
Defines functions build_functional_group `*.FunctionalGroup` `+.FunctionalGroup`

Documented in build_functional_group

#' Representation of a grassland plant population 
#' @description
#' A functional group is a representation of a grassland plant population 
#' with certain functional attributes.
#' It contains many plant parameters that are collected under the hood of
#' functional groups. The class implements S3 style operator overloading such 
#' that one can do things like 
#' ```
#' mixed_functional_group = 0.8 * FG_A + 0.2 * FG_B
#' ```
#' @details
#' # Public fields
#' ```{r child = "vignettes/children/parameters_fg.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' Default values for parameters are taken from functional group A in
#' Jouven et al.
#' @field fg_parameter_names Names of the vegetation parameters governed by 
#'   functional group composition.
#' @references
#'  \insertRef{jouven2006ModelPredictingDynamics}{growR}
#' @md
#' @export
FunctionalGroup = R6Class(
  public = list(
    SLA = 0.033,
    pcLAM = 0.68,
    ST1 = 600,
    ST2 = 1200,
    maxSEA = 1.2,
    minSEA = 0.8,
    LLS = 500,
    maxOMDGV = 0.9,
    minOMDGV = 0.75,
    maxOMDGR = 0.9,
    minOMDGR = 0.65,
    BDGV = 850,
    BDDV = 500,
    BDGR = 300,
    BDDR = 150,
    fg_parameter_names = c("SLA", "pcLAM", "ST1", "ST2", "maxSEA", "minSEA", 
                           "LLS", "maxOMDGV", "minOMDGV", "maxOMDGR", 
                           "minOMDGR", "BDGV", "BDDV", "BDGR", "BDDR"),


    #' @description
    #' Constructor
    #' @param ... Key-value pairs of parameters to be set.
    initialize = function(...) {

    #' @description
    #' Convenient getter
    #' Returns all parameters with their names in a list.
    get_parameters = function() {
      P = list()
      for (name in self$fg_parameter_names) {
        P[[name]] = self[[name]]

    #' @description
    #' Ordered getter
    #' Returns all parameters in reproducible order in a vector.
    get_parameters_ordered = function() {
      P = c()
      for (name in self$fg_parameter_names) {
        P = c(P, self[[name]])

    #' @description
    #' Convenient setter
    #' Set all specified parameters.
    #' @param ... Key-value pairs of parameters to be set.
    set_parameters = function(...) {
      args = list(...)
      arg_names = names(args)
      for (arg_name in arg_names) {
        if (arg_name %in% self$fg_parameter_names) {
          self[[arg_name]] = args[[arg_name]]
        } else {
          warning(sprintf("[FunctionalGroup]Parameter not recognized: %s",

    #' @description
    #' Efficient setter, assumes parameters come in known order.
    #' @param ordered_parameter_values Parameter values to be set. Need to be 
    #'   in the same order as pFunctionalGroup]`$fg_parameter_names`.
    set_parameters_ordered = function(ordered_parameter_values) {
      names = self$fg_parameter_names
      for (i in 1:length(names)) {
        self[[names[i]]] = ordered_parameter_values[i]

#' Addition of two functional groups
#' Addition occurs by adding all FG parameters separately.
#' @param A First functional group.
#' @param B Second functional group.
#' @return C A [FunctionalGroup] object where each value is the sum of the 
#'   respective values in *A* and *B*.
#' @examples
#' fg1 = FunctionalGroup$new()
#' fg2 = FunctionalGroup$new(SLA = 0.02)
#' fg1 + fg2
#' @md
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
`+.FunctionalGroup` = function(A, B) {
  parameters_A = A$get_parameters_ordered()
  parameters_B = B$get_parameters_ordered()
  new_parameters = parameters_A + parameters_B
  C = FunctionalGroup$new()

#' Scalar multiplication of functional group (order matters: scalar * FG)
#' @param scalar float to multiply all FG parameters with.
#' @param fg Functional group whose parameters are to be multiplied.
#' @return C A [FunctionalGroup] object that has all its values multiplied by 
#'   *scalar*.
#' @examples
#' fg = FunctionalGroup$new()
#' 3.1 * fg
#' 0 * fg
#' @md
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
`*.FunctionalGroup` = function(scalar, fg) {
  parameters = fg$get_parameters_ordered()
  C = FunctionalGroup$new()
  C$set_parameters_ordered(scalar * parameters)

# Define the four functional groups

#' Functional group A
#' @seealso [FunctionalGroup]
#' @export
FG_A = FunctionalGroup$new()

#' Functional group B
#' @seealso [FunctionalGroup]
#' @export
FG_B = FunctionalGroup$new(
  SLA = 0.025,
  ST1 = 700,
  ST2 = 1350,
  maxSEA = 1.3,
  minSEA = 0.7,
  LLS = 800,
  maxOMDGV = 0.9,
  minOMDGV = 0.6,
  maxOMDGR = 0.9,
  minOMDGR = 0.45,
  BDGV = 850,
  BDDV = 500,
  BDGR = 300,
  BDDR = 150

#' Functional group C
#' @seealso [FunctionalGroup]
#' @export
FG_C = FunctionalGroup$new(
  SLA = 0.022,
  ST1 = 850,
  ST2 = 1550,
  maxSEA = 1.4,
  minSEA = 0.6,
  LLS = 900,
  maxOMDGV = 0.85,
  minOMDGV = 0.65,
  maxOMDGR = 0.85,
  minOMDGR = 0.45,
  BDGV = 1200,
  BDDV = 1800,
  BDGR = 200,
  BDDR = 300

#' Functional group D
#' @seealso [FunctionalGroup]
#' @export
FG_D = FunctionalGroup$new(
  SLA = 0.019,
  ST1 = 1000,
  ST2 = 1850,
  maxSEA = 1.5,
  minSEA = 0.5,
  LLS = 1400,
  maxOMDGV = 0.75,
  minOMDGV = 0.65,
  maxOMDGR = 0.75,
  minOMDGR = 0.45,
  BDGV = 800,
  BDDV = 2200,
  BDGR = 150,
  BDDR = 450

#' Build the effective functional group as a weighted linear combination.
#' Uses the weights found in :param:`P` to construct the effective functional 
#' groups and updates functional group parameters in P.
#' @param P list; name-value pairs of parameters. Should contain at least one
#'   non-zero functional group weight w_FGX with X in (A, B, C, D). Any 
#'   weights not present are assumed to be 0.
#' @return A [FunctionalGroup] object composed of a linear combination of the 
#'   four groups *FG_A*, *FG_B*, *FG_C* and *FG_D*.
#' @seealso [FunctionalGroup]
#' @examples
#' parameters = list(w_FGA = 0.5, w_FGB = 0.5)
#' build_functional_group(parameters)
#' # The w_FGX weights in the input are interpreted as relative to each other.
#' # Thus, they do not need to satisfy the sum rule. The following is 
#' # equivalent to the previous example:
#' parameters = list(w_FGA = 1, w_FGB = 1)
#' build_functional_group(parameters)
#' @md
#' @export
build_functional_group = function(P) {
  param_names = names(P)
  w_A = ifelse("w_FGA" %in% param_names, P[["w_FGA"]], 0)
  w_B = ifelse("w_FGB" %in% param_names, P[["w_FGB"]], 0)
  w_C = ifelse("w_FGC" %in% param_names, P[["w_FGC"]], 0)
  w_D = ifelse("w_FGD" %in% param_names, P[["w_FGD"]], 0)
  w_tot = w_A + w_B + w_C + w_D

  FG_eff = w_A/w_tot * FG_A +
           w_B/w_tot * FG_B +
           w_C/w_tot * FG_C +
           w_D/w_tot * FG_D


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