
Defines functions detectFronts

Documented in detectFronts

#' @title GRadient-based RECognition of spatial patterns in environmental data
#' @importFrom imagine contextualMF convolution2D medianFilter
#' @importFrom terra rast values nlyr crs ext varnames origin
#' @importFrom raster raster values nlayers
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @importFrom abind abind
#' @importMethodsFrom terra as.matrix varnames<- origin<- ext<-
#' @importMethodsFrom raster "["
#' @author Wencheng Lau-Medrano, \email{luis.laum@gmail.com}
#' @name grec-package
#' @description Provides algorithms for detecting spatial patterns from 2-D
#' oceanographic data using image processing methods based on Gradient
#' Recognition.
#' @aliases grec-package grec
#' @docType package
#' @concept gradient
#' @concept pattern-detection
#' @concept environmental-data

#' @title Default color palette most using on environmental representations.
#' @name colPalette
#' @description Vector with 2000 colors generated from \code{tim.colors} function.
#' @aliases colPalette
#' @docType data
#' @usage colPalette
#' @format A vector of 2000 colors in RGB format.
#' @references \code{tim.colors} from \strong{fields} package

#' @title Sea Surface Temperature Data
#' @name sst
#' @description SST maps downloaded from ERDDAP for running examples with
#' \code{grec} functions.
#' @aliases sst
#' @docType data
#' @usage sst
#' @format A \code{list} with SST information from February to April of Aqua
#' MODIS source.
#' @references ERDDAP website: \url{https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/index.html}

#' @title Sea Surface Chlorophyll Data
#' @name chl
#' @description Surface chlorophyll maps downloaded from ERDDAP for running
#' examples with \code{grec} functions.
#' @aliases chl
#' @docType data
#' @usage chl
#' @format A \code{list} with chlorophyll information from February to April of
#' Aqua MODIS source.
#' @references ERDDAP website: \url{https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/index.html}

#' @title Apply gradient-based methodologies to environmental data
#' @description This function takes a numeric \code{matrix}, \code{array},
#' XYZ-\code{list}, \code{SpatRaster} or \code{RasterLayer}* and allows
#' the users to apply methodologies based on gradient-searching.
#' @rdname detectFronts
#' @param x Main input of class \code{matrix}, \code{array}, XYZ \code{list},
#' \code{SpatRaster} or \code{RasterLayer}*. See 'Details.'
#' @param method \code{character} string indicating the method that will be used.
#' For the available methods, see 'Details'.
#' @param intermediate \code{logical} indicating whether to get the intermediate
#' matrices (\code{TRUE}) or just the final one (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param ConvolNormalization \code{logical} indicating if convolutions will
#' perform a previous normalization (\code{FALSE} by default). See Details.
#' @param ... Extra arguments that will depend on the selected method. See
#' Details.
#' @details \strong{grec} works in joint to \strong{imagine} package in order to
#' perform and apply image processing algorithms for the identification of
#' oceanic fronts. \strong{imagine} provides the basic algorithms developed in a
#' efficient way (using C++ tools). On the other hand, \strong{grec} is in
#' charge of managing the use of this coding tools in the context of oceanic
#' gradient recognition and dealing with the developing of input/output methods.
#' In that regard, the available methods that \strong{grec} offer will depend
#' the versions of installed \strong{grec-imagine}.
#' \code{RasterLayer}*: As the news of \strong{raster} package will no longer
#' available, \code{RasterLayer} will not longer supported in future versions of
#' \code{grec}. On the other hand, methods for \code{SpatRaster} will started to
#' be avavilable since v.1.5.0.
#' Until the current version, \code{grec} performs two methods:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{BelkinOReilly2009} (default): Based on Belkin & O'Reilly (2009)
#' article, it uses a Contextual Median Filter (CMF) for smoothing the original
#' data before the applying of Sobel filters.
#' \item \code{median_filter}: it uses a typical median filter (MF) for
#' smoothing the original data. It also allows the user to change the window
#' size for median filter (3 as default).
#' }
#' \code{x} could be given as a single numeric \code{matrix} from an
#' environmental map. Othersiwe it also can be set as a three-dimension XYZ
#' \code{list}: 'x' (a vector of longitudes), 'y' (vector of latitudes) and 'z'
#' as a matrix of dimensions \code{length(x$x)}x\code{xlength(x$y)}. You can
#' also specify \code{x} as an \code{array}, \code{SpatRaster} or
#' \code{RasterLayer}* object. If \code{x} is an \code{array}, it must be of 3
#' dimensions: lon, lat and time. It is not required to specify the
#' \code{dimnames}. The output will preserve all the attributes of input.
#' \code{...} allows the (advanced) users to modify some aspects of filter
#' application. Depending on the selected methodology, some parameters can be
#' modified:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\strong{times}}{\code{numeric}. How many times do you want to apply
#' the filtering method?}
#' \item{\strong{kernelValues}}{\code{numeric}. Vector with which are going to
#' be used in convolution to identify Vertical and Horizontal gradients.}
#' \item{\strong{radius}}{\code{numeric}. If median filter method was selected,
#' it allows to change the window size of the filter.}
#' }
#' Normalization is a common practice in convolution in order to ensure that
#' outputs are weighted within original range of values. It is achieved dividing
#' outputs of convolution by \code{sum(abs(kernel))}. It is hardly recomended to
#' use normalization in order to have always coherent values in regards of the
#' original inputs; however, it is deactivated by default and user can swith it
#' on by setting \code{ConvolNormalization = TRUE}.
#' Finally, Belkin & O'Reilly work proposed a log transformation after the
#' gradient calculation. This step has NOT been considered as default
#' in the function due to its application is focused on Chlorophyll values,
#' so the user must decide to apply it or not manually before.
#' @references Belkin, I. M., & O'Reilly, J. E. (2009). An algorithm for oceanic
#' front detection in chlorophyll and SST satellite imagery. Journal of Marine
#' Systems, 78(3), 319-326 (\doi{10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.11.018}).
#' @return The output will preserve the input class (\code{matrix}, \code{array},
#' \code{list} or \code{RasterLayer}).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(sst)
#' exampleSSTData <- list(x = sst$longitude,
#'                        y = sst$latitude,
#'                        z = sst$sst[,,1])
#' data(chl)
#' exampleChlData <- list(x = chl$longitude,
#'                        y = chl$latitude,
#'                        z = chl$chlorophyll[,,1])
#' # Simple application (over a XYZ list)
#' out_sst <- detectFronts(x = exampleSSTData)
#' out_chl <- detectFronts(x = exampleChlData)
#' # External transformation for chl data
#' out_chl$z <- log10(out_chl$z)
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = rep(0, 4), oma = rep(0, 4))
#' image(exampleSSTData, col = colPalette, axes = FALSE)
#' mtext(text = "Original SST", side = 3, line = -2, adj = 0.99, cex = 1.2)
#' image(out_sst, col = colPalette, axes = FALSE)
#' mtext(text = "SST gradient", side = 3, line = -2, adj = 0.99, cex = 1.2)
#' image(exampleChlData, col = colPalette, axes = FALSE)
#' mtext(text = "Original Chlorophyll", side = 3, line = -2, adj = 0.99, cex = 1.2)
#' image(out_chl, col = colPalette, axes = FALSE)
#' mtext(text = "Chlorophyll gradient\n(log scale)", side = 3, line = -4, adj = 0.99,
#'       cex = 1.2)
detectFronts <- function(x, method = "BelkinOReilly2009", intermediate = FALSE,
                         ConvolNormalization = FALSE, ...){

  checkPrevs <- list(...)$checkPrevs
  if(is.null(checkPrevs) || checkPrevs){
    # Check and validation of arguments
    checkedArgs <- list(method = method, intermediate = intermediate,
                        ConvolNormalization = ConvolNormalization, ...)
    checkArgs_prevs(allArgs = checkedArgs, type = class(x))

  UseMethod(generic = "detectFronts", object = x)

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grec documentation built on May 2, 2023, 9:11 a.m.