
Defines functions multimin.fminimizer.size multimin.restart multimin.iterate multimin.init multimin

Documented in multimin multimin.fminimizer.size multimin.init multimin.iterate multimin.restart

# An R wrapper for GSL's multimin family of functions for minimizing functions.
# Written in 2007 by Andrew Clausen <clausen@econ.upenn.edu>
# - Added Nelder-Mead convergence interface in 2010.


# These functions have been temporarily removed pending a permanent fix

multimin <- function(..., prec=0.0001)
{stop("These functions have been temporarily removed pending a permanent fix")
#	is.converged <- function(state, old.x)
#	{
#		if (state$method == "nm")
#			return(multimin.fminimizer.size(state) < prec)
#		convergence <- ifelse(state$is.fdf, state$df, old.x - state$x)
#		return (sum(abs(convergence)) < prec)
#	}
#	state <- multimin.init(...)
#	old.x <- state$x
#	while (TRUE)
#	{
#		state <- multimin.iterate(state)
#		if (is.converged(state, old.x))
#			break
#		old.x <- state$x
#	}
#	state

multimin.init <- function(x, f, df=NA, fdf=NA, method=NA, step.size=NA, tol=NA)
{stop("These functions have been temporarily removed pending a permanent fix")

#        multimin.method.names <-
#          list(
#               "conjugate-fr",     # fletcher-reeves
#               "conjugate-pr",     # polak-ribiere
#               "bfgs",             # broyden-fletcher-goldfarb-shanno
#               "steepest-descent", 
#               "nm"                # nelder-mead
#               )
#        multimin.method.f <- c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)
#        multimin.method.fdf <- c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
#	stopifnot(length(formals(f)) == 1)
#	stopifnot(is.numeric(x))
#	n <- length(x)
#	is.fdf = !missing(df)
#	if (is.fdf) {
#		stopifnot(length(formals(df)) == 1)
#		if (is.na(fdf))
#			fdf <- function(x) list(f=f(x), df=df(x))
#		stopifnot(length(formals(fdf)) == 1)
#		fdf_ <- function(x) {
#			result <- new.env()
#			vals <- fdf(x)
#			result$f <- vals$f
#			result$df <- vals$df
#			result
#		}
#		if (missing(method))
#			method <- "bfgs"
#		if (missing(step.size))
#			step.size <- 1
#		if (missing(tol))
#			tol <- 1
#		stopifnot(is.numeric(tol))
#	} else {
#		if (missing(step.size))
#			step.size <- rep(1, n)
#		if (missing(method))
#			method <- "nm"
#	}
#	stopifnot(is.numeric(step.size))
#	if (is.character(method)) {
#		method.name <- method
#		method <- match(method, multimin.method.names)
#		if (is.na(method))
#			stop(paste(c(
#		"The optimization method '", method.name,
#		"' is not an option.  Try one of these:\n",
#		paste(multimin.method.names, collapse=", "),
#		".",
#		sep="")))
#	}
#	method <- as.integer(method)
#	stopifnot(1 <= method && method <= 5)
#	if (!is.fdf && !multimin.method.f[[method]])
#		stop(paste(
#		"The optimization method '", multimin.method.names[[method]],
#		"' needs a derivative function.\nIf you don't want to provide ",
#		"one, these methods don't need derivatives:\n",
#		paste(subset(multimin.method.names, multimin.method.f),
#		      collapse=", "),
#		".",
#		sep=""))
#	if (is.fdf && !multimin.method.fdf[[method]])
#		stop(paste(
#		"The optimization method '", multimin.method.names[[method]],
#		"' doesn't use derivatives.\nIf you want to exploit a ",
#		"derivative, use one of these methods:\n",
#		paste(subset(multimin.method.names, multimin.method.fdf),
#		      collapse=", "),
#		".",
#		sep=""))
#	internal.state <- new.env()
#	internal.state$f <- body(function(x) f(x))
#	internal.state$n <- n
#	internal.state$rho <- new.env()
#	if (is.fdf) {
#		internal.state$df <- body(function(x) df(x))
#		internal.state$fdf <- body(fdf_)
#	}
#	if (is.fdf) {
#		.Call("multimin_fdf_new", internal.state, x, method, step.size,
#		      tol)
#	} else {
#		.Call("multimin_f_new", internal.state, x, method, step.size)
#	}
#	list(internal.state = internal.state, x=x, f=NA, df=rep(NA, n),
#	     is.fdf=is.fdf, method=multimin.method.names[[method]])

multimin.iterate <- function(state)
{stop("These functions have been temporarily removed pending a permanent fix")
#	internal.state <- state$internal.state
#	if (state$is.fdf) {
#		state$code <- .Call("multimin_fdf_iterate", internal.state)
#		state$x <- .Call("multimin_fdf_state_argmin", internal.state)
#		state$f <- .Call("multimin_fdf_state_min", internal.state)
#		state$df <- .Call("multimin_fdf_state_grad", internal.state)
#	} else {
#		state$code <- .Call("multimin_f_iterate", internal.state)
#		state$x <- .Call("multimin_f_state_argmin", internal.state)
#		state$f <- .Call("multimin_f_state_min", internal.state)
#	}
#	state

multimin.restart <- function(state)
{stop("These functions have been temporarily removed pending a permanent fix")
#	if (state$is.fdf)
#		.Call("multimin_restart", state$internal.state)
#	state

## Convergence criterion for Nelder-Mead
multimin.fminimizer.size <- function(state)
{stop("These functions have been temporarily removed pending a permanent fix")
#	stopifnot(!state$is.fdf)
#	.Call("multimin_fminimizer_size", state$internal.state)

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