school_admissions: High School Admissions Data

school_admissionsR Documentation

High School Admissions Data


This dataset, provided by the UCLA Statistical Consulting Group (2021), contains information on factors that influence whether or not a high school senior is admitted into a very competitive engineering school. The dataset includes the following variables:




A data frame with 30 rows and 3 variables.


female binary Binary variable indicating the gender of the student.
apcalc binary Binary variable indicating whether or not the student took Advanced Placement calculus in high school.
admit binary Binary outcome variable indicating admission status, where 1 represents admission and 0 represents non-admission.

The dataset is used for exact logistic regression analysis due to the binary outcome variable. It aims to identify the factors that contribute to admission decisions in a highly competitive engineering school. Since the dataset has a small sample size, specialized procedures are required for accurate estimation.


Introduction to SAS. UCLA: Statistical Consulting Group. from (accessed August 22, 2021).

gorica documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 9:07 a.m.