
#  This file is a part of the R package "gradDescentR".
#  Author: Dendi Handian 
#  Co-author: Imam Fachmi Nasrulloh
#  Supervisors: Lala Septem Riza, Rani Megasari
#  Copyright (c) Department of Computer Science Education, Indonesia University of Education.
#  This package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
#  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#' A function to do feature scaling to dataset with variance/standardization  
#' scaling method .
#' This function changes the value of dataset that represented by data.frame
#' object into variance scaled value that has interval value near -1 to 1.
#' @title The Variance/Standardization Feature Scaling Function
#' @param dataSet a data.frame that representing dataset to be processed. 
#'        dataSet must have at leas two columns and ten rows of data that
#'        contain only numbers (integer or float). The last column to the  
#'        left will be defined as output variable.
#' @examples  
#' ################################## 
#' ## Feature scaling with Variance Scaling Method
#' ## load R Package data  
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor Data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## do variance scaling to dataset
#' featureScalingResult <- varianceScaling(dataSet)
#' ## show result
#' print(featureScalingResult$scaledDataSet)
#' print(featureScalingResult$scalingParameter)
#' @seealso \code{\link{varianceDescaling}} 
#' @return a list contains feature scaled dataset and scaling parameter
#' @export

varianceScaling <- function(dataSet){
	columnLength <- ncol(dataSet)
	varianceParameter <- getMeanStd(dataSet)
	meanValue <- varianceParameter[1,]
	stdValue <- varianceParameter[2,]
	scaledDataSet <- (dataSet-meanValue)/stdValue
	result <- list()
	result$scaledDataSet <- scaledDataSet
	result$scalingParameter <- varianceParameter

#' A function to revert the value that has been done by variance/ .
#' standardization scaling method.
#' This function changes the value of variance scaled dataset that 
#' produced by \code{\link{varianceScaling}} function and represented 
#' by data.frame object.
#' @title Variance/Standardization Revert Function
#' @param dataSet a data.frame that representing dataset (\eqn{m \times n}), 
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number 
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataSet 
#'        must have at leas two columns and ten rows of data that contain 
#'        only numbers (integer or float). 
#' @param varianceParameter a matrix that has value of variance scaling 
#'        parameter, such as mean value and standard deviation value of
#'        data that can be used to restore the original value of dataset.
#'        This parameter is exclusively produced by \code{\link{varianceScaling}} 
#'        function.          
#' @examples  
#' ################################## 
#' ## Revert Variance Scaling
#' ## load R Package data  
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor Data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' fsr <- varianceScaling(dataSet)
#' rfsr <- varianceDescaling(fsr$scaledDataSet, fsr$scalingParameter)
#' @seealso \code{\link{varianceScaling}} 
#' @return a data.frame representing reverted dataset value
#' @export

varianceDescaling <- function(dataSet, varianceParameter){
  columnLength <- ncol(dataSet)

  meanValue <- varianceParameter[1,]
  stdValue <- varianceParameter[2,]
  descaledDataSet <- (dataSet * stdValue) + meanValue
  result <- descaledDataSet

#' A function to do feature scaling to dataset with min-max scaling method.
#' This function changes the value of dataset that represented by data.frame
#' object into min-max scaled value that has interval between 0 to 1.
#' @title The Min-Max Feature Scaling Function
#' @param dataSet a data.frame that representing dataset (\eqn{m \times n}), 
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number 
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataSet 
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain 
#'        only numbers (integer or float). 
#' @examples  
#' ################################## 
#' ## Feature scaling with Min-Max Scaling Method
#' ## load R Package data  
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor Data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## do min-max scaling to dataset
#' featureScalingResult <- minmaxScaling(dataSet)
#' ## show result
#' print(featureScalingResult$scaledDataSet)
#' print(featureScalingResult$scalingParameter)
#' @seealso \code{\link{minmaxDescaling}} 
#' @return a list contains feature scaled dataset and scaling parameter
#' @export

minmaxScaling <- function(dataSet){
	columnLength <- ncol(dataSet)
	minmaxParameter <- getMinMax(dataSet)
	minValue <- minmaxParameter[1,]
	maxminValue <- minmaxParameter[2,]
	scaledDataSet <- (dataSet-minValue)/(maxminValue)
	result <- list()
	result$scaledDataSet <- scaledDataSet
	result$scalingParameter <- minmaxParameter

#' A function to revert the value that has been done by min-max
#' scaling method.
#' This function changes the value of min-max scaled dataset that 
#' produced by \code{\link{varianceScaling}} function and represented 
#' by data.frame object.
#' @title Min-Max Scaling Revert Function
#' @param dataSet a data.frame that representing dataset (\eqn{m \times n}), 
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number 
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataSet 
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain 
#'        only numbers (integer or float). 
#' @param minmaxParameter a matrix that has value of minmax scaling 
#'        parameter, such as minimum value and maximum value of data that
#'        can be used to restore the original value of dataset. This   
#'        parameter is exclusively produced by \code{\link{varianceScaling}} 
#'        function.          
#' @examples  
#' ################################## 
#' ## Revert Min-Max Scaling
#' ## load R Package data  
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor Data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' fsr <- minmaxScaling(dataSet)
#' rfsr <- minmaxDescaling(fsr$scaledDataSet, fsr$scalingParameter)
#' @seealso \code{\link{minmaxScaling}} 
#' @return a data.frame representing reverted dataset value
#' @export

minmaxDescaling <- function(dataSet, minmaxParameter){
  columnLength <- ncol(dataSet)

  minValue <- minmaxParameter[1,]
  maxminValue <- minmaxParameter[2,]

  descaledDataSet <- (dataSet * maxminValue) + minValue
  result <- descaledDataSet

#' A function to split dataset into training and testing data
#' This function split dataset into training and testing data. By default,
#' this function split dataset into 50% of \code{dataTrain} and 50% of 
#' \code{dataTest}. You can decide the training data rate by change the 
#' value of \code{dataTrainRate}. Example, if you want to set the training
#' data rate by 80%, you can simply set the \code{dataTrainRate} to 0.8.
#' As the remaining of \code{dataTrainRate} value, which is 0.2, will be
#' set as \code{dataTest} rate.
#' @title The Data Spliting Function
#' @param dataSet a data.frame that representing dataset (\eqn{m \times n}), 
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number 
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataSet 
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain 
#'        only numbers (integer or float). 
#' @param dataTrainRate a float number between 0 to 1 representing the
#'        training data rate of given dataset. This parameter has
#'        default value of 0.5.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which 
#'        means the function will not do static random.
#' @examples  
#' ################################## 
#' ## Splitting Dataset into Training and Testing Data
#' ## load R Package data  
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' #show result
#' print(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' print(splitedDataSet$dataTest)
#' @return a list contains data.frame of training data and testing data.
#' @export

splitData <- function(dataSet, dataTrainRate=0.5, seed=NULL){
	#get all index in dataSet
	allDataIndex <- 1:nrow(dataSet)
	#set static random
	#randomize and set dataTrain index
	dataTrainIndex <- sample(allDataIndex, trunc(length(allDataIndex) * dataTrainRate))
	#unset static random
	#set dataTrain and dataTest
	dataTrain <- dataSet[dataTrainIndex, ]
	dataTest <- dataSet[-dataTrainIndex, ]
	#wrap result into list
	result <- list()
	result$dataTrain <- dataTrain	
	result$dataTest <- dataTest

#' A function to predict testing data with built gradient descent model
#' This function used to predict testing data with only input variable named
#' \code{dataTestInput}. The \code{model} parameter is the coefficients
#' that produced by gradient-descent-based learning function. The result of
#' this function is a dataset that contains \code{dataTestInput} combined 
#' with prediction data as the last column of dataset.
#' @title Predicting Function for Linear Model
#' @param dataTestInput a data.frame represented dataset with input variables 
#'        only (\eqn{m \times n-1}), where \eqn{m} is the number of instances 
#'        and \eqn{n} is the number of input variables only.
#' @param model a matrix of coefficients used as a linear model to predict 
#'        testing data input. This parameter exclusively produced by the  
#'        gradient-descent-based learning function.
#' @examples  
#' ################################## 
#' ## Predict Testing Data Using GD Model
#' ## load R Package data  
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor Data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## do variance scaling to dataset
#' featureScalingResult <- varianceScaling(dataSet)
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(featureScalingResult$scaledDataSet)
#' ## built model using GD
#' model <- GD(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' ## separate testing data with input only
#' dataTestInput <- (splitedDataSet$dataTest)[,1:ncol(splitedDataSet$dataTest)-1]
#' ## predict testing data using GD model
#' prediction <- prediction(model,dataTestInput)
#' ## show result()
#' prediction
#' @return a data.frame of testing data input variables and prediction variables.       
#' @seealso \code{\link{GD}}, \code{\link{MBGD}}, \code{\link{SGD}}, \code{\link{SAGD}},         
#'          \code{\link{MGD}}, \code{\link{AGD}}, \code{\link{ADAGRAD}}, \code{\link{ADADELTA}}        
#'          \code{\link{RMSPROP}}, \code{\link{ADAM}}        
#' @export

prediction <- function(model, dataTestInput){
	#convert data.frame of dataTestInput in matrix
	dataTestInputMatrix <- matrix(unlist(dataTestInput), ncol=ncol(dataTestInput), byrow=FALSE)
	#bind 1 column into dataTestInput
	dataTestInputMatrix <- cbind(1, dataTestInputMatrix)
	prediction <- dataTestInputMatrix %*% t(model)
	#convert prediction into data.frame
	prediction <- as.data.frame(prediction)
	#merge prediction with dataTestInput 
	predictionData <- cbind(dataTestInput, prediction)
	#wrap to result
	result <- predictionData

#' A function to calculate error using Root-Mean-Square-Error
#' This function used to calculate the error between two variables.
#' \code{outputData} is the first parameter of this function representing
#' the real output value. \code{prediction} is the second parameter of
#' this function representing the prediction value.
#' @title RMSE Calculator Function
#' @param outputData a data.frame represented dataset with output variable 
#'        only (\eqn{m \times 1}), where \eqn{m} is the number of instances 
#'        has one variable, which is the output.
#' @param prediction a data.frame represented prediction data with output 
#'        variable only (\eqn{m \times 1}), where \eqn{m} is the number of
#'        instances has one variable, which is the output.
#' @examples  
#' ################################## 
#' ## Calculate Error using RMSE
#' ## load R Package data  
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor Data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## do variance scaling to dataset
#' featureScalingResult <- varianceScaling(dataSet)
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(featureScalingResult$scaledDataSet)
#' ## built model using GD
#' model <- GD(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' ## separate testing data with input only
#' dataTestInput <- (splitedDataSet$dataTest)[,1:ncol(splitedDataSet$dataTest)-1]
#' ## predict testing data using GD model
#' predictionData <- prediction(model, dataTestInput)
#' ## calculate error using rmse
#' errorValue <- RMSE(splitedDataSet$dataTest[,ncol(splitedDataSet$dataTest)], 
#' predictionData[,ncol(predictionData)])
#' ## show result
#' errorValue
#' @return a float value represent the average error of the prediction
#' @export

RMSE <- function(outputData, prediction){
	#get data length
	rowLength <- nrow(cbind(outputData, prediction))
	#calculate root-mean-squared-error
	inner <- (outputData - prediction)^2
	rmse <- sqrt(sum(inner)) / (rowLength)
	result <- rmse

getMeanStd <- function(dataSet){
	#create result matrix
	result <- matrix(dataSet, nrow = 2, ncol(dataSet))

	#loop the data column
	for(column in 1:ncol(dataSet)) {
		result[1 , column] <- mean(unlist(dataSet[column]))
		result[2 , column] <- sd(unlist(dataSet[column]))
	return (result)

getMinMax <- function(dataSet){
	#create result matrix
	result <- matrix(dataSet, nrow = 2, ncol(dataSet))

	#loop the data column
	for(column in 1:ncol(dataSet)) {
		result[1 , column] <- min(unlist(dataSet[column]))
		result[2 , column] <- max(unlist(dataSet[column])) - min(unlist(dataSet[column]))
	return (result)

getTheta <- function(columnLength, minTheta=0, maxTheta=1, seed=NULL){
	#create static random
	#random a value
	thetaList <- runif(columnLength, min=minTheta, max=maxTheta)
	#clear static random
	#transform into matrix
	result <- matrix(unlist(thetaList), ncol=columnLength, nrow=1, byrow=FALSE)

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gradDescentR documentation built on March 9, 2017, 9:02 a.m.