#Function to check that arguments that come in via the ellipsis are all arguments to the allowed functions
#Usually funcs should be the current function and any to which ... is allowed to pass arguments
checkEllipsisArgs <- function(funcs, inargs)
inargs <- names(inargs)
if (length(inargs))
args <- unique(unlist(lapply(funcs, formalArgs)))
args <- args[-match("...", args)]
foreignArgs <- inargs[!(inargs %in% args)]
if (length(foreignArgs))
stop("the argument(s) ", paste0(foreignArgs, collapse = ", "), " are not legal arguments for ",
paste0(paste0("'",funcs, collapse = "', "), "'"))
#Function to get the number of combinations of the factors in cols that are in data
getNschemes <- function(data, cols)
if (!all(is.factor(data[cols])))
data[cols] <- lapply(data[cols], as.factor)
nsch <- length(levels(dae::fac.combine(as.list(data[cols]),
combine.levels = TRUE, sep = "-")))
#Function to combine just the smoothing-parameter factors
fac.tunecombine <- function(dat, factors, smooth.cols)
tune.facs <- intersect(factors, smooth.cols)
if ("Method" %in% tune.facs)
dat["Method"] <- dae::fac.recast(dat[["Method"]],
newlevels = substring(levels(dat[["Method"]]),
first = 1, last = 3))
if (length(tune.facs) <= 0)
fac <- NULL
if (length(tune.facs) == 1)
fac <- dat[[tune.facs]]
fac <- with(dat, dae::fac.combine(as.list(dat[tune.facs]),
combine.levels = TRUE, sep = "-"))
#Function to have commas between non-smoothing-parameter factors and
#hyphens between smoothing-parameter factors
fac.mixcombine <- function(dat, factors, smooth.cols)
tune.facs <- factors[factors %in% smooth.cols]
if ("Method" %in% tune.facs)
dat["Method"] <- dae::fac.recast(dat[["Method"]],
newlevels = substring(levels(dat[["Method"]]),
first = 1, last = 3))
if (length(tune.facs) > 0)
factors <- setdiff(factors, tune.facs)
fac <- with(dat, dae::fac.combine(as.list(dat[tune.facs]),
combine.levels = TRUE, sep = "-"))
dat$tune.fac <- fac
if (length(factors) > 0)
fac <- with(dat, dae::fac.combine(as.list(dat[c(factors,"tune.fac")]),
combine.levels = TRUE, sep = ", "))
fac <- with(dat, dae::fac.combine(as.list(dat[factors]),
combine.levels = TRUE, sep = ", "))
#Function to set up a facet using fac.mixcombine, fac.tunecombine and fac.combine
"setupFacet" <- function(data, facet, collapse.facets, = "SmoothParams", smooth.cols)
newfacet <- facet
if (any(smooth.cols %in% newfacet))
if (collapse.facets)
data[] <- fac.mixcombine(data, facet, smooth.cols = smooth.cols)
newfacet <-
} else
data[] <- fac.tunecombine(data, facet, smooth.cols = smooth.cols)
newfacet <- c(setdiff(newfacet, smooth.cols),
} else #no smooth.cols & several factors to collapse
if (!all(newfacet == ".") && (length(newfacet) > 1) && collapse.facets)
data[] <- dae::fac.combine(as.list(data[newfacet]), combine.levels = TRUE)
newfacet <-
return(list(newfacet = newfacet, data = data))
#Functions for setting up and checking a smooths.frame
"is.smooths.frame" <- function(object)
inherits(object, "smooths.frame") && inherits(object, "data.frame")
"validSmoothsFrame" <- function(object)
smooth.cols <- c("Type","TunePar","TuneVal","Tuning","Method")
issmoothsframe <- TRUE
#Check have only legal attributes
if (!all(names(attributes(object)) %in% c("names", "row.names", "class", "n", "t", "nschemes",
"individuals", "times")))
issmoothsframe[1] <- FALSE
issmoothsframe <- c(issmoothsframe,
"\n An unexpected attribute is present in a smooths.frame")
#Check that have non-null values for smooths.frames attributes
smooth.attr <- c("n", "t", "nschemes", "individuals", "times")
which.null <- unlist(lapply(smooth.attr, function(x, object) is.null(attr(object, which = x)),
object = object))
if (any(which.null))
issmoothsframe[1] <- FALSE
issmoothsframe <- c(issmoothsframe,
paste0("\n The followng attributes of a smooths.frame are NULL: ",
paste(smooth.attr[which.null],collapse=", ")))
#Check that is a data.frame
if (!
issmoothsframe[1] <- FALSE
issmoothsframe <- c(issmoothsframe,
"\n smooths.frame is not a data.frame")
#Check have all the smoothing parameter columns
if (!all(smooth.cols %in% names(object)))
issmoothsframe[1] <- FALSE
issmoothsframe <- c(issmoothsframe,
paste0("\n Do not have the following required smoothing-parameters columns in a smooths.frame: ",
paste(smooth.cols[!(smooth.cols %in% names(object))],collapse=", ")))
} else
#Check that the number of smoothing parameter sets in object is equal to the nschemes attribute
nschemes <- getNschemes(object, smooth.cols)
if (attr(object, which = "nschemes") != nschemes)
issmoothsframe[1] <- FALSE
issmoothsframe <- c(issmoothsframe,
paste0("\n The number of different combinations of the smoothing-parameter values ",
"in the smooths.frame does not match the number in its 'nschemes' attribute"))
#Check the times.cols
id.cols <- c(attr(object, which = "times"), attr(object, which = "individuals"))
if (!(all(id.cols %in% names(object))))
issmoothsframe[1] <- FALSE
issmoothsframe <- c(issmoothsframe,
paste0("\n Do not have columns for ",
paste(id.cols[!(id.cols %in% names(object))],collapse=" or "),
" in the smooths.frame"))
if (length(issmoothsframe) > 1)
issmoothsframe[1] <- "Error in validSmoothsFrame : "
"as.smooths.frame" <- function(data, individuals = NULL, times = NULL)
smooth.cols <- c("Type","TunePar","TuneVal","Tuning","Method")
if (!all(smooth.cols %in% names(data)))
stop(paste0("Cannot assign smooths.frame class to supplied data.frame",
" because it does not contain the following smoothing-parameters columns: ",
paste0(smooth.cols[!(smooth.cols %in% names(data))],collapse=", ")))
#Set attributes of data
if (!is.smooths.frame(data))
class(data) <- c("smooths.frame", class(data))
attr(data, which = "individuals") <- individuals
attr(data, which = "n") <- length(unique(data[[individuals]]))
attr(data, which = "times") <- times
attr(data, which = "t") <- length(unique(data[[times]]))
attr(data, which = "nschemes") <- getNschemes(data, smooth.cols)
checkLayoutArgs <- function(data,,, facet.x, facet.y)
if (any(facet.x == ".")) facet.x <- NULL
if (any(facet.y == ".")) facet.y <- NULL
subfacs <- c(,, facet.x, facet.y)
if (!is.allnull(subfacs) && !is.null(data) && !all(unique(subfacs) %in% names(data)))
stop("The factor(s) ", paste0(unique(subfacs)[!(unique(subfacs) %in% names(data))], collapse = ", "),
" are not included in the smooths.frame")
norepeats <- TRUE
if (length(unique(subfacs)) < length(subfacs))
repfacs <- names(table(subfacs)[table(subfacs) > 1])
stop("The factor(s) ", paste0(repfacs, collapse = ", "),
" occur(s) in more than one of the facet/plots arguments")
checkPlotsArgs <- function(data,, = NULL, facet.x, facet.y)
smooth.cols <- c("Type","TunePar","TuneVal","Tuning","Method")
#Check that smoothing-parameter factors in the plots subsetting arguments account for
# all of the smoothing parameter sets in data
subfacs <- unique(c(,, facet.x, facet.y))
if (is.allnull(subfacs))
stop("There are no factors assigned to the plots and facet arguments ",
"- enough smoothing-parameter factors need to be assigned so that they uniquely index the combinations ",
"of the smoothing-parameter values in the smooths.frame")
spar.facs <- subfacs[subfacs %in% smooth.cols]
if (!any(smooth.cols %in% subfacs))
stop("There are no smoothing-parameter factors assigned to the plots and facet arguments ",
"- enough of them need to be assigned so that they uniquely index the combinations ",
"of the smoothing-parameter values in the smooths.frame")
ncombos <- getNschemes(data, spar.facs)
if (ncombos != attr(data, which = "nschemes"))
stop(paste0("\n The number of different combinations of (i) the smoothing-parameter values that ",
"are available and (ii) the levels combination of the following factors nominated ",
"in the facet/plots arguments are not equal: ", paste0(spar.facs, collapse = ", ")))
#Function to set up scale_x_continuous for times
setScaleTime <- function(times, breaks.spacing.x = -2)
abs.spacing.x <- abs(breaks.spacing.x)
time.vals <- sort(unique(times))
time.vals <- time.vals[!]
brks <- seq(min(times, na.rm = TRUE),
max(times, na.rm = TRUE),
by = abs.spacing.x)
if (breaks.spacing.x < 0)
brks <- brks[brks %in% time.vals]
minbrks <- seq(min(time.vals), max(time.vals),
by = abs.spacing.x/2)
if (breaks.spacing.x < 0)
minbrks <- minbrks[minbrks %in% time.vals]
if (length(minbrks) == length(brks) && all(minbrks == brks))
minbrks <- seq(min(time.vals), max(time.vals),
by = 1)
if (breaks.spacing.x < 0)
minbrks <- minbrks[minbrks %in% time.vals]
scale.time <- scale_x_continuous(limits = range(time.vals),
breaks = brks, minor_breaks = minbrks)
#Function to put options for median deviations plots into a list
args4meddevn_plot <- function( = NULL, = "Tuning",
facet.x = c("Method","Type"), facet.y = ".",
facet.labeller = NULL, facet.scales = "free_x",
breaks.spacing.x = -4, angle.x = 0,
colour.values = NULL, shape.values = NULL, alpha = 0.5,
propn.note = TRUE, propn.types = NULL,
ggplotFuncs = NULL,
inargs <- list(...)
checkEllipsisArgs("args4meddevn_plot", inargs)
#Checking of the arguments that control the plots layout for the medians deviations plots
checkLayoutArgs(data = NULL,, =, facet.x, facet.y)
med.opts <- list( =, =,
facet.x = facet.x, facet.y = facet.y,
facet.labeller = facet.labeller,
facet.scales = facet.scales,
breaks.spacing.x = breaks.spacing.x,
angle.x = angle.x,
colour.values = colour.values,
shape.values = shape.values, alpha = alpha,
propn.note = propn.note, propn.types = propn.types,
ggplotFuncs = ggplotFuncs)
#Function to put options for the chosen plots into a list
args4chosen_plot <- function( = NULL,
facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".",
include.raw = "no",
collapse.facets.x = FALSE, collapse.facets.y = FALSE,
facet.labeller = NULL, facet.scales = "fixed",
breaks.spacing.x = -2, angle.x = 0,
colour = "black", colour.column = NULL,
colour.values = NULL, alpha = 0.3,
addMediansWhiskers = TRUE,
ggplotFuncs = NULL,
inargs <- list(...)
checkEllipsisArgs("args4chosen_plot", inargs)
pf.opts <- list( =,
facet.x = facet.x, facet.y = facet.y,
include.raw = include.raw,
collapse.facets.x = collapse.facets.x,
collapse.facets.y = collapse.facets.y,
facet.labeller = facet.labeller,
facet.scales = facet.scales,
breaks.spacing.x = breaks.spacing.x,
angle.x = angle.x,
colour = colour, colour.column = colour.column,
colour.values = colour.values, alpha = alpha,
addMediansWhiskers = addMediansWhiskers,
ggplotFuncs = ggplotFuncs)
#Function to put smoothing parameters options into a list
args4chosen_smooth <- function(smoothing.methods = "logarithmic",
spline.types = "PS",
df = NULL,
lambdas = NULL,
combinations = "single")
options <- c("single")
comb.opt <- options[check.arg.values(combinations, options=options)]
if (comb.opt != "single")
stop("combinations must be set to single for chosen.smooth")
#Deal with smoothing arguments
smethods.opt <- c("direct", "logarithmic")
smethods <- smethods.opt[unlist(lapply(smoothing.methods, check.arg.values, options=smethods.opt))]
stypes.opt <- c("NCSS", "PS")
stypes <- stypes.opt[unlist(lapply(spline.types, check.arg.values, options=stypes.opt))]
options <- c("differences","derivatives")
smth.params <- list(smoothing.methods = smethods,
spline.types = stypes,
df = df,
lambdas = lambdas,
combinations = comb.opt)
#Function to put options for profile plots into a list
args4devnboxes_plot <- function( = "Type",
facet.x = c("Method", "Tuning"), facet.y = ".",
collapse.facets.x = TRUE, collapse.facets.y = FALSE,
facet.labeller = NULL, facet.scales = "fixed",
angle.x = 0,
which.plots = "none",
ggplotFuncs = NULL,
inargs <- list(...)
checkEllipsisArgs("args4devnboxes_plot", inargs)
checkLayoutArgs(data = NULL,, = NULL, facet.x, facet.y)
box.opts <- list( =,
facet.x = facet.x, facet.y = facet.y,
collapse.facets.x = collapse.facets.x,
collapse.facets.y = collapse.facets.y,
facet.labeller = facet.labeller,
facet.scales = facet.scales,
angle.x = angle.x,
ggplotFuncs = ggplotFuncs)
#Function to put options for profile plots into a list
args4profile_plot <- function( = "Type",
facet.x = c("Method", "Tuning"), facet.y = ".",
include.raw = "facet.x",
collapse.facets.x = TRUE, collapse.facets.y = FALSE,
facet.labeller = NULL, facet.scales = "fixed",
breaks.spacing.x = -4, angle.x = 0,
colour = "black", colour.column = NULL,
colour.values = NULL, alpha = 0.3,
addMediansWhiskers = TRUE,
ggplotFuncs = NULL,
inargs <- list(...)
checkEllipsisArgs("args4profile_plot", inargs)
checkLayoutArgs(data = NULL,, = NULL, facet.x, facet.y)
pf.opts <- list( =,
facet.x = facet.x, facet.y = facet.y,
include.raw = include.raw,
collapse.facets.x = collapse.facets.x,
collapse.facets.y = collapse.facets.y,
facet.labeller = facet.labeller,
facet.scales = facet.scales,
breaks.spacing.x = breaks.spacing.x,
angle.x = angle.x,
colour = colour, colour.column = colour.column,
colour.values = colour.values, alpha = alpha,
addMediansWhiskers = addMediansWhiskers,
ggplotFuncs = ggplotFuncs)
#Function to put smoothing parameters options into a list
args4smoothing <- function(smoothing.methods = "logarithmic",
spline.types = c("NCSS","PS"),
df = 5:7,
lambdas = list(PS = round(10^c(-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1),
digits = 3)),
smoothing.segments = NULL, npspline.segments = NULL,
na.x.action="exclude", na.y.action = "trimx",
external.smooths = NULL,
correctBoundaries = FALSE,
combinations = "allvalid", ...)
inargs <- list(...)
checkEllipsisArgs("args4smoothing", inargs)
options <- c("allvalid", "parallel", "single")
comb.opt <- options[check.arg.values(combinations, options=options)]
#Deal with smoothing arguments
smethods.opt <- c("direct", "logarithmic")
smethods <- smethods.opt[unlist(lapply(smoothing.methods, check.arg.values, options=smethods.opt))]
stypes.opt <- c("NCSS", "PS")
stypes <- stypes.opt[unlist(lapply(spline.types, check.arg.values, options=stypes.opt))]
options <- c("differences","derivatives")
if (length(npspline.segments) > 1)
if (is.null(smoothing.segments))
stop("npspline.segments must be of length one in an unsegmented spline fit")
if (length(npspline.segments) != length(smoothing.segments))
stop("the number of values of npspline.segments should be one or ",
"equal to the number of segments in a segmented spline fit")
if (!all(diff(unlist(smoothing.segments)) > 0))
stop("the smoothing.segments are not a set of non-overlapping, successive intervals")
smth.params <- list(smoothing.methods = smethods,
spline.types = stypes, df = df, lambdas = lambdas,
smoothing.segments = smoothing.segments,
npspline.segments = npspline.segments,
na.x.action = na.x.action, na.y.action = na.y.action,
external.smooths = external.smooths,
correctBoundaries = correctBoundaries,
combinations = comb.opt)
conv2TuneParams <- function(smth.args, smth)
smethods.opt <- c("direct", "logarithmic")
smethod <- smethods.opt[check.arg.values(smth.args$smoothing.method, options=smethods.opt)]
smethods <- levels(smth$Method)
stypes.opt <- c("NCSS", "PS")
stype <- stypes.opt[check.arg.values(smth.args$spline.type, options=stypes.opt)]
stypes <- levels(smth$Type)
if (!(stype %in% stypes))
stype <- setdiff(stypes, stype)[1]
if (!(smethod %in% smethods))
smethod <- setdiff(smethods, smethod)[1]
if (is.allnull(smth.args$df) && is.allnull(smth.args$lambdas))
if (stype == "NCSS" && ("df" %in% levels(smth$TunePar)))
df <- factor(smth$TuneVal[smth$TunePar == "df"])
df <- as.numeric(levels(df))
smth.args$df <- df[floor((length(df)+1)/2)]
if ("lambda" %in% levels(smth$TunePar))
lambdas <- factor(smth$TuneVal[smth$TunePar == "lambda" & smth$Type == stype])
lambdas <- as.numeric(levels(lambdas))
smth.args$lambdas <-
smth.args$df <- NULL
if (!is.allnull(smth.args$df))
tunepar = "df"
tuneval = as.character(smth.args$df)
} else
tunepar = "lambda"
tuneval = as.character(smth.args$lambdas)
return(list(stype = stype, tunepar = tunepar, tuneval = tuneval, smethod = smethod))
#Function to generate the set of smoothing schemes
makeSmoothSchemes <- function(combinations, smethods, stypes, df, lambdas)
#Construct combinations of smoothing parameters
if (combinations == "allvalid")
if (!is.allnull(lambdas))
if (!is.list(lambdas))
#warning("lambdas have been converted to a list with the single component names PS")
lambdas <- list(PS = lambdas)
if (!all(names(lambdas) %in% stypes))
stop("The following names for the components of lambdas are not in the specified spline.types: ",
paste0(names(lambdas)[!(names(lambdas) %in% stypes)]))
spar.schemes.NCSS <- spar.schemes.PS <- data.frame()
for (stype in stypes)
if (stype == "NCSS")
if (is.allnull(df) && (is.allnull(lambdas) || !("NCSS" %in% names(lambdas))))
stop("one of df or lambdas with NCSS must be specified for spline.type NCSS")
if (!is.allnull(df))
spar.schemes.NCSS <-, lapply(df,
function(kdf, TTlabs)
cbind(TTlabs, TuneVal = kdf,
Tuning = paste(TTlabs$TunePar, kdf,
sep = "-")),
TTlabs = data.frame(Type = "NCSS",
TunePar = "df")))
if (!is.allnull(lambdas) && ("NCSS" %in% names(lambdas))) #add lambdas if specified
spar.schemes.NCSS <- rbind(spar.schemes.NCSS,, lapply(lambdas[["NCSS"]],
function(lambda, TTlabs)
TuneVal = lambda,
Tuning = paste(TTlabs$TunePar, lambda,
sep = "-")),
TTlabs = data.frame(Type = "NCSS",
TunePar = "lambda"))))
#Expand to include Methods
spar.schemes.NCSS <-, lapply(smethods,
function(smethod, spar.schemes.PS)
cbind(spar.schemes.NCSS, Method = smethod),
spar.schemes.PS = spar.schemes.PS))
} else
if (stype == "PS")
if (is.allnull(lambdas) || !("PS" %in% names(lambdas)))
stop("At least one value needs to be specfied for lambdas when spline.type is PS")
spar.schemes.PS <-, lapply(lambdas[["PS"]],
function(lambda, TTlabs)
TuneVal = lambda,
Tuning = paste(TTlabs$TunePar, lambda,
sep = "-")),
TTlabs = data.frame(Type = "PS",
TunePar = "lambda")))
spar.schemes.PS <-, lapply(smethods,
function(smethod, spar.schemes.PS)
cbind(spar.schemes.PS, Method = smethod),
spar.schemes.PS = spar.schemes.PS))
} else
stop("unknown spline type")
spar.schemes <- rbind(spar.schemes.NCSS, spar.schemes.PS)
rownames(spar.schemes) <- NULL
} else
if (any(c("single", "parallel") %in% combinations))
#Check all of the same length
if (!all(sapply(list(smethods, stypes, df, lambdas),
function(x, first) length(x) == first, first = length(smethods))))
stop(paste0("For combinations set to parallel, smoothing methods, spline.types, df and lambdas must be of the same length ",
"(if df or lambdas not NULL pad with NAs)"))
TVal <- df
TVal[which(!] <- lambdas[which(!]
TPar <- rep("df", length(df))
TPar[which(!] <- "lambda"
spar.schemes <- data.frame(Type = stypes,
TunePar = TPar,
TuneVal = TVal,
Tuning = paste(TPar, TVal, sep = "-"),
Method = smethods)
attr(spar.schemes, which = "nschemes") <- nrow(spar.schemes)
#Function to perform the smooths specified by a set of smoothing-parameter schemes
smoothSchemes <- function(tmp, spar.schemes,
response, response.smooth, times, individuals,
traits, get.rates, ratemeth.opt, grates,
ntimes2span = 2, nseg, correctBoundaries,
na.x.action, na.y.action)
#Form smoothed traits and grates for each scheme
smth <- list()
for (k in 1:nrow(spar.schemes))
scheme.lab <- paste(spar.schemes[k,], collapse = "-")
scheme.type <- spar.schemes$Type[k]
scheme.tpar <- spar.schemes$TunePar[k]
scheme.tval <- spar.schemes$TuneVal[k]
scheme.meth <- spar.schemes$Method[k]
if (scheme.type == "NCSS")
if (scheme.tpar == "df")
scheme.df <- scheme.tval
scheme.lambda <- NULL
} else
scheme.df <- NULL
scheme.lambda <- scheme.tval
} else #PS
scheme.df <- NULL
scheme.lambda <- scheme.tval
rates.meth <- ratemeth.opt
if (length(grates) > 0)
responses.smooth <- c(response.smooth,
paste(response.smooth, grates, sep="."))
rates.meth <- "none"
smth[[scheme.lab]] <- byIndv4Times_SplinesGRs(data = tmp, response, response.smoothed = response.smooth,
individuals = individuals, times = times,
rates.method = rates.meth, which.rates = grates,
smoothing.method = scheme.meth,
spline.type = scheme.type,
df= scheme.df, lambda = scheme.lambda,
npspline.segments = nseg,
correctBoundaries = correctBoundaries,
na.x.action = na.x.action,
na.y.action = na.y.action)
smth[[scheme.lab]] <- cbind(Type = scheme.type, TunePar = scheme.tpar, TuneVal = scheme.tval,
Tuning = paste(scheme.tpar, scheme.tval, sep = "-"),
Method = scheme.meth,
#Form single data.frame
smth <-, smth)
cols <- names(smth)
resps <- names(smth)[grepl(response, names(smth), fixed = TRUE)]
cols <- setdiff(cols,resps)
smth <- smth[c(cols,resps)]
rownames(smth) <- NULL
#Convert smoothing combinations to factors, paying attention to levels order
smth[c("Type","TunePar","TuneVal","Tuning","Method")] <-
mapply(function(x, sch) factor(x, levels = as.character(unique(sch))),
smth[c("Type","TunePar","TuneVal","Tuning","Method")], spar.schemes, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
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