.character(value)){
    o <- Filter_aw(field,
                   inListFilter = InListFilter(
                     caseSensitive = caseSensitive
  } else if(is.numeric(value) && length(value) == 1){
    assert_that(operation %in% c("EQUAL",
    o <- Filter_aw(field,
                   numericFilter = NumericFilter(
                     operation = operation
  } else if(is.numeric(value) && length(value) == 2){
    o <- Filter_aw(field,
                   betweenFilter = BetweenFilter(
                     fromValue = value[[1]],
                     toValue = value[[2]]
  } else {
    stop("Filter didn't know what to do with value of type: ", class(value), 
         call. = FALSE)

#' Create a filter expression for use with App+Web Reports
#' For use with [ga_data] - filter expressions are built up via filters or other nested filter expressions.
#' @param ... Vectors of [ga_aw_filter], or vectors of FilterExpression created from previous calls to this function.
#' @param type The type of filter
#' @return A FilterExpression
#' @details The fields in a FilterExpression need to be either all dimensions or all metrics. Use them in the appropriate dimensionFilter or metricFilter arguments within [ga_data]
#' You can't pass a mix of filters and filter expressions, or multiple filter expressions with type="not" as it doesn't know how to combine the filters (and/or) - make a filter expression with type = "and/or" then pass that back into the function with type="not" to negate the filter expression.
#' @examples 
#' simple <- ga_aw_filter_expr(ga_aw_filter("city", "Copenhagen", "EXACT"))
#' multiple <- ga_aw_filter_expr(
#'       ga_aw_filter("dayOfWeek", "4", "EXACT"),
#'      ga_aw_filter("dayOfWeek", "5", "EXACT"),
#'     type = "or")
#'# equivalent to above as uses InList filter
#' multiple_or2 <- ga_aw_filter_expr(
#'       ga_aw_filter("dayOfWeek", c("4","5")))
#' # make a filter expression then pass it again with type='not' to negate it 
#' negative <- ga_aw_filter_expr(multiple_or2, type = "not")
#' # or directly - 

#' clean_city <- ga_aw_filter_expr(
#'   ga_aw_filter("city", "(not set)", "EXACT",), type = "not")
#' # use previously created FilterExpressions to build up more complex filters
#' complex <- ga_aw_filter_expr(multiple_or2, clean_city)
#' @noRd
ga_aw_filter_expr <- function(..., 
                              type = c("default","not","and","or")){
  type <- match.arg(type)
  dots <- list(...)
  # a list of Filters
  areFilters <- all(vapply(dots, is.Filter, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))
  areFilterExpressions <- all(vapply(dots, is.FilterExpression, 
                                     FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))
  if(areFilters) return(make_filter_expr(dots, type))
  if(areFilterExpressions) return(make_filter_expr_list(dots, type))
  stop("Inconsistent filter objects - must all be Filters or FilterExpressions", 
       call. = FALSE)

as_filterExpression <- function(x){
  # build a filterExpression if a Filter present
  if(is.Filter(x)) return(ga_aw_filter_expr(x))

dsl_filter_expr_funcs <- list(
  ##filter expression operators
  `|` = function(e1, e2){
                      as_filterExpression(e2), type = "or")
  `&` = function(e1, e2){
                      as_filterExpression(e2), type = "and")
  `!` = function(x){
    ga_aw_filter_expr(as_filterExpression(x), type = "not")
  ## filter operators
  `==` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "EXACT")
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "EQUAL")
    } else if(is.null(e2)){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2)
    } else {
      stop("value for '==' is neither character, numeric or NULL", 
           call. = FALSE)
  `%==%` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "EXACT", caseSensitive = FALSE)
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "EQUAL")
    } else {
      stop("value for '===' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  # numeric only filters
  `<` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      stop("Can't use < (LESS_THAN) for value strings: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "LESS_THAN")
    } else {
      stop("value for '<' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  `>` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      stop("Can't use > (GREATER_THAN) for value strings: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "GREATER_THAN")
    } else {
      stop("value for '>' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  `<=` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      stop("Can't use <= (LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL) for value strings: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL")
    } else {
      stop("value for '<=' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  `>=` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      stop("Can't use <= (GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL) for value strings: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL")
    } else {
      stop("value for '>=' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  # string filters
  `%begins%` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "BEGINS_WITH")
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      stop("Can't use %begins% (BEGINS_WITH) for numerics: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop("value for '%begins%' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  # string filters
  `%BEGINS%` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "BEGINS_WITH", caseSensitive = FALSE)
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      stop("Can't use %BEGINS% (BEGINS_WITH, case insensitive) for numerics: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop("value for '%BEGINS%' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  `%ends%` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "ENDS_WITH")
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      stop("Can't use %ends% (ENDS_WITH) for numerics: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop("value for '%ends%' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  `%ENDS%` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "ENDS_WITH", caseSensitive = FALSE)
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      stop("Can't use %ENDS% (ENDS_WITH, case insensitive) for numerics: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop("value for '%ENDS%' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  `%contains%` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "CONTAINS")
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      stop("Can't use %contains% (CONTAINS) for numerics: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop("value for '%contains%' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  `%CONTAINS%` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "CONTAINS", caseSensitive = FALSE)
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      stop("Can't use %CONTAINS% (CONTAINS, not case sensitive) for numerics: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop("value for '%CONTAINS%' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  `%regex%` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "FULL_REGEXP")
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      stop("Can't use %regex% (FULL_REGEXP) for numerics: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop("value for %regex% is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  `%REGEX%` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "FULL_REGEXP", caseSensitive = FALSE)
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      stop("Can't use %REGEX% (FULL_REGEXP) for numerics: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop("value for '%REGEX%' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  `%regex_partial%` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "PARTIAL_REGEXP")
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      stop("Can't use %regex_partial% (PARTIAL_REGEXP) for numerics: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop("value for '%regex_partial%' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)
  `%REGEX_PARTIAL%` = function(e1, e2){
    if(inherits(e2, "character")){
      ga_aw_filter(e1, e2, operation = "PARTIAL_REGEXP", caseSensitive = FALSE)
    } else if(inherits(e2, "numeric")){
      stop("Can't use %regex_partial% (PARTIAL_REGEXP) for numerics: ", e2, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop("value for '%REGEX_PARTIAL%' is neither character or numeric class", 
           call. = FALSE)

filter_validation_meta <- function(){
  # use default dims
    fields <- googleAnalyticsR::meta4
  } else {
    fields <- .ga_meta_env$meta
  # user friendly custom names
  the_names <- gsub("^custom(Event|User):", "cust_", fields$apiName)
  # the field names
  setNames(lapply(fields$apiName, function(x) x), the_names)

make_filter_expr_list <- function(dots, type){
  myMessage("Got FilterExpressions", level = 2)
  # turn into a list of filterExpressionLists
  assert_that_list(dots, is.FilterExpression)
  if(type == "default"){
    type <- "and"
  if(type == "not"){
    if(length(dots) > 1){
      stop("Invalid type='not' for multiple FilterExpressions (we don't know how to combine type=and/or) - build FilterExpression first and then pass back to ga_aw_filter_expr() with type = 'not'", call. = FALSE)
    return(construct_filter_expr(dots[[1]], type = "not"))
  assert_that(type %in% c("and","or"))
  filter_list <- FilterExpressionList(dots)
  construct_filter_expr(filter_list, type = type)

make_filter_expr <- function(dots, type){
  assert_that_list(dots, is.Filter)
  if(length(dots) == 1 && type %in% c("and","or")){
    warning("Ignoring argument 'type': only one filter. type=", type)
  if(length(dots) == 1 && type == "default"){
    # a simple filter
    return(construct_filter_expr(dots[[1]], type = "default"))
  # length > 1 of Filters - make list of filterExpressions
  lots_filters <- lapply(dots, construct_filter_expr, type = "default")
  make_filter_expr_list(lots_filters, type = type)

#' Constructs filterExpressions
#' @param a_filter A Filter object or a FilterExpression or a list of FilterExpressions
#' @param type The type of filter
#' @noRd
construct_filter_expr <- function(a_filter,
                                  type = c("default","not","and","or")){
  type <- match.arg(type)
         default = FilterExpression(filter = a_filter),
         not = FilterExpression(notExpression = a_filter),
         and = FilterExpression(andGroup = a_filter),
         or = FilterExpression(orGroup = a_filter))

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googleAnalyticsR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:15 p.m.