args4chosen_smooth: Creates a 'list' of the values for the smoothing parameters...

View source: R/traitUtilities.r

args4chosen_smoothR Documentation

Creates a list of the values for the smoothing parameters for which a smooth is to be extracted


Creates a list of the values for the smoothing parameters for which a smooth is to be extracted. The default settings for these are optimized for traitSmooth.


args4chosen_smooth(smoothing.methods = "logarithmic", 
                   spline.types = "PS", 
                   df = NULL, 
                   lambdas = NULL,
                   combinations = "single")



A character giving the smoothing method for the chosen smooth. The two possibilites are (i) "direct", for directly smoothing the observed response, and (ii) "logarithmic", for smoothing the log-transformed response.


A character giving the type of spline for the chosen smooth. Currently, the possibilites are (i) "NCSS", for natural cubic smoothing splines, and (ii) "PS", for P-splines.


A numeric with single value that specifies, for natural cubic smoothing splines (NCSS), the desired equivalent numbers of degrees of freedom of the chosen smooth (trace of the smoother matrix). Lower values result in more smoothing.


A named list or a numeric specifying the positive penalties for which the chosen smooth is required.


Generally, this argument should be set to single so that ony one value should be supplied to the functions arguments. Also, only one of df or lambdas should be set.


A named list.


Chris Brien

See Also

traitSmooth and probeSmooths.


args4chosen_smooth(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                   spline.types = "NCSS", df = 4)
args4chosen_smooth(smoothing.methods = "log", 
                   spline.types = "PS", lambdas = 0.36)

growthPheno documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:42 p.m.