
Defines functions file.rename.robust2

#This function tries to rename all paths in the `from` field to `to`
#It first tries to do file.rename() for all,and then checks that all
#pkgs are installed successfully in the to, if they are not, it flags an error
#and switches to copy-pasting


  #0 Decide which method to use 
    #Assume we rename
    #if told otherwise by cookie, copy
      if (cookie.exists("copy_instead_of_renaming")) {

  #1) Rename all files at once 
    if (method=='renaming')

    #1.1) Rename them
      #Ensure parent paths exist
        for (dk in dirname(to)) dir.create(dk, showWarnings = FALSE,recursive = TRUE)

      #If files already exist in destination, delete them (this will happen e.g., if switching from copying to renaming method)
      #a pkg may exist in groundhog's library and it is now localy, renaming will generate a warning
        for (to.k in to)
          if (dir.exists(to.k)) unlink(to.k,recursive = TRUE)
      #Ensure from exists  
		  missing.dir <-from[!dir.exists(from)]
          if (length(missing.dir)>0) {
            gstop(paste0("These packages were expected but not found:\n",pasteN(missing.dir)))
          file.rename(from , to)
    #1.2) Verify 
      outcome.rename <- basename(to) %in% data.frame(utils::installed.packages(dirname(to)),
                                                     row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)$Package
    #1.3) If failed, stop
      if (!all(outcome.rename)) {
        #Draft message
            msg <-paste0("Will switch to slower 'copying-and-deleting' method going forward.\n",
                         "`help(`try.renaming.method.again()` gives additional information.")
        #If not copied, similar message, stop trying the renaming method
        #failure message

    }#End if renaming
      if (method=="copying")

      #2.1 Console ...k feedback if more than 5
        n_to <- length(to)
        if (n_to > 5) {
          message1("Will now copy ",n_to," packages to ",dirname(dirname(to[1])))
      #2.2 Loop over files to copy
        for (k in 1:n_to)
           #Show "...k"
                if (k%%10==1) cat('\n')         #print up to -10 per row
                if (length(to)>5) cat('...',k)  #show how far along we are
          #Assume we will copy
                skip.copy <- FALSE
        #2.3 Decide to skip, if destination already has same MD5 version
            if (dir.exists(to[k])) {
              #Get MD5s for the DESCRIPTION files #Utils.R #64
                md5.from <- get.md5(from[k])
                md5.to   <- get.md5(to[k])
              #If match skip
                if (md5.from==md5.to) skip.copy <- TRUE
        #2.4 Copy if destination does not have it
              if (skip.copy==FALSE)
              #Ensure `to` directory exist
                dir.create(to[k] , recursive = TRUE,showWarnings = FALSE)
                outcome=file.copy(from[k],dirname(to[k]),recursive = TRUE) 
              #Verify copy
                  if (outcome!=TRUE) {
                    msg<-paste0("Failed copying '" , from[k] , "' to '" , to[k] , "'")
                  } #End verification
              } #End 2.4
         #2.5 Delete when copying form local, via _PURGE if FROM is 
              #Local path as recorded on .pkg load
                 local_path <- .pkgenv[['default_libpath']][1]
              #Check if local path contains the name of .libpaths()[1] 
                 from_is_local <- (regexpr(local_path, from[k])[[1]]>=1)

              #If local, delete via purge 
                  if (from_is_local==TRUE) purge.pkg_path(from[k]) #utils #65
        } #end loop
    #Skip line in console at the end if we showed ...k
      if (n_to > 5) cat('\n\n')          
    } #End of copying method

} #End function

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groundhog documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:55 a.m.