stevens_1999: Sesame Street data based on Stevens (1999)

stevens_1999R Documentation

Sesame Street data based on Stevens (1999)


Synthetic data based Stevens (1999, p. 596). This study evaluates the effects of the first year of the Sesame Street television series in a sample of 3-5 years old children in the USA (N = 240).




A data frame with 240 rows and 14 variables.


age numeric Age in months
prebody numeric Pretest on knowledge of body parts
prelet numeric Pretest on knowledge of letters
preform numeric Pretest on knowledge of forms
prenumb numeric Pretest on knowledge of numbers
prerelat numeric Pretest on knowledge of relational terms
preclas numeric Pretest on classification skills
postbody numeric Posttest on knowledge of body parts
postlet numeric Posttest on knowledge of letters
postform numeric Posttest on knowledge of forms
postnumb numeric Posttest on knowledge of numbers
postrelat numeric Posttest on knowledge of relational terms
postclas numeric Posttest on classification skills
peabody numeric Mental age score obtained from the Peabody Picture Vocabulary test


Stevens, J. (1999). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences. (3rd ed.). New Jersey, Lawrance Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

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