hox_2010: Sesame Street data based on Hox (2010)

hox_2010R Documentation

Sesame Street data based on Hox (2010)


Synthetic data based on Hox (2010, p. 16). In the study, the outcome variable popular represents the popularity score of pupils, ranging from 0 (very unpopular) to 10 (very popular), for pupils nested in 100 classes of varying size. The popularity scores are predicted by pupil level predictors gender (G) and pupil extraversion scores (PE) that range from 1 (introversion) to 10 (extraversion), a class-level predictor teacher experience (TE), and the cross-level interactions between G and TE as well as PE and TE. Since standardization is recommended when the model contains interactions, we standardize PS, PE and TE by means of grand mean centering. That is, we first substract the overall means of the continuous variables PS, PE, and TE from each of their values, before dividing these values by their standard deviations.




A data frame with 2000 rows and 6 variables.


ID integer Pupil ID
class integer Class ID
PE numeric Pupil extraversion, standardized
G factor Pupil sex
PS numeric Popularity scores, standardized
TE integer Teacher experience, standardized


Hox, J. J. (2010). Multilevel analysis: Techniques and applications (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

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