datsimmult: Repeated measures for two groups of subjects with two...

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A simulation dataset containing repeated subject measures for 2 treatment arms, (control = 0, treatment = 1), constructed from a four- MM term multiple membership model. MM terms 1 and 3 employ an 'mmi' prior over the set of treatment groups, which are then linked back to subjects with a weight matrix. MM terms 2 and 4 employ an 'mmcar' prior over the number of treatment sessions attended, with correlations between adjacent number of sessions equal to 0.25. Subject effects were randomly drawn from 10 clusters with assignment weights/probabilities drawn from a Dirichlet distribution. Cluster location values were generated from a Gaussian base distribution.




A list object of 22 variables for 897 total observations on 299 subjects


growcurves documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:03 a.m.