Man pages for growcurves
Bayesian Semi and Nonparametric Growth Curve Models that Additionally Include Multiple Membership Random Effects

datbrghtmodtermsBRIGHT BDI depressive symptom data with (G = 4) module groups...
datbrghttermsBRIGHT BDI depressive symptom data with (G = 4) session...
dateducStudent test scores and associated teachers for a single...
datsimRepeated measures for two groups of subjects drawn from mmcar...
datsimcovRepeated measures for two groups of subjects drawn from mmcar...
datsimmultRepeated measures for two groups of subjects with two...
ddpEffectsplotPlot by-subject and by-treatment posterior mean values for...
ddpgrowBayesian semiparametric growth curve models.
ddpMCMCplotsgenerate plots of posterior samples under 'ddpgrow' model
ddpPostRun a Bayesian mixed effects model for by-subject random...
ddp_quantilesProduce quantile summaries of model posterior samples
dpgrowBayesian semiparametric growth curve models.
dpgrowmmBayesian semiparametric growth curve models with employment...
dpgrowmultBayesian semiparametric growth curve models under employment...
dpPostRun a Bayesian mixed effects model for by-subject random...
effectsplotPlot comparison of Effect parameters of a Multiple membership...
getmfProduce fixed and random effects design matrices from single...
growcurves-packageBayesian Semi and Nonparametric Growth Curve Models with...
growplotPlot by-subject and by-group growth curves
growthCurveWithin subject model-predicted growth curve
lgmPostRun a Bayesian mixed effects model for by-subject random...
mcmcPlotsgenerate plots of model(s) posterior results
mmCmvplusDpPostBayesian mixed effects model with a DP prior on by-subject...
mmCplusDpPostBayesian mixed effects model with a DP prior on by-subject...
mmIgroupDpPostBayesian mixed effects model with a DP prior on by-subject...
mmIplusDpPostBayesian mixed effects model with a DP prior on by-subject...
mmmultPostBayesian mixed effects model with a DP prior on by-subject...
plot.ddpgrowProduce model plots
plot.dpgrowProduce model plots
plot.dpgrowmmProduce model plots
plot.dpgrowmultProduce model plots
relabelRelabel user vector input to sequential numerical
samplesProduce MCMC samples for model parameters
samples.ddpgrowProduce samples of MCMC output
samples.dpgrowProduce samples of MCMC output
samples.dpgrowmultProduce samples of MCMC output
summary.ddpgrowS3 functions of dpgrow
summary.dpgrowS3 functions of dpgrow
summary.dpgrowmmS3 functions of dpgrowmm
summary.dpgrowmultS3 functions of dpgrowmult
summary_quantilesProduce quantile summaries of model posterior samples
trtplotPlot comparison of Mean Effects for Any Two Treatments
XZcovgenerate fixed and random design matrices, X and Z
growcurves documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:03 a.m.