pad: Pad data

View source: R/pad.R

padR Documentation

Pad data


Pre- or postpad the data object x with the value c until it is of length l.


pad(x, l, c = 0, MARGIN = 2, direction = c("both", "pre", "post"))

prepad(x, l, c = 0, MARGIN = 2)

postpad(x, l, c = 0, MARGIN = 2)



Vector or matrix to be padded


Length of output data along the padding dimension. If length (x) > l, elements from the beginning (dimension = "pre") or the end (direction = "post") of x are removed until a vector of length l is obtained. If direction = "both", values are removed from both ends, and in case of an uneven length the smallest number of elements is removed from the beginning of vector.


Value to be used for the padding (scalar). Must be of the same type as the elements in x. Default: 0


A vector giving the subscripts which the function will be applied over. E.g., for a matrix 1 indicates rows, 2 indicates columns, c(1, 2) indicates rows and columns. Where x has named dimnames, it can be a character vector selecting dimension names. If MARGIN is larger than the dimensions of x, the result will have MARGIN dimensions. Default: 2 (columns).


Where to pad the array along each dimension. One of the following:


Before the first element


After the last element


(default) Before the first and after the last element


Padded data, returned as a vector or matrix.


Geert van Boxtel,


v <- 1:24
res <- postpad(v, 30)
res <- postpad(v, 20)
res <- prepad(v, 30)
res <- prepad(v, 20)

m <- matrix(1:24, 4, 6)
res <- postpad(m, 8, 100)
res <- postpad(m, 8, 100, MARGIN = 1)
res <- prepad(m, 8, 100)
res <- prepad(m, 8, 100, MARGIN = 1)

res <- postpad(m, 2)
res <- postpad(m, 2, MARGIN = 1)
res <- prepad(m, 2)
res <- prepad(m, 2, MARGIN = 1)

gsignal documentation built on May 15, 2022, 5:05 p.m.