wconv: 1-D or 2-D convolution

View source: R/wconv.R

wconvR Documentation

1-D or 2-D convolution


Compute the one- or two-dimensional convolution of two vectors or matrices.


  type = c("1d", "2d", "row", "column"),
  shape = c("full", "same", "valid")



Numeric or character, specifies the type of convolution to perform:


For a and b as (coerced to) vectors, perform 1-D convolution of a and b;


For a and b as (coerced to) matrices, perform 2-D convolution of a and b;


For a as (coerced to) a matrix, and b (coerced to) a vector, perform the 1-D convolution of the rows of a and b;


For a as (coerced to) a matrix, and b (coerced to) a vector, perform the 1-D convolution of the colums of a and b;

a, b

Input vectors or matrices, coerced to numeric.


Subsection of convolution, partially matched to:


Return the full convolution (default)


Return the central part of the convolution with the same size as A. The central part of the convolution begins at the indices floor(c(nrow(b), ncol(b)) / 2 + 1)


Return only the parts which do not include zero-padded edges. The size of the result is max(c(nrow(a), ncol(b)) - c(nrow(b), ncol(b)) + 1, 0)


Convolution of input matrices, returned as a matrix or a vector.


Lukas Reichlin, lukas.reichlin@gmail.com.
Conversion to R by Geert van Boxtel, G.J.M.vanBoxtel@gmail.com.

See Also



a <- matrix(1:16, 4, 4)
b <- matrix(1:9, 3,3)
w <- wconv('2', a, b)
w <- wconv('1', a, b, 'same')
w <- wconv('r', a, b)
w <- wconv('r', a, c(0,1), 'same')
w <- wconv('c', a, c(0,1), 'valid')

gsignal documentation built on May 15, 2022, 5:05 p.m.